“What is the best MCAT prep course in Canada?” is a question on the mind of many Canadian med school applicants. Not only does the test assess your knowledge of science and social science subjects, but it also tests your critical thinking and analytical skills. So, no wonder that you might be looking for MCAT prep help to ace your test. In this article, we will name the best MCAT prep course in Canada and discuss why you might want to take advantage of this prep opportunity. So, let’s get started!

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Article Contents
8 min read
Do You Really Need an MCAT Prep Course in Canada? How an MCAT Prep Course Can Help You How to Find the Best MCAT Prep Course Why BeMo is the Best MCAT Prep Course in Canada Conclusion

Do You Really Need an MCAT Prep Course in Canada?

Of the 18 medical schools in Canada, 11 of them require MCAT scores for admission. There are some Canadian medical schools that don’t require MCAT scores, and a few of them, such as McMaster University medical school, which requires only CARS scores, focus on specific sections of the test. However, because most medical schools require the MCAT, you need to put your best foot forward to achieve a good score, or you will not be eligible to apply to these schools.

An excellent MCAT score in Canada is considered around 515. The average MCAT score requirements vary by university, but you must have a good score to be eligible to apply. For example, the average MCAT scores for the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine and the University of Manitoba Max Rady College of Medicine are around 514. The minimum average score for the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine is 125 in each section.

So, to have a shot at getting into most Canadian medical schools, you must take MCAT preparation seriously. The competition is fierce, and you will need to use every opportunity to stand out from the crowd. A great MCAT score can be the factor that differentiates you from other candidates. While the MCAT is not everything, if you ACE it, then you will increase your chances of acceptance. Therefore, choosing the right MCAT prep course and starting your prep early on is the first step to your successful acceptance at top med schools in Canada.

Your MCAT score is a critical component of your medical school applications, and you simply cannot take the risk of being underprepared for your exam. A low MCAT score poses the threat of preventing you from meeting the eligibility criteria of Canadian med schools; you may not be able to move forward in the selection process with a low score. An MCAT prep course is the best answer to the question of how to study for MCAT, as it helps you obtain all the necessary resources and test-taking strategies to achieve a good score. Some reasons you need an MCAT prep course in Canada are:

Difficulty of MCAT
To Learn MCAT's Content
Access to Focused Study Material
External Motivation

How hard is the MCAT? Well, the test covers a wide range of complex subject matter and topics. It is also heavily passage based. This means you’ll need to answer questions based on text passages and scenarios, especially for the MCAT CARS section. The test evaluates not only your knowledge but your ability to comprehend and analyze new information. You should be able to monitor your MCAT timing while focusing on your accuracy to get a good score. You’ll also need to learn how to read MCAT graphs to quickly interpret the dense information and data presented in the test.

An MCAT prep course can help you with study strategies to perform well on the test. It can help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses and focus on areas of improvement. It can also give you comprehensive information on what is covered in the MCAT, how to prepare for its difficult passages such as the CARS section, and how to improve your timing.

How an MCAT Prep Course Can Help You

While there are a lot of study materials available on the internet for MCAT prep, it is essential to understand that you need to have a strategy to use those resources effectively. Often, people end up losing their direction and drowning in the sea of irrelevant resources. A good MCAT prep course offers relevant study materials to help you prepare in a specific amount of time. 

If you have determined when to start studying for MCAT, you can browse online for the available course options. To select a suitable MCAT prep course, you should first analyze your current level of competence by taking an MCAT diagnostic test. Then, you can research what kind of content is offered in the courses that interest you. Lastly, don’t forget to check the teaching style offered by the course and whether it resonates with your preferences.

Debating whether you need an MCAT Prep Course? Watch this video!

Here are a few ways a good MCAT prep course can help you in your MCAT preparation:

#1 Provides Learning Resources

With multiple resources available on the internet for MCAT prep, you might get confused about or overwhelmed with what material to select for your studies. An MCAT prep course eliminates this hassle by providing you with relevant study materials. You can also access practice tests to apply the course material and evaluate your progress.

#2 Planning Your Exam Strategy

An MCAT prep course can help you analyze how to improve your MCAT answering strategies. You might be approaching the questions in the wrong way. Therefore, your prep course should offer a detailed assessment of your test-taking strategies and suggest relevant improvement through feedback.

#3 Setting a Study Schedule

The time required to prepare for the MCAT differs for every student. You might wish to be an early bird and start preparing for MCAT from the day you begin your premed studies, or you might postpone MCAT studies due to your initial coursework load when you enter university. Regardless of this, you need to figure out a schedule for yourself and stick to it if you are serious about scoring well on the MCAT. An MCAT prep course can help you create your MCAT study schedule based on pre-determined modules and a comprehensive syllabus. You will also not need military-style discipline to stick to such a schedule because your prep course will be a source of external motivation.

#4 Providing Mock Practice Tests

As with any other standardized test, practice is the key to success in MCAT. The mock tests in an MCAT prep course can help you understand the type of questions appearing in the actual exams and how you should answer them. For example, the MCAT CARS section might sound intimidating to you as a beginner, but as you practice with multiple mock tests, you will learn to develop your MCAT CARS strategy. Gradually, you will progress to a level where you understand how to review MCAT CARS  and dissect the information, apply your critical thinking skills, and arrive at the correct answer. Thus, an MCAT prep course will give you enough mock tests to practice MCAT reading comprehension and perform well in the CARS section.

#5 Addressing Your Strengths and Weaknesses

An MCAT prep course will have pre-designed study modules which can help you target specific areas of study. The learning material and practice tests are designed such that you can focus on the concepts of your choice. Additionally, you will receive constant feedback to help you understand your progress in your target areas.

Don't know where to start with MCAT prep? The tips in this infographic can help get you started:

how to study for the MCAT

How to Find the Best MCAT Prep Course

Once you’ve decided whether an MCAT prep course is the right step for you to help you get into medical school in Canada, the next question is: where do you start looking? There are hundreds of options out there, and as an applicant to Canadian medical schools, you might be even more selective. The Canadian medical schools which accept or require the MCAT sometimes have specific requirements for MCAT scores, so you need to choose an MCAT prep course in Canada which can best prepare you for Canadian med school admissions.

Here’s our guide on how to find the best MCAT prep course for Canadian med school applicants.

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Professionalism and expertise are a must when it comes to MCAT prep courses. Your prep course instructors should be MCAT experts who are well versed in medical school admissions and, ideally, Canadian medical school admissions. Check out the instructors’ academic background to see where their expertise lies and if they share where they studied or where they’re from. Finding the best medical school admissions consultant can improve your chances of admission to Canadian universities by coaching you on preparing for the MCAT.

Why BeMo is the Best MCAT Prep Course in Canada?

Using the criteria listed above, we think we check all the right boxes when it comes to the best MCAT prep, and our students agree! We have the most 5-star reviews to back up our success with helping students prepare for the MCAT. Here are just a few of the MCAT prep services out there:

  • BeMo Academic Consulting - Most verified 5-star Trustpilot reviews
  • Jack Westin - Private MCAT prep tutoring
  • Kaplan Test Prep - Comprehensive test prep courses, including MCAT
  • Med School Insiders - Medical school admissions consulting
  • Princeton Review - Test prep and admissions consulting
  • Shemmassian Academic Consulting - Admissions consulting and 1-on-1 test prep

BeMo's MCAT course offers you a tailored MCAT prep experience, where you can expect personalized one-on-one attention to make you 100% ready for test day. We understand that MCAT is about developing your critical thinking skills, rather than mindless memorization of concepts. So, with us, you can be certain of learning the right strategies to respond to MCAT questions.

Plus, here are a few more reasons we are confident in our abilities to make you absolutely ready for the MCAT:

1. Personalized Preparation

Due to differences in the learning needs of students, the BeMo MCAT prep courses are not one-suit-fits-all. You might already have a grip on the foundational concepts and just need to figure out the best answering strategies. Or, you might have just started on your MCAT prep journey and need more assistance. So, you can make use of private learning sessions to suit your unique prep needs. BeMo’s MCAT prep is 100% customizable to your needs, timeline and budget, and we offer unlimited prep, anytime and anywhere.

2. Top-Notch Prep Materials

Having the right study materials is the first essential step for MCAT prep. With BeMo’s prep course, you have access to 18 MCAT practice tests and to a 2,000+ QBank to practice for your exam. BeMo also offers its Ultimate Guide to MCAT CARS for students who want to focus on this challenging section of the exam. Apart from these, you get access to the official AAMC practice tests and preparation material to take your prep to the next level.

3. Customizable Services

You can choose from different programs depending on your needs, such as all-inclusive MCAT prep and MCAT CARS prep. With these programs, you get unlimited access to admissions experts to answer your questions related to MCAT and medical school admissions. Our services are customizable, so if you’re just looking for MCAT prep, no problem. But if you find yourself wanting a review of your medical school application, too, our services cover every step of the process.

4. Expert Guidance

You will get assistance from the most qualified consultants with relevant backgrounds and experience guiding med school candidates. They will help you with tips, tricks, and answering strategies for the MCAT. Additionally, you can work with them to develop a plan of action for your improvement areas. Our consultants are experienced with the Canadian medical school admissions process and requirements, so you can rest assured you’ll be provided with expert help no matter where you’re applying.

5. Complete Online Access

The courses are 100% online and you do not have to travel anywhere, which means more time for your studies! You also get the choice of deciding your schedule so that you can learn at your own pace. For example, you can slow down and dedicate more time to a particular concept if you think you need more practice.

Thinking an MCAT CARS prep course might be beneficial for you as well? Check out this infographic:

mcat cars prep course infographic


MCAT is considered a critical component of med school applications in Canada, and you need to be absolutely thorough with preparation if you wish to achieve a good score. An MCAT test prep course provides expert guidance and professional assistance to plan and manage your MCAT studies. Once you have assessed your goals, you can choose a program that fulfills your requirements. So, don't wait anymore! Jump over to browse the best MCAT prep course in Canada and begin your studies today.


1. How can an MCAT prep course help me?

MCAT prep courses help you with study material and preparation guidance to ace your exam. You get access to practice tests and full-length mock tests to check your progress and assess your preparation levels at different stages in your MCAT exam prep. These courses also offer you expert feedback to help you improve in different areas of the exam.

2. Is it worth spending money on MCAT prep course in Canada?

MCAT prep courses are worth it if you need guidance and support in preparing for your MCAT exam. While it is not mandatory to opt for an MCAT prep course, most students lack the self-discipline required to study for long hours and might lose a sense of direction while going through the study material. You might need external motivation or a push to get your studies on track. In such a case, an MCAT prep course will help you prepare better and make efficient use of your time. 

3. Are MCAT prep courses expensive in Canada?

There are several MCAT courses with varying costs in Canada. If you research carefully, you will be able to get suitable MCAT prep courses within your budget. The key here is to not worry about whether courses are expensive or cheap but to decide on a budget and then look for something at your pre-determined cost.

4. What are the benefits of an MCAT prep course in Canada?

MCAT prep courses in Canada can save you from the hassle of searching online for MCAT prep resources and practice tests while also giving you the option of flexible study schedules according to your MCAT prep requirements. You can also get comprehensive feedback about your current level of MCAT competency and how you can improve it.

5. How to know if you need an MCAT prep course?

You can decide whether or not to get an MCAT prep course by doing self-introspection. Take a free online test and check your level of preparation for the MCAT. Ask yourself if you need help with conceptual learning for MCAT or perhaps some guidance on answering strategies. Do you need to go the extra mile in your MCAT prep to achieve your dream score or can you get by with MCAT self-prep? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should opt for an MCAT prep course.

6. How to choose an MCAT prep course in Canada?

Browse the available courses that suit your budget. Check out the course description to judge whether the program will meet your MCAT preparation needs. Take a look at the described study material and resources. Does your course have a testing system to review your progress? How and when do you get feedback on your performance? Get answers to all these questions before selecting a particular course.

7. Which medical schools in Canada do not require MCAT test scores?

All medical schools in Canada except medical schools in Quebec, the University of Ottawa medical school, and Northern Ontario School of Medicine require MCAT scores for their medical school application process.

8. What is a good MCAT score in Canada?

A good MCAT score in Canada is 515 or above. A score of 517 is often considered as outstanding. Usually, you should aim to achieve more than the minimum score required for your target med school in Canada.

9. Can I study for MCAT in 2 months?

It is possible, but we strongly suggest dedicating no less than 3 months to your MCAT prep. 

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Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting