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Expert Answer:

I’ve always been passionately interested in the technical advancements in the field of bio-technology and how we can utilize them to solve the greatest health crises of today. My academic background at ABC University and my professional experience at XYZ Corp. helped to hone my technical knowledge and skills in this area, and in the last two years, I have developed an interest in the marketing applications of genetic coding, and how big data analysis can be used to target healthcare solutions for specific populations. I presented at the New Technologies Conference last autumn, where I connected with data analysis bio-technology experts with actual business experience. They helped me refine my own business ideas and identify what I need to make my business dreams a reality. While I think I am imminently technically qualified to take on this challenge, I need to spruce up my marketing and consulting skills. An MBA will help me refine my customer-to-business modeling frameworks and access the key players in healthcare networks who can bridge the gap between ideas and execution.

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