A NAC OSCE prep course can be the best way for IMGs to ace the Canadian OSCE exam in advance of their residency application. Before taking the NAC OSCE, you’ll need to practice some important skills you can’t study for the traditional way. You’ll need to know how to improve your patient assessment skills, your clinical exam skills and your patient communication, to name a few critical things you’ll be evaluated on. A NAC OSCE prep course can be the best way for you to master these skills and teach you how to prepare for a clinical skills assessment exam like this one. In this blog, we’ll explain what the NAC OSCE is and why you need to take it, how a prep course can help you study and why you should consider taking one, and a guide on how to find the best NAC OSCE prep course for you.

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Article Contents
6 min read
What is the NAC OSCE? What makes the NAC OSCE challenging? How NAC OSCE prep courses can help you NAC OSCE prep course costs How to choose the best NAC OSCE prep course Conclusion FAQs

What is the NAC OSCE?

The National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is one of the essential exams you’ll need to complete and pass if you want to apply for a residency program anywhere in Canada. It is a standardized, national medical examination which tests the knowledge, skills and training of medical graduates entering residency programs in Canada. International medical graduates (IMG) and US medical graduates wanting to apply to programs in Canada must take the NAC OSCE and submit their test scores as part of their CaRMS application process.

The exam is a one-day test where applicants rotate through a series of clinical stations with one standardized patient and one examiner. Each station is 11 minutes long, with a 2-minute period between stations. At each station, there will be a written report detailing the clinical tasks you must carry out. Scenarios you may encounter will include problems in medicine, surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, preventive care and obstetrics and gynecology. NAC OSCE exams are usually held in-person, but at the moment are being held virtually, and participants are asked to describe the steps they would take at each station instead of performing them live.

The NAC OSCE is an evaluation of your clinical skills and abilities before you head into your residency years. If you’re preparing for the OSCE as an IMG or US medical graduate, it’s important to note that it is a different examination than the MCCQE part I or the recently cancelled MCCQE part II. The NAC OSCE is only required to apply for a Canadian residency program and will not grant you a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada.

What Makes the NAC OSCE Challenging?

The NAC OSCE, like any OSCE examination, can be especially challenging for some students. Unlike other medical school tests, an OSCE evaluates your clinical skills rather than your theoretical medical knowledge. The OSCE is a practical exam, and requires a different kind of preparation than the high yield study techniques medical school taught you.

Even if your examination is held virtually, and you’re only required to verbally explain your answers instead of physically demonstrate them to an examiner, you’ll still need to communicate clearly and effectively, and be able to apply your clinical knowledge to hypothetical situations. This means applying an entirely different skillset, and preparation for the NAC OSCE exam requires you to study in a whole new way.

Some of the best ways to study for a clinical exam like the NAC OSCE is to practice with mock cases or scenarios. These will closely mimic the test environment, which will use hypothetical cases that are as close to realistic as possible. Personalized feedback will also be of greatest benefit to you. For this reason, NAC OSCE prep courses can be the best study method for anyone taking this examination.

Want to learn more about the NAC OSCE? Watch this video!

How NAC OSCE Prep Courses Can Help You

An OSCE preparation course will be focused on the NAC’s standardized test and designed to address all aspects of the test-taking experience. Some of the aspects of a clinical examination may come naturally to you and others may not. Either way, a good NAC OSCE prep course will coach you on mastering the skills you need not only for this test but for your future as a practicing physician as well. While the NAC OSCE may seem more of a performance evaluation than your typical written test, you are being evaluated on multiple areas and you’ll need to be ready for each.

NAC OSCE prep courses offer mock testing stations for students to practice with, essentially recreating the testing environment. These mock stations will allow you to get a feel for the real OSCE test to see how it works, how much time you have to complete the station, and what kind of hypothetical scenarios you’ll be presented with. The more comfortable you become with mock stations, the easier it will be when you’re in the real examination.

The second thing good NAC OSCE prep courses provide is personalized feedback on your clinical assessment skills. An objective eye never hurts, and a professional will be able to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses in clinical assessment during a mock station practice. They’ll also be able to coach you on improving your performance or overcoming any struggles you might be experiencing in clinical situations.

Some other areas where NAC OSCE prep courses can help you study for test include the following.

Medical maneuvers
Exam strategy

Good communication is essential whether your OSCE is taken in-person or virtually. You’ll need to be able to explain what you’re doing during the test station, ask your standardized patient questions or answer their questions and effectively explain why you would take a specific course of action. If the station involves a clinical examination, you’ll be asked to explain the steps to your patient and help them to feel at ease and understand the clinical process. A prep course can also provide advice on your nonverbal communication skills or address any problems there. You might need to practice your nonverbal tics or practice modulating your tone of voice when addressing your patients during a clinical exam.

NAC OSCE Prep Course Costs

NAC OSCE prep courses can vary in cost depending on the length of the course, the depth of study and the quality of services offered. Typical courses cost around $100, but there are some lengthier and more involved courses that can cost up to $500. There are also many options available to students for free, though these may be shorter and less in-depth.

A great majority of these courses are offered online and through virtual teaching, though there are some that will be offered in-person. When you’re searching for a NAC OSCE course, it’s important to note in what setting the course is offered, what services are included if the course is paid and the course schedule.

Whether you choose a paid or a free course will depend on your situation and your study needs. If you feel confident in your clinical skills but want to practice with mock tests and scenarios ahead of time, a free course might be sufficient to prepare you for the NAC OSCE. If you find that clinical assessment is a struggle for you or you’ve taken the OSCE once before and did not pass, a more in-depth and comprehensive course might be a better option for you. Comprehensive courses or private tutors might be the best option if you find yourself needing one-on-one instruction and feedback in order to improve weaknesses in your clinical performance ahead of the exam.

Although paid courses might have an initial high cost, they can be well worth the expense in the long run. The coaching you receive during a NAC OSCE prep course should not only prepare you for the exam, but it can instill a clinical proficiency you will take with you throughout your career as a resident and practicing physician.

For those who aren’t sure a paid NAC OSCE prep course will work for them, plenty of these prep courses offer free initial consultations. Take advantage of these special offers to test drive a NAC OSCE prep course before committing and see if it provides you enough benefit to enroll in the full course.

NAC OSCE prep course

How to Choose the Best NAC OSCE Prep Course

How to choose the best NAC OSCE prep course? A good prep course will offer help with all the necessary skills we mentioned above, including mock stations, exam strategy, communication and medical maneuvers practice. But choosing the right course for you means taking a few other items into consideration. Your NAC OSCE prep course needs to meet your budget, it needs to be high quality and it needs to fit with your timeline, too.

Course coverage and quality

Everyone’s budget is different, and a free course may have less prep to offer you but be more economically feasible. Or a paid course might be within your medical school budget and worth the cost of learning the clinical skills and receiving professional coaching for the NAC OSCE. While most prep courses for the NAC OSCE are fairly affordable, it’s up to you to determine how much you can pay for the service and if the services offered meet your needs.


Finding the best NAC OSCE prep course can be what makes all the difference for you as an IMG preparing for a residency in Canada. The most important thing is to start preparing yourself early and choose the prep course that fits with your timeline, needs and study strategies. Once you master the clinical assessment skills you need to pass the exam, it’s on to your next challenge: your residency application!


1. What is the NAC OSCE?

The National Assessment Collaboration administers the Objective Structured Clinical Examination required to apply for all medical residency programs in Canada. This examination is a requirement for all international medical graduates, including US medical graduates, who wish to apply for a residency position in Canada. An OSCE is a practical examination which evaluates your clinical skills and abilities in practice, not just your theoretical medical knowledge. 

2. Is the NAC OSCE hard?

The NAC OSCE is a challenging examination in that it requires more than the study methods you used in medical school. It requires practice and application of your clinical skills, critical thinking and patient assessment abilities, rather than just being able to demonstrate your medical knowledge and understanding.

3. Do you need a prep course for NAC OSCE?

Many medical graduates find a prep course is the best way to study or prepare for the NAC OSCE. A prep course can act as a dry run for the exam environment by taking you through mock OSCE stations and providing you with personalized feedback on your performance. 

4. What do NAC OSCE prep courses help with?

NAC OSCE prep courses help you to correct any weaknesses in your clinical skills and give you an objective view of your clinical performance. They can also act as a mock exam practice.

5. How much do NAC OSCE prep courses cost?

NAC OSCE prep courses can range from under 100$ on the low end to about $500 on the higher end. Many prep courses are also available for free, depending on the services offered. Compare the courses available to you to determine which suits your needs best. 

6. Is a NAC OSCE prep course worth it?

For many students, some practice and feedback from an objective professional makes all the difference. Other students might find they are comfortable with clinical assessments without a prep course, while others find a prep course greatly decreases exam anxiety and helps them improve their clinical skills.

7. How do I find the best NAC OSCE prep course?

Finding the best NAC OSCE prep course requires comparing your available options to determine which ones fits your budget, timeline and desired services best. You also want to pick the prep course that meets your quality expectations.

8. Is the NAC OSCE required?

The NAC OSCE is a required examination for all IMGs applying for a residency position in Canada, including US medical graduates. Your NAC OSCE scores are submitted as part of your CaRMS application package. 

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BeMo Academic Consulting

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