Learn the acceptance statistics, requirements and programs offered at Howard University College in 2025 and understand how to prepare for your medical school application, and what you can do to make your medical school application stand out in order to increase your chances of admission! Howard University College of Medicine is a historic institution that strives to produce compassionate and competent medical professionals.
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Located in Washington, DC, the Howard University College of Medicine is both the oldest and largest historically black medical school in the United States, and the 36th oldest medical school in the country. Until 1950, the college contributed about half of the black physicians in the country, too! The primary hospital on campus was completed in 1975, and students will also be able to complete clerkships at other nearby hospitals affiliated with the college, such as the Children’s National Medical Center, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and the Washington Veterans Affairs Hospital. Also known as ‘HUCM’, this college is one that practices team-based learning and simulations, and activities are instructed in small groups, meaning students will have the opportunity to learn and study alongside their fellow colleagues and faculty without having to feel as though they’re a ‘number’ or ‘statistic’ in their program. This approach offers a more inclusive and supportive learning environment, which is important for future, compassionate and knowledgeable MD’s.
Wondering why prerequisites are important?
Mission Statement
“Howard University College of Medicine provides students of high academic potential with a medical education of exceptional quality and prepares physicians and other health care professionals to serve the underserved. Particular focus is on the education of disadvantaged students for careers in medicine. Special attention is directed to teaching and research activities that address health care disparities.”
Available Programs
The BS/MD program is a unique one that allows students to complete the requirements for a Bachelor of Science and Medical Doctor degree in just 6 years as opposed to 8. Space is limited for admission to the MD program upon completing the BS program, and select students from the College of Arts and Sciences will be chosen to enter the MD program alongside the traditionally selected students each year.
Academic Curriculum
The MD program at HUCM is an integrated curriculum, this means that in their first year, students complete curriculum blocks that cover the following subjects: Molecules and Cells, Structure and Function, and Population health. In their second year, students will learn pathophysiology, pathology and pharmacology, and these subjects will be integrated according to organ systems; Medicine and Society block will continue throughout their second year.
Student’s third and fourth years will consist of blocks of instruction and clerkships, as well as exams in core clinical disciplines. In their final year, students will also have the opportunity for additional clinical research and electives (for 24-28 weeks).
In terms of pedagogy, the Howard University College of Medicine approaches learning from an inclusive and integrated lens. Students will learn in small group settings, and will learn through case-based and team-based exercises, as well as simulations. Students will learn and improve their clinical and technical skills in the college’s state-of-the-art Clinical Skills and simulation center. The college is also one that believes in providing adequate support to its students. The Office of Medical Education coordinates academic support groups that are available to all medical students. Students will be able to take advantage of individual and group tutoring options, and the faculty is available for ongoing academic support.
Small group and team-based learning activities require attendance; however, lectures are not mandatory. Some lectures will be offered online. Students will begin interacting with patients during their first semester/first year in medical school.
The grading system includes Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory in year 3, and clerkships have a ‘High Pass’ designation as well. Clinical rotations can be completed in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, Neurology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Family Medicine.
Application Timeline
Medical school application timelines for HUCM are as follows:
The earliest date for primary application submission Application reviews begin Primary application deadline Secondary application deadline Interview invitations will be sent “Commit to enroll” Time applicants have to respond to their offer Pre-requisite grades due no later than
The primary application service used is AMCAS, which is the American Medical College Application Service. As with 138 other medical schools, HUCM participates in the AMCAS Letters of Recommendation/Evaluation Service.
Admissions Statistics
HUCM is both an out-of state-friendly medical school, as well as a Canadian friendly US medical school. DACA applicants will be considered on a limited basis, and, there are limited spaces available for International applicants, but such applications will still be considered.
Here are current admissions statistics for Howard University College of Medicine:
In-state: 9.8% admission
Out-of-state: 1% admission
International: 1% admission
Total: 1.08% admission
The median MCAT score for admitted students at HUCM is 507, and the median GPA is 3.61.
Out of 11,211 total applications, 358 were interviewed, 3 were deferred, 5 were granted admission to the BS/MD program, and 122 matriculated.
The estimated number of new entrants this upcoming school year, based on data from previous years at HUCM is 125.
Currently, there are 497 students enrolled at HUCM. The ratio of men/women is 56/66, based on current data.
Recommended Courses
In terms of eligibility, applicants are required to have completed specific prerequisites for medical school prior to the start of their MD program.
The following courses are required:
The following courses are recommended:
While it can vary by course, online and community college courses are accepted in place of labs or courses delivered in-person; however, AP courses are only accepted for select pre-requisite courses. Online courses (with a Pass/Fail grade) will also be considered, as HUCM recognizes that the pandemic may have affected medical school preparation and course delivery.
Tuition and Debt
Based on current statistics, medical school tuition for in-state and out-of-state students is the same. The total cost of tuition is $84,206, with $52,446 being delegated to tuition, and $31,760 for other related education fees and expenses.
Funding Opportunities
97% of current students at HUCM are receiving some kind of financial aid, and the average indebtedness of graduates is $163,094. There are plenty of opportunities for students to receive aid—either federal or from the institution directly—and there are ample research grants and opportunities available for HUCM students as well.
Extensive information about types of financial aid and considerations to make, as well as internal and external medical school scholarship opportunities, can be found on the HUCM website.
Limited financial aid opportunities are available for International students.
How to Get Into HUCM
In order to be considered for an MD (or combined) program at HUCM, you must hold a 4-year Bachelor’s degree, in good standing, from an accredited institution. If you have additional training or graduate-level education, your grades and/or scores will also be considered alongside your undergraduate transcript. The only exception to this is students applying to the dual degree BS/MD program, however, admittance to the MD portion of the program still depends on a student’s academic standing in their undergraduate courses.
In order to increase your chances of admission to Howard University College of Medicine, you must complete all required prerequisite courses or, will have them completed in good-standing by the June deadline. Additionally, you must strive to achieve a GPA of 3.61 and an MCAT score of 507 to be a competitive candidate. Students are required to take the MCAT (recent, within the past 3 years) as well as the CASPer test in order to be considered for admission.
In order to achieve favorable scores on both tests, you should allow yourself ample time for MCAT prep, as well as plenty of study time you can dedicate to understanding key CASPer test question categories and types and reviewing free sample CASPer questions prior to your test date.
Your primary and secondary application must be submitted in a timely manner in order to be considered, and your medical school recommendation letters, along with all additional materials, should be written in a way that highlights your experiences, traits and qualities that will make you a great medical student, and, a great doctor one day. Prior to beginning your primary application, it’s imperative that you review medical school personal statement examples and AMCAS work and activities, as well as prepare for medical school secondary essays accordingly. And, before writing any secondary essays, you should thoroughly review the school’s mission statement and core values in order to write less-generalized materials that detail why HUCM specifically is right for you!
HUCM is an institution that continues to emphasize diversity initiatives and strives include students of all socioeconomic and racial backgrounds and abilities, with approximately 47% of their students being from medically underserved communities. The institution strives to respect and welcome diverse populations and has historically been (and remained) a college that produces the most black/African American physicians; 95 first-year students, according to recent data, identify as black or African American, out of 122 students who were surveyed.
Additionally, 34% of matriculants have a graduate degree, and 73% are math and science majors. Although a science background and graduate degree is not abs However, HUCM considers students from a variety of backgrounds, so long as they have the required pre-requisites and experience, as well as the same vision and mission as the institution, and motivation and enthusiasm to learn how to best serve all communities as future physicians.
Premedical experience is an asset as well, however, it is recommended and not required. HUCM strongly believes in serving medically underserved populations and communities, so community experience in a healthcare setting is an asset, along with a strong desire to help such communities as a future physician.
This means that if you have adequate premedical experience, you should take the time to detail it and utilize it as a way to stand out among other applicants. Premedical experience can come in a variety of forms, including volunteering, shadowing and scribing. Premedical experience most commonly reported by applicants in recent years includes research lab experience (85%), medical community service/volunteering (67%), clinical observation and shadowing (78%), general community service (84%), paid employment in a medical/clinical setting (51%) and finally, military experience (3%). So, if you have premedical experience, specifically in a research lab or clinical observation, it’s crucial that you include it! If you have not yet had premedical experience and are looking to apply to HUCM in the coming years, remember, experience is one of the things that can help your application stand out and set you apart from other applicants!
Students are required to have a minimum of 2 recommendation letters, and a maximum of 10 letters. Currently, students may apply with only 1 science letter, however, at least 2 must be submitted by matriculation. Alternatively, a committee letter can substitute 2 science letters. This is, of course, subject to change, and we recommend you always check for the most up-to-date application requirements before you apply!
HUCM conducts a holistic review of applicant files. Some characteristics considered include (but are not limited to): character, motivation, academic record, MCAT score, letters of recommendation, health exposure and experience and alignment with the school’s mission. Helping serve traditionally underserved populations is at the core of HUCM’s mission and values, and students must show a desire and intent to do this. No restrictions on race, sex, religion, age, status (etc.,) will be considered during application evaluation and reviews.
Interview Formats
Students who are invited to interview will have two, one-on-one interviews with admissions committee members, and interviews are typically held on Tuesday and Wednesdays in the morning and early afternoon—this is subject to change.
Ensure that you allow yourself enough time for medical school interview preparation so that you can complete each interview with complete confidence! A great way to prepare is to review medical school interview questions, practice your answers, participate in mock medical school interviews, and of course, get feedback from a professional, such as a medial school interview tutor or an academic consultant who can help you with all parts of your medical school interview preparation and ensure you’re prepared by helping you understand what is being asked of you in each question and how to best formulate your response.
Acceptance and Waitlist Information
Currently, there are 497 students enrolled at HUCM. The ratio of men/women is 56/66, based on current data. The Waitlist (approximately) holds 100-125 applicants, with 90 of them being granted admission. In the early spring, the applicants placed on the Waitlist will be re-evaluated. Deferred entrance requests will also be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Students who accept their offer must “commit to enroll” no later than May. This means that you’ve made your final selection, however, you must physically withdraw all other applications yourself on AMCAS. Upon receiving their offer of admission, students will have three weeks, or, exactly 21 days, to respond to their offer prior to mid-April. After mid-April, applicants will only have 15 days to respond to an offer. Review your offer letter and confirm your response deadline and conditions, then respond accordingly to let HUCM know if you are choosing their program. If you’re accepting the offer of admission, you will be required to include your $100 deposit.
Getting ready for your interview? Check this out:
Contact Information
Howard University College of Med
Office of Admissions, Office of the Dean
College of Medicine, Room 2310
520 W Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20059-1021 USA
(202) 806-6279
Email: hucmadmissions@howard.edu
Click here to view the HUCM website!
1. What is the average acceptance rate at HUCM?
The average acceptance rate at HUCM is 1.08%. Thousands of applicants from in-and-out of state, as well as International and Canadian applicants, apply annually, but only 125 (approximate) seats are available for each incoming first-year class.
2. What is the application process and timeline like?
The earliest initial applications will be accepted at the end of May, with application reviews beginning in July, interview invitations will begin being sent in August (until spring), and initial application deadlines falling in December. For secondary applications, the deadline is in January. Interviews will span from September until March, decisions will be made in the spring, and students will have two weeks to respond to their offer
HUCM uses AMCAS, so all of your application materials, including your recommendation letters can be uploaded there. You must also have taken the MCAT and achieved a good score within the past three years (always check the exact date required with the institution) and you must also take your CASPer test—and pass—in order to be considered. Additionally, applicants will each undergo a mandatory criminal record check to ensure the safety of all faculty, students and patients.
3. What makes HUCM unique?
HUCM is a historic campus and institution! Founded in 1868, it was the first and largest black medical college, and the curriculum, culture and mission is rooted in this history. Many HUCM students are from traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities and possess many important and unique perspectives that can help better the medical field in the Washington community, and beyond! While test scores and GPA certainly matter (and must be ‘good’ in order to be considered), HUCM approaches evaluations holistically and looks strong qualities, traits and skills in each candidate that are not necessarily tied to grades and scores.
4. How many recommendation letters are required?
HUCM requires a minimum of 2 letters, but, up to a maximum of 10! Due to the pandemic, admissions teams are lenient and will accept 1 science letter (as opposed to the typical 2), only if a second will be submitted prior to matriculation. A single committee letter can also replace the need for 2 science letters of recommendation.
5. Do HUCM MD applicants need to take the MCAT or CASPer? What if I score poorly?
Yes, applicants will only be considered if they have taken the MCAT and CASPer. The CASPer will be conducted virtually and is an SJT, so, you can absolutely prepare yourself, as the required skills are highly coachable. You can also retake the MCAT, should you feel your score was inadequate.
6. I’m a student of disadvantaged origin, is HUCM right for me?
The great thing about HUCM is they have roots in racial diversity and their college mission is to address and serve disadvantaged, underserved communities. Within that same mission, HUCM strives to empower and train the best physicians, many of whom are from disadvantaged communities!
Overall, HUCM is an inclusive and diverse college; financial aid opportunities, as well as tutoring and faculty support are available. If you have the required pre-requisites, some premedical experience, have good test scores and a high GPA, and the determination and passion to serve as a physician, you should absolutely apply knowing you will be given a fair chance at HUCM. On your AMCAS application, you will notice that there is a section to declare your status by submitting an AMCAS statement of disadvantage. Additionally, you may opt to submit a diversity secondary essay that highlights some of your life experiences as they relate to your passion for medicine and future career.
7. Are there specialization or research opportunities at HUCM?
Yes! HUCM has a few combined, dual-degree programs including the BS/MD, MD/MBA, MD/PhD and the MD program. The graduating class can specialize in a variety of areas, including Internal Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, and more!
There are several research initiatives and opportunities at HUCM, as it’s a research-intensive school.
8. What is the average MCAT score and GPA accepted at HUCM?
The average MCAT score for accepted HUCM students is 507, and GPA is 3.61.
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BeMo Academic Consulting
Disclaimer: BeMo does not endorse or affiliate with any universities, colleges, or official test administrators. The content has been developed based on the most recent publicly available data provided from the official university website. However, you should always check the statistics/requirements with the official school website for the most up to date information. You are responsible for your own results.