Our admissions experts share their 7 failproof, proven tips for how to get into medical school with a low GPA. Even if you’re applying to the easiest medical schools to get into, you still need to impress. We are here to guide you on how to do just that.

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Article Contents
5 min read

Tip #1: Increase Your GPA (If You Still Have Time) Tip #2: Boost Your MCAT Score to Overcome a Low GPA Tip #3: Apply to Medical Schools with Lower GPA Requirements Tip #4: Stand Out with Your Medical School Application (Despite a Low GPA) Tip #5: Ace the CASPer Test and Interviews to Compensate for a Low GPA Tip #6: Consider Post-Bacc Programs, DO Schools, or Caribbean Medical Schools to Boost Your GPA Tip #7: Re-Enroll in a New Undergraduate Degree to Fix a Low GPA FAQs

Tip #1: Increase Your GPA (If You Still Have Time)

The best strategy to increase your GPA while you’re still in college is to follow your passion, and put in a solid effort to succeed! If you’re struggling, it may be worth investing in a tutor or finding a study group…or reconsidering what courses you’re taking altogether. We highly recommend you major in a discipline you excel in and take courses you actually like instead of doing what is traditionally considered the “premed path.”

For instance, if you are a science major getting Cs and Bs, then maybe it’s not the right path for you; and that’s okay, as there are certain medical schools that don’t require prerequisites. At those institutions, your premed major doesn’t matter as much as your grades do – if you’re somebody who excels in social sciences or humanities, that might be your best bet. Here’s what one of our experts recommends:

“The #1 piece of advice would be taking courses you genuinely enjoy… When you are doing something that you enjoy, you automatically end up going the extra mile, which shows in both the quality of your work as well as the results.” – Dr. Neel Mistry, MD

Tip #2: Boost Your MCAT Score to Overcome A Low GPA

Many medical schools in Canada and the US look at your GPA and MCAT in tandem. So, if you are trying to get into medical school with a low GPA, strive to get the highest MCAT score possible. Take a look at this chart that outlines medical school acceptance rates based on GPA and MCAT scores of applicants. And remember:

“MCAT and GPA are important as screening tools. They won’t be the end all for you to get in or be rejected from a school, but they are often that first look.” – Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine

While some students can study for the MCAT on their own and get a high score, do not be afraid to research MCAT prep courses and MCAT tutors who can maximize your chances of success.

Tip #3: Apply to Medical Schools With Lower GPA Requirements

Using MSAR, research medical school GPA requirements for the schools you are interested in and apply to schools where you meet and exceed the requirements. 

Pro tip: aim to exceed the average accepted GPA of the latest cohort set in the previous year. Do not simply look at the minimum official requirement – it’s usually significantly lower than what schools actually expect.

If your GPA is too low and you do not qualify for any medical schools in the US or Canada, jump to tips #6 and #7.

Tip #4: Stand Out With Your Medical School Application (Despite A Low GPA)

Assess your applicant profile and find ways to make your medical school application stand out. Every student is unique, so ask yourself: what makes your journey to becoming a doctor memorable? Is it your non-traditional background? Is it the fact that you are an accomplished athlete? Is it your personal experience?

Identify what makes you unique and find ways to tell a captivating story of your journey in your medical school personal statement, your work and activities sections, or your secondary essays. Especially your diversity secondary essay!

Remember, your GPA is only the beginning of your application review – it’s a screening tool. You can compensate for a low GPA by using essays and other qualifying components of the application to impress the admissions committee; this may include an AMCAS statement of disadvantage, where you will have the opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that may have presented you with barriers in applying to med school and achieving a higher GPA

Pro tip: Remember, they read thousands of essays every year, so make sure to do something that grabs their attention. Our admissions expert Dr. Jaime Cazes shares his experience being on the admissions board of his alma mater, the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine:

“It is very easy to make the “cookie cutter” personal statement. “Hello my name is Steven, and I am a 4th year...” There are probably hundreds of letters that start like this. To a reviewer who is reading tens of these at a time it can become quite boring.” – Dr. Jaime Cazes, MD, the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine

Tip #5: Ace Your CASPer Test and Interviews to Compensate For A Low GPA

Your CASPer score and other application materials will have a significant effect on whether you get invited to an interview. If you impress the admissions committee with the rest of your application, despite the low GPA, you will have a stellar chance to demonstrate why you belong in their school during the interview.

If you’re applying to medical schools that require CASPer or AAMC PREview, or some other situational judgement test (SJT), make sure to prepare. Do not believe the widely spread myth that all you need to score well is to “be yourself”. It’s simply not true. These tests are designed to test learned professional behaviors, not your “nature.”

And be sure to actually prepare for the interview. Find out what format they use (traditional? MMI? Panel?) and practice with relevant questions. Some medical school interview questions such as “tell me about yourself” or “why do you want to be a doctor?” can be used as MMI questions as well as traditional questions, so there is a lot of overlap there.

Pro tip: make sure to practice with realistic mock interviews. There is really no other way to get a feel of what your medical school interview will look like. Trust us!

Tip #6: Consider Post-Bacc Programs, DO Schools, and Caribbean Medical Schools to Boost Your GPA

If you were rejected the fist time you applied or if you want to increase your GPA despite having graduated from college, take a gap year before medical school and enrol in a post-baccalaureate program for medical school. There are programs that specifically focus on increasing your GPA. Additionally, some medical schools will take your grad school GPA into account – that means if you have a higher GPA from a special Masters program or PhD program, it may boost your GPA on your med school application.

Do not forget to check out DO schools’ GPA requirements. Osteopathic medical schools can be slightly less demanding when it comes to GPA than traditional allopathic schools, so you may have a higher chance of getting accepted there.

Another option to keep in mind is Caribbean medical schools. They typically have very low GPA and MCAT requirements, so students who have lower statistics have more chances of getting accepted there than in the US or Canada.

Tip #7: Re-Enroll In A New Undergraduate Degree to Fix A Low GPA

Ultimately, if your GPA is too low for MD, DO, Caribbean schools and even post-baccs, then you might want to re-enrol in a new undergrad program. This is a radical decision, and it will take you a lot longer to become a doctor, but this time you will know exactly what you will need to do to keep your GPA high. Plus, you will have more time to strengthen your application! Participate in strong extracurriculars, gain more quality clinical experiences, and take your time to prepare for the MCAT. This option can sometimes be a blessing in disguise!


1. What is a low GPA for medical school?

Different medical schools have different GPA targets for applicants, but anything below 3.3 is usually considered low.

2. Can I apply to schools with GPA thresholds higher than my results?

Most schools weed out applicants with lower GPA and MCAT scores at the initial stages of the admissions process. You need to meet the minimum thresholds to be a competitive applicant.

3. Which medical schools should I apply to with my GPA?

Apply to medical schools where you meet the minimum GPA requirements. Check out the MSAR database to see how your GPA compares with the average entering GPA of the schools you’re interested in. Additionally, remember that some schools practice holistic admissions, meaning they consider factors beyond just GPA and MCAT scores. Schools that emphasize experiences, leadership, and community involvement might be more flexible with GPA.

4. Will medical schools still accept me with a low GPA?

While your GPA is an important factor, it is not the only factor. To improve your application overall, you need to score well on the MCAT (if required by your school of choice), and make sure your application stands out. Consider getting professional medical school admissions consulting help when you apply.

5. How do I address a low GPA in applications/interviews?

It is important to assure the admissions committee or interviewer that you have learned from your experiences and have addressed the challenges of your low GPA. Emphasize how you have developed better habits, or how you committed yourself to self-improvement and solved the issues that were holding you back.

6. Can clinical experience or volunteering compensate for a low GPA?

Yes, gaining substantial clinical experience or participating in meaningful volunteer work can strengthen your application. Admissions committees look for well-rounded candidates, and demonstrating a commitment to healthcare or community service can compensate for a lower GPA. Ensure your experience is well-highlighted in your personal statement and secondary essays.

7. How can I explain a low GPA in my personal statement?

You can address your low GPA by explaining any extenuating circumstances, such as health issues or personal challenges, but avoid making excuses. Focus on how you’ve overcome those challenges and what you’ve learned from the experience. Be specific about the steps you’ve taken to improve academically or personally, such as taking extra courses or seeking help from tutors.

8. Will retaking courses improve my chances?

Retaking courses can show admissions committees that you're committed to improving academically. Many schools have policies on grade replacement, so check if the medical schools you're applying to will consider the higher grade instead of averaging the two. Additionally, retaking science courses can help boost your science GPA (sGPA), which is often considered separately from your cumulative GPA.

9. Should I consider taking additional science courses to boost my GPA?

If your GPA is primarily low because of weak performance in science courses, taking additional upper-level science courses or enrolling in a post-baccalaureate program focused on improving GPA may help. Excelling in these courses can demonstrate that you’ve improved academically and can handle the rigors of medical school. However, if science isn’t your strong suit, you should focus more on taking courses you’ll excel in.

10. Can strong letters of recommendation help offset a low GPA?

Yes, strong letters of recommendation from professors, healthcare professionals, or volunteer supervisors can help offset a low GPA. Make sure to request letters from individuals who can speak to your academic improvements, dedication, and commitment to medicine.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting 

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