Harvard Law School interview questions can help you prepare for an interview at this legendary institution, as well as any other law school interview you may have coming up. Given the competition of Harvard law school admissions rate, we recommend that you do your best learn how to prepare for your law school interview. In this article, you will read some of the hardest Harvard Law School interview questions and expert responses, and learn strategies for how to answer even the most challenging law school interview questions.

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How to Prepare for Harvard Law School Interview Harvard Law School Interview Questions & Expert Answers More Harvard Law School Interview Questions to Practice With Conclusion FAQs

How to Prepare for Harvard Law School Interview

We advise you to gather as much information as you can about Harvard Law School. Go through their website and social media to develop a general sense of Harvard’s central values, beliefs, and mission statement, as well as any events that may be coming up around the time of the interview – do your best to attend these events if possible, so you can speak with current students and faculty and learn more about Harvard Law School. Make sure to also go through the curriculum, faculty, and current research projects to learn more about the school. You will most likely be questioned about your reasons for applying to Harvard Law School specifically, so to provide the best possible answer, it’s crucial to have and thorough understanding of the school.

Questions about current events and hot subjects are likely to arise, so be prepared to share your thoughts on something you may have seen in the news. Watching the news every day, keeping up with news portals on social media, or having a news subscription will be a major asset in keeping you up to date with world events.

Preparation for your law school interview will improve the odds of getting in. Practicing your replies in advance is a great method to boost your confidence. It'll also keep you from hesitating or delivering answers you're not confident in that you'll end up regretting afterward. For putting those speaking abilities to the test, consider doing a mock interview. Keep in mind that you should not memorize your responses! Instead, just jot down talking points and use this method to practice telling a story the interviewer can follow easily. We've gathered up a list of very common law school interview questions and sample responses because this is the most significant part of making sure you're perfectly prepared for Harvard Law School interview!

Harvard Law School Interview Questions & Expert Answers

1. Why Harvard?

Prior to your interview with Harvard, you should research about the institution and be able to articulate with clarity why you prefer this school over the other programs you applied to, thus convincing the committee interviewing you that you didn’t choose Harvard with no cause or reason. Presenting a genuine interest in joining Harvard Law School will greatly improve your chances of being accepted, and the best way to prove this is by commenting on very specific aspects of the school and program that drew your attention as an applicant. Choosing a school solely based on its prestige will not be enough to make you stand out as a candidate, as that is something that can be stated about many schools. Remember, particularity is key. Emphasize what makes Harvard the perfect school in your eyes, what extracurriculars and courses hold the most value for you. What makes Harvard your number one choice? How does it stand out and differentiate itself from another school? Finally, make a point of what you feel you’ll learn from this school. 

Here's a sample of the kind of answer you could offer:

“When I imagine my ideal school, I see a university that provides students with outstanding career-placement potential, which many schools don’t. Learning that Harvard Law School provides internships with some of the top firms in the US was a critical part of my decision to apply. I believe in the importance of academic achievement, but I also think schools should provide their students the chance to obtain real-world work experience in their field. I was also drawn to the astounding faculty, specifically [name a professor], whom I respect tremendously after having sat in one of their lectures. Based on this lecture, I felt that the professors s here really make a push for their students to think for themselves, think critically about the world around them, and engage with social issues such as racial disparities, geographical inequalities, and exploitation of workers, which are topics I intend on learning more about should I be accepted at this amazing school.”

2. Why Should We Select You Over All The Other Candidates?

This is your chance to speak highly about yourself and what makes you unique. Harvard Law School seeks students who are involved in their communities, who are active, who are academically strong, and who demonstrate genuine interest in law and the justice system.. As a result, admissions committees look for applicants who show an aptitude to outperform their peers and succeed beyond graduation. Make sure you provide a response that stands out. To come up with the ideal response, do some research on Harvard Law School and carefully consider precisely what they are looking for in a candidate. Evaluate your abilities, experiences, and strengths, and consider how they align with the school's expectations for matriculants. Use those characteristics to persuade them that you are a good match.

“I grew up in a lower-income neighborhood. Crime tends to permeate neighborhoods like these. At an early age, I learned that people in my community weren’t well versed in the justice system and were often unaware of how to have proper representation. This realization led me to develop my initial interest in practicing law.

During my undergrad, I founded a co-op program that focused on disseminating legal information in low-income neighborhoods. We created pamphlets, posters, and launched a website where people could learn information about local organizations that helped with legal representation in our city. . Our organization was even featured in a local newspaper, and it is still growing strong in my college.

Being in this co-op program also exposed me to other organizations that aim to help people from low-income backgrounds. Currently, I am also heavily involved in Pro Bono Law X organization that offers free legal advice to people with civil legal problems. We also help people qualify for financial aid and help pay for lawyers to represent those who cannot afford it.

It is my belief that every person deserves legal representation, whether they are guilty or not, and we must work hard to make sure this important pillar of our justice system is upheld. Harvard Law School is the perfect place for me to learn more about pro bono law and how I can change the legal system to help those who cannot always afford legal advice."

3. Where Do You See Yourself in X Years?

You've given a lot of thought as to whether a career in law is best suited for you. The more specific you can be with your response, the better it will serve you in the interview. It will demonstrate your commitment to pursuing this tough vocation. Your response to this question should contain a clear description of how Harvard Law School will assist you in achieving your goals. There's no limit to what you can achieve! There will be no too ambitious responses here but do try to sound realistic. Furthermore, admissions committees adore applicants who have huge dreams.

“I have a deep interest in criminal law, so I see myself taking my career in this direction in the future. I have always been interested in criminal law, having been brought up in a lower-income area, I understand how criminal activities affect neighborhoods and I would like to personally contribute to a positive change by becoming involved in criminal law. One of my greatest dreams is to make neighborhoods safer from those whose activities endanger the regular civilians trying to live their lives peacefully. This school offers an internship opportunity at a criminal law firm that I saw incredibly enticing when I was looking to apply to law school. Working at that internship would give me a great firsthand experience of working in criminal law, which will allow me to better grasp the steps needed to achieve my academic and professional goals.”

4. Why Did You Choose Law?

This inquiry is intended to examine your motives and goals. If your primary purpose for going to law school is to earn a six-figure annual income, your lack of intrinsic motivation will reflect in your overall performance, and you will most likely drop out. The only way to persuade the admissions committee that your objectives are genuine is to tell a story. Tell us how you got interested in law as a profession. Use concrete examples. Make your answer is thorough, interesting, and compelling. Choose a few experiences or instances that drew you to the field of law as talking points. Consider the characteristics of a competent lawyer and explain why you think you can be one.

"Prior to my interest in criminal law, I thought I was going to be a journalist. I hadn't considered another career path. I loved telling stories and explain what is happening in my community. I wrote many articles that got published in both independent and mainstream platforms, often about the experiences of BIPOC communities. While researching for one of my articles, I met with a lawyer who was starting a firm dedicated to helping marginalized peoples find proper representation in court. During our discussion, he explained how his work was serving the community in a real way and that their job allowed them the opportunity to make change. He explained how many people in these communities can be taken advantage of by the legal system, often due to lack of affordable and quality representation. They allowed me to shadow them throughout their workday and I was really moved by their work in the community. It made me reconsider what I wanted to do with my life. I loved writing stories but seeing how these lawyers were making a real impact made me realize that I wanted to provide a similar service in my community. I believed my ability to tell a story and my communication skills would be an asset in this field, and so I set off to on this career path."

Still need to write your personal statement as well? Take a look at this infographic:

What Is The Latest Non-Legal Book You’ve Read?

Questions concerning what books, journals, or periodicals you are presently reading are typical and difficult to answer, even if they seem utterly irrelevant to the main goal of the interview. The books you read may reveal a lot about your personality and interests. To this question, there are no correct responses. If you are not currently reading anything, you may include the most recent book, or any book, but remember to link it back to why you want to become a lawyer. Be honest; if you haven't read a book that you believe would impress the admissions committee, don't start talking about it.

“I am actually a very active reader. The last book I read was The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho. It follows Santiago on his journey to fulfill his own personal legend. I think a good book not only entertains, but also informs the reader and should help change their perspective and their worldview. When I first read the Alchemist, I was at a point in life where I was okay with where I was but yearning for something more, much like the main character was. I related to his inner conflict and desire. Reading that story made me realize that life is too short not to pursue our dreams and that you are ultimately the master of your own destiny, free to create the world you want and to pursue it relentlessly. While in that pursuit, it is also important to make sure you find enjoyment in the journey, in the chase of your goal. I am looking forward to reading it again after my law school education is completed to see what new messages I find.”

More Harvard Law School Interview Questions to Practice With

Spend some time thinking about the sorts of questions you'll be asked during your interviews. Practice your responses without having them feel scripted or making them sound overly prepared. Interviews are stressful, so taking this time to prepare can go a long way in calming your nerves. The interviewer may ask theoretical questions or queries regarding specific legal topics. Interviewers use these sorts of questions to assess how effectively you reason and analyse, as well as how clearly you think and articulate. It's frequently more vital to be able to express your response than it is to have the correct answer. We’ve assembled a list of questions that will be great to practice with. Consider the samples answers above when you practice your own reply to these questions!


Academic Background


The law school admissions procedure is a very challenging process. You must study heavily for the LSAT, present a very impressive law school personal statement, and come up with high quality answers to very in-depth law school interview questions. If you take the time to properly prepare with a robust list of tough questions and rehearse your answers with confidence and vigor, you are sure to succeed. If you make sure to research Harvard Law School and stay up to date with the social and legal issues that may come up throughout the interview, you’re sure to enter the interview giving yourself the best chance to succeed and take that first step in building your law career.


1. How should I prepare for my Harvard Law School Interview Questions?

Consistently practicing with practice questions and mock interviews is your best bet. Familiarize yourself with the most common questions and speak with law school admissions consulting services who can offer quality feedback on your interview skills.

2. What is the general length of a Harvard Law School interview?

 Each interview is about 15 minutes long.

3. How formal is the Harvard Law School Admissions Interview?

These are formal events. Even if the interview is virtual, make sure to dress appropriately and follow formal interview protocol.

4. Should I prep for my interview beforehand?

Yes! Make sure to prepare with practice questions and mock interviews.

5. What kind of Harvard Law School interview questions should I expect?

You can expect a variety of questions about your background, academic achievements, and personality. Some of the most common questions would be “why Harvard?”, “why should we choose you?”, “what is your greatest weakness?”, “tell us about yourself”, and more.

6. What should be done after the Harvard Law School Interview?

After the interview, you should send a letter thanking the admissions committee for their time. Showing appreciation for the time given to you can go a long way and is a detail that shouldn’t be underestimated.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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