Experience Type: Paid Employment – Medical/Clinical
Experience Name: Asian Language Specialist (NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital)
Hours: 3,493 hours
Most Meaningful: Yes
I currently work as an Asian Language Specialist. Compared to my previous volunteering position at this hospital as an interpreter, my responsibility for the patients have notably increased. In addition to providing interpretation services to patients and to the medical staff, I also conduct administrative tasks such as obtaining insurance authorization and resolving billing issues. This work experience has allowed me to gain clinical experience while also learning the administrative mechanisms behind the scene that makes the practice of medicine possible. Together I was able to have a holistic experience in healthcare, which made me appreciate healthcare even more.
When I learned that I was not accepted to a medical school, I felt lost and doubtful of my career path. I decided to return to NYP Brooklyn Methodist to rediscover my passion. It has been nearly 2 years since I started working as an Asian Language Specialist, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience in the hospital. Every patient encounter has been a learning opportunity. Every day, I seek to improve and be better than the day before. In the last 2 years, I had the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Brian Wong who generously shared with me his knowledge and experience. I was under the wrong impression that a great physician is one to be idolized by patients. I realized that physicians have achieved most when their patients recover completely and develop comfort in returning for routine checkups. Most patients are grateful after undergoing successful treatment plan, but if the fear persists then it means their physician’s job is still incomplete. A physician’s responsibility is to cure presenting illnesses and to empower patients with knowledge and confidence. I believe that doctors feel most successful when their patients return to their home, feel accomplished for having the courage to seek medical treatment, and continue to do so in the future with a renewed motivation to manage their illness.
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