Answering the “why do you want to become a doctor?” interview question is essential during medical school interviews or when writing a medical school personal statement. Because the answers to these questions reveal your inner world and indicate your suitability for the medical profession - interviewers are really asking "why do you want to be here?". In this blog, I'll share how I answered this common medical school interview question, how to find and organize your answer, and sample answers from different types of medical school applicants.

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11 min read
Why Do Medical School Interviewers Ask “Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor?” Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor? How to Brainstorm Your Answer How to Answer to “Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor?” Interview Question How NOT to Answer “Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor” Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor? Sample Answers FAQs

Why Do Medical School Interviewers Ask “Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor?”

I was asked “why do you want to be a doctor?”, in pretty much every medical school interview I went to. This is the ultimate ice-breaker that can come up in medical school interview questions. It’s a question that’s so simple on the surface but can become painfully obvious to the interviewer if you don’t give an authentic, convincing, and genuine answer. You do NOT want to head into your interviews without preparing for this deceptively innocent question.

So, let’s get into the mind of an interviewer for a second and think about why someone is asking this question, and what information they are hoping to get from it:

  1. Why medicine? - When someone is asking this question, they want to understand your personal journey to medicine and how you decided that medicine is the career path for you. They want to know what your initial and subsequent influences were for you to choose medicine.
  2. What motivates you? - They also want to know your inner motivation for pursuing a career in medicine, and that these motivations are appropriate or suitable for a career in medicine. Also, what impact do you wish to make in the field?
  3. Why do you deserve to be here? - Do these influences and inner motivations for pursuing a career in medicine come across as genuine or are they cliché and don’t seem authentic?

I kept all these considerations in mind when coming up with my answer for this interview question. Truthfully, it took writing my personal statement and a lot of internal self-reflection to be able to answer this question well. You will really need to dig deep and provide an answer that goes beyond the desire to help others or pursue a career that is seen as meaningful. Medical school interviewers are not asking you the "why do you want to become a doctor" question idly or lightly, and your answer needs to be suitably reflective, serious and deeply personal.

Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor? How to Brainstorm Your Answer

Your reason for wanting to become a doctor may jump out at you right away, crystal clear. Or maybe it was a series of choices or events in your life which led you to an interest in medicine. Regardless of where you fall, if you don’t have a ready answer, it’s time to dig deep and start asking yourself some self-reflective questions.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get started on creating your personal narrative:

  • What were the defining moments in your life?
  • What were your early experiences with the medical profession? Which ones made an impression on you?
  • When was the moment you decided to apply to medical school? What spurred your decision?
  • Is there someone in your life who inspires you? Why?
  • What qualities do you have that you think would make a good doctor?
  • What started your curiosity or interest in medicine?
  • What experiences do you have that have grown your interest in medicine?
  • What about the medical profession most appeals to you? Why do you want to become a doctor over another related profession?

Take some time to reflect on these questions and write down some bullet point notes or try some brainstorming exercises. Once the key events and motivating factors behind your decision emerge, you can start formulating your answer.

"Tell me about yourself" is another med school interview question you must prepare for!

How to Answer to “Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor?” Interview Question

1. Share Your Early Influences Towards Medicine

Step 1: Share in 2-3 sentences what first interested you in medicine. Start building a narrative of what you experienced and what impact these early forays had on you.

For some it can be early exposure to family members in the field or medicine, or it could be that you or a family member having gone through an illness and seeing how a physician helped them navigate this. For others, it could be an interest in the sciences or the human body. Identify what this early first push towards medicine was for you. I want you to ask yourself, what sparked your journey to medicine? What were those early or initial influences for you?

I had to personally start from the beginning at what was my early inspiration for medicine. I created a timeline of my early inspiration and then asked myself: what is the thread that led me to the next experience? What did I learn from that experience? Which of these experiences contributed the most in my journey toward medicine? I drafted little stories after each clinical, volunteer and research experience in my CV to see if there were some underlying threads and themes I could use for my interview answer or personal statement.

2. Discuss How Your Interest in Becoming a Doctor Evolved

Step 2: Continue the narrative to discuss how this initial curiosity in medicine evolved over time. Talk about the actions you took to deepen your knowledge of medicine, or what subsequent experiences you had that made you seriously consider a career in healthcare.

I was young when I was first exposed to healthcare, since many of my family members being doctors, and while this was the initial draw to me to pursue a career in medicine, I needed to figure out my path on my own. To show that in my interview answer, I discussed what major I pursued in college (neuroscience) and my interest in public health because I wanted to see how physicians can impact communities and populations, too. I noted how my interest in community engagement led me to serve in free clinics. These experiences underscored the need of physicians to cater to marginalized populations and made me culturally sensitive and equipped me to understand and advocate for people from different backgrounds than me.

I then briefly touched on my additional master’s degree in physiology and my gap years before medical school, and most importantly why I did it: to gain further exposure to the rigors of medical school. During those gap years, I mentioned that I had some very impactful experiences in health policy that motivated me to focus on systemic issues in healthcare.

I wrapped up my answer by explaining how I deepened my clinical experiences by working as a medical scribe and volunteering at a pediatrics clinic. I then focused in on one clinical experience (I had a few, but chose one):

This is what I wanted to hone in on in my career. Experiences like this solidified that medicine was the path I wanted to pursue, which I shared in my interview.

3. Conclude with Your Mission Statement for Wanting to Become a Doctor

Step 3: End with a conclusion on why becoming a doctor is so important to you.

Then finally, I would encourage you to end your answer to this interview question with a mission statement of sorts about what your impact in the field of medicine will be. This can be your take-home message to the interviewer about what sort of role you might fulfill in their medical school, or even in the medical community at large. Try to do this in 1 to 2 sentences as concisely as possible.

Want more tips on how to answer this question? Watch this!

How NOT to Answer “Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor”

Let’s also go over how NOT to answer this question, or what to avoid when answering this question.

Don’t Read From Your CV

The first thing I would avoid is to regurgitate your entire medical school resume or CV. Be selective about which experiences were impactful to you in deciding you wanted to go into medicine.

A way you can determine which experiences to include in your answer is: have one that is the initial influence, then have 2 or 3 experiences that show how that influence evolved. It can be an impactful course, tutoring job, research project, volunteer experience or clinical experience. It can be any of the extracurriculars you’ve spent significant time in. Then try to end with something that solidified your interest in pursuing the career and your overall mission statement.

Don’t Let Your Motivation for Becoming a Doctor be About External Factors

The next thing I would avoid in your answer is anything along the lines of pursuing medicine because you want to carry on a legacy, or because your parents told you to. It’s okay to say that your parents were an initial influence, but it’s important to convey how you arrived at this decision for yourself through your own personal exploration.

Similarly, I would avoid making the reason you want to become a doctor about external motivators, such as prestige, the ability to have a steady, well-paying career, or the inherent respect and admirability of becoming a doctor. These may come across as superficial reasons to interviewers or come across as red flags in your interview.

Don’t Start with a Cliche

Another thing you want to avoid are cliché’s like “I want to go into medicine to help people.” The reason this is cliché is because people in many professions “help people” including teachers, financial consultants, engineers etc. Plus, it goes without saying that you are interested in helping others as a doctor, and medical school interviewers will view this response as completely unoriginal. You want your response to be unique to YOU.

Distinguish why YOU want to be a doctor specifically. Somethings that doctors do that some of these other professions don’t is have a DIRECT impact on someone’s health and a deep knowledge about the human body. I would weave this in your answer, especially if you are making the jump from another health profession such as nurse to doctor or PA to MD

Here's how mock medical school interviews can enhance your prep:

"Why Do You Want to Become a Doctor?" Interview Question Sample Answers

Click through the tabs to read some sample answers for MD, DO, non-traditional and other types of medical school applicants!

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"My session with John Atytalla was excellent. He gave very thorough and personalized feedback that simultaneously explained general principles and structures to use when approaching prompts, while also including specific tips and tricks to make my responses creative and memorable. He was very encouraging and provided general advice on how to build my confidence before my interview. Truly an exceptional coach!" - Sarah, BeMo student.

"Mr. Shahzadeh was the most incredible consultant!!! This was my last prep session before my upcoming interview and Mr. Shahzadeh made me feel confident and prepared while giving me good constructive feedback and allowing to try questions again to apply feedback immediately. I am so thankful for his help tonight and I hope to interact with him again during future prep sessions as they arise!" - Martina, BeMo student.

"The interviewer was amazing! It was so nice to be able to practice what a medical school interview would be like. I especially liked receiving feedback afterwards for each question I answered." - BeMo student.

"John Atytalla helped me prepare for my interview and he was AMAZING. He gave really good feedback along with concrete examples and helped me brainstorm my alternative responses. He really took the time to give feedback and didn’t just a vague structure or outline to follow but gave clear examples." - BeMo student.

"My review session with Dr. Peckel was great and it gave me a lot more information to help me understand how to pursue in my goal of becoming a doctor." - Harnaz, BeMo student.

"Chrylin Laurore was the first person to interview me at BEMO and even though I had many shortcomings, she was able to highlight what worked for me and gave me invaluable advice on how I can improve my delivery to become a strong candidate for residency. I am very grateful to her." - Shabber Mannan, BeMo student.

"Monyka Rodrigues is an amazing tutor! She helped me understand different types of questions and taught me how to approach them effectively. Her advice was clear, practical, and made a big difference in my confidence. Highly recommend!" - Thaly, BeMo student.

"My consultant Noah was extremely helpful giving me tips and advice for not only my interview but also life as a medical student. His feedback was insightful and boosted my confidence." - Beatrice yee, BeMo student.

"The interview session I had with Dr. Christian Cuevas was great. I appreciated his thoroughness, time and immense generosity when giving me constructive feedback. This was truly a very helpful session !!" - BeMo student.

"I had a great session with Aali today. He was so professional and gave details on how to structure my responses. He went through all types of interview questions with specific feedback on my answers." - Pouria hajipour, BeMo student.

"My paper was reviewed by one of the doctors and I was very happy with the feedback I got. The feedback for both my poster and paper was very thorough and you could see the time and effort the doctor put in to evaluate my documents. All the doctors that I have talked to in my meetings were very helpful and easy to talk to. I would recommend using BeMo." - ayesha khan, BeMo student.

"I thoroughly enjoyed my session with Doctor Christine Gerson. I genuinely appreciated her honesty and supportive approach. She was kind, non-judgmental, and provided valuable insights, offering practical tips to work on in the future. Her wisdom was greatly appreciated." - Léa Aouzeid, BeMo student.

"I had a positive chat with Kyle Burns. He gave me options to consider in my medical journey and I enjoyed real world examples that he brought up." - Lina, BeMo student.

"Kelly Hewes was very professional during my prep session for a panel interview. She really helped me gain an understanding of what I could say to improve my answers. I was extremely grateful that she also helped brainstorm potential answers for different types of questions. This not only gave me feedback on what I did, but how I can do better in the future. She was a great consultant!" - BeMo student.

"I had a great session with Dr. Andrew Henry. He's supportive, knowledgable and encouraging. I always enjoy my sessions with Dr. Henry." - Lina, BeMo student.

"Dr. Liu was extremely helpful with great feedback!" - Evan, BeMo student.

"Working with Dr. Rhoda on my medical school application strategy was an insightful and productive experience. She guided me in researching schools and creating a detailed table to compare their stats, which helped me narrow down my options effectively. Dr. Rhoda also emphasized the importance of gaining additional research and clinical experiences to strengthen my application, providing clear steps to make me more competitive. Her advice to reach out to old professors and reestablish connections for letters of recommendation was invaluable and helped me rebuild important connections. Overall, Rhoda’s structured approach and encouragement made the process manageable and boosted my confidence in applying to medical school." - Rebekah, BeMo student

"Dr. Peckel was great at listening to my questions and providing very helpful information! He was very kind and I hope to work with him again!" - David Perlman, BeMo student.


1. How do I answer “why do you want to become a doctor?”

To answer this interview question can be tricky, since it is open-ended and everyone’s answer will be different. To answer it, you need to identity the primary reason why YOU want to become a doctor and how you came to this realization.

2. Why do medical school interviewers ask why do you want to become a doctor?

Medical school interviewers ask this question because they want to get to know you on a deeper level, but they also want to know your motivations for pursuing a career in medicine. They want to admit students who have a genuine, passionate interest in medicine. 

3. What are some good reasons for becoming a doctor?

Some good reasons for becoming a doctor include helping others, of course, and there are many professional benefits of being a doctor. Medicine is also a diverse, stimulating and interesting field which is constantly evolving and has many career avenues for practitioners to explore. 

4. What is a good answer to this interview question?

A good answer to this interview question will be different for each applicant, but a strong answer will be genuine, self-reflective, well-structured and passionate. Present your personal reasons for pursuing medicine as a career. Use a personal narrative to explain what has drawn you towards medicine.

5. Does my answer to this interview question matter?

Yes, your answer to this question is extremely important. Medical school interviewers are expecting a strong and clear answer. Any uncertainty or insincere reasons you give for wanting to be a doctor may lead to you being rejected as a candidate.

6. How do I structure my answer to this med school interview question?

Start by sharing what sparked your initial interest in medicine, then explain what you did to deepen your interest in becoming a doctor. Finally, explain what the defining moment was or what solidified your decision to become a doctor.

7. Who can help me prepare for my med school interviews?

There are many resources to help you prepare for medical school interviews. One of the best ways is to use mock medical school interviews, as they are the closest simulation to the real deal. You can also seek help from medical school admission consultants, who can give you personalized feedback on your interview answers and interview performance.

8. What should I avoid in my answer to “why do you want to become a doctor?”

Avoid naming money, prestige or job security as reasons why you want to be a doctor. If your parents were doctors or pushed you to become a doctor, this will not be viewed as a good reason by admission committees, either.

9. What are the 3 most important qualities of a good doctor?

There are many qualities that make a good doctor, but above all, doctors need to be excellent listeners and communicators and empathetic and caring to their patients. Doctors need to be advocates for their patients, be able to work well as part of a medical team, and have a desire for lifelong learning.

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