Money Back Guarantee

Copyright Notice: The content of this entire website including the works in this page are registered copyright of BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. ("BeMo"). The reproduction (in part or in its entirety), modification, or any distribution of the following, in any form, without the express written permission of BeMo is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action.

To find the money back guarantee criteria and details, click on the program and then your discipline. For example if you are enrolling in a one of BeMo's application review programs for medical school admissions in the USA or Canada, click "Application Review Programs", then click on "Medical School Application Review (USA & Canada)"

CASPer Preparation

CASPer Score Guarantee:

If you enroll in the Titanium or Platinum programs, we guarantee that you'll increase your CASPer score or we will issue a refund OR you can repeat the program at no cost. The way it works is very simple. When you first enroll, we'll record your first practice CASPer test score to establish your baseline performance or record your last official CASPer test score. After the program we'll check your score for the last 3 practice tests.

 If your official casper score or practice test score has increased compared your baseline, then great! If not, you'll have 5 business days to request a redo of our program so we can help you again at no charge or request a refund.

  • Must provide proof of current application submission to a program that requires CASPer.
  • Must provide official CASPer scores for all previously taken CASPer exams.
  • Must completely adhere to and follow the instructions of our expert advice throughout the program including when to the take the test.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Must watch the CASPer video course and follow all instructions prior to the first session.
  • Must start the program at least 4 weeks before your actual test date and your first prep session must be at least 4 weeks from your official test date
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you become ineligible for the money back guarantee, you will allowed to repeat the program once free of charge.
Application review Programs
Medical School Application Review (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  •  You must purchase the Titanium or Platinum application review program.
  •  Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and MCAT requirements for your chosen schools.
  • Must meet and follow all application requirements for your chosen schools.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews, CASPer (if applicable), MCAT (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must enroll in the Titanium and Platinum application review program and begin your program at least 4 weeks before application deadlines if none of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process or if any of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process, at least 4 weeks before optimal time of application submission. The optimal time of application submission for rolling admissions is within 4 weeks of when application submission is opened for submission each year.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • If your program requires an interview, you must complete your interview prep video course and attend your first interview prep session at least 4 weeks before the date of your first interview.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our expert advice or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official MCAT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Medical School Secondary Essay Review (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview 
  • Must strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet all coursework requirements for your chosen schools.
  •  Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and standardized test requirements for your chosen schools.
  • If your program requires an interview, you must complete your interview prep video course (if applicable) and attend your first interview prep session at least 4 weeks before the date of your first interview.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our expert advice or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don't get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official MCAT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Medical School Application Review (UK)

Before we go into the details, it is important to note that we can only guarantee what we can control and it's only coaching you on your application documents, CASPer and interview performance. We do not have any control over your reference letters, school selection, grades, UCAT, and when you submit your applications. That's why we expect that you have decent UCAT and grades (not perfect) as indicated below and also that you are invited to at least one interview because interview invitation is dependant on all of these factors some of which are outside of our control. As outlined below we also expect that you strictly adhere to the instructions of our experts. If you do not meet the criteria below, you can still take advantage of the Titanium and Platinum programs and most students choose these programs because of their comprehensive nature rather than the details of the guarantee below. Nevertheless here are the details:

Purchased after Jan 24, 2022:

The following only applies to Platinum and Titanium programs and cannot be combined with the Free Acceptance challenge or the free repeat guarantees.

If you have won the challenge or used the free repeat, you cannot claim this money back guarantee.

Yes, we understand that this is not necessary given the free repeat and the Free Acceptance challenge guarantees. But we want to show you that we're that serious about helping you and we've made sure that our priorities are aligned which is help you succeed. If you win, we win.

To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the Platinum or the Titanium application review schools.package, be invited to at least one interview and strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school. Of course you should also meet all coursework requirements for your chosen

Additional eligibility criteria:

  • Achieve excellent UCAT (UKCAT) scores ( you must have scored in the 90th percentile for each category on the UCAT in your most recent attempt), you must have grades equal or above the average accepted admission test scores as indicated in the admissions statistics for that specific school, while taking a full course load each year. Average accepted GPA/admissions test scores are the mean scores for the admitted class for that specific school/program calculated based on the previous admissions cycles official statistics. (If such data is not available for a specific program/university, you must score at least 90% overall average for each year of study or equivalent in letter grade or similar grading system.)
  • Must enroll in the Titanium and Platinum application review program and begin your program at least 4 weeks before application deadlines if none of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process or if any of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process, at least 4 weeks before optimal time of application submission. The optimal time of application submission for rolling admissions is within 4 weeks of when application submission is opened for submission each year.
  • If your program requires an interview, you must complete your interview prep video course (if applicable) and attend your first interview prep session at least 4 weeks before the date of your first interview.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Be invited to at least one interview (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our expert advice or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price (excluding any taxes, administration fee and cost of material, if applicable) OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Purchased before Jan 24, 2022:

To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the Titanium or Platinum application review package (unlimited interviews), must be officially invited to at least one interview, achieve excellent UCAT (UKCAT) scores ( you must have scored in the 90th percentile for each category on the UCAT in your most recent attempt), you must have grades equal or above the average accepted admission test scores as indicated in the admissions statistics for that specific school, while taking a full course load each year. Average accepted GPA/admissions test scores are the mean scores for the admitted class for that specific school/program calculated based on the previous admissions cycles official statistics. (If such data is not available for a specific program/university, contact us.) You must enroll in the titanium or platinum program at least several weeks in advance of your interview date and start preparing at least a minimum of 4 weeks in advance with your first prep session being 4 weeks of anticipated interviews, have excellent communication skills in English, make sure you fulfill admissions requirements of each medical school, strictly adhere to each medical school admissions instructions, and completely adhere and follow the instructions of our experts. Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview. This means the number of preparation sessions will vary at the discretion of our experts.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results, we will refund 40% of your initial purchase price for platinum application review program (excluding any taxes and installment fees, if applicable) OR we will work with you during the next admissions cycle for free, based on your preference. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official UCAT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed both during your training and during your actual interview, before issuing any refunds.

Medical School Application Review (Aus)

Before we go into the details, it is important to note that we can only guarantee what we can control and it's only coaching you on your application documents, CASPer and interview performance. We do not have any control over your reference letters, school selection, grades, UCAT, and when you submit your applications. That's why we expect that you have decent UCAT/BMAT and grades (not perfect) as indicated below and also that you are invited to at least one interview because interview invitation is dependant on all of these factors some of which are outside of our control. As outlined below we also expect that you strictly adhere to the instructions of our experts. If you do not meet the criteria below, you can still take advantage of the Titanium and Platinum programs and most students choose these programs because of their comprehensive nature rather than the details of the guarantee below. Nevertheless here are the details:

The following only applies to Platinum and Titanium programs and cannot be combined with the Free Acceptance challenge or the free repeat guarantees.

If you have won the challenge or used the free repeat, you cannot claim this money back guarantee.

Yes, we understand that this is not necessary given the free repeat and the Free Acceptance challenge guarantees. But we want to show you that we're that serious about helping you and we've made sure that our priorities are aligned which is help you succeed. If you win, we win.

To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the Platinum or the Titanium application review package, be invited to at least one interview and strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school. Of course you should also meet all coursework requirements for your chosen schools.

Additional eligibility criteria:

  • Achieve excellent UCAT (UKCAT)/BMAT scores ( you must have scored in the 90th percentile for each category on the UCAT or BMAT in your most recent attempt), you must have grades equal or above the average accepted admission test scores as indicated in the admissions statistics for that specific school, while taking a full course load each year. Average accepted GPA/admissions test scores are the mean scores for the admitted class for that specific school/program calculated based on the previous admissions cycles official statistics. (If such data is not available for a specific program/university, you must score at least 90% overall average for each year of study or equivalent in letter grade or similar grading system.)
  • Must enroll in the Titanium and Platinum application review program and begin your program at least 4 weeks before application deadlines if none of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process or if any of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process, at least 4 weeks before optimal time of application submission. The optimal time of application submission for rolling admissions is within 4 weeks of when application submission is opened for submission each year.
  • If your program requires an interview, you must complete your interview prep video course (if applicable) and attend your first interview prep session at least 4 weeks before the date of your first interview.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Be invited to at least one interview (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our expert advice or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price (excluding any taxes, administration fee and cost of material, if applicable) OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Dental School Application Review (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  •  Must purchase the Platinum or Titanium application review package.
  •  Must be invited to at least one interview (if the chosen schools conduct an interview)
  •  Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), DAT, references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and DAT requirements for your chosen schools. Note "accepted" GPA and standardized test requirements refers to the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for the chosen schools. We expect that your GPA and standardized test scores match or exceed the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for your chosen schools.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of the admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our expert advice, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any dental school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official DAT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Law School Application Review (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum application review package.
  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum program if any of your chosen schools require interviews as part of the admissions process.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview (if the chosen schools conduct an interview)
  •  Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), LSAT (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and LSAT requirements for your chosen schools. Note "accepted" GPA and standardized test requirements refers to the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for the chosen schools. We expect that your GPA and standardized test scores match or exceed the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for your chosen schools.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of the admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must start working on applications at least 4 weeks before the application deadline or optimal date if admissions is on a rolling basis, whichever is earliest.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge. 

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any law school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official LSAT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Graduate School Application Review (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Platinum or Titanium application review package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview (if the chosen schools conduct an interview)
  •  Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), GRE/GMAT (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and GRE/GMAT requirements for your chosen schools. Note "accepted" GPA and standardized test requirements refers to the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for the chosen schools. We expect that your GPA and standardized test scores match or exceed the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for your chosen schools.
  • If your program requires an interview, you must complete your interview prep video course (if applicable) and attend your first interview prep session at least 4 weeks before the date of your first interview.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any graduate school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official GRE/GMAT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

MBA Application Review (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase Titanium or Platinum application review package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview (if the chosen schools conduct an interview)
  •  Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), GRE/GMAT (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and GRE/GMAT requirements for your chosen schools. Note "accepted" GPA and standardized test requirements refers to the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for the chosen schools. We expect that your GPA and standardized test scores match or exceed the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for your chosen schools.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of the admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing, and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any MBA program, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official GRE/GMAT scores (if required by your chosen schools), and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

College & University Application Review (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum application review package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview (if any of your chosen schools require interviews as part of the admissions process).
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), SAT/ACT (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must strictly follow the application and admissions instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and SAT/ACT (if required) requirements for your chosen schools. Note "accepted" GPA and standardized test requirements refers to the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for the chosen schools. We expect that your GPA and standardized test scores match or exceed the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for your chosen schools.
  • Must start working on applications at least 4 weeks before the application deadline or optimal date if admissions is on a rolling basis, whichever is earliest.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our expert advice or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any universities or colleges, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official ACT or SAT scores (if required by your chosen schools), and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Ivy League Acceptance Guarantee (USA)

Eligibility criteria:

Purchased after September 12, 2024:

  • Must purchase the Titanium application review package.
  • Must be invited to at least one Ivy League School interview.
  • Must apply to all 8 of the Ivy League schools.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our consultants, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), SAT/ACT (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendation provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must strictly follow the application and admissions instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and SAT/ACT (if required) requirements for your chosen schools. Note "accepted" GPA and standardized test requirements refers to the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for the chosen schools. We expect that your GPA and standardized test scores match or exceed the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for your chosen schools.
  • Must start working on applications at least 4 weeks before the application deadline or optimal date if admissions is on a rolling basis, whichever is earliest.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Must be a domestic US student.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our consultants indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our consultants, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any Ivy League School, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund 50% if you were not accepted to any of the 8 Ivy League Schools OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official ACT or SAT scores (if required by your chosen schools), and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

BSMD Application Review

Before we go into the details, it is important to note that we can only guarantee what we can control and it's only coaching you on your application documents and interview performance. We do not have any control over your reference letters, school selection, SAT/ACT scores, and when you submit your applications. That's why we expect that you have decent SAT/ACT scores (not perfect) as indicated below and also that you are invited to at least one interview because interview invitation is dependent on all of these factors some of which are outside of our control. As outlined below we also expect that you strictly adhere to the instructions of our experts. If you do not meet the criteria below, you can still take advantage of the Titanium programs and most students choose these programs because of their comprehensive nature rather than the details of the guarantee below. Nevertheless here are the details:

Purchased after Oct. 12, 2022:

The following only applies to Platinum and Titanium program and cannot be combined with the Free Acceptance Challenge Guarantee or the free repeat guarantees.

If you have won the challenge or used the free repeat, you cannot claim this money back guarantee.

Yes, we understand that this is not necessary given the free repeat and the challenge guarantees. But we want to show you that we're that serious about helping you and we've made sure that our priorities are aligned which is help you succeed. If you win, we win.

To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the Platinum or Titanium application review package, be invited to at least one interview and strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school. Of course you should also meet all coursework requirements for your chosen schools.

Additional eligibility criteria:

  • Have at least 3.8 on a 4.0 scale for each academic year while taking a full course load each year, scored in the 90th percentile for each category on the ACT or SAT (if required by your chosen programs) in your most recent attempt.
  • Must enroll in the Titanium and Platinum application review program and begin your program at least 4 weeks before application deadlines if none of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process or if any of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process, at least 4 weeks before optimal time of application submission. The optimal time of application submission for rolling admissions is within 4 weeks of when application submission is opened for submission each year.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • If your program requires an interview, you must complete your interview prep video course (if applicable) and attend your first interview prep session at least 4 weeks before date of first interview.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Be invited to at least one interview (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any BS/MD program, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price (excluding any taxes, administration fee and cost of material, if applicable) OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official ACT or SAT scores (if required by your chosen schools), and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Purchased before Oct. 12, 2022:

To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the titanium application review package (unlimited interviews), must have been officially invited to at least one interview if the schools selected request either an optional or mandatory interview, score in the 90th percentile in the SATs or ACTs on your most recent attempt, have a GPA in the 90% or 3.8 out of 4.0 scale, enroll in the titanium or platinum program at least several weeks in advance of your application deadlines and interview date and start preparing at least a minimum of 4 weeks in advance with your first prep session being 4 weeks of anticipated interviews, have excellent communication skills in English, make sure you fulfill admissions requirements of each college, strictly adhere to each school admissions instructions, and completely adhere and follow the instructions of our experts. Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview. This means the number of preparation sessions will vary at the discretion of our experts.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any BS/MD program, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results, we will refund 30% of your initial purchase price for the titanium application review program (excluding any taxes and installment fees, if applicable) OR we will work with you during the next admissions cycle for free, based on your preference. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official SAT/ACT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed both during your training and during your actual interview, before issuing any refunds.

Vet School Application

Before we go into the details, it is important to note that we can only guarantee what we can control and it's only coaching you on your application documents and interview performance. We do not have any control over your reference letters, school selection, GPA, standardized test scores, and when you submit your applications. That's why we expect that you have a decent GPA and standardized test scores (not perfect) as indicated below and also that you are invited to at least one interview because interview invitation is dependent on all of these factors some of which are outside of our control. As outlined below we also expect that you strictly adhere to the instructions of our experts. If you do not meet the criteria below, you can still take advantage of the Titanium program and most students choose these programs because of their comprehensive nature rather than the details of the guarantee below. Nevertheless here are the details:

Purchased after Oct. 12, 2022:

The following only applies to Platinum and Titanium program and cannot be combined with the Free Acceptance Challenge Guarantee or the free repeat guarantees.

If you have won the challenge or used the free repeat, you cannot claim this money back guarantee.

Yes, we understand that this is not necessary given the free repeat and the challenge guarantees. But we want to show you that we're that serious about helping you and we've made sure that our priorities are aligned which is help you succeed. If you win, we win.

To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the Platinum or Titanium application review package, be invited to at least one interview and strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school. Of course you should also meet all coursework requirements for your chosen schools.

Additional eligibility criteria:

  • Have at least 3.8 on a 4.0 scale for each academic year while taking a full course load each year, scored in the 90th percentile for each category on the GRE or GMAT (if required by your chosen programs) in your most recent attempt.
  • Must enroll in the Titanium and Platinum application review program and begin your program at least 4 weeks before application deadlines if none of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process or if any of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process, at least 4 weeks before optimal time of application submission. The optimal time of application submission for rolling admissions is within 4 weeks of when application submission is opened for submission each year.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Be invited to at least one interview (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any Vet programs, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price (excluding any taxes, administration fee and cost of material, if applicable) OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official GRE or GMAT scores (if required by your chosen schools), and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Purchased before Oct. 12, 2022:

To be eligible for the money-back guarantee, you must purchase the titanium application review package, must have been officially invited to at least one interview, if the schools selected request either an optional or mandatory interview, have at least 3.6 on a 4.0 scale for each academic year while taking a full course load each year, score in the 90th percentile for each category on the GRE or GMAT in your most recent attempt, enroll in the titanium program at least several weeks in advance of your interview date and start preparing at least a minimum of 4 weeks in advance with your first prep session being 4 weeks of anticipated interviews, have excellent communication skills in English, make sure you fulfill admissions requirements of each Vet school, strictly adhere to each Vet school admissions instructions, and completely adhere and follow the instructions of our experts. Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview. This means the number of preparation sessions will vary at the discretion of our experts.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any Vet school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results, we will refund 30% of your initial purchase price for the titanium or platinum application review program (excluding any taxes and installment fees, if applicable) OR we will work with you during the next admissions cycle for free, based on your preference. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed both during your training and during your actual interview, before issuing any refunds.

PA School Application

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Platinum or Titanium application review package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview (if the chosen schools conduct an interview)
  •  Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), standardized tests (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  •  Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and standardized test requirements for your chosen schools. Note "accepted" GPA and standardized test requirements refers to the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for the chosen schools. We expect that your GPA and standardized test scores match or exceed the average GPA and standardized test scores for the previous admissions cycle for your chosen schools.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of the admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any law school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Other programs

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Platinum or Titanium application review package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview (if the chosen schools conduct an interview)
  •  Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), standardized tests (if applicable), references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  •  Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and standardized test requirements for your chosen schools.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of the admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any law school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Interview Preparation Programs
Medical School Interview Preparation (USA & Canada)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum interview preparation package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview.
  • Must strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet and adhere to all admissions and application requirements.
  • Must enroll in the Titanium or Platinum interview prep program at least 4 weeks before first interview date and attend the first prep session at least 4 weeks before date of first interview.
  • You must watch your interview prep video course before your first session and implement the recommendations.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official MCAT scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Medical School Interview Preparation (UK)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum interview preparation package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview.
  • Must strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet and adhere to all admissions and application requirements.
  • You must watch your interview prep video course before your first session and implement the recommendations. 
  • Must enroll in the Titanium or Platinum interview prep program at least 4 weeks before first interview date and attend the first prep session at least 4 weeks before date of first interview.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Medical School Interview Preparation (Aus)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum interview preparation package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview.
  • Must strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet and adhere to all admissions and application requirements.
  • You must watch your interview prep video course before your first session and implement the recommendations. 
  • Must enroll in the Titanium or Platinum interview prep program at least 4 weeks before first interview date and attend the first prep session at least 4 weeks before date of first interview.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

Interview Preparation - Other programs such as Pharmacy, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, MBA, Law, Nursing, Vet (USA, Canada & UK)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum interview preparation package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview.
  • Must strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet and adhere to all admissions and application requirements.
  • You must watch your interview prep video course before your first session and implement the recommendations. 
  • Must enroll in the Titanium or Platinum interview prep program at least 4 weeks before first interview date and attend the first prep session at least 4 weeks before date of first interview.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

 Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

MMI Preparation

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Titanium or Platinum interview preparation package.
  • Must be invited to at least one interview.
  • Must strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet and adhere to all admissions and application requirements.
  • You must watch your interview prep video course before your first session and implement the recommendations. 
  • Must enroll in the Titanium or Platinum interview prep program at least 4 weeks before first interview date and attend the first prep session at least 4 weeks before date of first interview.
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready for your interview.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

 Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official standardized test scores, and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

MCAT Preparation

The following only applies to enrollments after Oct. 15, 2022 and cannot be combined with the 520 challenge or the free repeat guarantees.

MCAT 515 Score Guarantee: (Titanium & Platinum MCAT Prep):

If you enroll in the Titanium or Platinum Program, we will help you increase your score by 15 points or your money back according to the following terms and conditions.

  • If your baseline score is under 500, we guarantee at least a 15-point increase.
  • If your baseline score is 500 or more, we guarantee a score of at least 515.

To be eligible you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a new BeMo student who has not taken BeMo’s MCAT prep before.
  • You must submit your baseline score before you start the program by providing either:
  • You last official AAMC test scores, OR,
  • An official AAMC diagnostic test score that you have taken only once under timed conditions, OR,
  • An official AAMC practice test taken only once under timed conditions.
  • You must complete all the required homework, practice material and practice tests exactly as per our instructions and on time.
  • You must complete all practice tests at the specific intervals provided by our instructions and all practice tests must be taken using timed conditions.
  • You must adhere to and implement all of our recommendations.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If you are in the Titanium program, for the purpose of this guarantee, the refund amount is equivalent to the price of the Platinum program less taxes and cost of material such as questions banks and practice test material since the Titanium program includes non-MCAT related preparation.
  • You must not take the official MCAT until we indicate that you are ready for the test. For clarity, if you have a scheduled test that does not meet our recommendations, you agree to cancel the test and reschedule the test at a time of our choosing. If you don't, you are disqualified.
  • You must take the official MCAT within 30 days of the date instructed by our experts and provide the official test results and all supporting material to indicate that all of our recommendations have been followed within 30 days of receiving your official scores.
  • If you have followed all the instructions above and your score has not increased compared to your baseline as per the score increase criteria above, you will be eligible for a full refund less any taxes, administration costs and cost of material such as questions banks and practice test material.
  • Please note that the MCAT 515 Score Guarantee cannot be combined with any other types of guarantees such as the No BS Free Repeat, 100% Love It Or Your Money Back.
  • You are not eligible for the MCAT 515 Score Guarantee if your baseline score is 515 or more.
  • Additionally, note that if you are accepted to any medical school, or already a medical student, you will not be eligible for any type of refunds.
  • For clarity, you must meet all the above criteria to be eligible for this guarantee and must contact us within 5 business days using your official university email address so we can verify your identity to claim your MCAT 515 Score Guarantee.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.

 MCAT 515 Score Guarantee: (Titanium Medical School Application Review):

The above guarantee also applies to those enrolled in the Titanium medical school application review program with the following details. Note that if you are eligible you will able to claim this guarantee only for the MCAT portion of the Titanium program valued at a maximum of $5,000 and we cannot make any determination until you hear back from all medical schools. Additionally, if you are accepted to any medical school, this guarantee no longer applies because the overall goal of the Titanium medical school application review program is to get you accepted. All other details noted above must be followed.

MCAT CARS Preparation

MCAT CARS 128 Score Guarantee: (Titanium & Platinum MCAT Prep):

If you enroll in the Titanium or Platinum Program, we guarantee you score 128 on the CARS section or your money back according to the following terms and conditions.

  • If your baseline score is under 124, we guarantee at least a 4-point increase.
  • If your baseline score is 124 or more, we guarantee a score of at least 128.

To be eligible you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a new BeMo student who has not taken BeMo’s MCAT CARS prep before.
  • You must submit your baseline score before you start the program by providing either:
  • You last official AAMC test scores, OR,
  • An official AAMC diagnostic test score that you have taken only once under timed conditions, OR,
  • An official AAMC practice test taken only once under timed conditions.
  • You must complete all the required homework, practice material and practice tests exactly as per our instructions and on time.
  • You must complete all practice tests at the specific intervals provided by our instructions and all practice tests must be taken using timed conditions.
  • You must adhere to and implement all of our recommendations.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If you are in the Titanium program, for the purpose of this guarantee, the refund amount is equivalent to the price of the Platinum program less taxes and cost of material such as questions banks and practice test material since the Titanium program includes non-MCAT related preparation.
  • You must not take the official MCAT until we indicate that you are ready for the test. For clarity, if you have a scheduled test that does not meet our recommendations, you agree to cancel the test and reschedule the test at a time of our choosing. If you don't, you are disqualified.
  • You must take the official MCAT within 30 days of the date instructed by our experts and provide the official test results and all supporting material to indicate that all of our recommendations have been followed within 30 days of receiving your official scores.
  • If you have followed all the instructions above and your CARS score has not increased compared to your baseline as per the score increase criteria above, you will be eligible for a full refund less any taxes, administration costs and cost of material such as questions banks and practice test material.
  • Please note that the MCAT CARS 128 Score Guarantee cannot be combined with any other types of guarantees such as the No BS Free Repeat, 100% Love It Or Your Money Back.
  • You are not eligible for the MCAT CARS 128 Score Guarantee if your CARS baseline score is 128 or more.
  • Additionally, note that if you are accepted to any medical school, or already a medical student, you will not be eligible for any type of refunds.
  • For clarity, you must meet all the above criteria to be eligible for this guarantee and must contact us within 5 business days using your official university email address so we can verify your identity to claim your MCAT CARS 128 Score Guarantee.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.
LSAT Preparation

LSAT 175 Score Guarantee: (Titanium & Platinum LSAT Prep):

If you enroll in the Titanium or Platinum Program, we will help you increase your score by 10 points or your money back according to the following terms and conditions.

  • If your baseline score is under 165, we guarantee at least a 10-point increase.
  • If your baseline score is 165 or more, we guarantee a score of at least 175.

To be eligible you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a new BeMo student who has not taken BeMo’s LSAT prep before.
  • You must submit your baseline score before you start the program by providing either:
  • You last official LSAC test scores, OR,
  • An official LSAC diagnostic test score that you have taken only once under timed conditions, OR,
  • An official LSAC practice test taken only once under timed conditions.
  • You must complete all the required homework, practice material and practice tests exactly as per our instructions and on time.
  • You must complete all practice tests at the specific intervals provided by our instructions and all practice tests must be taken using timed conditions.
  • You must adhere to and implement all of our recommendations.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If you are in the Titanium program, for the purpose of this guarantee, the refund amount is equivalent to the price of the Platinum program less taxes and cost of material such as questions banks and practice test material since the Titanium program includes non-LSAT related preparation.
  • You must not take the official LSAT until we indicate that you are ready for the test. For clarity, if you have a scheduled test that does not meet our recommendations, you agree to cancel the test and reschedule the test at a time of our choosing. If you don't, you are disqualified.
  • You must take the official LSAT within 30 days of the date instructed by our experts and provide the official test results and all supporting material to indicate that all of our recommendations have been followed within 30 days of receiving your official scores.
  • If you have followed all the instructions above and your score has not increased compared to your baseline as per the score increase criteria above, you will be eligible for a full refund less any taxes, administration costs and cost of material such as questions banks and practice test material.
  • Please note that the LSAT 175 Score Guarantee cannot be combined with any other types of guarantees such as the No BS Free Repeat, 100% Love It Or Your Money Back.
  • You are not eligible for the LSAT 175 Score Guarantee if your baseline score is 175 or more.
  • Additionally, note that if you are accepted to any law school, or already a law student, you will not be eligible for any type of refunds.
  • For clarity, you must meet all the above criteria to be eligible for this guarantee and must contact us within 5 business days using your official university email address so we can verify your identity to claim your LSAT 175 Score Guarantee.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge.
Planning Preparation Programs
Medical School Planning

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must purchase the Platinum or the Titanium planning package
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions and recommendations of our experts, including but not limited to our recommendations about your applications, interviews (if applicable), MCAT, references, school list, when to apply, number of schools to choose, and every other recommendations provided at our sole discretion.
  • Must strictly follow the application and admissions instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and MCAT requirements for your chosen schools.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews.
  • Be invited to at least one interview.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts, or you will be disqualified.
  • If you are in the Platinum program and your number of sessions are exhausted before you are deemed 100% ready by our experts, you agree to upgrade to the Titanium program by paying the difference or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If for any reason you are not qualified for the money back guarantee, you will be allowed to repeat your program once free of charge. 

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any medical school, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official MCAT

College Planning

Before we go into the details, it is important to note that we can only guarantee what we can control and it's only coaching you on your application documents and interview performance. We do not have any control over your reference letters, school selection, SAT/ACT scores, and when you submit your applications. That's why we expect that you have decent SAT/ACT scores (not perfect and if required by your any of your chosen schools) as indicated below and also that you are invited to at least one interview (if required by your chosen schools) because interview invitation is dependent on all of these factors some of which are outside of our control. As outlined below we also expect that you strictly adhere to the instructions of our experts. If you do not meet the criteria below, you can still take advantage of the Titanium or Platinum programs and most students choose these programs because of their comprehensive nature rather than the details of the guarantee below. Nevertheless here are the details:

To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the Titanium or Platinum planning package, be invited to at least one interview and strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school. Of course you should also meet all coursework requirements for your chosen schools.

Additional eligibility criteria:

  • Must strictly follow the application and admissions instructions indicated by each school.
  • Must meet all admissions, coursework, and accepted GPA and ACT/SAT requirements (if required) for your chosen schools.
  • Must enroll in the Titanium or Platinum planning program and begin your program at least 4 weeks before application deadlines if none of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process or if any of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process, at least 4 weeks before optimal time of application submission. The optimal time of application submission for rolling admissions is within 4 weeks of when application submission is opened for submission each year.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Be invited to at least one interview (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any universities or colleges, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price (OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official ACT or SAT scores (if required by your chosen schools), and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.

BS/MD Planning

Before we go into the details, it is important to note that we can only guarantee what we can control and it's only coaching you on your application documents and interview performance. We do not have any control over your reference letters, school selection, SAT/ACT scores, and when you submit your applications. That's why we expect that you have decent SAT/ACT scores (not perfect) as indicated below and also that you are invited to at least one interview because interview invitation is dependent on all of these factors some of which are outside of our control. As outlined below we also expect that you strictly adhere to the instructions of our experts. If you do not meet the criteria below, you can still take advantage of the Titanium programs and most students choose these programs because of their comprehensive nature rather than the details of the guarantee below. Nevertheless here are the details:


To be eligible for the money back guarantee, you must purchase the Titanium planning package, be invited to at least one interview and strictly follow the instructions of our experts and application instructions indicated by each school. Of course you should also meet all coursework requirements for your chosen schools.

Additional eligibility criteria:

  • Have at least 3.8 on a 4.0 scale for each academic year while taking a full course load each year, scored in the 90th percentile for each category on the ACT or SAT (if required by your chosen programs) in your most recent attempt.
  • Must enroll in the Titanium planning program and begin your program at least 4 weeks before application deadlines if none of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process or if any of the chosen schools use a rolling admissions process, at least 4 weeks before optimal time of application submission. The optimal time of application submission for rolling admissions is within 4 weeks of when application submission is opened for submission each year.
  • Must start preparing for interviews at least 4 weeks before anticipated date of interviews (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Strictly follow and adhere to the instructions of our experts.
  • Be invited to at least one interview (if interviews are a mandatory part of admissions criteria for any of the chosen schools).
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready at each stage.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.

Our promise to you is simple. If you have followed everything above and don’t get accepted into any BS/MD program, you will have 5 days from the time of admissions notice from all schools to claim your money-back guarantee. If we receive your formal request within 5 days of admissions results and you meet all the criteria indicated, we will refund your initial purchase price (excluding any taxes, administration fee and cost of material, if applicable) OR, you'll have the option to repeat the program free of charge. Please note that we reserve the right to request access to all submitted application material, official transcripts, official ACT or SAT scores (if required by your chosen schools), and official notice of assessment from all admissions offices, and request to have a conversation with you to make sure that all of our instructions were followed before issuing any refunds. This is to make sure you understand that coaching works only if you listen to your coach.


The following only applies to enrollments before Jan. 17, 2022:

Pass Guarantee:

If you enroll in the Titanium or Platinum OSCE prep programs, we guarantee that you'll pass your OSCE or we will issue a 40% refund back to your method of payment or you can redo the program at no cost once more based on your preference. The way it works is very simple. You must enroll in Titanium or Platinum program at least 4 weeks before your examination date and strictly adhere to the recommendation of our experts and continue practice until they indicate that you are 100% ready for your exam. We will record your practice scores during each mock OSCE prep session. If your last two recorded prep session with us indicated that you passed every station in practice but you didn't pass your actual OSCE, you'll have 5 business days to request a redo of our program so we can help you again at no charge or request a 40% refund, excluding any taxes and installment fees, if applicable. Must provide a copy of current application submission to a program that requires OSCE and official OSCE score. Additionally, you must completely adhere and follow the instructions of our experts throughout the program.

Thesis Defense

The following only applies to Titanium program and cannot be combined with the free repeat guarantee.

If you have used the free repeat, you cannot claim this guarantee.

Thesis Defense Guarantee:

If you enroll in the Titanium one-on-one consultation program, we guarantee that you'll pass your thesis defense or we will issue a refund (excluding administration fees, cost of material and taxes, if applicable) OR you can repeat the program at no cost. The way it works is very simple. You must enroll at least a minimum of 8 weeks before you thesis defense examination date and following all of our instructions. If you follow all the instructions and enroll at least 8 weeks before you exam date and do not pass your thesis defense, you'll have 5 business days to request a redo of our program so we can help you again at no charge or request a refund, excluding any taxes, cost of martial and administration fees, if applicable.

  • Must provide proof of actual Master’s or PhD thesis defense examination.
  • Must completely adhere to and follow the instructions of our experts throughout the program.
  • Must start the program at least 8 weeks before your actual exam date and your first prep session must be at least 8 weeks from your official exam date.
  • Must have excellent communication skills in English as assessed by our consultants.
  • Note you will be expected to continue your preparation until our experts indicate that you are 100% ready. No more or less than that.
  • The total number, duration, timing and frequency of your preparation sessions are at the discretion of our experts or you will be disqualified.
  • If you or your parent/guardian modify the training in any way, you will be disqualified.
  • If your thesis defense examination gets cancelled or you decide not to conduct your examination, for any reason, you will be disqualified.
  • All official documents requested must be provided upon request to determine your eligibility if you request this refund.
Satisfaction guarantee (100% love it or your money back)
Application Review

If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with the review of your application documents, simply send us an email within 5 days of receipt of your first round of revisions and we will provide you with a full refund. We only ask that you send us an official copy of your submitted application to show that you have submitted your document in the original format and that none of our recommendations were used to modify your application documents. The satisfaction guarantee only applies to Titanium, Platinum and Gold tier programs. (Applies to new BeMo students only that have no utilized any BeMo services in the past.)

One-on-one Consultation

On the fence? Take us for a spin risk free: If you’re not 100% satisfied with your first consultation session, let your consultant know immediately at the end of your 1st session, before you say goodbye and we’ll issue a 100% refund. Fair enough? Let’s go! If you do not request the satisfaction guarantee refund from your consultant at the end of your very first consultation with BeMo or if you ask for refund before or at the start of the session, or if we notice you intentionally going into a session to ask for a refund, or, if you book any subsequent sessions, you are no longer eligible for any refunds. We’ll only ask you a few questions to see if we can help improve our services. Must be a new BeMo student who has never purchased any BeMo services in the past. Additionally, if you have utilized any practice tests or Qbank questions, the cost of these materials will be deducted from any refund amount. The satisfaction guarantee only applies to Titanium, Platinum and Gold tier programs.


Although we strive to maximize your capacities and enhance your chances of achieving excellence in your academic and professional path-development, we cannot guarantee results and outcomes unless otherwise clearly stated for a specific service. Our guarantees are in the form of free repeats or a partial refund, rather than actual promise of admission because there are many factors involved in the admissions process that are outside of our control. It should be noted that the above guarantees do not guarantee admission into medical, dental or pharmacy, etc. school since all final decisions with regard to grades, applications, and/or interviews are made by external, non-affiliate parties. It is our primary objective to provide you with all the essential tools in order to give you a competitive edge, however, we cannot in any shape or form complete your applications on your behalf, write your letters/CV/autobiographical sketches, guarantee test scores, admission decisions, etc. Rather we provide comprehensive analysis reports and specific recommendations of your drafts. It is the responsibility of the applicants to follow the specific instructions of their school of their choice in order to ensure the safe and timely arrival of their applications. It should be understood that academic performance is dependent upon many other variables outside the control of BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. Note we have the final say in whether or not your claim is compliant with our policies.

The material produced on this website, including the terms and conditions of our “BeMo interview preparation money-back guarantee” is the property of BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. and any copying, reproduction and/or redistribution of this material, without the express written consent of BeMo, is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action. BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. reserves the right to modify, and/or remove the contents at anytime without notice. We will however honor the original agreement at the time of purchase. If you have any questions, contact us.

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