Is BeMo Academic Consulting worth it? Why should students even work with admissions experts? These are questions we get all the time and are happy to answer. Our students understand the value of our services, such as our medical school admissions consulting, but we know to some, it may seem like a lot of time, effort, and money. We’re here to put some of your concerns to rest. By the end of this article, you’ll see why working with BeMo is totally worth it, considered a solid investment in your future, and why our services are supported enthusiastically by thousands of students!

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Article Contents
6 min read

Why Consider BeMo? The BeMo Advantage Working With Admissions Experts: Weighing Short-Term Costs Against Long-Term Benefits Working With Admissions Experts:: Other Considerations We Stand Behind our Work FAQs

Why Consider BeMo? The BeMo Advantage

Being granted admission to your educational program of choice isn’t easy.

There any many parts of the admissions process where students could benefit from working with an admissions professional. For example, almost 50% of students end up re-writing their admissions tests such as the MCAT. This carries a huge cost of time, money and energy.

If you're confident in your ability to write the MCAT, then perhaps you’re wondering, ‘can a medical school advisor or medical school admissions consultant help me with my medical school interview preparation or medical school application?’

The answer to your question is, yes! Many of our students come to us for personalized medical school interview prep:

“My interview prep session with Dr. Joseph Narusis at BeMo consultancy was invaluable. He provided comprehensive insights into my answers. His personalized feedback and practical strategies were exceptional. From structuring responses to providing key talking points, the tips he provided were super helpful. Thank you for the wonderful session.”Anusha, Former BeMo Student

"I am preparing for the medical school interview and Steven Chen helped me a lot by providing constructive relevant feedback, highlighting areas for improvement, and giving meaningful and useful tips to stand out on the interview. The course is expensive but it is worth it; I will apply received knowledge and skills for all my future interviews." - Mary, BeMo student.

Besides admissions test preparation, there are many other reasons to work with a BeMo consultant. From general reviews of applications and tips, help with specific components like interview prep or writing personal statements, to helping find the right program to fit your needs.

…But, what about the cost?

Working With Admissions Experts: Weighing Short-Term Costs Against Long-Term Benefits

There’s no avoiding the question of cost – and there shouldn’t be! In this case, cost is better perceived as an investment. Working with an admissions expert can help you in the long run. We encourage you to consider the following points when thinking about cost vs. investment:

Investing in Admissions Expertise

Though there is an initial cost to hiring our Admissions Experts, the long-term benefits significantly outweigh the expense. This includes saving on repeated application fees and avoiding delayed earnings from potential reapplications or attending a school that is not right for you.

Costs of Applying

The application process involves various expenses—application fees, travel for interviews, etc., which accumulate quickly. You don’t want all that money to go to waste if you are rejected!

Efficiency and Success

BeMo’s proven coaching on applications, essays, CASPer prep, MMI prep, and interview prep enhances your admission chances, at a lower cost than reapplying after a rejection. Avoid the loss of potential annual earnings by maximizing your chances of success the first time.

Return on Investment in Admissions Coaching

While the cost of our coaching services is an upfront expense, the potential lifetime earnings of professionals far surpass this initial outlay. Consider the high annual salary of a medical doctor  or lawyer. Each year delayed in starting your career represents a significant financial loss compared to the cost of our services and is relatively little compared to things like tuition during these programs.

Affordable and Accessible Services

We offer interest-free installment payments and provide free access to many of our resources—videos, courses, and books—to ensure our services are accessible to all aspiring professionals.

The Value of Knowledge

As Benjamin Franklin stated, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” By investing in our service, you are guaranteeing you have the best possible information on all aspects of your application process, whether that’s navigating new admissions policies or figuring out complicated application requirements. 

Strategic Investment

Preparing for professional or graduate school is the largest investment in your life, necessitating smaller, strategic investments to ensure entry into these competitive programs.

Working With Admissions Experts: Other Considerations


Time is a precious resource, especially in the context of preparing for admissions requirements and strategizing how to complete every step effectively within your limited application timeline. This can be difficult to schedule and navigate alone. That’s why working with an expert can help:

“Met with [a BeMo consultant] today for my first Med App Strategy session. He was very helpful in informing me of my options in preparing to apply to med school as well as timelines of what I need to complete when. He helped me come up with a realistic plan of action going forward as well as timelines for each step. I really appreciate the time he dedicated to my session!”Olga, Former BeMo Student

Consider this scenario: you quickly prepare your application or interview without expert guidance, you make a small mistake or you misunderstand the intent behind a confusing application prompt. You are rejected from your dream school and are forced to reapply.

At BeMo, we emphasize "PERFECT practice makes perfect."

Our Admissions Experts offer objective and thorough guidance, ensuring your preparation is not only correct but effective. This expert intervention reduces preparation time significantly. For instance, our typical review process includes multiple rounds of feedback on application essays, ensuring each iteration improves significantly upon the last. This structured approach accelerates your readiness and enhances the quality of your submissions, increasing your chances of success at your dream school on the first attempt.


To put it plainly: our services work, and our students love working with us!

Our Admissions Experts are deeply devoted to student success. We help each student refine and present their best selves, using techniques with proven effectiveness. This double-blind study shows students in our program increasing their MMI and CASPer practice scores by 23-27%, following multiple coaching sessions. The research is clear: admissions assessments like CASPer and MMI are highly coachable, and BeMo’s methods work!

As well, you can check out our ever-growing list of Student Success Stories, with students gaining admission to graduate and professional programs of all kinds, all over the world. The enthusiasm of students for our programs speaks for itself!

Here is a list of schools where BeMo’s students have gained acceptance – as you’ll see, our students have been accepted to the most competitive programs globally such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, nursing, PhD/Master's, physician assistant, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and many more. We’re also now collecting video reviews from students, and you can view that playlist here.

Additionally, prestigious schools like McGill University and the University of Michigan have recommended BeMo’s resources for medical school admissions, preparing for the MMI, and preparing for the CASPer test. In fact, their Career Centers keep our books in their collections!

Finally, you can look at our BeMo reviews on Trustpilot, where thousands of students have reflected honestly on their experiences working with BeMo. When students succeed, we succeed; when students are satisfied, we are satisfied.

The Value of Mentorship

What it is like to work with a BeMo consultant during the application process? It’s like having a mentor along every step of the way.

While you might not think you need a mentor, mentorship is a key to success in any field. There’s no reason to struggle and attempt to do difficult things on your own. At BeMo, our rigorously selected consultants are deeply familiar with the admissions process, equipped to coach you through it effectively, ensuring you articulate your qualities persuasively and maximize your potential. 

“Noora Darwish [BeMo Consultant] is simply amazing! Her guidance and support have been invaluable to me. Whether it's advice on academics, career decisions, or just navigating life, she always knows just what to say. I feel incredibly fortunate to have her as a mentor.”Anonymous, Former BeMo Student


Our students often recognize that our guidance transcends mere application techniques, impacting their broader professional development. We focus on teaching lifelong skills, ethical reflection, and effective self-presentation, which are valuable not only for admissions but throughout their careers. Don’t just take it from us…

“Shaughnelene [BeMo Consultant] was absolutely fantastic during our session! Her insights truly elevated my answers, making them more professional and packed with important buzzwords that really made me stand out. I can't thank her enough for such a productive session with BeMo!”Reza, Former BeMo Student

This commitment extends beyond just achieving admissions success; it’s about nurturing the next generation of respected professionals and fostering thoughtful, reflective practitioners in various fields

We Stand Behind our Work

Finally, we stand behind the work we do. Our programs come with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, and select top programs even come with a Get In or Your Money Back® Guarantee. It’s simple: if you aren’t satisfied, we aren’t satisfied. We are confident in the services we offer, which is why we put our money where our mouth is!

Come work with us and see for yourself!



BeMo is not a scam! Our positive reviews speak for themselves!


BeMo provides a wide variety of services, including complete application review, interview prep for MMI, CASPer, and more, and exam prep for MCAT, OSCE, etc. 


Dr. Behrouz Moemeni started BeMo to help students get into their dream educational programs, regardless of their social, economic, or cultural background.


All of our programs come with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Some programs even come with a Get In or Your Money Back® Guarantee


Think of BeMo’s programs as an investment in your future! The cost of BeMo’s services could be considerably less than having to apply in additional application cycle if you get rejected.


Forums like Reddit can be a great place to start or a place to seek out connections with those applying to the same programs as you. However, these forums do not provide individualized feedback and can be misleading


BeMo has very positive reviews on external platforms like TrustPilot. We earned these reviews by helping students get into their dream programs!


While BeMo can be useful for anyone, even if you are very confident with your application, we might not be the best choice for you in this moment. That’s why we offer a free initial consulting call so we can determine what your needs are!

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo,

BeMo Academic Consulting

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