Several medical schools require the CASPer test as part of their admissions process. This situational judgment is part of a multi-level assessment called Acuity Insights. CASPer is used by some medical schools to assess the applicants' non-cognitive skills. For a realistic chance of admissions, you must prepare for CASper well in advance, using realistic simulations and expert feedback. This blog will provide a comprehensive list of all medical schools that require CASPer in both the US and Canada.

Disclaimer: CASPer stands for computer-based assessment for sampling personal characteristics and is claimed to be a trademark of McMaster & Altus Suite. BeMo does not recommend, endorse nor affiliate with CASPer, Altus or McMaster and vice versa. BeMo only provides preparation services and practice tests. To take CASPer, contact Altus directly.

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Article Contents
6 min read

List of Medical Schools that Require CASPer Medical Schools that Require CASPer: Why Medical Schools Require It Can You Really Prepare for CASPer How Does the CASPer Test Work? When Can I Take the CASPer Test? FAQs

List of Medical Schools That Require CASPer

***Note: unless otherwise indicated, all the schools listed below require only the completion of the CASPer test. We put a small note next to each of the schools that require the Duet assessment.

US MD Schools That Require CASPer

US DO Schools That Require CASPer

Medical Schools That Require CASPer in Canada

Medical Schools that Require CASPer: Why Medical Schools Require It

The reason there are so many medical schools that require CASPer, or any situational-judgement test (SJT), such as the AAMC PREview. One of the reasons is to try to level the playing field in terms of allowing for more non-traditional medical school applicants to get into medical school.

But we at BeMo are not convinced. In fact, we believe, and have evidence to support, that SJTs creates more disparity rather than alleviating it, as this study argues.

One of the study’s main conclusions is that the CASPer exam and multiple-mini-interviews (MMI) “do not appear to offer any significant advantage in promoting diversity or selecting intrinsically motivated applicants.” What’s more, this survey of medical students at McMaster found that SJTs like CASPer and the AAMC PREview, as well as the MMI, “favour applicants from higher income households,” as they have the resources to prepare for these types of tests and interview formats.

Of course, there are many studies that say the opposite. One study found that “the CASPER test, an SJT, can potentially reduce demographic disparities in the admissions process.” But even though there are benefits to using the CASPer test in the admissions process, many premed students feel a little intimidated and unsure about the test itself. Many students and professionals are stumped when they face CASPer, since so little information is shared by the administrators of the test. One of our students, Alison, was completely blindsided by CASPer during her application:

“I had no idea what CASPer was [at first]. I think it's something that a lot of schools use and that I feel … it's not talked about very much at all and I think it's because it's a test that you can't necessarily ‘study for’ quote. Couple google searches later figured out what it was what it was for … but by having a little bit of not necessarily studying but preparation you can not only know what you're doing but also make yourself kind of stand out as an applicant in that aspect as well.” – Alison, former BeMo student and current student at Dell Medical School.


Nonetheless, the CASPer test remains an important medical school requirement. The test is often used as a screening method to help determine which applicants should be invited to an in-person interview, so it's essential that students review CASPer test questions and know how to prepare for CASPer correctly. This should be followed by using realistic simulations followed by expert feedback.

So how do you prepare for CASPer? What can you do to feel ready for this intimidating test? Let’s find out.

Learn how to prepare for CASPer and practice with some sample passages!

Can You Really Prepare for CASPer?

You may know how important MCAT scores are and the importance of having a high GPA, but the CASPer test is something that students still struggle with because of the secretive nature of its scoring, which has made premeds more wary of the admissions process. Many schools do not reveal how the CASPer test is used in their admissions processes, but our students have a hunch that it has tremendous effect on some admissions officers:

“3rd quartile CASPer likely screened me out from most medical schools this past cycle, especially as a 3rd year applicant. I don't think I took CASPer prep as seriously as I should have, and will work harder on it this cycle.” – Anushka G., BeMo student


However, the same study we cited above also found that preparation, both self-study and with certified CASPer test coaches, significantly improves not only your ability to take the test, but perhaps more important, your confidence. For example, BeMo's CASPer prep has been proven to increase applicants' practice CASPer score by 23%.

Confidence-building was something that helped our student Alina, who recently got into a medical school that requires CASPer. Like many premeds, Alina had little experience or knowledge of CASPer. “This [was] my first year ever writing CASPer,” she said, and Alina realized that she needed help understanding the various CASPer test question categories, such as “how to approach the occasional personal question that you get on CASPer.” But she also needed the confidence to take the test. Alina says the most helpful prep she received was with expert feedback, which she says:

“[CASPer prep was] really helpful because not only do you go through a CASPer scenario or two that you have completed but the expert will walk you through the scenario and tell you what you did well what you need to improve on … [CASPer prep] was helpful not only in terms of improving my CASPer test taking abilities but also telling me, roughly, where I was at so that I had confidence going into test day.” – Alina, BeMo student


Alina’s experience with expert feedback and personalized coaching and her eventual acceptance into medical school was reflected in the findings of the study we mentioned. It looked at the experience of 43 Canadian premeds who participated in a CASPer Preparation Program. These participants received step-by-step feedback and coaching, which helped 51% score in the highest percentile, and another 58% received an offer of admission from a medical school that requires CASPer. 

How Does the CASPer Test Work?

When Can I Take the CASPer Test?

While there are many CASPer test dates available throughout the year, students should check each program's requirements closely. Some programs, such as undergraduate nursing, only have December-March test dates while most MD vs. DO programs have dates ranging from July-May of the following year.


1. How many times can I take the CASPer?

You can take the CASPer once per admissions cycle. The results are valid for one admissions cycle, but if you’re applying in subsequent cycles, you will need to retake it.

2. How is the CASPer formatted?

CASPer has two sections: video response and typed response. In the former, test-takers will respond to 2 word-based scenarios and 4 video-based scenarios. In the latter section, test-takers will respond to 3 word-based scenarios and 5 video-based scenarios.

3. How do I prepare for CASPer?

Your CASPer test prep should consist of reviewing sample questions and expert responses. This way, you’ll get an idea of how to formulate a strong answer for the different types of questions you will be asked.

4. What types of questions will I be asked?

You will respond to three possible types of questions: situational, policy-based, and personal questions. The purpose of asking a variety of questions is to enable you to demonstrate your values, ethical conduct, critical thinking skills, and suitability for the profession.

5. How long will the test take?

Typically, it will take between 90-110 minutes in total. You will have 5 minutes to respond to the three questions for each scenario.

6. How soon will scores be sent to the schools I'm applying to?

Scores will be sent about 2-3 weeks after its rated. After that, the scores will be sent to schools automatically.

7. When should I take the CASPer?

You will have to refer to specific school application timelines. However, the latest date to complete the CASPer is generally late October.

8. What should I do if I'm having trouble preparing?

Don’t worry, you can always use a CASPer test prep course. One of the main benefits of these courses is that it helps you get familiar with the format and practice your answers using an expert strategy proven to help students get results. 

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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