It is a good idea to review family medicine residency personal statement examples as you prepare for residency applications. Whether you are applying through ERAS (in the United States) or CaRMS (in Canada), your residency personal statement is one of the most important application components that you will need to submit. Residency program directors and admission committees want to get a sense of who you are as a person, the kind of resident doctor you can be, and why you have chosen your medical specialty. This is the information that they'll be hoping to get from your personal statement.

It should also be noted that even though family medicine is one of the least competitive medical specialties, all the best family medicine residency programs are relatively competitive. This means that you need to provide that information in a memorable way so that your personal statement stands out from the large pool of applicants.

In this blog, we share three outstanding family medicine residency personal statement examples that will give you a better idea of what to include in your own statement. We also share some tips to help you write a strong personal statement for your family medicine residency application. 

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Article Contents
12 min read
Family Medicine residency personal statement example #1 Family Medicine residency personal statement example #2 Family Medicine residency personal statement example #3 Tips for writing a strong family medicine residency personal statement FAQs

Family Medicine residency personal statement example #1

Dr. Jamie Clark was in the room on the day I was born. He was also there the first time I broke my leg jumping off the jungle gym, the first time I had to get stitches after I fell off my bike, on the day that I became an older sister, and on the day of my high school graduation when I twisted my ankle at the graduation party. Like many others in my hometown, my parents have built a long-lasting and trusting relationship with this person. To the extent that Dr. Jamie Clark feels like a member of my family, but he is really just our family physician. 

Most children hated going to the hospital, but I always enjoyed it. Partly because Dr. Clark always found a way to make it fun for me by joking the whole time and giving me lollipops even when I was a teenager, but also because I was always so fascinated by what he did even if I didn't understand it fully. I just knew that people always left his clinic feeling much better than when they came in. I also noticed that his waiting room was always full of different people of all age groups, and he seemed to know each of them personally. I would watch him talk to them at the hospital and even outside in social settings; people always seemed to seek him for advice, and they always appeared more at ease after talking to him. As someone who enjoys talking to people, hearing their stories, and connecting with them, that really appealed to me. 

It wasn't until later in high school that I started to understand what it truly meant to be a doctor, and I became interested in medicine. The more I learned about human anatomy, the more questions I had. One of my biology teachers advised me that if I really wanted to understand the systems of the human body, I should consider going to medical school. His statement stayed with me, and I started wondering if a career in medicine would be suitable for me. 

After high school, I took a gap year and spent six months of it shadowing Dr. Clark. During this time, I learned that family physicians are among the few specialists qualified to provide comprehensive health care for people of all ages, from newborns to seniors. As a family doctor, Dr. Clark got to work on a variety of different cases on a daily basis. On any given day, he could go from doing an echography for a pregnant woman to helping a child with a broken bone and then walking a cancer patient through the radiation therapy that they would be receiving over the next few months. 

By the time I left my hometown and went to college the following fall, I had no doubt that I wanted to become a family doctor. I spent most of my free time in college working towards that goal. I wanted to keep developing my mental and physical stamina, as well as my interpersonal skills, as I understand that these abilities are essential for physicians in family practice. With that goal in mind, I signed up for different extracurricular and volunteer activities that would allow me to work on these skills. 

One of my most rewarding experiences was working for a walk-in clinic in an underserved community in This-City. I interacted with various patients and provided a lot of preventive care and counseling, which I think is one of the most important aspects of practicing medicine. I was also exposed to a broader spectrum of pathology than ever before, which I found intellectually stimulating. 

My volunteer work in underserved areas and clinical rotations during the last two years of medical school exposed me to a wide variety of cases from the prenatal through the geriatric stages of life. I also believe that combined with my previous personal and professional experiences, they have prepared me for the rigorous training that awaits me as a resident in your program. 

My passion for family medicine, desire and ability to connect with patients, and work ethic have given me the potential to be a good resident. With the right training, I know that I can be an excellent family physician and one day form long-lasting connections with my patients the way that Dr. Clark did with my family. 

Take a look at this infographic for a summary of the tips that we'll discuss later in the blog:

Family Medicine residency personal statement example #2

On the day of my high school graduation, one of my teachers told me that three qualities produce great doctors: leadership, dedication, and compassion. 

I realized the importance of leadership and commitment as I led my high school varsity soccer team and participated in various other sports activities in college. I then used the leadership skills that I was developing to create a community outreach program. I coordinated with some members of my college student union to assist multiple homeless shelters in Township. We coordinated drives to the shelters once a month, and once every six months, one of the physicians and the local hospital would come along to provide check-ups, medical advice, and supplies. 

One particular man at one of the shelters always complained about having blisters on his feet. I had spoken to him on several occasions, and during one of our interactions, he mentioned that he had diabetes. Remembering what I was learning in school about the disease, I asked one of the doctors to speak with him during the next drive. I later found out that the man in question had to get an amputation of the foot due to diabetes complications. This experience taught me the importance of active listening and preventive care, which solidified my interest in a career in medicine. 

Upon graduation, I wanted to work to help people in remote communities, so I joined a public health service program and spent almost a year working as an assistant coordinator with a team of physicians who travel to underserviced communities to provide medical care. We saw an average of forty patients every day, and I was exposed to a broad range of pathologies. I learned so much about the wide range of diagnostic tools and treatment options physicians use daily. 

This experience helped me understand how valuable access to a primary care physician is, and it motivated me in a new way. The physicians with whom I had worked inspired me. Their patience and dedication to their patients filled me with admiration, and they taught me the particular importance of interpersonal skills and doctor-patient interaction. The patients that we had seen helped me improve my active listening skills and taught me that is important to build trust with your patients.

I started medical school with that motivation, and I remain focused on achieving my goal of becoming a family physician. I am especially interested in practicing in rural communities as I have seen first-hand how the lack of access to primary care has affected these underserved populations. As a family physician, you not only have the ability to help those who have been affected by illness, but also provide others with the information and treatment that they need to avoid preventable conditions or complications from manageable diseases. I believe that as a physician who is willing and able to help, I should do so while I can. 

Over the years, my experiences have helped me build the leadership skills and sense of compassion that I need to become a good doctor. I am passionate about the field of medicine and dedicated to providing not only adequate but excellent patient care. I am ready to invest my time and energy into my residency to further complete advanced training in family medicine and become the best family practitioner that I can be. 

Family Medicine residency personal statement example #3

I have been practicing medicine for just under ten years as a trained anesthesiologist, but it is time for me to become a family physician. I was always torn between the two specialties, but after gaining experience in both fields over the past few years, I can confidently say that a career in family practice would be better suited for me. 

Family practice is one of the only specialties that exposes physicians to a broad spectrum of pathology, allows me to form deep connections with patients of different ages, and gives them a chance to provide them with continuous care. While I know that family physicians do not get to do this with every patient, I love the idea of caring for patients from birth to death and building long-term friendships with them. All while still using my knowledge of pharmacology, physiology, and microbiology to help patients. 

Three years ago, when I started considering switching to a different specialty, I decided to volunteer at a family clinic in my hometown so that I could get some practical experience. I knew that the experience would either affirm my decision to leave anesthesiology and switch to family practice or convince me that I didn't need a change after all. Even though I was very limited in my duties and only interacted with patients under supervision, every day I spent at the clinic convinced me that family practice was ideal for me. 

I enjoyed speaking with the patients long enough to actually get to know them and make a genuine connection. I appreciated being able to counsel patients and provide preventive care. I especially enjoyed having to investigate and diagnose patients again. Starting with a chief complaint and a few symptoms, then looking back into the patient's history and examining them to come up with a differential diagnosis is like solving a puzzle. Something that I thoroughly enjoy doing in my spare time. 

I remember enjoying that side of medical care during my rotations in medical school and admiring the relationship the attendings had formed with their patients. As an anesthesiologist, while I technically came in contact with patients, there is no communication channel between anesthesiologists and patients. I mainly interacted with them to try and ease their anxieties and put them at ease before delivering the anesthesia. 

I believe that my time as an anesthesiologist has given me skills and knowledge that will be useful to me as a family practician. It gave me hands-on clinical experience and a solid understanding of our medical care system works. It also enhanced my ability to work within a team and communicate effectively with my colleagues and patients. Furthermore, My experiences have also taught me to be more comfortable while caring for critically ill patients. 

Over the last couple of years, I have had the opportunity to volunteer in a few places, including a mental health facility, where I learned the importance of patient-centered care when dealing with the mentally ill. These experiences also helped me hone my history and physical skills. Although my journey is not conventional, I know that all these experiences have prepared me for my residency training in family practice.

I am the type of person who likes to be as prepared as possible. So, when I finally decided to take this important step in my career, I reached out to a physician career advisor for some assistance, and they explained to me how long and exhausting this process can be. I know that it will not be an easy journey, but I am committed to becoming a family physician. I know exactly what I am going to face, and I know that I am not only willing and able to handle it, but I welcome the challenge.

Along with my clinical knowledge and practical skills, I bring enthusiasm, dedication, a strong work ethic, and professionalism with me. I know that these skills, coupled with my background, have prepared me for this step, and I am ready for the training that will make me a great family physician. 

Have you started working on your residency interviews? Check out this video:

Tips for writing a strong family medicine residency personal statement

Now that you know what a great family medicine residency personal statement should be like, let's go over a few things that you can do to improve the quality of your personal statement, and common mistakes to avoid if you want your residency personal statement to stand out.  

1. Do tell a story 

If your personal statement is just a bunch of facts about you put together, it will not be memorable. Remember that family medicine is one of the most popular medical specialties, so you are competing with a large number of qualified applicants. To stand out, you should structure and write your personal statement using a narrative. You want to evoke some sort of emotion from the reader so that they can connect with your story and, therefore, remember it. For example, take a look at the passage below from one of the essays that you read earlier. This student could have just as well said that they pay attention to details and actively listen to patients. Instead, they told a story that shows that they do and that is far more memorable.

2. Don't go over the word count

It is imperative that you follow instructions when you are writing your personal statement. It is actually important to follow them as you prepare and submit all of your application components, such as the ERAS letters of recommendation, for example. 

Unless your instructions clearly state otherwise, your personal statement should be 650 - 850 words. Students sometimes feel like this is not enough to provide specific information about their background, but it actually is. You want your residency personal statement to be informative but straight to the point. You do not want to bore the reader with additional details that can probably be found in your other application components. 

Remember that you were given instructions for a reason. Following them not only makes a good impression, but keeping your essay concise will actually help you stay on track and focus on providing only key information about your background, skills, and abilities. 

 3. Do start writing early

 Writing a strong personal statement for residency takes time. You need enough time to brainstorm and consult your medical student CV and other records to choose the experiences you learned the most from and want to discuss in your statement. Once you know how you want to structure your essay, you still need to write it, review it for edits, and polish it until it is as compelling as it can be. 

When you are crafting your Eras timeline or CaRMS timeline for Canadian applicants, we recommend that you plan at least six to eight weeks to write and edit your family medicine residency personal statement. 

4. Don't rehash your CV

The residency directors already have your residency CV, and if you are applying to residency programs in the United States, then they also have your ERAS experience section. In other words, they do not need an essay detailing your work or research experience. Instead, they want to get additional information about you. 

Focus on sharing what you learned from your different experiences. For example, if you are an International Medical Graduate (IMG), instead of telling the residency directors that you were able to get electives and clinical experience in the US and Canada as an IMG, pick one of those clinical experiences and tell them what you learned from it and how it prepared you for your family medicine residency in your new country of residence.

Not sure what to include on your residency CV? This video can help:

5. Do proofread (multiple times!)

Once you are done writing and editing your personal statement, you should proofread it for typos and grammatical errors. Then after that, you should do it one more time, just to be sure. You may even want to have someone else take a look at it because fresh eyes can sometimes see things that you can't. 

 Your personal statement is a reflection of you. So, you want to make sure that it shows your ability to communicate effectively and pay attention to the details. If you submit a personal statement full of typos, the residency directors will assume that you either did not care enough to double-check your work or that you did not notice those typos. Either way, it is not a good look, and it could cost you your spot in a residency program. 

6. Do seek help 

You should consider getting help from professionals if you are unsure how to write your personal statement or if you have written one but you are not sure it is up to par. Residency match services can review your personal statement and give you personalized feedback that will help you make it more informative and cogent. 

Furthermore, they can also help you with the preparation of other tricky residency application components like a  residency letter of intent, residency CV, and other Supplemental application documents.


1. How long should my personal statement be?

Unless the instructions specifically state otherwise, your family medicine residency personal statement should not be longer than 850 words. 

2. Are residency personal statements that important?

In short: Yes! Your residency personal statement not only humanizes your application, but it gives you a chance to talk to the program directors and tell them why you want to pursue your chosen specialty. A strong personal statement can significantly improve your chances of matching to your dream program. 

3. What can I do to make my personal statement stands out?

You can start writing early, so that you have time to brainstorm thoroughly and write carefully. Using anecdotes and specific examples in your essay is also a great way to stand out while showing the reader why you are the ideal candidate. 

4. When should I start writing my family medicine residency personal statement?

We recommend that you start writing at least six weeks before you have to submit your essay. 

5. Should I use my residency personal statement to address red flags or concerns in my application?

You can discuss red flags only if you haven't already addressed them in a different application component and they are relevant to your statement. If you do address any areas of concern, make sure you take ownership of the problem and explain how you learned and grew from your mistakes.

6. How competitive is family medicine as a specialty?

Family medicine is not one of the most competitive residencies, but you need to remember that all residencies are competitive to an extent so you will still need a strong application that stands out to increase your chances of getting a match. 

7. Is family medicine an IMG-friendly specialty?

Family medicine is definitely an IMG-friendly residency program, and also one of the most accessible ones when it comes to competition. So if you write a compelling statement and meet the program’s requirements, you have a pretty good chance of getting into a program. 

8. Do residency matching services help you write your personal statement?

Absolutely! While they cannot write the essay for you, they can help you brainstorm, provide tips and strategies to help you write, and help you through the editing process to make sure you are writing an outstanding residency personal statement. 

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting 

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