The Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine (OSU-COM) is one of the many medical schools in the US with a mission to address the needs of underserved communities, especially rural ones. The school shows a preference for applicants from Oklahoma, although it does admit out-of-state students, so it is not the most out-of-state friendly medical school, but you should still apply if you are interested in the school’s programs. Along with an osteopathic degree, it offers several dual-degree options as well as special tracks dedicated specifically to rural and tribal medicine, which have earned the school a high DO school ranking for graduating students who enter rural medicine and practice in underserved areas. This article will take you through the admissions process, academic programs, and what you should do to ensure you get accepted.
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Mission Statement
“Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences educates and trains osteopathic physicians, research scientists and other health care professionals with an emphasis on serving rural and underserved Oklahoma.”
The school makes clear its commitment to serving underserved rural communities in and around Oklahoma, but it also has many programs addressing the needs of Oklahoman Native communities, reflected both in the school’s creation of a Center for Rural Health and Center for Indigenous Health Research and Policy. It also shows a focus on research, in general, since it houses many specialty research centers that aim to address universal health care concerns, like the Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity and the National Center for Wellness & Recovery.
Want to know how you can get the best medical school letters of recommendation? Watch this video:
Admissions Statistics
Overall Acceptance Rate: 25%
In-State Acceptance Rate: 21%
Out-of-State Acceptance Rate: 3.8%
Minimum MCAT to Apply: 492
Minimum GPA to Apply: 3.0
Minimum Pre-Professional Science GPA to Apply: 2.75
Preference for Masters or PhD: No
The OSU-COM does accept out-of-state applicants, even though it accepts more Oklahoma residents. Medical school tuition, and fees are based on your residency and Oklahoma residents pay less than out-of-state applicants. The school does give out-of-state applicants the opportunity to apply for a tuition waiver so that they can pay in-state fees, but there are several requirements. Applicants must be from Kansas, Arkansas, or Missouri and must have a 500 MCAT score and a 3.5 GPA to be eligible.
International applicants who do not hold a permanent resident visa to live and study in the United States are not accepted. But those international applicants who are permanent residents must have any coursework performed outside of the US or Canada certified and verified by a US evaluation service to be considered or applied to your official transcripts.
Out-of-state applicants who wish to apply to OSU-COM do not have to meet any extra requirements. The school emphasizes that all applicants excel academically (high GPA and MCAT) and demonstrate their commitment to practicing osteopathic medicine by showing relevant clinical, volunteer, and leadership experience, as well as participating in various extracurriculars for medical school.
Selection Factors
Minimum MCAT to Apply: 492
Competitive MCAT: 500 or higher
Minimum GPA to Apply: 2.75
Competitive GPA: 3.6 or higher
Students can apply with a minimum GPA of 2.75 but they should have a higher GPA to be competitive. The same applies to the school’s MCAT requirements. You can apply with a minimum MCAT of 492, but a competitive score is 500 or higher. The range for both the MCAT and GPA is an accommodation for non-traditional medical school applicants who may not have had the time to figure out how to study for the MCAT and taken the required coursework before applying to medical school. But you can only submit MCAT scores no older than three years, so if you have the time, you can retake the MCAT if you feel you can improve your score.
Coursework and Undergrad
The school does not require applicants to have a full bachelor’s degree at the time of their application, but they do require you to have completed a minimum of 75 credits and a maximum of 90 credits of a bachelor’s degree to apply. However, students have multiple options to apply to the medical school, as OSU-COM has partnerships with 10 state universities (Cameron University, Mid-America Christian University, Northeastern State University, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, and Oral Roberts University, to name a few) that give undergraduate students a special track to apply to the school.
Students can apply to these tracks while doing their undergrad and then matriculate into the medical school, as long as they meet the admission requirements. Based on the school’s admissions statistics, it would be preferable if you have a science-based major, as only 17% of matriculants had a non-science degree, while 82% were science majors, so if you are wondering how to get into medical school without a science background, then OSU-COM may not be right for you.
Prerequisites and Coursework
The minimum academic requirements the school asks for all of its applicants include:
2 semesters
2 semesters w/lab work
2 semesters
2 semesters
2 semesters
These medical school prerequisites must be completed with a C grade or higher (any grades lower than a C will not be considered). Aside from the required courses students need to complete, the school recommends students take at least one upper-level (3000-4000) science course in one of the following subjects:
AACOMAS Experiences and Achievements
OSU-COM uses the AACOMAS application service to sort and review all DO school applications. Applicants must submit all the necessary documentation via the online AACOMAS portal, which includes:
- MCAT and GPA scores
- Official transcripts
- Paying all relevant fees
- AACOMAS letter of recommendation
- AACOMAS personal statement
The AACOMAS application also requires you to fill out the Experiences and Achievements section, which is where you can detail past academic achievements and describe your work experiences (professional and volunteer), clinical experiences, or any other relevant activities you have performed to prepare for a career in medicine. The school says it considers many factors in accepting students, such as having a high MCAT and GPA, but it also helps if you have clinical or medicine-related experience (paid or volunteer), such as shadowing (both in-person and virtual shadowing), which will give you a leg up on other applicants.
Personal Statement
Unlike the AMCAS application service for applicants to allopathic medical schools, where applicants can write about their most meaningful experiences in the AMCAS most meaningful experiences section, AACOMAS applicants do not have such a section. They must write about their experiences and background in a medical school personal statement.
AACOMAS encourages applicants to write their statement directly in the relevant dialog box in the online application to avoid formatting issues if written in a word processor and then copied and pasted. The statement must be no longer than 5300 characters and can include anything that details your motivation for becoming a doctor. You can use the statement to answer the question of “why do you want to become a doctor?” or briefly describe yourself as you would if asked the “tell me about yourself” medical school interview question.
Secondary Essays
OSU-COM has a two-step application process, like all osteopathic medical schools, which requires you to submit a primary application via AACOMAS, and then submit a supplemental application to the school directly. In your secondary application, you can also indicate things such as your preferred campus and whether you are interested in one of the school’s dual-degree or special track programs. However, every school has different protocols for who they invite to submit medical school secondary essays.
Some schools use the primary application to screen students eligible for a supplementary application based on factors like GPA and MCAT scores. But OSU-COM does not have any explicit additional requirements (such as a minimum GPA or MCAT) to advance to the second step of the application process other than the ones already stated. Regardless, you should make sure that your application is as strong as possible, and this includes writing outstanding medical school secondary essays.
The medical school secondary essay prompts used by OSU-COM are as follows:
1) “Please reflect on a challenging non-academic experience you have faced. Describe the event, how you reacted to it, and what you have learned about yourself and others by experiencing it.” (500 words or less)
Sample Essay:
I have an older brother, Jason, who struggled with substance abuse for a period of his life. We don’t know when Jason started using, but when the police started knocking on our door, there was no more hiding it. The first time it was because he had been driving under the influence in my father’s car. There were more times after that.
I never imagined Jason having a substance abuse problem, but I think no one imagines a loved in those circumstances. When my parents told me, I was in shock, and my first instinct was to defend him and say that it wasn’t true. But my parents told me about all of Jason’s run-ins with the law and when reality sank in, I was immediately overcome with dread that I might lose my brother someday.
But I responded practically. I took a CPR certification course and collected a few of the free Narcan kits that the local fire department gave out. After learning from the paramedics how to apply the doses, I instructed my parents and extended family in how to do it, should the moment ever come. I even gave a few kits to Jason and told him how to use them if someone he knew was overdosing.
I spoke with an intervention specialist to help confront Jason and get him to agree to go to rehab since he had, up to that point, resisted. I arranged the intervention anyway and told all my family members how to confront Jason without judgment or bias, but to simply state how his drug use affected us personally.
But we never got to the intervention. One day, I went to pick Jason up for a fishing trip we had planned. There was no answer after I knocked on the door, and I feared the worst. I forced my way into his apartment and found him in his bedroom, unresponsive. I searched his apartment desperately for the Narcan kit, found it, and applied the dose. He woke up.
I don’t even remember how I felt or what was going on in my mind, but when he came to, I held him for as long as I could. After that, Jason entered rehab, freely. He has been sober ever since, and even though I was able to save my brother’s life that day, I always think about the families who were not so lucky.
If I had been a few minutes late or not have been able to find the Narcan, I wouldn’t have a brother anymore. This experience taught me that there is only so much you can do to save someone’s life. I think my brother’s experience prepared me for the fact that despite all my knowledge, preparedness and dedication, it is not always possible to bring someone back. It’s a fact I’ve made peace with, and I feel like it's something all physicians need to confront to be able to practice medicine.
2) “Is there anything you'd like the admissions committee to know about you that wasn't mentioned on the primary application?”
Recommendation Letters
Medical school recommendation letters can be sent via your primary AACOMAS application, and the school requires you choose a specific track, which determines the number of letters you must submit. The two tracks for submitting letters of recommendation are:
- One letter from a college or university pre-professional/pre-med committee
- Two letters from previous faculty
You, or the letter writer, may also send letters directly to the school, if you cannot submit them via AACOMAS. If you wish, and if you can secure more letters than the required two, you may submit more, and the school will accept them. However, the school cautions applicants against submitting more, especially if the extra letters you submit do not add anything new or relevant to what has already been stated in the first two.
If you can secure a letter from a physician to include in your letter packet, you can submit one. A letter from an MD is acceptable, but the school recommends a letter from a DO physician.
Interview Format
Only applicants who have submitted a full application (MCAT scores, primary and supplemental application, recommendation letters) will be invited to interview with the school if they meet or exceed the stated application requirements. The interview format consists of both a one-on-one and two-on-one interview, where you answer medical school interview questions from a DO physician, PhD-level faculty member, and school administrator.
The interview is open file, so your interviewers will be able to refer to your application materials, excluding your GPA and MCAT scores, during the interview. The interviews are held throughout August and April, and the earlier you submit your application, the earlier you will receive an invitation, if you meet the medical school requirements. The interviews are also held in person, and you will spend the entire day at the campus you have indicated on your secondary application.
On interview day, you will spend time with current OSU-COM students, including having lunch and participating in a Q & A session. If you are not sure how to schedule medical school interviews, the admissions office contacts you directly with an interview time, so you don’t have to arrange your own. They will contact you two weeks prior so that you can make the necessary travel and accommodation arrangements.
The school does also offer a Guaranteed Interview Program for applicants from partner institutions. Applicants who complete their undergrad at any one of these universities can apply to receive a guaranteed interview with OSU-COM, provided they meet other requirements. There are 10 universities that participate in the program, and each school has different requirements, but the general ones are:
- 3.5 GPA
- Minimum MCAT of 502
- 500 hours in a “health-related setting”
Sample Interview Questions w/Sample Answer
1) “What makes you angry?”
Injustice makes me angriest. My home state, Kansas, was one of twelve states to refuse participation in the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, despite the fact that it would have given coverage to people who have never been able to afford private insurance. This refusal creates a multitude of problems for many people. Single, childless adults are not covered by Medicaid or Medicare, while some people have incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid and Medicare, but do not make enough to qualify for tax credits given out by the ACA. The fact that this refusal stems from purely political reasons is something that I find intolerable, and I hope that one day, the people of Kansas elect someone, regardless of political affiliation (as several states with Republican legislatures have accepted the ACA), who has their best interests at heart and will not sell them out for political reasons.
2) “What do you do to relieve stress?”
3) “When was a time you were challenged, and how did you overcome it?”
4) “Tell us about your family.”
Acceptance and Waitlist Information
The school uses a rolling admissions policy to notify students of their application status, so the earlier you apply, the earlier you will receive a response. All applications are sent to the Dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine for final approval. The timeline for when you hear back from med schools is different for every institution.
Some current students received an acceptance call or letter two weeks after they interviewed. Some interviewed students were placed on a waitlist, even though they were not told by the school how to get off a medical school waitlist. Many students have said they sent update letters to the school while waiting for a response, but they were not acknowledged. For its part, the school neither encourages nor discourages sending a medical school letter of intent if you are still waiting for a response, but based on others’ experiences, you might be better off not sending one.
Application Timeline
Primary Application Deadline: February 28th
Secondary Application Deadline: March 30th
The deadline for primary applications is in February, but you are encouraged to submit your primary application as soon as possible so that you have a better chance of having your application seen first. The opening day for AACOMS applications is June 15th , so make sure to plan your medical school application timeline ahead of time and submit as soon as the AACOMAS portal opens.
Tuition and Debt
In-State Tuition (excluding fees): $25,796.60
In-State and Out-of-State Fees: $3,087.22
Out-of-State Tuition: $53,298.56
Average Cost-of-Living Expenses for First Year Students: $27,000
Average Student Debt of Graduating Students: $169,577
Funding Opportunities
OSU-COM lists several different funding opportunities for students to help them figure out how to pay for medical school, from internal and external medical school scholarships to federal loans and work-study programs. Scholarships are only one way for students to cover costs like medical school housing, but they often have eligibility requirements and other criteria. OSU-COM has several internal scholarships, some of which are open to non-residents, while others are open only to Oklahoma residents.
- Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation OSU-CHS Early Admissions Scholarship
- Audrey Hendershot Scholar for Early Entry Rural Physicians
- Center for Rural Health Annual Scholarship
- Chickasaw Nation Medical Student Scholarship
- Diane B. and James S. Seebass, D.O., Endowed Scholarship
- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine / Master of Business Administration Scholarship
- Don E. Stucky Scholarship
- Dr. Betty Louise Conrad OSU-CHS Early Admissions Scholarship
- Dr. Indu Dayal Meshri Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Dr. John and Mrs. Eleonora Barson Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Dr. Paul Peter Koro Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Richard & Beverly Schafer Family Endowed Scholarship
- Eastman Primary Care Endowed Scholarship
Residency Match Rates
The most recent class of osteopathic medical student graduates had a 100% match rate. That figure has been consistent for all graduates from OSU-COM, at least in recent years, so the school has earned its place among the medical schools with the best match rates. The school’s graduates match to specialties and programs throughout the US, and the number of graduates who go into in-state and rural residencies fluctuates every year.
Match statistics from a recent year show that more students opted for urban Oklahoma residencies (47) over rural Oklahoma residencies (16), while out-of-state programs took in 32 OSU-COM graduates. The highest-ranking medical specialty for all graduates, regardless of their location, was a tie between family medicine residency and an emergency medicine residency (21). Internal medicine residency was a close second with 20 graduates.
According to the World Directory of Medical Schools, medical school degrees from OSU-COM are recognized in Canada. Graduates who wish to pursue residency training in Canada must fulfill the necessary requirements, like passing the MCCQE Part 1 exam, registering with the Canadian residency match agency, CaRMS and having permanent residency in Canada.
Review of Available Programs
1) Four-Year DO Program
The OSU-COM osteopathic degree program follows a standard division of preclinical and clinical training. This model sees students complete a majority of their osteopathic training in their first two years, followed by their clinical rotation years, when they put their training into practice at teaching sites around Oklahoma.
The first two years involve learning about basic medical science and specialized osteopathic training through courses like Osteopathic Manual Medicine, Clinical Anatomy, and Medical Science Foundations. In the second year, students continue their studies in medical sciences but also take courses that prepare them for a future in primary rural care, as they take one credit hour in a Focus Course in Rural & Underserved Populations and one credit hour in Service Learning & Community Engagement.
The curriculum also focuses on ailments and population groups that are among the most prevalent in rural and tribal communities, as reflected in courses like the Focus Course in Addiction Medicine and the Focus Course in Obesity Medicine. Electives in the second year are determined by which track a student is on since there are four distinct tracks, including the traditional four-year program.
Students on the regular four-year track begin their clinical rotations in the third year, which are all community-based and have a combination of required and elective rotations. Many of the electives that students take in their final two years are based on which track they are on, but traditional four-year students take rotations in everything from internal medicine and psychiatry to rural medicine and pediatrics.
2. Global Health Track
The Global Health track is open to all incoming matriculants and is intended to give students an international perspective on health care, as they are required to perform summer and winter externships in their second year of the regular DO program. The Global Health track does not have any additional admission requirements, and students can select this track at any time during their first two years of medical school.
Students must complete three global health travel courses, which take them outside of the US to countries like Uganda, Guatemala, and Greece. The program accepts only 15 students per year, and students who successfully complete the required courses of the Global Health track receive a graduate certificate in Global Health, along with their medical degree.
3. Rural Medicine Track
The Rural Medicine track is another unique offering at OSU-COM and is in keeping with the school’s stated mission to attend to the needs of the medically underserved in rural Oklahoma and beyond. Interested students must indicate their preference for the Rural Medicine track in their supplementary application.
They must also complete an application form and submit a 500-word essay describing why they want to take the Rural Medicine track. Students admitted to the rural track are exposed to clinical training earlier than traditional four-year students, as they take a required summer externship in their first year, shadowing a rural physician for three weeks.
The hands-on aspect is even more prominent in the rural track, given the small number of students admitted every year, so faculty and physicians are more accessible to students. During your first and third years, you are also expected to complete a research project based on rural medicine that must be supervised by a faculty member.
4. Tribal Medicine Track
OSU-COM partnered with the Cherokee nation to open the country’s first and only tribal-affiliated medical school in the historic capital of the Cherokee nation, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The Tahlequah campus is where students who have enrolled in the school’s Tribal Medicine track complete their studies to obtain a DO degree.
Tribal medicine students must complete a separate application, in addition to the AACOMAS and supplementary application all DO students must submit. Students who have demonstrated their commitment to primary care in a tribal setting and who have Native ancestry are given preference, but all applicants must meet the standard medical school requirements.
This program is also unique because of where students complete their preclinical and clinical rotations, which is mostly in rural and tribal clinics. They observe patient interactions and treatment models while also learning the cultural norms and practices of tribal communities.
5. 3 + 1 Program
This is the accelerated medical school track available to undergraduate students who want to complete a medical degree in seven, rather than eight, years. The application process begins in a student’s second year of undergrad, when they can apply to the track if they are:
- Enrolled at any of the school’s 11 partner universities
- Have a minimum GPA of 3.5
- Have met with a pre-med advisor to discuss the program in depth
- Desire to practice primary care in a rural or underserved community
- Have at least 50 hours of health care-related experience
Students must meet all other application requirements for OSU-COM, such as taking the MCAT and interviewing if they are invited. If accepted, students will complete three years of their undergraduate education at one of the partner universities and automatically matriculate into medical school in their fourth year.
After completing their first year of medical school, they will be awarded a bachelor’s degree from their undergraduate school. Once they complete their fourth year of medical school, they will also receive a doctor of osteopathic medicine degree.
6. Bridge Program
The Bridge Program is an initiative of the medical school to train students from economically and environmentally disadvantaged backgrounds, or anyone from a historically discriminated minority group, to become primary care doctors. The program is open to students who meet the definition of "disadvantaged" set forth by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Only applicants with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university can apply, but they have more relaxed GPA and MCAT requirements than regular medical students. To be eligible for acceptance into the Bridge program, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and an MCAT score of at least 482, which are both well below the regular requirements.
Dual Degrees
This dual degree is offered in collaboration with the Oklahoma State University Spears School of Business and gives qualified students two different tracks to earn both their MBA and DO degrees. The first track allows current medical students to apply in their second year of medical school, take a year off to pursue the one-year MBA, and then resume their final two years of medical school.
The second track lets new students apply for the MBA program before they matriculate and complete the one-year MBA program in their fourth year of medical school, rather than taking a year off. Interested students must submit a DO/MBA application, a statement of purpose, and three letters of recommendation. The course requirements for the MBA program include classes such as Financial Accounting, Business Marketing and Management, and Organization Theory.
2. DO/PhD
The dual DO and PhD option gives students a doctorate of Biomedical Sciences, along with a DO degree at the end of the eight-year program. Students must indicate on their secondary application whether they want to apply to the program and submit applications to both the medical school and graduate school.
Students must also meet the entrance requirements of each program, the PhD in Biomedical Sciences and the DO degree, to matriculate. The requirements for the PhD portion of the degree include submitting three letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and a research resume. Applicants must also select a member of faculty as a potential thesis adviser.
To successfully earn their PhD and advance to medical school, students must present and defend a dissertation. After earning their PhD degree, students then matriculate automatically into the four-year medical school program.
As in the DO/MBA program, students have two separate tracks available to complete the requirements for each degree. Second year students can apply and take a year off to take courses such as Environmental Health, Foundations of Public Health Education & Promotion, and Designing Public Health Programs to complete a total of 42 credits. Afterward, they resume their medical school studies and complete the DO program requirements.
But incoming students can also apply by indicating their interest in the secondary application. They then submit additional application materials (statement of purpose, DO/MPH application form, and three letters of recommendation) and, if accepted, they take the required credits for the Master of Public Health in their final year of medical school.
4. DO/MS in Biomedical Sciences
Students must apply for this dual degree program via the OSU Graduate School and submit the necessary application documents, like three letters of recommendation and a personal statement outlining their research interests. If accepted, students are given seven years to fulfill the requirements of both programs.
Students must maintain their academic standing throughout their pre-med year or have their provisional acceptance revoked. The master's portion of the degree can take up to two years, but students who complete at least one year can still enter medical school to finish the rest of their degree requirements while in medical school.
5. DO/MS in Health Administration
Designed for students interested in non-medical health care roles in administration, management, and governance, this dual-degree program takes five years to complete. Students take one year before medical school to study at the OSU School of Health Care Administration and complete coursework over four semesters by taking classes such as Leadership Methods in Health Care, and Human Resources in Public Administration.
Students must complete a required 24 credits in HCA with 9 credits transferred from their DO degree to fulfill the 33 credit requirements to earn the Master of Health Administration. Interested students must indicate on their supplemental application if they want to apply. They must also submit three letters of recommendation and a personal statement to meet the application criteria.
Academic Curriculum of the DO Program
The school’s traditional doctor of osteopathic medicine degree program follows a typical track and blends academic learning with intensive, hands-on practice. The school’s many tracks give students different timelines for when they start interacting with patients, both real and simulated, but the regular four-year program introduces students to patients within their first two years.
Aside from the introduction to the body’s various systems in courses such as Cardiovascular System and Respiratory System, students are also given a broad education in other subject areas such as Culture and Medicine and Physician Learning. A few courses that stand out in the OSU-COM curriculum are the electives, which can include language courses such as American Sign Language, Spanish, and Cherokee Language, with the latter including a Culture component.
Campus and Faculty
The Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine is split between two campuses, one near metropolitan Tulsa, and the other located in the more rural setting of Tahlequah. Both locations are relatively new, giving them an advantage in terms of state-of-the-art research, laboratory, and teaching facilities.
The Tulsa campus is affiliated with OSU and offers students multiple educational, social, and recreational services. The campus comprises four separate buildings on a 16-acre complex and is home to the university’s many laboratories, lecture halls, classrooms, and teaching and reflection areas. The A.R. & Marylouise Tandy Medical Academic Building is the most recent addition to the Tulsa campus, and it features various simulation centers, labs, and lecture halls.
The Cherokee Nation complex is also cutting-edge and features various gross anatomy labs for students to practice on donated cadavers. It measures 84,000 square feet and is also the site of the school’s Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine training areas, where students train on high-fidelity robotic simulators and computer programmed mannequins.
Affiliated Teaching Hospitals
OSU Pain Management – Physicians Building 802 S Jackson Ave #410, Tulsa, OK 74127
OSU Pulmonology Specialist – Physicians Building 802 S Jackson Ave #310, Tulsa, OK 74127
OSU Family Medicine – Cleveland119 S Broadway St, Cleveland, OK 74020
OSU Family Medicine – Harvard 4415 S Harvard Ave #125, Tulsa, OK 74135
OSU Radiology – Health Care Center 2345 Southwest Blvd, Tulsa, OK 74107
OSU Pediatrics – Houston Center 717 S Houston Ave #400, Tulsa, OK 74127
OSU Osteopathic Manipulation – Health Care Center 2345 Southwest Blvd, Tulsa, OK 74107
OSU Obstetrics & Gynecology – Houston Center 717 S Houston Ave #200, Tulsa, OK 74127
OSU Obstetrics – Catholic Charities 2450 N Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK 74115
OSU Internal Medicine Specialty Services – Houston Center 717 S Houston Ave #304, Tulsa, OK
OSU Internal Medicine – Houston Center 717 S Houston Ave #300, Tulsa, OK 74127
OSU Family Medicine & Women’s Services – Health Care Center 2345 Southwest Blvd, Tulsa, OK 74107
OSU Family Medicine – Riverside 9645 Riverside Pkwy C, Tulsa, OK 74137
OSU Pulmonology Clinic – Physicians Building 802 S Jackson Ave #420, Tulsa, OK 74127
OSU Family Medicine – Mannford 500 Cimarron Dr, Mannford, OK 74044
OSU Family Medicine – Health Care Center 2345 Southwest Blvd, Tulsa, OK 74107
Research Fields
The school hosts over 30 different research centers dedicated to various fields, including medical sciences, agriculture, astronomy, and genomics. The medical school features several specific research initiatives, while it also participates and collaborates with the university’s other schools and disciplines for a truly multi-disciplinary approach to research. Among the schools featured research fields and interests are the:
- Alliance on Aging
- The Center for Immigrant Health and Education
- OSU Genomics & Proteomics Center
- DNA Protein Core Facility
- Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity
- Oklahoma Center for Respiratory and Infectious Diseases
Notable Faculty
- Natasha Bray, DO, Clinical Professor of Rural Health, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs/Accreditation, Interim Dean OSU COM-CN
- Julie Croff, PhD, Professor of Rural Health, Executive Director of the Center for Wellness and Recovery
- Jeffrey B. Hackler, JD, MBA, Clinical Associate Professor of Rural Health, Assistant Dean for Enrollment Management
- Valarie Jernigan, Dr. PH, Professor of Rural Health and Executive Director Center for Indigenous Health, Research and Policy
- Rhonda L. Casey, DO, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Dean for Global Health
- Robin R. Dyer, DO, Professor of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Chair of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
- D. Matt Wilkett, DO, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Chief of Cardiology – Division OSUMC
- Damon L. Baker, DO, Chair, Professor of Medicine, Chief Medical Officer for OSU Medical Center
Contact Information
Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine – OSU-COM
Main Campus Address:
1111 W. 17th St.
Tulsa, OK 74107
Main phone: (918) 582-1972
OSU-COM at Cherokee Nation
W.W. Hastings Campus
100 S. Bliss Avenue
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Main Phone: (918) 525-6191
Phone: (918) 561-8324
Fax: (918) 561-8243
1. What is the mission of the Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine?
OSU-COM makes clear its mission to address the needs of the medically underserved residents of Oklahoma, in both rural and urban settings. The school’s demonstrated ties to the Native community in Oklahoma also underscore a commitment to helping environmentally disadvantaged residents access quality health care without having to leave their communities.
2. Do I need to take the MCAT and submit my scores?
Yes, OSU-COM requires all applicants to submit MCAT scores no older than three years. The school has a minimum MCAT score of 498, but a competitive MCAT score is 500 and higher. Applicants to the Bridge Program must have a minimum MCAT of 482, but must meet other requirements to be admitted.
3. What is the minimum GPA requirement?
The GPA requirements are different for students who apply to the traditional four-year program and the Bridges program. The former requires applicants to have a minimum 2.75 GPA or higher. A 3.0 GPA is considered more competitive. Students who apply to the Bridge program may have a minimum GPA of 2.75 to be considered.
4. What kind of degree do I need to get into OSU-COM?
You need to have completed between 75 and 90 credits of a bachelor’s degree to apply to the medical school. Coursework done online or at a community college is accepted and can be counted toward your GPA.
5. Are there prerequisite courses I have to take?
Yes, all applicants must take two semesters each in English, physics, biology, and chemistry. Recommended courses include anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry.
6. How can I apply to OSU-COM?
Applicants to the traditional four-year DO program must submit all application materials via AACOMAS and then submit a secondary application directly to the school, if invited. Students interested in the dual-degree programs and accelerated tracks must refer to each program’s specific application process, as they all differ.
7. How much does one year at OSU-COM cost?
The total cost of one year of medical school, including tuition, fees, and living expenses, is estimated to be $62,173 for Oklahoma residents. Non-Oklahoma residents pay higher tuition, but the fees and other expenses are the same. One year of medical school for non-residents is $90,837.
8. Is it hard to get into OSU-COM?
OSU-COM has a specific mission to educate residents of Oklahoma to become doctors, especially those who come from economically and environmentally distressed areas of the state. By law, Oklahoma residents must make up 70% of every incoming class, so it is not the easiest medical school to get into for non-residents. With that said, the school does accept applications from all students, and academically, it has the same rigorous entry requirements as other osteopathic schools. But if you have a distinct interest in primary care, rural medicine, global health, or tribal medicine, you must demonstrate that in your application to improve your chances as an out-of-state student.