My final thoughts:
If you are completely satisfied with your strategies to get accepted and you are confident that you can get in on your own or with the help of Dr. Google or a random online forum, then our programs are probably not for you.
If you are looking for a magic pill or for cheap quick dirty "tricks" to get in, this is also not for you.
If you are serious about making every aspect of your application stand out - and as a result have schools compete for the privilege of having you as a student - and willing to spend the necessary time, money and energy, then this is exactly for you.
Since you have come this far, I hope that some internal resistance, procrastination or cost doesn't stop you. The cost of our programs is considerably lower than the cost of the re-application process if you get rejected. The cost is even minuscule to the benefits of becoming a high-earning, well-respected future professional. Remember, when you get in and become a practicing professional, you'll be reaping the financial and non-financial benefits for the rest of your life and you'll have bragging rights and the rightful sense of pride that you made the right choice to invest in yourself at such a pivotal moment forever.
So to make it easier, here is my guarantee.
BeMo's 100% Love It Or Your Money Back Guarantee:
"If you are not completely satisfied with your first consultation session, let us know by end of the day of the same day of your first consultation and we will issue a full refund."
Click the link below to schedule your free initial consultation today. We'll schedule a time for you to speak with one of our admissions experts and plan a personalized course of action. Then if you are a good fit for our program, we'll tell you about our services and you can choose to enroll at your discretion.
We look forward to working with you. Welcome to the team!
To your success,
Behrouz Moemeni, PhD
CEO @ BeMo
Yes! I want to schedule my free initial consultation!
UPDATE: Only a few spots remaining as of March 2025.