If you have a desire to help people in your community, in a medical setting or even virtually, a Master’s in Social Work might be your next academic career move! Getting a Master’s degree in Canada or the US requires ample preparation and motivation – and an MSW is no different. Learn what this degree entails and what you must do to prepare if you wish to pursue it.

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Article Contents
10 min read

Should I Pursue A Master’s in Social Work? What is a Master's in Social Work? Top Master’s in Social Work Programs in the US and Canada Exploring The Diverse Fields within Social Work How To Prepare For Your Master’s in Social Work Are There Similar Programs To MSW? Conclusion FAQs

Should I Pursue A Master’s in Social Work?

Welcome to a path of compassion, advocacy, and profound societal impact. If you're drawn to understanding human dynamics and driven to enact positive change, then a Master’s in Social Work (MSW) could be your calling!

This blog serves as a comprehensive guide for undergraduates and others contemplating a rewarding career in social work. Here, we'll explore what an MSW entails, from the curriculum and specializations to career pathways and practical considerations. So, whether you’re looking to become a Social Worker – which is often the field most Master’s graduates go into -- or looking at your Master’s as a bridge if you’re debating whether you should pursue a Master’s or a PhD, an MSW can be a wonderful place to start!

What is a Master's in Social Work?

A Master's in Social Work (MSW) is more than just a degree; it's an embodiment of a commitment to social justice and human welfare and a deep dive into human advocacy.

This advanced program equips you with the skills to address complex social issues, advocate for vulnerable populations, and drive meaningful change. MSW stands distinct from other social work qualifications through its depth and breadth, offering specialized training for advanced practice and leadership roles in the field. The degree paves the way to licensure and opens doors to a range of fulfilling career opportunities. There are numerous Canadian Universities and American colleges that offer MSW programs, as well as international establishments. And, although there are online graduate programs, most MSW programs tend to require field experience and be conducted in-person.

What Type of People Pursue a Master’s in Social Work?

Students who pursue a Master of Social Work (MSW) typically share certain characteristics, academic backgrounds, and career aspirations. Of course, this a generalization and it’s important to note that even if you don’t find the following profile example fits you, you may still be an exceptional candidate for an MSW program. A graduate school advisor can certainly help you decide, if you’re unsure!

Here's a general profile of some common MSW students:

Undergraduate Background

  1. Academic Fields: Many MSW students have undergraduate degrees in social work (BSW), psychology, sociology, or related fields like public health, education, or criminal justice. These degrees provide a foundational understanding of social systems, human behavior, and societal issues.
  2. Course Preferences: These students often have a strong interest in subjects like psychology, sociology, human services, and community development. They are typically drawn to courses that explore social issues, cultural diversity, human rights, and ethics.
  3. Academic Performance: MSW students generally have a solid academic record, with particular strength in courses related to social sciences. They are often engaged in their academic community, participating in relevant clubs, organizations, or research projects. Much like any graduate program, your GPA and academic history are table stakes when it comes to an MSW program – it isn’t impossible to get into Ivy league grad schools with a low GPA (or any school for that matter). But, it is definitely a bit tedious!

Extracurricular Activities

  1. Volunteer Work: A common characteristic is a strong record of volunteerism. MSW students often volunteer in shelters, community centers, crisis hotlines, or other social service agencies. This reflects their commitment to social justice and community service, and, may have helped them decide which career and academic path they wanted to follow!
  2. Internships: Many have completed internships in social work or related fields. These experiences provide practical insights into the challenges and rewards of social work, and demonstrate their commitment to pursuing a career in this field. They may have also gotten some undergraduate research experience, which can certainly help when researching, and wondering how to publish as a grad student, is at the forefront of their minds as MSW students.

Personal Attributes

  1. Empathy and Compassion: Students drawn to an MSW program typically have high levels of empathy and a genuine desire to help others. They are often individuals who are sensitive to social injustices and passionate about making a difference. When you work with people, especially vulnerable groups, empathy is key.
  2. Communication Skills: They usually possess strong communication skills, both in listening and articulating, crucial for effective social work practice. These skills are also typically vital in academic settings…especially graduate ones!
  3. Resilience and Emotional Strength: The nature of social work can be emotionally challenging, so students often have a degree of resilience and the ability to handle stressful and complex situations. Students must ensure they have the bandwidth to cope with potentially disturbing and upsetting situations, and have a mental health plan in place should they require somebody to confide in outside of their program and future careers.

Career Goals

  1. Clinical Practice: Many aspire to become licensed clinical social workers, providing direct services such as counseling and therapy to individuals, families, and groups.
  2. Advocacy and Policy: Some aim to work in advocacy, policy-making, or community organizing, addressing broader social issues like poverty, inequality, and human rights.
  3. Specialized Fields: Others are drawn to specialized areas of social work, such as working with children and families, mental health, school social work, or medical social work.
  4. Leadership Roles: A number of MSW students have long-term goals of assuming leadership or administrative positions within social service organizations or government agencies.

Top Master’s in Social Work Programs in the US and Canada

Here are the top 5 Master of Social Work (MSW) programs in the USA:

  1. MSW, Tennessee State University
  2. MSW, Texas A&M University-Commerce
  3. MSW, Stephen F. Austin State University
  4. MSW, Boise State University
  5. MSW, Tulane University of Louisiana

And the top 5 MSW programs in Canada:

  1. MSW, University of Toronto
  2. MSW, University of Calgary
  3. MSW, University of British Columbia
  4. MSW, McMaster University
  5. MSW, Wilfrid Laurier University

Exploring The Diverse Fields within Social Work

There are various possible branches of social impact, and that’s one of many reasons a MSW is such a lucrative degree – you won’t be tied down to one industry or role. Let’s explore some possible fields and sectors you could seek employment in once you’ve obtained your MSW…

  • Child and Family Social Work: Here, you'll be the champion for children's welfare and family stability. Tackling issues from adoption and foster care to child abuse, this field requires a blend of empathy and resilience.
  • Medical and Health Social Work: This specialization involves working in healthcare settings, helping patients and families navigate the emotional and logistical challenges of illness, loss and tragedy.
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Work: A critical area where you'll support individuals battling addiction and mental health issues, often in clinical settings.
  • School Social Work: Here, the focus is on the well-being of students, addressing issues like bullying, learning disabilities, and family problems.
  • Community Social Work: This broad field covers everything from advocacy and community organizing to policy development, tackling issues at a macro level.

How To Prepare For Your Master’s in Social Work

Embarking on an MSW requires a solid academic foundation, usually an undergraduate degree in social work or a related field. If you’re currently an undergraduate student, you should ensure your GPA is high and you’re on track for success!

Equally important is garnering relevant experience, be it through volunteering, internships, research, or employment in social service roles. This hands-on experience not only strengthens your application but also gives you invaluable insights into the realities of social work.

Much like applying for other Master’s programs, the application process for an MSW involves several critical steps.

You'll need to review statement of purpose examples, and craft your own compelling version – echoing your dedication to social work and your readiness for graduate study – and a statement of intent. You should also find out if a grad school CV, research interest statement and career goals statement is required. Most of this information will be outlined on your physical application, and is typically available on each program’s website under ‘admission requirements.’ Speaking to an advisor or grad school admissions consultant can help clarify these requirements and recognize your strengths as you get into your application!

Additionally, your Letters of Recommendation should come from those who can vouch for your commitment and capabilities in this field.

Some programs may require standardized test scores, such as the GRE, so it’s important to be well-prepared if that’s the case so you can sort out GRE test dates, strategically form a GRE study guide and even explore what graduate programs do not require the GRE (if standardized testing isn’t your thing). As with any competitive program, it's wise to start planning your application well in advance, ensuring you meet all the requirements and deadlines. For standardized testing, we recommend a minimum of 3 months study time to ensure you get a great score. The average GRE score can vary widely depending on the specific program and its competitiveness. However, generally speaking:

  • Verbal Reasoning: For MSW programs, the Verbal Reasoning section of the GRE is often emphasized. A competitive score might be in the range of 150-160.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: This section might be less emphasized for MSW programs compared to Verbal Reasoning. A score in the range of 145-155 can be considered competitive.
  • Analytical Writing: A score around 4.0 is often looked favorably upon.

 As far as your application goes, it’s always best to give yourself a year to gather materials, prepare for your application and ensure you’re ready to rock long before your deadline approaches!

The program requirements for a Master of Social Work (MSW) can vary slightly between Canadian and American universities, but there are several common elements that most programs share. Here's an overview of the typical requirements for MSW programs:

Academic Prerequisites

  1. Undergraduate Degree: Most MSW programs require applicants to have a bachelor's degree. While a degree in social work (BSW) is ideal, many programs accept degrees in related fields such as psychology, sociology, or other humanities and social science disciplines.
  2. GPA and GRE Requirements: A minimum GPA is often required, usually around 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Additionally, GRE scores (that fall within the ranges noted above) can be considered competitive.
  3. Prerequisite Courses: Some programs may require specific undergraduate courses, such as introductory social work, psychology, or statistics. This requirement is more common if the undergraduate degree is not in social work.

Work Experience and Extracurricular Activities

  1. Relevant Experience: Many MSW programs value applicants with relevant work or volunteer experience in social work or related fields. This experience demonstrates commitment to the field and provides practical insights that can enrich graduate study, but it isn’t always mandatory.
  2. Leadership and Involvement: Participation in community service, internships, or leadership roles in relevant organizations can strengthen an application.

Application Components

  1. Statement of Purpose: A personal statement or essay that outlines the applicant's reasons for pursuing an MSW, career goals, and how their experiences have prepared them for graduate study in social work.
  2. Letters of Recommendation: Typically, two to three grad school letters of recommendation are required. These should ideally come from academic instructors and/or professional supervisors who can attest to the applicant's potential for graduate study and a career in social work.
  3. Resume/CV: A detailed resume or CV highlighting educational background, work experience, volunteer work, internships, and any other relevant activities.
  4. Standardized Test Scores: Some, but not all, programs may require GRE scores. This requirement is more common in the United States than in Canada.

Additional Requirements

  1. Interviews: Some programs may conduct interviews (either in-person or virtual) as part of the application process.
  2. Background Check: Due to the nature of the work, a background check is often required before admission is finalized, especially for programs that include fieldwork or internships.
  3. English Proficiency: For non-native English speakers, proof of English language proficiency (like TOEFL or IELTS scores) may be required.

Fieldwork Requirement

  • Most MSW programs include a fieldwork or practicum component, which may have its own set of requirements, such as a certain number of supervised hours in a social work setting.

Prospective MSW students should carefully research the specific requirements of the programs they are interested in, as there can be variations between different universities and programs. Meeting and exceeding these typical requirements can enhance the chances of acceptance into competitive MSW programs!

Are There Similar Programs To MSW?

Yes! For students interested in fields related to social work but who may be exploring alternatives to a Master's in Social Work (MSW), either due to different career objectives or other considerations like program accessibility, there are several other graduate programs that offer similar yet distinct educational and career pathways.

These alternatives can be particularly appealing for those who wish to work in helping professions or social services but have different focuses or specializations. To put it simply, if an MSW doesn’t feel right for you, even if you’re passionate about social change and advocacy, don’t give up hope! Here are some notable options:

1. Master of Counseling (M.Ed. or MA/MS in Counseling)

This program prepares students for a career in counseling, with specializations in areas like school counseling, marriage and family therapy, or mental health counseling. Students may go on to become licensed counselors, school counselors, marriage and family therapists.

This path my be ideal for those interested in providing direct therapeutic services, especially in educational settings or family therapy.

2. Master of Social Science (MSS)

The MSS degree offers a broader study of social issues, theories, and research methodologies. It is more research-oriented. This may present opportunities to work in community development, policy analysis or academia.

3. Master of Public Administration (MPA)

MPA students concentrate on the implementation and management of public programs and policies. Graduate may work as NGO leaders, government officials or public service managers (to name a few).

4. Master of Public Health (MPH)

The MPH degree addresses public health issues, policy, epidemiology, and health education. Students may become health education specialists or epidemiologists.

5. Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Community Development or Educational Psychology

This Master’s program focuses on educational systems, community initiatives, or the application of psychology in educational settings. Community leaders, educational directors and even school psychologists may hold this degree.

6. Master of Science in Psychology

A Master’s degree in psychology is more research-intensive approach to understanding psychological theories and methods. Research roles, higher education teaching positions, and consultancy in organizational psychology are all possible career outcomes for graduates.


A Master's in Social Work is not just an educational pursuit; it’s a commitment to becoming a catalyst for positive change. The path to an MSW is demanding but immensely fulfilling, preparing you for a career that’s not just a job, but a way of life. As you embark on this journey, remember the profound impact your work will have on individuals, families, and communities.

Your dedication to social work can transform lives, including your own. Embrace this opportunity to make a difference – the world needs more passionate social workers like you!


1. What is a Master's in Social Work (MSW)?

An MSW is a graduate-level program designed to prepare students for advanced practice in social work. It equips them with skills to address complex social issues, advocate for vulnerable populations, and implement effective social services and policies.

2. Do I need a bachelor's degree in social work to apply for an MSW?

While a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) is ideal, many MSW programs accept applicants with undergraduate degrees in related fields such as psychology, sociology, or other humanities and social sciences.

3. What GPA do I need to apply for an MSW program?

Most MSW programs require a minimum GPA of around 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. However, requirements can vary, and some competitive programs may have higher GPA expectations. Along with your GPA, your extracurriculars, Statement of Purpose and Intent, and Letters of Recommendation also play a role – along with your potential GRE scores and interviews (if applicable).

4. Are there any prerequisite courses required for MSW programs?

Some programs may require specific undergraduate courses, especially if your degree is not in social work. Common prerequisites include introductory courses in social work, psychology, or statistics. It’s best to check on the program’s website directly.

5. Is work experience necessary for applying to MSW programs?

Relevant work or volunteer experience in social work or related fields is highly valued and, in some cases, required. It demonstrates commitment to the field and provides practical context for graduate studies.

6. What should I include in my Statement of Purpose for an MSW application?

Your Statement of Purpose should outline your reasons for pursuing an MSW, your career goals, and how your experiences have prepared you for graduate study in social work.

7. How many letters of recommendation do I need for an MSW application?

Typically, two to three letters of recommendation are required. These should come from academic instructors or professional supervisors who can vouch for your potential in graduate studies and a career in social work.

8. Is the GRE required for MSW programs?

The requirement varies by program. Some MSW programs, especially in the United States, may require GRE scores, while others do not.

9. What kind of career can I pursue with an MSW?

Graduates can work in various roles, including clinical social workers, policy analysts, community organizers, and in specialized fields like child and family welfare, mental health, and medical social work.

10. Are there other paths I can take if I can’t get into an MSW program?

Yes! If you’re passionate about social advocacy and justice but want to explore your options, a Master’s in Education, Public Health, and even Psychology all involve similar topics and subjects, but will usually have a different career outcome than a MSW; it’s always good to explore your options!

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BeMo Academic Consulting

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