Are you wondering if working with a law school advisor is worth it? To put it simply, yes, it is. Admission to law school is very competitive, especially if you want to get into one of the best law schools in Canada or the United States. To beat the odds and get that coveted admission letter, you need the right information and strategies that will make your application stand out. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about the services of a law school advisor and how they can help you do just that. We will also tell you a bit more about one of the best law school advisors out there. So, keep reading if you have questions about working with a law school advisor.

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Article Contents
8 min read

How competitive is law school? What exactly is a law school advisor and how do they help students? Top 3 reasons why BeMo is the best choice for a law school advisor Conclusion FAQs

How Competitive is Law School?

We're not going to sugarcoat it; getting into law school can be pretty challenging, even at the easiest law schools to get into. Law schools are quite selective and law school acceptance rates reflect this. In the United States, there are almost 200 different law schools, and the average acceptance rate is less than 50%. Some of the top programs in the county have even lower rates that go as low as almost 3%. For example, UPenn law school has an acceptance rate of 3.9%, and Northwestern Law school has an acceptance rate of 4.52%. There are 24 law schools in Canada, and they are just as competitive. The University of Manitoba’s Robson Hall Faculty of Law, for example, has one of the highest acceptance rates in the country and that is still only 16%

US law schools average acceptance rate is less than 50%

These numbers tell us that if you want to get into law school, you need to be a competitive applicant. This means that you need to have an LSAT score that is equivalent to or higher than the average of your target school's entering class. Additionally, while it is possible to get into law school with a low GPA, it requires a bit of elbow grease to ensure that your other application components, such as your law school personal statement and law school resume, are compelling enough to compensate for your grades.

 Preparing law school applications and applying is not an easy process. It can actually be a lengthy and complex process. This is why many students consider working with a law school advisor who can help them maximize their chances of success. 

What Exactly is a Law School Advisor and How Do They Help Students?

A law school advisor provides a form of law school admissions consulting. Essentially, they are admission specialists who help students navigate that long, challenging journey that we were just talking about. They provide guidance, tips, strategies, and high yield techniques that give applicants a much better chance of getting into law schools.

Most universities and colleges have their own student advisors, and sometimes, they even have advisors for specific specialties such as medical school or law school. That said, we recommend working with an eternal advisor instead of your college student advisors for your law school application. This is because student advisors are usually helping multiple students at the same time and may not have enough time to pay attention to the details of your application. Furthermore, unlike law school advisors, student advisors are not admission experts. They can only provide you with information about the specific school that they work for, or the same information that is available on other school websites.

Let's explore the different ways in which external law school advisors can help you:

#1: They help you plan for law school

Application rejection is very common among students in many different fields, including law school applicants. Students have a tendency to pick schools based on factors such as popularity and prestige among law school rankings. We're not saying that these factors are not important because they can affect your employment opportunities in the long run, but there are a lot of other factors to consider. A law school advisor can help you determine which schools are right for you by looking at your background, interests, and values. They can use this information to figure out the schools that are most likely to be a good match for you academically and personally. 

Furthermore, they can help you plan to ensure that you meet the requirements of those schools. For example, some law schools, such as Stanford law school, do not have a minimum GPA or LSAT requirement, but that doesn't mean that their admission board does not have expectations. Law school advisors are very familiar with the admissions process, which means that they understand this, and they can help you plan to ensure that you do more than just meet the stated requirements when it comes time to apply.  

They may do this by teaching you how to study for the LSAT, providing recommendations for an LSAT tutor or LSAT prep course, advising you on the right courses to take during your undergraduate degree, or helping you with picking the right law school extracurriculars and internships that could impress the admissions committee. Depending on when you contact a law school advisor, they can ensure that your academic and professional background leading up to law school applications makes you an attractive candidate for the top law school programs in the country. 

#2: They help you apply to law school

Once you've figured out what schools you want to apply to, it is time to prepare your application components. The exact documents and exams required for admission to law school will vary depending on the program and the school you're applying to. That said, you should expect to have to provide some or all of the following: 

In some cases, you may even have the option of submitting a law school addendum or a law school diversity statement. Depending on your particular situation, these essays can significantly impact your application, so if one of them applies to you, you should definitely write it. 

A law school advisor is specifically trained to help people with these types of essays and other application documents that many students are not familiar with. Even applicants who have great writing ability sometimes struggle with writing essays like personal statements because people find it hard to talk about themselves. Additionally, application essays are tricky. You must highlight your strongest qualities without sounding overconfident, provide the admission committee with new information that cannot be found in the rest of your application components, and convince them that you deserve a spot in their entering law school class. It's a tall order! 

A good law school advisor can help you brainstorm, and guide you as you write, edit, and polish your essays. They can provide personalized feedback to ensure your essay and other application components stand out! 

#3: They help you find & apply for scholarships

In addition to being selective, law schools can also get pretty expensive. Law school fees can cost as much as $100,000 per academic year, depending on the institution. It's, therefore, not surprising that most law school students take on student loans and apply for financial aid programs for assistance. A good law school advisor can also assist you in this department. They are able to help you research, find, and apply for different scholarship programs to help offset the cost of your fees.

#4: They prepare you for law school interviews

One of the most important steps in the law school admissions process is the law school interview. Not every school conducts these, and not every applicant will be interviewed by schools that do conduct interviews. However, if you are called for an interview, it is crucial that you put your best foot forward and do well, as they can significantly impact the admission board's decision. The key to doing that is to prepare for law school interviews.

A law school advisor can help you by conducting mock interviews and providing you with personalized feedback to improve your performance. Students are often unaware of little things that can affect their overall interview. For example, some people tend to mumble the answers that they are not confident about, while others have a hard time staying on track when they are nervous and start rambling. A law school advisor would be able to notice these details during mock interviews and give you actionable tips that will make a difference for you. 

They can also review common law school interview questions with you, help you structure your own answers to them so that they are as strong as possible, and teach you about law school interview etiquette. Overall, they ensure that you have the skills and strategies needed to ace your law school interview. 

#5: They teach you valuable skills

Working with a good law school advisor is great because it increases your chances of getting accepted to the law school of your choice, but also because it gives you lifelong skills that will be valuable to you in law school, and beyond. They help you improve your research skills, writing abilities, and interview performance. How? Through all the coaching that you will receive.

For example, a good law school advisor will not write your law school personal statement for you. Actually, you should stay away from any consultants or advisors who will do the work for you. Instead, you want work with the advisors who will give you advice, teach you strategies, and guide you through the entire process. When they are helping you through the process of writing your law school application essays, good advisors will teach you what kind of questions you need to ask yourself when you are brainstorming, they will teach you how to show instead of just telling, and several other skills that will help improve the quality of all of your future essays.

This is what you’d pick up from working on your application essays, alone but working with an advisor can teach you a lot more depending on the services that you require from them. For example, if you work with a law school advisor to prepare for your law school interview, they will not only teach you how to comport yourself in different types of interview settings such as video interviews, and how to answer interview questions that are specifically about law – but they will also teach you how to approach typical interview questions that tend to come up in the professional world as well. Questions such as tell me about yourself or what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses; Thus, preparing you for future interviews as well.

Top 3 Reasons Why BeMo is the Best Choice for a Law School Advisor 

If you decide to invest in the services of a law school advisor, you need to ensure that you are spending your hard-earned money on a qualified professional who will be able to help you in all the ways that we described above and beyond. We recommend that you take the time to learn about the law school advisors that you are considering and ensure that they are worth the investment. 

Since we have a team of law school advisors here at BeMo who have a proven track record of helping students get into top programs, we would be remiss if we didn't tell you a little bit about them. So here are three reasons why BeMo academic consulting is worth it:

BeMo Overall Success Rate


Getting into law school is hard, but with the right information, strategies, and guidance, you can get admitted into some of the most selective programs in the country. Working with a law school advisor can help you improve the chances of getting that acceptance letter the first time you apply to law school by helping you plan, prepare and submit the most compelling application possible. While their services are not free, they are definitely worth the investment in your future.


1. How hard is it to get into law school?

Getting into law school is not easy. For every 100 applications that most law schools receive, less than 50 of the students are offered admission. That number is even smaller for prestigious schools such as Yale law school, or Columbia law school.

2. Can I still get into law school without a law school advisor?

Yes, you certainly can. Some students do no need a law school advisor, but others like having that support and guidance to help them navigate the challenging application process. Consider the advantages and drawbacks of working with an advisor and decide if it would be right for you.

3. How much does a law school advisor cost?

The cost can be as low as a few hundred dollars, or upwards of thousands of dollars depending on the advisor you are working and the services you need. Most advisors offer different options to help you manage this cost.

4. What exactly do law school advisors do?

A law school advisor helps you find the right schools and funding opportunities, they also prepare you for law school applications and interviews by giving you the tools and strategies that you need to apply to create a competitive application.

5. What LSAT score do I need to get into law school?

This will depend on the school that you want to get into. Many law schools in the US and Canada actually don’t have a minimum requirement for standardized tests like the LSAT but they will have expectations, so make sure you check the entering class’s average scores and use that as a guide. You should aim to have the same average score or higher.

6. Can I get into law school with a low GPA?

Getting into law school with a low GPA is not impossible, but it is hard. You will need to make sure your LSAT score, and other application components are outstanding to compensate for your grades.

7. What should I look for in a law school advisor?

You should look for a law school advisor with experience helping other students and good reviews, who offers personalized feedback and one on one sessions during which they can focus on helping you submit the strongest application possible.

8. Why does BeMo have the best law school advisors?

Every law school advisor at BeMo has been specially selected because they are not only an expert in their field, but they also believe in helping students achieve their dreams. They go through a very rigorous training process and are continuously learning how to make things better for students. So, when they provide personalized feedback, advice and strategies to help you, you can rest assured that they not only have the expertise to help you, but they also have your best interest in mind.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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