There are some law school requirements in the US and Canada that all applicants need to complete. While there are some law school that do not require the LSAT or schools that do not ask for law school letters of recommendation, the majority of law schools in the US and Canada will require the completion of the 6 requirements we list below. In this article, we will outline the most common law school requirements and provide you with tips on how to stand out as the best candidate for your chosen law schools. 

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9 min read

GPA Education LSAT Law school letter of reference Essays Interview FAQs


Undoubtedly, your GPA is a critical factor when deciding whether to call you to an interview and, subsequently, whether to provide an offer of acceptance. Although getting into law school with a low GPA is possible, this route is far more challenging and demands exceptional success in all other areas. So, paying close attention to getting the greatest GPA attainable is crucial. Be careful to pursue your passions and interests in addition to completing classes that satisfy the criteria for law school. Your GPA is a crucial tool you have at your disposal to assist you in deciding which law schools to pursue as well as how many law schools you should apply to. Regrettably, in most cases, if you don't reach the GPA standards of your chosen law school, your application won't be considered further, no matter how strong the rest of your application is.

Raising your GPA while remaining in college may not be a difficult task. Putting your best effort forward while applying to law school would be the best option in this case. But, you can address your low GPA in your law school resume and personal statement, as well as in other parts of your application. This may be accomplished by owning up to what occurred, detailing your efforts to raise your grade point average, and explaining the insights you learned as a result of the failure. Nevertheless, there are several actions you can take to make up for a low GPA. For instance, get a really high LSAT score. If you are serious about applying to law school, you should commence studying for the LSAT while still in college. You will need to spend sufficient time on this preparation, as it will assist you in the long run when you take the LSAT. A high LSAT score will help you to overcome a low GPA and increase your chances of admission to a good law school despite your low GPA.

Second, to address a lower GPA, you can write a law school addendum. A law school addendum is a document that you can attach to your application to provide additional information or clarify any gaps or setbacks in your resume. If you have a specific reason for your low GPA, such as illness, family problems, or death of a close relative, you can write a law school addendum. A strong addendum may help you to convince law school admissions staff to examine your application in detail. Nonetheless, if you are looking to clarify or defend your low GPA, keep the following points in mind while stating your reasons:

  1. Do not to blame others for your low GPA. This is a common mistake many students make while applying to law school. If you place all of the blame on your professor, for example, it will lead to a negative impact on you as it will demonstrate that you are unable to accept responsibility for your own failures. Even if you believe the professor was unfair, it’s best to articulate the reasons behind your low GPA without criticizing others.
  2. Don't write comprehensive essays discussing your problems and how they affected your grade – you can briefly discuss this obstacle, but do not dedicate an entire personal statement to this. Take accountability for your failures and articulate your issues effectively in a few sentences.
  3. While preparing your law school applications, emphasize your strengths. Admittedly, you cannot just avoid poor grades, but do not make them the focus of your application. Emphasize your accomplishments and achievements! 

To be a competitive candidate for law school in the US, you should aim for a GPA of at least 3.5. In Canada, aim for a GPA of 3.7. To give you a broader picture of what kind of GPA you will need, review the GPA requirements below:

Southern Illinois University School of Law:  minimum 3.0 GPA requirement

Charleston School of Law, South Carolina: minimum 3.0 GPA requirement

Thomas M. Cooley Law School: minimum 2.0 GPA requirement

Loyola University of New Orleans College of Lawminimum 3.10 GPA requirement

Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana: minimum 3.0 GPA requirement

North Carolina Central University School of Law: minimum 2.9 GPA requirement

Appalachian School of Law, Virginia: minimum 2.8 GPA requirement

Willamette University College of Law, Salem, Oregon: minimum 3.1 GPA requirement

Roger Williams University School of Law, Rhode Island: minimum 3.0 GPA requirement

John Marshall Law School, Chicago: minimum 3.1 GPA requirement

Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego: minimum 2.8 GPA requirement

Queen's University: minimum 3.7 GPA requirement

University of Ottawa: minimum 3.5 GPA requirement

This should give you an idea how varied law school GPA requirements are. You need to research this information for each individual school you apply to.


To be eligible for admission to law school, you must complete your undergraduate degree or the required amount of coursework. Some schools, however, provide concessions to candidates above the age of 25 regarding degree requirements. There are typically no specific classes you need to take before applying to most law schools. When it comes to the best majors for law school, no undergraduate major is inherently more advantageous than another, so decide on something you enjoy studying and do well in. You are not required to complete your undergraduate studies at the same institution as the law school. If you're just starting in higher education, picking a school that's a good match is essential.

To get admission in a Canadian or American law school, you do not need to graduate with a specific major. A degree such as Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), or even a Bachelor of Business Administration would be sufficient – but you can choose to major in anything. Degrees such as a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Policing may offer you a great value to get admission to law school. In some cases a law school can accept applicants with two years of undergrad or 90 credits. However, your application will be more valuable if you complete the full four years of undergraduate degree. Furthermore, there are several classes and courses of study that can best prepare applicants for the demands of law schools, such as History and Political Science, English, Business, Social Science, and so on.


The LSAT is a requirement in many law schools. However, some law schools do not require the submission of the LSAT. If you want to increase your options, you may want to consider writing the LSAT.

As we already mentioned, a high LSAT score can sometimes outweigh a low GPA, and vice versa. The LSAT is not the be-all end-all of your application, but you should know that law schools do value a high LSAT score. This is especially true for top-tier schools like Harvard Law School or Yale Law School. The truth is, numbers like grades and LSAT scores are often use in early stages of the application review to weed out weaker applicants. This means that if your GPA and LSAT do not meet the minimum set by the school, the rest of your application may not be reviewed holistically. You should at least meet the standards when you are applying, so apply to schools where you meet or exceed the expected LSAT score.

The truth is, many students with high LSAT scores do not get in because the rest of their application is not strong enough, but you should still do everything in your power not to be removed from the applicant pool in early stages of the admissions process, so make sure you apply to programs where your stats meet the standard. 

To give you an idea of what LSAT scores you need to qualify as a law school applicant to most US and Canadian list schools, check out the list below:

Southern Illinois University School of Law: Minimum LSAT score of 147

Charleston School of Law, South Carolina: Minimum LSAT score of 145

Thomas M. Cooley Law School: Minimum LSAT score of 142

Loyola University of New Orleans College of Law: Minimum LSAT score of 148

Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Minimum LSAT score of 144

North Carolina Central University School of Law: Minimum LSAT score of 140

Appalachian School of Law, Virginia: Minimum LSAT score of 143

Willamette University College of Law, Salem, Oregon: Minimum LSAT score of 149

Concordia University School of Law, Idaho: Minimum LSAT score of 144

Roger Williams University School of Law, Rhode Island: Minimum LSAT score of 147

John Marshall Law School, Chicago: Minimum LSAT score of 148

Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego: Minimum LSAT score of 144

Queen's University (Kingston): Minimum LSAT score of 157

University of Ottawa (Ottawa): Minimum LSAT score of 158

Law school letter of reference

A letter of recommendation (LOR) is essential to your law school application since it may affect your chances of acceptance and allow you to differentiate yourself from other applicants. LORs are helpful since they are an impartial assessment of your qualifications given by someone outside of your application process. When applying to law school, the recommendation letter you submit and your application materials should be concise but thorough. Although it may vary by school, in general, law school LORs are about one page in length. You should still submit the necessary number of letters of recommendation even if they are marked as "optional" on the application. Two LORs are often required for Canadian and American law schools. However, the deadline is varies by institution.

You must enter the exact number of letters specified in the prompt to demonstrate your ability to follow directions. Include short, well-written letters of recommendation (LORs) with your applications, and make sure you ask the right candidate to write them. Further, the strongest letters of reference are written by work supervisors or professors who know you well and designate your academic, personal, or professional achievements and potential with honesty, detail, and objectivity. Generally, the majority of Canadian and American law schools require two LORs.


You will most certainly need to submit a law school personal statement, and some schools may also ask you to write law school optional essays, such as law school diversity statement or “why our law school” essay. The latter are not as commonly required, but make sure to check with the programs of you choice whether you need to submit a supplemental application.

In your law school personal statement, you can highlight the qualities that set you apart from other applicants and make you a strong fit for the legal profession. The admissions committee will read your personal statement to get insight into your reasons for pursuing a law education, the significance of law in your life, and why you want to be a lawyer in general. They want to know if you can reflect on yourself and give a concise, well-considered response. They are eager to learn more about your motivation for studying law or becoming a lawyer.

What do you need to include in a law school personal statement?

Do you also need to submit supplemental essays?


Interviews are a standard part of the admissions process at law schools across the US and Canada. Generally, traditional, panel, and MMI interviews are used by law schools to evaluate applicants and ascertain whether they possess the personality and traits they are looking for as part of the requirements for law schools. As a result, a significant chunk of the final admission choices may be based on the interview results.

In traditional and panel interviews, there won't be any breaks during the 30- to 1-hour-long interview. An interview often occurs in front of two to four interviewers. These panelists could include professors, practicing professionals, and upper-year law students. Open-file or closed-file interviews are also options. Interviewers might read through your application before seeing you during open-file interviews. This may help them decide how to proceed in a dialogue. Interviews with closed files are not aware of your application. This usually leads to a more informal and natural interview. The open-file interview may help the panel determine the direction of a conversation. Your application is kept confidential during closed-file interviews.

Whatever your interview format is, make sure to research the school thoroughly before the interview. Practice with sample law school interview questions and practice via law school mock interviews

If your law school requires a submission of a law school resume, check this out:


1. What are the most common law school requirements?

The most common law school requirements are GPA and LSAT, an undergraduate degree, reference letters, personal statement, and interview.

2. Are there other requirements I should be aware of?

Some schools may ask for optional essays, such as diversity statement, or a law school resume. But these application components are less common.

3. What is the GPA requirement to get into law school?

Most schools have a minimum requirement of 3.0. But to be a competitive candidate, you should aim for 3.5 or 3.7.

4. What is the LSAT requirement for law school?

Most law schools will set a minimum requirement of 147 or so. But to be a competitive candidate, aim for an LSAT score of 168 and higher.

5. How many recommendations do I need for law school?

You will typically need 2 letters of reference for law school, but make sure to check the required number with each school you apply to.

6. Do all law schools require a personal statement?

No, not all law schools do. But most will require an essay submission.

7. Do all law schools do admission interviews?

No, not all law schools have interviews. Be sure to check this requirement with your schools of choice.

8. What kind of undergraduate degree do I need to get into law school?

Most law schools do not have a preference in terms of major. As long as you complete your Bachelors degree, you can major in anything you like and excel in.

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