Stop the cycle of disappointment and take the tried-and-tested path to get admitted to Brock University. With an acceptance rate of just over 70%, Brock University is one of the top public universities of Ontario. If you're determined to join Brock University this year, explore the information below, from admission requirements to the academic timeline. You'll be delighted with the results of your well-prepared journey. 

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Article Contents
6 min read
How to Get into Brock University Admissions Statistics Admissions Requirements Eligibility Application Process Notable Programs at Brock University Admission Timeline Contact Information FAQs

How to Get into Brock University

Choosing to study in Canada is great, especially if you pick a school like Brock University. According to the latest Canadian university rankings, Brock is not only one of the most recognized universities, but it also has some of the finest history in terms of admission statistics, student services, and graduation rates.

With their impartial method of admission, Brock University admits students from every part of the world and claims about a 73% acceptance rate, an above-average rate among university acceptance rates in Canada.

Wondering how this is possible? Well, Brock University has discovered an admission process that works, and they have stuck with it over the years. From selection factors to admission requirements and application timelines, Brock University ensures that all Ts are crossed before admitting undergraduate or graduate students from anywhere in the world. 

Mission Statement

“To nurture and support our students and faculty in the discovery of knowledge through exemplary scholarship, teaching and service.”

Admissions Statistics

  • Acceptance rate overall: 73%
  • Average number of applicants annually: 19,000
  • Min. Required GPA for all students: 2.8
  • Min. IELTS score for international students: 6.5 or 75%
  • Min. TOEFL iBT score for International students: 88

Admissions Requirements

Before Brock University considers anyone or admits you as their student, there are factors the school looks out for that ensure that the students are truly fit for the school’s plan. Some major factors they consider include but are not limited to the following:

1. Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)

An Ontario secondary school diploma (or the equivalent in other Canadian provinces or foreign countries) is the minimum academic credential required for admission at Brock University. For Ontario students, this is the OSSD. For other Canadian students, this is your high school diploma.

A minimum of five academic grade 12 courses is required for students outside Ontario and a minimum of six grade 12 4u or 4m level credits is required for Ontario secondary school students

The university considers students who have at least five academic grade 12 courses. Of course, some courses are program-specific and are numbered 30 or 31. Here's a list of OSSD courses and other provincial equivalents:

  • ENG4U – English (English Language Arts 30-1)
  • MHF4U – Calculus and Vectors (Mathematics 30 or 30-1)
  • MCV4U- Calculus ad Vectors (Mathematics 31 or Calculus)
  • MDM4U – Data Management (Mathematics 30-2)
  • SBI4U – Biology (Biology 30)
  • SCH4U – Chemistry (Chemistry 30)
  • SPH4U – Chemistry (Physics 30)
  • FEF4U, FIF4U or FSF4U - French (French Language Arts 30-1)

2. English Language Proficiency

Brock University is located in an English-speaking country, so it makes sense that they only want students who have a good grasp of the English language. To check your English language proficiency, especially for students in other countries, the school will ask for your IELTS score. While IELTS is a common proficiency test, there are others like TOEFL or PTE. The minimum score for IELTS IS 65 and above while the minimum for TOEFL is 88 and above.

Here's some tips on how to get into college with a low GPA!


Who can get into Brock University?

Being one of the reputable universities in Canada, it is reasonable that the university gets a lot of applicants now and then. With different types of people jumping on the opportunity to be a student at Brock, it makes sense to highlight the people who are qualified to get into Brock University. Do you wish to be one of the students at Brock University? Here is a list of the people who are qualified to get into Brock University: 


AP and IB Students
Transfer Students
International high school students
Returning Brock Students

Did you ever take AP or IB classes? You may receive at least 2 university credits if you have completed advanced placement courses and have a grade of 4 on your result. Being eligible for these credits gives you the edge you need to be on the list of students that will possibly be admitted to the school.

Application Process

Whether you are a returning student or a first timer, applying to Brock University happens in a step-by-step process. Here is a detailed application process for Brock University 

1. Check out the available programs

Being curious about Brock University is great but your curiosity about the school may not always lead to studying there. Even though you may love everything about Brock, the ultimate question is always: Does Brock have the courses and curriculum you want? For this reason, it is important to not only stop at the initial interest you have in the school. You should try to find out if they have the type of courses and degrees you would like to venture into.

2. Review the Admission Criteria

Like any other school in the world, some requirements make one eligible to be an undergraduate or graduate student at a school. You owe yourself a thorough check about the requirements of Brock concerning the program you have chosen. This will help you to know if you want to continue with the application process.

3. Apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) 

To send in your application, you will need to create and submit an application through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC). This is the centralized application service for all universities in Ontario and all students can use it. Otherwise, you may choose to submit an application directly to Brock University through the school’s online application portal.

After gathering the information in terms of requirements for admission, and preparing the necessary documents for applying, this is how you register if you choose to use OUAC:

•          Create an OUAC account

•          Enter your contact and personal information

•          Review your program selection and school selection

•          Create and submit an OUAC application

•          Record your OUAC reference number

•          Log in to verify your applicant details

•          Ensure your spam filters can receive emails (OUAC will send you notifications about acceptance through email)

•          Send your official transcripts to Brock U

Here's a quick guide on how to apply to universities in Canada as an international student!

Notable Programs at Brock University

Brock has earned the reputation for being one of the best universities in Ontario for many reasons. One of the distinct reasons many people choose Brock University is because of its intriguing courses and programs. Over time, some of these courses have gained traction to become the most popular on the campus. Not only that, but people in the world also now associate these courses with Brock University:

Bachelor of Sport Management

Sports Management is recognized because it is one of the most engaging and popular courses. Brock is the only university in Canada granting a specialized Bachelor of Sport Management (BSM) degree. Outside the fun classes, there is fieldwork experience to help prepare students for a career in the sports industry.

GAME Program

Brock University collaborates with Niagara College to teach students the best ways to create and develop videogames. The collaboration has been a success so of course, it is another popular course in the college. Graduates earn both an honours degree and advanced diploma in game development over 4 years. You can choose between a honours BA in Game Design or honors BSc in Game Programming.

BBA Co-op International Double Degree

Business Administration is quite popular anywhere in the world, so it is not shocking that a reputable university like Brock has the best package for this program. Brock University’s Bachelor of Business Administration program is the only one of its kind in Canada, offering the chance to earn an international double degree in business with co-op work experience included. You can get your Bachelor of business administration, and also get a second degree from a school in Ireland, Germany, or France that Brock has a partnership with. You’ll also complete one co-op work term in Canada and one in Europe.

While the courses/programs above have stood out at Brock for years, they are not the only available courses. Other common courses at Brock university are: 


    Bachelor of Arts Programs:

    Applied Linguistics, Canadian studies. Classics., Dramatic Arts, English Language and Literature, French Studies, General Humanities, Geography, History, Interactive Arts and Science, Italian Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Music, Philosophy, Studies in Arts and Culture, Studies in Comparative Literature and Cultures, Visual Arts.


    Accounting, Arts in Business Communication, Business Administration, Business Administration Co-op International Dual Degree, Business Economics, Computing and Business


    Bachelor of Science Programs:

    Computer Science, Computer Science and Mathematics, Computing and Network Communications, Computing and Solid-State Device Technology, Game Programming, and Bachelor of Arts in Game Design. 


    Child Health, Child and Youth Studies, Community Health, Psychology, Kinesiology, Public Health


    Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, and Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honors) (BECE) 

Admission Timeline

What is the perfect time to apply to Brock University? If you have been considering applying to the school, this is possibly one of the top-most questions on your mind. The answer to this is mostly dependent on the type of course, program, and whether you are a domestic or international student. Keep in mind Brock University also uses rolling admissions for its programs. For further clarity, check the table below: 

  • JANUARY 12

    Deadline to submit an OUAC 101 application for all undergraduate programs. Applications continue to be accepted where space is available.

    • OUAC 105 application deadline for competitive programs, including BSc in Nursing. Acceptance of applications continues where space is available.
    • BED/BA Honors Visual Arts Major and BA Honors – Visual Arts (Studio Art): Portfolio Submission Deadline.
    • BA honors – Game Design and Game Programming: Statement of Interest Submission Deadline.
    • BSC Honors – Mathematics and Statistics: Accelerated Mathematics Studies: Written Personal Statement and Mathematic Activities Portfolio deadline. Entrance examination or interview may be required after the deadline.
    • Deadline to submit supporting documents for competitive programs.
    • Deadline to submit supporting documentation for BSc in Nursing.

    Bachelor of Music Honours Auditions take place.

  • APRIL 1

    Application deadline for all other programs. Acceptance of applications continues where space is available.

  • JUNE 1

    Deadline to accept offers of admission


    Deadlines to apply if you are interested in taking classes as an:

    • Interest student (auditing courses)
    • Letter of Permission student
    • Part-time/Mature student
    • Upgrading student
    • Open Studies student
    • Certificate program student

Contact Information

Brock University -- St. Catharines Campus

1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way

St. Catharines, Ontario, L2S 3A1


Phone: 905-688-5550 x4636 (info desk)

Brock University -- Hamilton Campus

1842 King Street East

Hamilton, Ontario, L8K 1V7

Phone: 905-547-3555

Brock University -- Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts

15 Artists’ Common

St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 4H5

Phone: 905-688-5550


1. What is the acceptance rate for Brock University?

The acceptance rate at Brock University in Ontario, Canada is around 73%, meaning it is a less selective and competitive school overall.

2. How do I apply to Brock University as an international student?

To apply for university in Canada as an international student, you have two options. You can apply through the OUAC application service and choose Brock University, or apply directly to Brock U through its online application portal.

3. What should my average be before applying to Brock University?

Brock University expects you to have a minimum of 75% (mid-B) average in the last two years of full-time undergraduate study if you hope to be admitted for graduate study. And if you desire to come in as an undergraduate, a minimum of 75% marks in English, mathematics, biology, and chemistry is also necessary.

4. Can I apply or study at Brock without my IELTS?

Absolutely not! It is impossible to get admitted into Brock University without having the required IELTS score. So, there is no need to bother until you have it or have an alternative like the TOEFL or PTE score. In essence, English proficiency is necessary to get into Brock University. For this reason, IELTS or other alternatives is taken seriously in the process of your admission to the school. You are good to go with an IELTS score of 65+ or a TOEFL score of 88+.

5. How do I register for classes after getting admitted to Brock University?

While admission is a milestone, it is only the beginning of the journey. To register for your courses at Brock University, you may need to check out Brock’s websites for undergraduate students and graduate students. You could also use Registrar’s Course Registration FAQ page.

6. How do I find my university health insurance plan (UHIP) card?

Immediately once you are admitted to Brock University, some of your privileges get activated. One of these privileges is your UHIP card. Check your Brock student email to find the message that welcomes you to UHIP. In case you do not find the message in your mailbox, check your junk mail as soon as you can. Getting a physical card is not a requirement but you can get one if you desire.

7. Is Brock University good?

Brock University is one of the top public universities in Ontario, Canada. Though not as high in the rankings as bigger, more well-known schools like the University of Toronto, it is a well-respected and highly regarded school. It also offers some unique and engaging programs for undergraduate students.

8. What is Brock University best for?

Brock University is well-known for its career-driven degrees, some of which are unique programs in Canada. These include the Bachelor of Sport Management degree, the GAME Program and the Bachelor of Business Administration dual degree program.

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