If you are wondering how to choose the right MBA program, you will have noticed that there are a wide range of options. With so many educational institutions offering differently paced and unique MBA programs, it can be confusing and difficult to find the one that is best aligned with your career goals and most beneficial to your career growth. First, ask yourself, “Why do you want to pursue an MBA?”. The reasons you list will help point you to the program most relevant to you. Getting some expert Master of Business Administration (MBA) Application Tips can also help you decide. In this article, we cover some of the main considerations for how to choose the right MBA program for you.

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Article Contents
9 min read

Why Pursue an MBA? Why Is It So Important to Choose the Right MBA Program? What Are the Main Types of MBA Programs? How Do I Choose the Right MBA Program? How Do I Increase My Chances of Admission to an MBA Program? Conclusion FAQs

An MBA degree unlocks multiple channels of career growth and allows you to choose the most beneficial path for your aspirations. When considering an MBA, you should match your career objective with an MBA program that will be the best fit. It is crucial to find a program that enables you to secure a job role of your choice and liking. MBA graduates are extensively trained to understand core business functions and how to manage, plan, and adapt to changing business environments. Therefore, the right MBA is a winning ticket for professionals aiming to work in managerial positions and more advanced positions.

The number of applicants to MBA programs has doubled in recent years and is projected to grow in future. With MBA acceptance rates in USA being so competitive, it may be tricky to secure a program of your choice at the right time. People from across industries are seeking to upskill, and many choose to take time off from their professional lives to pursue a degree that will add long-term value to their career. With proper planning and analysis of your MBA goals, you can increase your chances of acceptance into a program that will define your future as a professional.

Why Pursue an MBA?

An MBA is an excellent way to add an extra credential and broaden your professional horizons. Recruiters are often looking for candidates with people management skills and business intelligence. MBA students are trained to understand business operations from the inside out and can manage and implement goals to achieve growth. Many professionals with substantial work experience in the products, technology, and service fields pursue an MBA degree to add credibility to their work experience. Getting an MBA exposes you to international business operations, industry patterns, and how to manage and deal with people in the workplace. MBA holders are often considered for managerial and leadership positions, such as C-suite, VPs, and Directors. People whose education is in a field that does not directly apply to most job profiles can enrich their qualifications with an MBA. An MBA preps and gives you a feel of a typical business environment and how teams and companies function at a granular level; this immediately puts you at an advantage compared to someone who does not have a sense of business cues.

Why Is It So Important to Choose the Right MBA Program?

Pursuing an MBA is one of the most important decisions a person can make. This decision definitively impacts a student’s academic path and plays a major role in kickstarting their career. Business schools are both expensive and difficult to get into, and it can be hard to know how to choose the right MBA program. Moreover, once accepted, students are expected to fully commit to the program and participate extensively in all aspects, including coursework, team projects, internships, and even social events. An MBA is demanding, and admissions committees will be looking to confirm that students are up to the challenge.

Therefore, applying to an MBA at a prestigious school should not be taken lightly. MBA admissions consulting can play a vital role in helping you create a checklist and curating your admissions profile to meet the eligibility criteria for your preferred business school or program. However, if you are convinced that a particular MBA program is right for you, it will be that much easier to convince the school to admit you, whether it's one of the best MBA programs in the world or one of the easiest MBA programs to get into.

What Are the Main Types of MBA Programs?

There are MBA programs to suit almost any student’s needs, level of professional growth, and availability. Not everyone can afford to take time off to engage in full-time studies. Moreover, many MBA candidates also consider this option as a way to further their existing career. For example, they may own a small business or have just launched a startup and wish to have a stronger foundation to be able to satisfy clients or get to the next level.

Therefore, how you manage this long-term investment is crucial. Often, a part-time or hybrid MBA program will be the optimal choice. The following are some of the types of MBA programs you can choose from:

How Do I Choose the Right MBA Program?

As previously noted, choosing the right MBA program – one that fits your goals, experience, expertise, finances, location, and availability – is not easy. You will need to review and assess multiple factors before determining your short list of ideal schools and MBA programs:

Overall Career Goal

As an MBA aspirant, you need to assess your short-term and long-term career goals and search for programs that are best suited to helping you achieve those goals. Students tend to follow the trend and later realize that the program did not add much value to their professions in the long run. It is vital to consider your academic, professional, and personal aspirations before investing in an MBA program. For example, if you are a Fine Arts student who is interested in a career in film and television, you might opt for a dual MBA/MFA degree, such as the one offered by NYU Stern. Admissions consultants can help candidates align their priorities so that there is no regret and confusion in the future.

Time and Money

In addition to deciding on the kind of MBA program you want to undertake, the duration, delivery, and cost of the program need to be considered. Professionals who have extensive work experience might opt for the Executive MBA or Part-time MBA while maintaining their job and supporting themselves. Students fresh out of college with no experience might be better off going for a full-time course to get up to speed with their professional counterparts.

MBA colleges and universities have a wide range of tuition fees. Depending on the type of MBA program you pick, the tuition fee will vary. For example, one MBA program at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley costs about $17,000, while another at Wharton is about $85,000. You need to choose a program that adds value while also being affordable for you. Admissions consultants often have a repository of college/university options, along with pros and cons, that can be very helpful. Students who require financial assistance might consider a federal or private loan, or only apply to an MBA program that offers scholarship opportunities.

Admission Criteria and Reputation

Admission requirements vary across universities and colleges. To understand whether you meet their criteria, first consider the institution’s rank and accreditation. Top-ranked business schools will tend to have more stringent admission requirements. Every college or university has a definitive set of criteria that helps them identify the best candidate, and a single candidate will not usually meet every criterion in the checklist. However, here are some standard student requirements to check:

Admissions consultants can create a mix and match of schools based on location, reputation, acceptance rates, and fee structure tailored to each student and their needs. With comprehensive research and some outside help, you can narrow your list to a set of schools that fit you well and offer the best possible chance of admission.

How Do I Increase My Chances of Admission to an MBA Program?

The secret to improving your admission chances is to find the right match between the school, the program, and yourself. For example, you can learn more about how to explain a low GPA in an MBA application, but if your GPA is far below the cutoff for a particular school, that school may not be the best focus of your efforts. You can also write a strong MBA statement of purpose that helps you stand out from hundreds of other applicants.

In considering your admissions profile, the following are some points to keep in mind:

Academic Record

For any graduate school, your academic record is key. This includes your undergraduate and graduate GPAs, transcripts, and GMAT and GRE scores. However, MBA programs are highly competitive, and the average GPA in many business schools is also high. For example, for Wharton’s MBA program, your GMAT score should be 750+ and your GPA should be 3.65 or higher. Students who recently joined Stanford’s MBA program had an average GPA of 3.8. To create a strong profile, your combined scores should be closely evaluated.

It is possible to learn how to get into an MBA program with a low GPA, but this will often depend on whether you are still in school and can take steps to improve your performance. Perhaps you have some very good reasons for your grades being low one year (illness, family crisis), and this threw off your whole GPA. Then, the important thing is to explain these setbacks and show how you persisted to rise above and overcome them. You can talk about such issues in your MBA personal statement or optional essay. For help with this, you can look into how to find the best MBA essay consultant. Admissions consultants who work with students on a daily basis have experience and background on the scores that get the best response.

Work Experience

Business schools pay close attention to students’ work experience, and many do not admit applicants to the MBA program without a minimum number of years. For example, the average MBA student at Stanford has about 4–5 years of work experience, while Harvard has a wider range, with students having anywhere between 3 and 6 years of work experience.

Business schools also read your MBA motivation letter and other documents closely to see how your professional background impacted your decision to pursue an MBA, or why you would be a good candidate for their school. They may consider the industry you worked in, the role you played as a team member or leader, and how fast you advanced from one role to another. Your career trajectory should have an upward slope that highlights any leadership positions, advancement, and accomplishments. A well-rounded professional with a strong academic background is the ideal candidate for most MBA programs.

Needless to say, if a school only accepts applicants with five years’ management experience, and they are firm about it, you should not waste your energy on this choice if you have much less than that under your belt. This does not mean an MBA is out of the question, however. Maybe you need to work for another year to meet the cutoff. Alternatively, for schools that are less stringent, consider what you can showcase in your MBA essay topics to convince them that what you lack in work experience you make up for in community service or extracurriculars. You can also learn how to explain gaps in an MBA resume to tackle uncomfortable questions with confidence.

Extracurriculars and Accolades

To make your profile shine among those of hundreds of other applicants, it is wise to mention any extracurricular recognition or accolades that you have. These could include sports, theater, dance, or community service that demonstrate your leadership, consistency, dedication, and passion. These non-academic achievements also speak to who you are as a candidate and as an individual. You can highlight these activities in different ways, for example, as part of your MBA diversity essay or through an MBA recommendation letter.

Overall Goals

Your overall goals as a candidate can be summed up in your MBA statement of purpose, often the main required essay for MBA programs. In this essay, you would describe your background, achievements, experience, and objectives. This carefully thought-out document should provide a well-rounded picture of your strengths and accomplishments, but most importantly, it should emphasize why you wish to pursue an MBA and why the particular school you have selected is ideal for you. Different schools have different requirements for what to include in essays and other documents, so be sure to check the specifics. Schools will also want to get a glimpse of your personality when reading your materials.


In considering all these aspects, you will be able to decide how to choose the right MBA program more easily. At the very least, you will be able to narrow your choices to a short list that matches both your own and the school’s expectations. Then, you can focus your energy on preparing a winning application package for only those schools that are the best fit.


1. Can I apply to the same MBA program multiple times?

Although every business school is different, many welcome reapplicants for a different academic year. If your first application is rejected, re-evaluate your admissions profile and look for potential areas for improvement, ideally with the help of an admissions consultant.

2. What is the advantage of having an MBA degree?

Most experienced professionals who aim for senior-level positions need to have a particular skillset. A professional with an MBA degree has an edge over other applicants when it comes to growing into senior positions in companies.

3. Can I have two MBA degrees?

Yes, candidates who already have an MBA can still be considered for another MBA degree. For example, you might wish to take a different specialization to expand your professional scope or, in contrast, focus on a particular aspect of your field.

4. What is the age limit for an MBA applicant?

Although there is no age limit, the best time to apply for an MBA is after acquiring a few years of professional experience in a mid-level role, so that you have the background and experience to choose what is right for your overall goal.

5. What is the average GPA for a general MBA?

To gain admission into a recognized school, your GPA score should be a minimum of 3.5.

6. Which MBA program is the best?

Although subjective, every MBA school has a specific reputation. Some of the most sought-after MBA programs tend to be in the field of finance, technology, marketing, HR, engineering, and entrepreneurship. What is important to remember is that each program and student is unique, and the “best” MBA program is one that is a good fit for you and your career goals. 

7. Which MBA program will get me a very high salary?

Currently, the highest salaries for MBA graduates tend to be in the field of information technology, finance, business analytics, and marketing.

8. Which MBA program is the most difficult to get into?

Recently, Stanford had the lowest acceptance rate of less than 6%, followed by Harvard and MIT Sloan.

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