How long is the MCAT? The MCAT is 7 hours and 30 minutes, including breaks. This exam is long and mentally demanding, but knowing exactly how much time you’ll spend on each section can make it easier to prepare. In this guide, we’ll break down the total MCAT length, how much time is allotted for each section, and what to expect on test day so you can strategize your MCAT study schedule and practice effectively. 

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MCAT Total Time and Section Length MCAT Test Day Timeline: What to Expect MCAT Content Breakdown and Time Management Tips How Can I Prepare for the MCAT? FAQs

MCAT Total Time and Section Length

Each MCAT section has 53-59 questions. The average value of each question is around two points. Most questions on the MCAT are passage-based, while some are discrete questions. Passage-based questions follow a passage describing a scientific situation, while discrete questions do not relate to a passage and directly test your scientific knowledge. Sections with both types of questions will have clusters of two or three passages with corresponding passage-based questions, followed by three to four discrete questions.

Here is a breakdown of the number and type of questions in each MCAT subject section, in the order you’ll complete them:

The MCAT asks a lot of questions in a short amount of time, resulting in students struggling to finish some sections of the exam. With that said, you might be wondering…

Studying for the MCAT? Watch this video!

What are the hardest MCAT sections?

This can vary depending on your level of preparedness and comfortability with each subject. However, in terms of completion during allotted times, most test-takers find the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section to be tough (and time-sucking) due to the various calculations and conversions involved. And, the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) section is often cited as the most difficult section and comes at the very end. It also requires the most critical reading…thus leaving test-takers feeling rushed, and sometimes struggling to complete it on-time!

If you find yourself running out of time, remember that wrong answers will not count against your score, so aim to fill in an answer for every question – even if you need to make an educated guess.

MCAT Test Day Timeline: What to Expect

On exam day, you will complete each section of the MCAT in the order we listed above. Most sections are 95 minutes in duration, except CARS, which is 90 minutes long.

Knowing how each section is divided and timed will help you work on your MCAT timing. The MCAT is taken in one day, unlike the multi-day exams you will take later in medical school. The testing time for the MCAT is six hours and fifteen minutes. The total seated time for the MCAT is just over seven and a half hours for students who use the optional breaks between sections. Undeniably, the grueling length of the MCAT makes it a challenge.

Because the MCAT is a computer-based test, and the computer keeps track of your time, you do have the option to submit a section before the section time limit runs out, creating the possibility of completing the test in less time. Submitting a section early does not mean that you can take a longer break before the next section; it just allows you to move on to the next section sooner.

Are there breaks during the MCAT?

After the first section, Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, you will have an optional 10-minute break followed by the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section. Then, you will have an optional 30-minute mid-exam break to regroup and eat lunch. After lunch, you will complete the Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior section, followed by another optional 10-minute break, and the last section, CARS.

MCAT Test Day: Other Considerations

Your MCAT day, from the moment you wake up to when you walk out of the testing center, can easily be nine or ten hours long, depending on how far you live from the test center and how long your morning routine is. Before you leave your house in the morning, take the time to pack your government-issued identification and other essential items.

Test-takers will generally begin their MCAT between 7:45 am and 8:15 am.

Once you arrive at the testing center, you will spend about 30 minutes getting checked in and putting your belongings in a locker. You will then be escorted to a cubicle and provided with noise-canceling headphones if you wish to use them; then it’s off to the races!

Preparing for MCAT CARS? Try these HARDEST MCAT CARS passages for practice:

MCAT Content Breakdown and Time Management Tips

Let’s take a detailed look on what you can expect in every MCAT section, and review how you can best prepare for each:

Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems (BBLS)

The ratio of academic disciplines tested in this section is as follows: 65% introductory biology, 5% general chemistry, 5% organic chemistry, and 25% first-semester biochemistry.

Here’s what this section is designed to test:

  • First-semester biochemistry concepts
  • Introductory level biology and organic/inorganic chemistry
  • Basic research methods and statistics
  • Scientific inquiry and reason applied to the natural sciences

Time Management Tips for BBLS:

For this section, you will need to review MCAT biology questionsMCAT biology practice passages, and MCAT chemistry practice passages, among others. As you’re doing so, focus on the following:

  • Focus on Reasoning over Calculation: This section heavily tests biology and biochemistry, so prioritize understanding experimental data and scientific inquiry.
  • Strategize Reading Passages: Efficiently skim dense biology texts for key concepts, and don’t get stuck on overly technical details.
  • Balance Your Time: Allocate more time to passages over discrete questions, as they carry more weight and are often more complex.

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems (CPBS)

The ratio of academic disciplines tested in this section is: 25% first-semester biochemistry, 5% introductory biology, 30% general chemistry, 15% organic chemistry, and 25% introductory physics.

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems is one that many students find particularly intimidating! Practice is your best friend – ensure that you have the confidence needed to immediately focus on the test and get to work on this first section. You will not have a calculator during the MCAT, so it is important to prepare for the MCAT without a calculator. This way, you will build up your skill and speed in doing mental calculations for the actual test. Here’s what this section is designed to test:

  • Introductory biology, organic/inorganic chemistry, and physics concepts
  • Molecular biology and biology concepts
  • Basic research methods and statistics
  • Scientific inquiry and reason

Time Management Tips for CPBS:

For this section, you will need to know how to use various MCAT physics equations; you can also read MCAT physics practice passages to prepare. Note that you will have access to the periodic table during the actual exam, so it will benefit you to have it handy when you’re doing content review and answering MCAT prep questions. Here are some other tips to consider:

  • Practice Mental Math: Without a calculator, get comfortable with quick approximations for chemistry and physics problems.
  • Prioritize Equations and Concepts: Know which formulas are crucial and practice applying them quickly under timed conditions.
  • Manage Calculation-Heavy Questions: Approach simpler questions first to avoid getting bogged down by longer calculations.

Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior (PSBB)

The ratio of academic disciplines tested in this section is: 65% introductory psychology, 30% introductory sociology, and 5% introductory biology.

Here’s what this section is designed to test:

  • Foundations for learning in medical school about the behavioral and sociocultural determinants of health
  • First-semester psychology and sociology
  • Biology concepts that relate to mental processes
  • Basic research and statistics
  • Scientific inquiry and reason

Time Management Tips for PSBB:

  • Speed Read for Key Ideas: This section emphasizes social sciences, so focus on extracting main concepts from psychology and sociology texts.
  • Apply Logical Reasoning: Questions are less about memorization and more about interpreting behavioral theories and social determinants.
  • Don’t Overthink: This section often has more straightforward questions, so avoid second-guessing yourself on familiar topics.

Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS)

The ratio of academic disciplines tested in this section is: 30% foundations of comprehension (Do you understand the main ideas in the passage?), 30% reasoning within the text (Do you understand the relationship between ideas within the passage?), and 40% reasoning beyond the text (Can you relate ideas in the passage to new pieces of information?). 

Here’s what this section is designed to test:

  • Comprehension, analysis, and reasoning skills
  • Understanding and ability to use content from ethics, philosophy, studies of diverse cultures, population health, and a wide range of social sciences and humanities disciplines
  • Passage content contains 50% humanities and 50% social sciences

Time Management Tips for CARS:

You must develop a strong MCAT CARS strategy when you go over practice passages; the best way to manage your time is to familiarize yourself with the amount of reading (and type of reading) you’ll have to do in a limited time during the test.

 To get you started, make sure to review our MCAT CARS practice passages with expert answers. 

From there, some of the best tips we can give for CARS prep specifically include:

  • Time Yourself Strictly: CARS is about reading speed and comprehension. Allocate time evenly across passages and avoid dwelling on tricky ones.
  • Prioritize Passage Mapping: Quickly grasp the main argument and structure to avoid re-reading.
  • Triage Questions: Answer easier questions first to build momentum, then tackle more challenging inference-based questions.

How Can I Prepare for the MCAT?

The best way to understand how long is the MCAT is to take a full-length MCAT diagnostic test before diving into your MCAT preparation. This way, you get to see what you are up against and learn where to focus your time in the review-heavy phase of your studying.

As you get into the practice phase of your MCAT preparations, take several full-length practice tests to ensure that you are well-versed with the format and length by test day. Gradually build up your test-taking endurance to guarantee that you are mentally prepared for the duration of the MCAT.

Keep in mind that the length of the exam will affect how to study for the MCAT, as well as when you take the exam. Over time, you should strive to build mental endurance and stamina so you can get comfortable with the how long the MCAT is. Ensure that in your practice (and leading up to test day) you get lots of sleep, take care of your mental well being, and most crucially, stay nourished and hydrated! 


1. Is the MCAT mandatory for medical school?

Yes, most medical schools in the U.S. and Canada require the MCAT, but some programs or international schools may have alternatives; there are very few medical schools that don't require the MCAT.

2. How long is the MCAT?

The MCAT takes 7 hours and 30 minutes; this time is including breaks. 

3. How much does the MCAT cost?

The MCAT costs around $320 USD (for Canadian and American test takers), depending on registration timing and location. Additional fees and taxes are not included in this price.

4. How many times can I take the MCAT?

Need to retake the MCAT? No problem – if you aren’t happy with your score, you can take it up to 3 times in a year, 4 times in two years, and 7 times overall.

5. Can I skip sections on the MCAT?

You must attempt every section, even if you choose to leave questions unanswered.

6. What items are not allowed in the test room?

Electronic devices, notes, outerwear, and bags are prohibited in the testing area. Typically these can be stored in lockers; some opt to leave them with a family member or friend residing near the test center. 

7. When should I start studying for the MCAT?

Most students prepare over 3-6 months with consistent study schedules; you’ll have a LOT of content to review, and you need to build endurance. It’s never too early to start studying for the MCAT.

8. What are good practice strategies for the MCAT?

We always recommend that you use full-length practice tests under timed conditions to build stamina and familiarity with the test format. Working with an MCAT tutor can help if you’re struggling with certain aspects of the test prep or one of the subjects.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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