If you’re interested in applying to medical schools in North Carolina, read on to discover what ECU Brody School of Medicine has to offer in 2025 and see if it’s the right institution for you! You may still be wondering if medical school is right for you, or, you may be searching for the perfect college to study at; either way, this information is intended to help you with your decision, and highlight what the application process, admissions statistics and course/experiential requirements are like at ECU Brody! Additionally, we will provide you with tips for how to increase your chances of getting accepted!

Disclaimer: Although we have made every effort to provide the most accurate information, admissions information changes frequently. Therefore, we encourage you to verify these details with the official university admissions office. You are responsible for your own results. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any official universities, colleges, or test administrators and vice versa. If you see an error here, please notify us with the updated information, and we’ll send you a FREE copy of a BeMo ebook of your choosing! You can receive our Ultimate Guide to Med School Admissions, our Ultimate Guide to MMI Prep, our Ultimate Guide to Medical School Personal Statements & Secondary Essays or our Ultimate Guide to CASPer Prep! Please email us at content [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com with any corrections, and we’ll arrange to send you your free ebook upon confirming the information.

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Article Contents
9 min read
Mission Statement Available Programs Academic Curriculum Application Timeline Admissions Statistics Recommended Courses Tuition and Debt Funding Opportunities How to Get into ECU Brody Interview Formats Acceptance and Waitlist Information Contact Information FAQs

Founded in 1972 and located in Greenville, NC, the urban campus at ECU Brody School of Medicine is home to hundreds of medical school students and faculty. Their 9-storey medical sciences building and 100-acre Health Sciences Center campus, along with adjacent Vidant Medical Center (which is the primary clinical training site) offer a quaint and close-knit experience for medical students. ECU Brody is an inclusive school that aims to embrace disadvantaged and minority student populations and enhance the access to medical education for all such students. Improving the health status of the Greenville region, and state of NC, is the overall goal of the medical school!

Wondering how to study for the MCAT?

Mission Statement

“Our mission is threefold: to increase the supply of primary care physicians serving the state, to improve the health status of eastern North Carolina’s citizens, and to enhance access of minority and disadvantaged students to a medical education.”

Available Programs

Academic Curriculum

The MD program at ECU Brody combines traditional lectures with hands-on lab sessions, self-directed learning, and virtual classes, and various clerkships, clinical rotations, electives, and small group-based learning as well. Their curriculum is based on ‘phases’ and blocks, allowing students a set amount of time to focus on a specific premise or subject.

The Foundational Phase of the MD program is a discipline-based curriculum that is progressive. For context—Block One lasts 17 weeks and focuses on structure, whereas Black Two (18 weeks in duration) focuses on the function of each organ system. Block Three is 8 weeks in length and introduces MD students to the foundations of disease and therapeutics. Block Four runs for 28 weeks, and within this Phase students will also be required to take two longitudinal courses, Doctoring and Foundations of Medicine—both of which focus on clinical skills and clinical problems solving.

The second phase—the Clerkship Phase—contains six core clerkships: OBGYN and Psychiatry (6 weeks), as well as Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Surgery (8 weeks). Advanced core clerkship and the elective phase includes required experiences in Emergency Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/Neurology.

The instruction style at ECU Brody also includes early clinical exposure and intense assessments of clinical skills, student diversity and electronic instructional technology. Most lectures are not mandatory, as many can be done online, but in-person labs, activities and rotations are.

Application Timeline

Here is some important information regarding medical school application timeline for students interested in applying to ECU Brody:

Applicants will be required to take the MCAT by September of the year before matriculation, though the exact date is subject to change. Deferred entrance requests to ECU Brody will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

The primary application service used is AMCAS, which is the American Medical College Application Service. All application materials, including recommendation letters, can be uploaded to AMCAS before the respective deadline(s).ECU Brody requires 3-6 recommendation letters from each applicant.

Students will have two options for their recommendation letters:

Admissions Statistics

Based on current data, here are the medical school acceptance rates for ECU Brody:

In-state: 7%

Out-of-state: 0%

International: 0%


ECU Brody is a bit unique in terms of acceptance rates, because they only accept application who are NC residents. According to their current data, students from outside of the state and country do, at times, apply, but none have been granted admission.

Based on current data, of 1209 total applications received, 405 applicants were interviewed, 2 were deferred, 3 were placed in the Early Assurance Program, and 86 in total were matriculated. 

The current, total number of medical students enrolled at the college is 350.

Here is a breakdown of matriculation data for a first-year class:


Applications: 1204

Interviewed: 405

Deferred: 2

Early Assurance: 3

Matriculated: 86


Applications: 3

Interviewed: 0

Deferred: 0

MD/PhD: 0

Matriculated: 0


Applications: 2

Interviewed: 0

Deferred: 0

MD/PhD: 0

Matriculated: 0

The median MCAT score for admitted students at ECU Brody is 508, and the median GPA is 3.63.

CU Brody is a bit unique in terms of acceptance rates, because they only accept application who are NC residents. According to their current data, students from outside of the state and country do, at times, apply, but none have been granted admission.

Based on current data, of 1209 total applications received, 405 applicants were interviewed, 2were deferred, 3 were placed in the Early Assurance Program, and 86 in total were matriculated.

The current, total number of medical students enrolled at the college is 350

In terms of demographics and diversity, ECU Brody has a ratio of 35 men/ 51 women on campus. 63% of current first year students have a science/math degree, and 37% hold a graduate-level designation.

ECU Brody has made a commitment to implementing diversity strategies, as they remain a predominantly Caucasian dominated medical school. Out of all 86 first year students, 43 are Caucasian, 25 African American, 13 Asian, 7 Hispanic or of Latin/Spanish Origin, 3 Indigenous or Alaskan Native, 4 ‘other’ and 2 declined to respond.

Through their holistic approach to application reviews and interviews and commitment to diversity inclusion, ECU Brody encourages students of disadvantaged status to apply, and their program has an immense focus on serving traditionally underserved communities. Click here to learn more about the best medical school recruitment strategies for diversity and understand why this is important for the future of medicine and can improve overall student retention.

ECU Brody is a medical school that does not require the CASPer test to be taken by applicants!

Recommended Courses

In terms of eligibility, applicants are required to have certain medical school pre-requisites  completed prior to the start of their MD program.

It is expected that applicants have completed foundational courses and that all pre-requisite courses were taken at accredited institutions; courses must be completed by June of the year of application to be considered on your application.

The following courses are required for consideration at ECU Brody:

The following courses are recommended:

Always review your application requirements and the updated requirements set by ECU Brody to see if specific courses awarded a ‘pass/fail’ grade, or, courses taken online or at a community college courses are accepted.

Tuition and Debt

Based on current statistics, medical school tuition for students at ECU Brody is $50,260. $23,310 of that amount is tuition and fees, whereas $24,334 is classified as ‘other’ and $2,616 is allocated to health insurance, which is mandatory.

The average indebtedness of students is $95,136.

Funding Opportunities

In a recent study, 94% of ECU Brody MD students noted that they received some sort of financial aid. Most often, financial assistance, both institutional and federal, is awarded on a most needed basis. Information on funding, personal assistance, aid and medical school scholarships will be provided to interviewees and accepted students who demonstrate a need for financial aid. Awards are available as well, and these are based on confidential information that will be supplied by the student.

Students and applicants are encourage to check out the Financial Aid page on the college website to learn more about loans, awards, and financial aid.

How to Get into ECU Brody

ECU Brody’s MD and MD dual programs are only open to residents of North Carolina at this time. If you are a North Carolina resident interested in pursuing an MD program, ECU Brody has a lot to offer, including a state-of-the-art campus and Health Sciences building, innovative and immersive technology, clinical exposure and small class sizes/group activity settings. In order to be considered, you must have premedical experience in shadowing, scribing, or fulfilling another kind of (paid or volunteer) role in a medical or community setting. The most commonly reported by ECU Brody students recent years includes research lab experience (87%), medical community service/volunteering hours for medical school (83%), clinical observation and shadowing (83%), general community service (86%), paid employment in a medical/clinical setting (72%) and finally, military experience (2%). With this information in mind, it’s recommended that students try to get as much experience they can in a variety of settings, but especially research lab experience and observation/clinical shadowing and volunteering. Additionally, if you’re interested in becoming a military doctor, ECU Brody may be a great school for you. Not all schools have high acceptance rates of military officers, or individuals with military experience, but ECU Brody does; so long as you’re a North Carolina resident!

Selection factors at ECU Brody are as follows: “Factors considered in the selection process encompass the social engagements, emotional intelligence, and intellectual development of each applicant. All available application data are evaluated: MCAT scores; academic performance; comments contained in letters of reference/recommendation; and (for invited applicants) the results of two personal interviews, conducted by two members of the Admissions Committee. The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University seeks competent students of diverse personalities and backgrounds, and all applicants are evaluated without discrimination based on race/ethnicity, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information, or disability. Admissions is limited to current North Carolina residents only.”

Students should aim to have an MCAT score and GPA that is around the average accepted MCAT and GPA of the previous year’s matriculants. Additionally, your primary and secondary application must be submitted in a timely manner, and if possible, long before the set deadline—aim to submit your primary application as soon as AMCAS opens and make sure to submit your secondaries within 2 weeks of getting the invite to complete them.

 ECU Brody uses is a holistic approach when evaluating applications, as they are searching for the best future medical doctors and give equal consideration to applicants from disadvantaged and underserved populations and statuses. If you identify yourself as disadvantaged or a part of an underserved population, consider submitting the AMCAS Statement of Disadvantage where you can outline what adversity and obstacles you overcame in your journey to medical school.

 In order to increase your chances of admission, it is recommended that you allow yourself ample time to prepare your application materials, such as your medical school recommendation letters, and your medical school CV. Prior to beginning your primary application, it’s imperative that you review how to write a medical school letter of intent, prepare for medical school secondary essays accordingly, and also allow yourself enough time for medical school interview preparation so that you can complete each step of your application process with ease and confidence. Along with this, it’s recommended that prior to starting your application, you thoroughly research and review ECU Brody’s mission statement, values, statement of their selection factors, and any other valuable information about their application and admission processes and requirements, as well as the program and school in general. While your AMCAS application will be general, your secondaries will need to be tailored to the school you are writing secondaries for, and this is where your knowledge of ECU Brody’s goals and values will really come in handy! Based on what you know about the school and why you want to be a student on their campus, showcase your qualities and experiences that make you the perfect candidate for ECU Brody!

Interview Formats

At this time, all interviews at ECU Brody will be conducted online. The interview format is two blinded video interviews, but traditionally, the interview day would consist of two individual interviews, a lunch and tour with medical students, and an information session with either the Associate Dean of the Director of Admissions.

When you’re invited for an interview, you’ll likely be feeling both anxious and excited—getting invited for an interview is a huge accomplishment—and it’s your chance to further highlight your skills, traits, and qualifications for ECU Brody’s MD program! While you await your interview invitation, or, once you receive a confirmation of your interview, it’s imperative that you learn how to prepare for medical school interviews; you do not want to ‘wing it’ during an interview that is this important! You may want to start by reviewing common medical school interview questions, and/or, participate in mock medical school interviews as well. Practicing your potential interview responses, and knowing what is expected of you, means you will be able to tackle your interview with ease!

Acceptance and Waitlist Information

ECU Brody has, on average, 1000+ applicants and 86 seats. In order to increase your chances of acceptance, it is recommended that you submit your application on AMCAS early, as applications are reviewing a rolling basis. Along with this, completing the required pre-requisite courses and medical experience can, of course, increase your chance of being offered an interview and your chance of an offer of admission. Students who are accepted at ECU Brody must narrow down their selection to three schools by April, and accept or reject their offer on AMCAS, with the required deposit if accepting, in late April—applicants will have two weeks to respond to their offer.

Applicants will have to “commit to enroll” and withdraw from other acceptances and medical school waitlists at other institutions no later than June.

The Waitlist typically has 75-100 applicants on it per cycle, and approximately 25 will be granted an offer of admission.

Getting ready for your interview? Check this out:

Contact Information

The Office of Student Admissions

The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, Mail Stop 610

Greenville, NC 27834 USA

(252) 744-2202

Email: [email protected]

For more information, please visit the ECU Brody Admissions website!


1. Does ECU Brody accept out-of-state and international applicants?

At this time, applications are limited to residents of North Carolina. Current data reveals that a small number of out-of-state and International applications were submitted to this college, but none were considered for admission.

2. When can I apply? What is the length and duration of the application process?

The earliest initial applications will be accepted at the end of May, with application reviews beginning in June. Interview invitations will begin being sent in August, and initial and secondary application deadlines are in November! Interviews take place in January and decisions will be made/offers accepted in April and May. All application materials can be submitted through AMCAS.

3. What is the average MCAT score and GPA that is accepted at ECU Brody?

The median MCAT score for admitted students at ECU Brody is 508, and the median GPA is 3.63. Students should aim to achieve an MCAT score and a GPA that are each somewhere around the median—or, higher, if possible!

4. What do I need to know about recommendation letters?

You can submit your letters on AMCAS. ECU Brody requires 3-6 recommendation letters. There are two options for these required letters:

  • Option 1: Two academic references, from individuals whom you have taught you and graded your work, and one personal reference, such as an employer or advisor.
  • Option 2: One letter from the Pre-Medical Advisory Committee at your Undergraduate school
5. Do ECU Brody applicants need to take the MCAT or CASPer?

Applicants must take the MCAT, but do not need to take the CASPer test!

6. Who should consider a dual program at ECU Brody?

There are several great dual programs at ECU Brody for MD students who wish to learn business expertise (MBA), public health leadership skills (MPH) and for students who are interested in intensive research (PhD). If you’re looking to enhance your medical degree, you can apply to do so at ECU Brody!

7. Are there opportunities for both virtual and in-person learning at ECU Brody?

Yes, there are. Many lectures are not mandatory as materials can be found online and self-paced. However, all in-class activities, group work and clinical rotations and clerkships have to be done in-person and attendance is absolutely mandatory. 

*This may vary for students in dual-programs

8. What is the average acceptance rate at ECU Brody?

ECU Brody’s average acceptance rate for the MD program is 7.1%! Over 1000 applications are submitted annually, but less than 100 seats are available.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

Disclaimer: BeMo does not endorse or affiliate with any universities, colleges, or official test administrators. The content has been developed based on the most recent publicly available data provided from the official university website. However, you should always check the statistics/requirements with the official school website for the most up to date information. You are responsible for your own results. 

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