Wondering how to get into Kellogg business school? You are not alone. Thousands of students are also trying to figure out how to get into one of the best MBA programs in the world. Kellogg’s MBA program has been ranked as one of the best in the US and the world by respected publications like Forbes and the economist. This management school has been around since 1908, and has made significant contributions to several fields of study since then. Whether you’re just starting to wonder how to get into grad school or you already have Kellogg business school in your sights and are working on your application, this blog will give you all the information you need about the Kellogg School of Management and how you can get in. 

Please note: although we have made every effort to provide the most accurate information, admissions information changes frequently. Therefore, we encourage you to verify these details with the official university admissions office. You are responsible for your own results. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any official universities, colleges, or test administrators and vice versa. 

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Article Contents
13 min read

Mission Statement Available Programs Application Timeline Eligibility & Admissions Selection Factors The Interview Application Fees, Tuition, and Debt Acceptance and Waitlist Information Contact Information FAQs

Mission Statement

(A.K.A Kellogg purpose): “To educate, equip and inspire leaders who build strong organizations and wisely leverage the power of markets to create lasting value.”

Available Programs

Full Time MBA

The Kellogg school of management (commonly referred to as Kellogg or Kellogg business school) offers a variety of MBA programs designed to give students the core management skills they need to lead boldly and challenge the conventional ways of doing things. Their programs are built on a unique Cross-Disciplinary Model that focuses on solving real-life problems while allowing them to explore other interests through a wide range of electives and cross-disciplinary initiatives. The faculty offers:

Joint MBA Programs

Kellogg also offers a few Full-time dual degree MBAs that are ideal for business leaders interested in other fields of study. By combining disciplines, a student can acquire two degrees faster while obtaining more practical knowledge and experience. It's also a great way to lower the costs of tuition as one slightly more expensive program will still end up costing less than two separate programs. Kellogg business school offers the following joint degrees:

Executive MBA (EMBA)

Kellogg Business school has one of the largest, most prestigious Executive MBA networks globally, thanks to its two U.S. campuses and five international partnerships. This program is designed for mid-career executives and experienced professionals ready to take their careers to the next level. It has a rigorous curriculum that focuses on leadership development and building new frameworks for solving challenging business problems. This unique program allows you to learn from and with other like-minded professionals while becoming a part of a vast global network. The average applicant for the EMBA has eight years of experience, but candidates with fewer years of experience have also been successfully admitted into the program.

Doctoral Programs

The doctoral program at Kellogg business school brings an interdisciplinary approach to the nine different fields of study, including a JD-PhD degree that enables postgraduate students to simultaneously earn a law degree and a Ph.D. Most students complete the program in five years. They spend years one and two focused on coursework, and then years three through five are spent on research and writing the dissertation. 

Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS)

This program is designed for students with a STEM or liberal arts background. It's a ten-month program featuring an innovative curriculum that blends academic rigor with real-world practicality. Unlike most MBA programs, this program does not require any work experience and instead offers broad exposure to several management topics. The aim is to have well-rounded graduates who have the confidence and competitive edge to stand out in any industry of their choosing. To be eligible for the MS in Management Studies Program, applicants must be in their final year of undergraduate studies or a recent graduate with less than a year of work experience. 

Application Timeline

Kellogg business school has three rounds of admissions during the school year; in the fall, the summer, and the spring. Student applications must be submitted before 5 p.m. CST on the application deadline date. Below are the current application deadlines for Kellogg Business School. Remember to check the school’s website for the most up-to-date information.

Round 1

  • Application Deadline September 15
  • Decision Released December 8

Round 2

  • Application Deadline January 5
  • Decision Released March 23

Round 3

  • Application Deadline April 6
  • Decision Released May 11 

We recommend applying in Round 1, as this can be advantageous when it comes to grants, scholarships, and on-campus housing. Furthermore, if you are an international student, you should consider the amount of time needed to complete and submit your visa applications. Applying to Kellogg business school in the first or second round would be best.

You should also keep in mind that your timeline will depend on the program you are applying to. To be eligible for a full-time MBA, you need to have a few years of experience under your belt, ideally, four to six years. This is significantly different for a candidate interested in MSMS because they will need to apply to the program while finishing their undergraduate degree or shortly after.

Are you interested in tips for finding inspiration for personal statements or interviews? This video has helpful advice:

Eligibility & Admissions

Admission Statistics

Kellogg business school no longer publishes their admission statistics, but the acceptance rate was about 20% in previous years. This means that only one in five applicants got into one of the school’s MBA programs. The current class has an average undergraduate GPA of 3.7, a GMAT score of 727, and five years of work experience. Over a quarter of the class came from the consulting industry (28%), the others came from other financial services (29%), and various other sectors like health, the military, and manufacturing. These numbers suggest that Kellogg is just as competitive as the other top schools in the US, like Wharton business school or Harvard business school. 


The numbers outlined above are significant because they give you a good idea of what you are up against, but the Kellogg school of management cares about a lot more than just your GPA and the industry that you came from. There are, of course, minimum requirements that you will need to meet, but if you feel like your profile doesn’t fit into the numbers above, don’t worry. Kellogg is famous for having an extensive application process that enables the admissions committee to really get to know the applicants. In other words, you will get the chance to ramp up the other components of your application and increase your chances of being admitted. This process also allows you to show the admissions committee why you are a good fit for their program. 

To be eligible to apply, you need to have the following:

Selection Factors

What Does the Kellogg School of Management Look for in an Applicant?  

You will recall that we said that Kellogg business school has a very thorough application process. This is because they know what kind of candidate they want. Kellog's cross-disciplinarity approach to business is focused on building leaders who will challenge the conventional way of doing things. That's why they look for candidates who are not afraid to question the status quo and seek non-obvious solutions. They want energetic, creative students eager to learn from their courses, community, and peers. 

Kellogg also values diversity in their global network, so they look for individuals who do the same. This is reflected in the school's demographics and contributes to the rich experience that they provide. The Executive MBA network includes professionals from all over the world, and the current MBA class of 508 students has 248 women. Furthermore, 36% of the class is international students, and 23% of the student body comprises visible minorities who are underrepresented in the US.

Application Requirements

To ensure that you would be a good fit for the program, Kellogg business school evaluates your intellectual ability, work experience, leadership ability, professional goals, impact and interpersonal skills. To apply for the program, you must provide the documents listed below. In addition to those, Kellogg asks for an MBA video essay, and unlike most MBA programs, they interview all applicants. 

  1. Kellogg MBA Essays
  2. Transcripts 
  3. GMAT or GRE score  
  4. Letters of recommendation 
  5. MBA Resume
  6. Application responses

Working on your MBA resume and looking for tips? These should help:

Strengthen Your Application with:

Good Scores

You have a one in five chance of getting into Kellogg business school, so you need to do everything you can to stand out. One way of doing this is making sure that your test scores and academic transcripts are up to par. The school does not specify a minimum score on the GMAT or GRE, but a higher score will show them that you have the academic and intellectual prowess that they are looking for. Kellogg requires that you take the GMAT or GRE; it does not have a preference for one or the other. So, when you start thinking about how to get into grad school, research both of them and take the best exam for you. You should aim to have a score that at least meets the current class's average.

Whenever you can go the extra mile, do so! If you can take both the GMAT and GRE, do it and use the higher score to apply. It’s also a good idea to think about the program you are applying to. For example, the JD-MBA program does not require you to take the LSAT, but having an LSAT score would go a long way in showing the committee that you are dedicated to learning about business management and law. 

Resume and Work Experience

The Kellogg business school application requires a submission of a resume/CV, where you can outline your professional and academic experience that makes you the perfect candidate for Kellogg. The school does not have any length or format restrictions but do remember that you want the resume to be concise and clear. The application also has an employment section so you can provide the committee with a more in-depth understanding of your career history.

The admissions committee highly recommends that you have a minimum of two years’ worth of work experience before applying to the full-time MBA programs. Work experience will give you the background knowledge to keep up in many classes. It will also enrich your experience and help you to fully participate in class discussions. Often, applicants assume that since the school is looking for leadership ability, they only want students with managerial experience, but this is not the case. Even in an assisting role, you often have the opportunity to show your leadership skills. You want to focus on highlighting the responsibilities that allowed you to demonstrate your leadership potential and your interest in your chosen field. For example, if you are applying to the MD-MBA program and you worked as a receptionist at a walk-in clinic for a year, you should include this experience in your application. It is not a management position, but it demonstrates a clear interest in the field of healthcare. Furthermore, you can always provide clear examples of your leadership skills at work in this position.

The Right Referees 

The application to Kellogg also asks for recommendation letters. You should have a minimum of two, and you should be very careful when picking your referees. Kellogg asks that your recommendation letters be written by a current supervisor or manager, and a former supervisor/manager, or client. Your chosen writers should also know you well enough from school settings or professionally to give the committee detailed information about you instead of a letter full of generic comments. Applicants are often tempted to ask a Kellogg alumnus to write a reference for them even if this person does not necessarily know them well. If you have worked with an alumnus before and they can provide a strong reference then you should absolutely ask them but if you have to choose between a detailed letter of recommendation and a blanket statement from an alumnus, you should pick the detailed letter.

Remember to inform your referees early and ensure you provide them with all the information they will need and plenty of time to write a strong letter of reference. For example, The Kellogg school of business requires referees to answer these three specific prompts:

  1. Kellogg has a diverse student body and values students who are inclusive and encouraging of others with differing perspectives and backgrounds. Please tell us about a time when you witnessed the candidate living these values. (300 words)
  2. How does the candidate's performance compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples. (300 words)
  3. Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the candidate. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant's response. (250 words) 

Video Essays

The video essay section of the Kellogg business school application can be daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. You will have 20 seconds to think about the question and up to one minute to give your response. The good news is that there are practice questions that you may complete as many times as you like to get comfortable with the technology and format. If you have ever heard of a snapshot, the format will feel familiar to you. The practice questions simulate the actual video essay experience, so we encourage you to use them to help you feel prepared. In addition to that, you will know what to expect from the actual essays before seating down to record the video. The video essay involves three sections. First, you will be asked to introduce yourself to the committee. Secondly, you will be asked about the path you are on, why you are interested in it and why you think the Kellogg program is right for you. The last question will be about a challenge you have faced and how you overcame it.

The admissions committee asks these very open-ended questions for a reason. The video essays are supposed to give the committee a sense of who you are. So let your personality shine through, keep your answers concise and avoid rumbling. 

Video essays are the last thing reviewed by the committee before your interview, so they will already know quite a bit about you by the time they watch it. Remember that you are sending in a whole application with your video essays. Use this time to put some of the things on your application into context. For example, when you are asked to introduce yourself to the committee, you shouldn’t say your name and then summarize your resume. Instead, you can tell them who you are and give some background as to how you got interested in your chosen field in the first place. 

Written Essays

In addition to the video essays, the Kellogg business school admissions team also requires you to write two essays. Your essays would be responding to the following prompts:

  1. Kellogg’s purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who create lasting value. Provide a recent example where you have demonstrated leadership and created value. What challenges did you face and what did you learn? (450 words)
  2. Values are what guide you in your life and work. What values are important to you and how have they influenced you? (450 words)

Some of the programs may require an additional essay with its own specific prompt, so make sure you check the program requirements. At this time, these are the additional essays that are required:

Most graduate schools ask for an MBA personal statement, and while Kellogg business school does not openly require a submission of a personal statement, consider these prompts as your chance to elaborate on why you want to pursue an MBA and why you are the perfect candidate for this program. Remember to always address the prompt and keep to the length requirements stated by the school.

The Interview

The last step in the application process is the interview. Unlike most programs, Kellogg doesn’t only interview a few select candidates, they interview all the applicants. The process can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be as bad as you think. With enough preparation, you can ace the interview and make a good impression.

You should think about interviews as a conversation between you and the admissions committee. They want to make sure you are a good fit for their program. You applied because you know that you are, so this is simply your chance to show them. As soon as you have submitted your application, you should start preparing for the interview. There is no way to know the specific questions that they are going to ask so we recommend that you review different MBA interview questions and start preparing your answers. Ideally, you will practice with a professional in a mock interview setting. Participating in realistic mocks will not only help you get used to the interview format, but also allow your MBA admissions consulting service to provide you with personalized feedback on your performance.

At this time, all interviews are virtual and scheduled within six weeks of the application deadline. It is important to dress professionally during your interview even if it is virtual and make sure you are mindful of the environment you are in, especially the background and level of noise around you. Make sure you test your equipment and have back-up internet and technology options in case anything goes wrong.

Wondering what kind of MBA interview questions you will likely face? Check out this infographic:

Application Fees, Tuition, and Debt

Applying to Kellogg will cost you $250, unless you qualify for a fee waiver. Only certain applicants like active-duty U.S. military applicants, U.S. military veterans who have been on active duty within three years of applying, candidates employed by Teach for America, or the Peace Corps can apply for the waiver. You can check the school’s website for a comprehensive list of eligible applicants.  

The tuition fees can range from $79,000 to over $120,000 depending on the program that you are considering.

62% of students at Kellogg have some form of financial aid, including but not limited to loans and scholarships. The school has a generous financial aid department. that is open five days a week to answer any questions you may have. Furthermore, U.S. citizens and permanent residents can borrow funds from the Federal Direct Loan Program. One of the programs can even loan up to the maximum cost of attendance per year, minus other financial aid and other forms of educational funding.

Acceptance and Waitlist Information

The Kellogg Admissions Committee renders decisions on a rolling basis between January and August. Waitlist decisions exist outside the round format and applicants can be admitted or denied at any time throughout this period. This decision will be communicated to you by email and shortly after receiving your initial Kellogg waitlist decision communication, you will receive a second email asking you to complete a form confirming your interest in remaining on the Kellogg waitlist. All forms need to be submitted by the date indicated in the follow-up email or you will be automatically removed from consideration.

We know that being waitlisted can be disheartening but do not lose hope. The school makes it clear that they do anticipate admitting students from the waiting list. You may advise the committee of any relevant professional or personal developments since you submitted your application, and/or new insights that have impacted your interest in Kellogg. The program does however discourage submitting additional letters of recommendation so avoid doing this.

Contact Information

Kellogg School of Business homepage

Kellogg School of Business admissions page

You may contact the admissions team by e-mail: [email protected]

OR by phone: 847 491 3308


1. Is Kellogg business school worth it?

Kellogg School of Management is one of the world's oldest business schools, and its MBA program has consistently ranked among the best in the United States and the world. In other words, it is a great school, but not all great schools are worth it for everyone. You should research the program you are interested in thoroughly and consider all factors to decide if it is worth it for you.

2. How competitive is Kellogg business school?

The competition is fierce. The numbers suggest that one in five applicants get accepted into the program. The good news is that the school has a holistic review process that gives applicants multiple chances to show that they are the right fit for Kellogg.

3. When should I take the GRE or the GMAT?

We recommend getting your exams out of the way as early as you can so that you can focus on strengthening other aspects of your application. That said, the test scores are only valid for five years, so keep that in mind while you plan. 

4. What GMAT score do I need to get in Kellogg business school?

The school does not have an official minimum score, but the average GMAT score for Kellogg School of Management is 727. We suggest aiming for that score or higher.

5. I am an international student, am I eligible for Kellogg’s MBA program?

International students are indeed eligible to apply for Kellogg business school's MBA program.

6. What kind of applicant is Kellogg looking for?

Kellogg business school wants applicants who will align with its mission statement. They want candidates with work experience, leadership potential, clear professional goals, good interpersonal skills and who aren't afraid of doing things unconventionally.

7. How long will I have to wait to find out if I have been selected for an interview?

Kellogg business school does something a bit unusual here: they interview all the applicants to their MBA programs and not just a select few. You will receive an invitation within six weeks of submitting your application.

8. Who should I ask to write my letters of recommendation?

Ideally, one of your referees will be a current manager or supervisor, while the second will be a former manager or supervisor. 

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

Disclaimer: BeMo does not endorse or affiliate with any universities, colleges, or official test administrators. The content has been developed based on the most recent publicly available data provided from the official university website. However, you should always check the statistics/requirements with the official school website for the most up to date information. You are responsible for your own results. 

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