You need to practice and prepare for your residency interview by familiarizing yourself with residency interview questions; especially the challenging ones!

So whether you are doing ERAS interview prep or CaRMS interview prep, reviewing these residency interview questions and strategies (the same ones we share during residency interview prep programs) make sure that you are ready for whatever is coming your way! The first 5 questions listed below are ones that surprised me/caught me off guard—followed by 10 others that you should know—with sample responses for each!

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Residency Interview Question #1: What Do You Do for Fun? Residency Interview Question #2: Why Should We Choose You? Residency Interview Question #3: How Many Emails Are in Your Inbox? Residency Interview Question #4: When Was the Last Time You Got Mad? Residency Interview Question #5: Do You Have Any Questions for Me? Residency Interview Question #6: Tell Us About Yourself. Residency Interview Question #7: Why Would You Like to Pursue this Specialty? Residency Interview Question #8: Why Would You Like to Join Our Program? Residency Interview Question #9: What Differentiates You From Other Candidates? Residency Interview Question #10: Please Explain the Following From Your CV... More Residency Interview Questions and Sample Answers FAQs

Residency Interview Question #1: What Do You Do for Fun?

During my own residency interview, I was really surprised to be asked about my hobbies and interests outside of medicine at almost every interview. Although program committees had read my residency personal statement, everyone wanted to know something more personal about me and get more insight into my personal life.

This could be considered a weird question for a formal residency interview; in my experience, many candidates are caught off guard by this question because they expect more clinical or technical inquiries. It's designed to test your problem-solving skills and how well you think on your feet; it’s also designed to have a ‘real life’ conversation’ and assess how you make the most of your free time. Show that you're adaptable and can maintain composure under pressure.

Stress, anxiety, and burn-out are huge problems in residency and big factors in career duration and satisfaction. How you choose to balance and prioritize your personal and professional life will go a long way to helping you make the most of residency and beyond. As well, many of my fellow residents have said that they have met their interviewers later in their training, and they remember them as “the baker,” “the record collector,” or “the girl who hates working out but does it anyway.” This question is also a chance to let a unique part of your personality shine through.

Residency Interview Question #2: Why Should We Choose You?

The “why should we choose you?” residency interview question is one of the most common — and shouldn’t be a surprise. I was, however, surprised at how bluntly it was asked. I felt like I was being asked to lay my cards directly on the table, which is a bit awkward if you aren’t prepared.

One good approach to these types of questions is to structure your response in a way that demonstrates your strengths as a resident and as a colleague. Note that this question is a pretty universal one. You can expect it regardless of if you’re answering emergency medicine residency interview questionspathology residency interview questionspediatric residency interview questions, etc.

Someone once told me that most programs are looking for teachable residents and residents that they want to have around for the duration of the program. You’ll be spending a lot of time together, particularly in high-stress situations in which you must rely on one another and having people you like around you would be ideal. This doesn’t mean that likability trumps talent. It means that you must bring an aptitude for and good attitude to the program; therefore, your response to this residency interview question should emphasize your professional skills, suitability for the medical specialty, and technical abilities equally with the qualities that make you a good collaborator and communicator.

Residency Interview Question #3: How Many Emails Are in Your Inbox?

This is a more lighthearted edition of a residency interview behavioral question. I expected to have a strange and quirky question come out of the blue, so I had spent some time thinking of the weird animal or kitchen appliance that best epitomized me. I’m still thinking of answers to those questions and still wondering exactly what this question is attempting to assess.

I often wonder, “are they judging applicants who say they have over 1,000 unread emails? Or, are they more interested in seeing how level-headed you can be? When it comes to figuring out the answer to what do residency program directors look for? , the key is keeping calm and answering honestly.

There isn’t anything too revealing or informative in responses to quirky questions, so it’s wise to answer the best you can, not stress too much about it, and move on to focusing on your other residency interview questions.

Residency Interview Question #4: When Was the Last Time You Got Mad?

This question really threw me for a loop. Quite honestly, I felt like I could easily be trapped into a response that would make me look like an undesirable applicant. I talked about this question afterward with a few of the staff physicians with whom I was working, and it was reassuring to hear that they wouldn’t know how to provide a good response either.

Interestingly, this question is sort of a disguise for the strengths and weaknesses residency interview question, which means your strategy for these types of questions can be guided by a similar approach.

Still, I really appreciated one interpretation of the question. First, the types of scenarios that we’re being asked about are generally universally experienced; that is to say, almost everyone will have experienced conflict, acted as a leader, worked in a group, and gotten mad at some point in medical school. It would be extremely unusual to not be able to provide an answer to this type of question, simply because it’s designed to be able to be answered by anyone. This means you shouldn’t shy away from the question or avoid providing an answer.

Second, there are some situations that one should get angry about. Sometimes, not getting angry means tolerating the unacceptable, and that is not a desirable trait. Third, anger is a perfectly natural and human response and usually occurs among a mix of emotions.

The answer I provided was that I got angry with a classmate. It was a mistake to get angry, and I hope that my response showed that I am willing to admit being wrong and to make amends, and I’m able to recognize when being angry isn’t appropriate and when I should act differently.

Check out our tips for how to ace your residency interview!

Residency Interview Question #5: Do You Have Any Questions for Me?

This might throw some of you for a loop! Asking your interviewer questions shows that you’re interested and invested in the program and is also an opportunity to demonstrate that you’ve taken the initiative to explore your options.

Just as importantly, it’s an opportunity to find out information that helped me create my residency rank order list. I can honestly say that the responses I got to my questions impacted my rank order list in ways I did not expect. Keep in mind that most applicants ask one or two questions and not asking any could make you stand out for the wrong reasons.

Prepare a list in advance. Spend time researching the program. If the program does not have a great website, look up the demographics of the region or local events. I knew an applicant that wowed a program because she had done such in-depth research of the local population and asked questions specific to that area based on census results and demographics. Now you may not have to be that detailed for each interview, but aim to ask questions that will display your interest. Failing to ask questions looks lazy and shows disinterest. Common questions you could ask are:

  • What are the strengths or weaknesses of this program?
  • How many residents stay on as faculty after they complete the program?
  • What do residents do for fun?
  • What is your vision for the future of the program?
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?

Residency Interview Question #6: Tell Us About Yourself.

The question "Tell me about yourself" can be asked in various forms, including: what brought you here? What can you tell us about your journey to medicine? Essentially, this is an ice-breaker type of question.

To start, I would advise taking a general approach comprised of where you grew up, the size of your family, what your relationship with your family and siblings was/is like, followed by a brief overview of your academic trajectory. Remember, they have all your academic information so don’t go into depth about academics. Next, you can pick one or two specific experiences in your life that shaped who you are as a person today – goals, morals and values; your life compass so to speak.

These experiences are generally high impact and very personal in nature. Because this question also tends to make candidates the most nervous, residency mock interviews will be your best preparation tool for all questions, but this one especially.

Here are some tips on preparing for a residency interview:

Residency Interview Question #7: Why Would You Like to Pursue this Specialty?

This question measures your understanding of the specialty on many levels, such as the type of practice and aspects of medicine it encompasses (acute vs. chronic care, procedural vs. non-procedural specialty). For me, every sub-specialty of medicine has something to get excited about, but at the end of the day, you have to love the everyday tasks of the specialty you are picking, or you will be unhappy.

This question can also be used to easily segue into the interesting case residency interview question, so make sure you review sample answers for that question in tandem.

This is your opportunity to showcase your insight when it comes to your specialty of choice and relay an understanding of what you like and dislike about it. You might also consider discussing some of your ambitions, such as pursuing a medical fellowship.

Finally, it is imperative to have an understanding of the challenges associated with the specialty, what changes might be on the horizon, and how they will impact future practice. Whether you are applying to the most competitive or least competitive residencies, prepare to talk about the nuances of your specialty.

Residency Interview Question #8: Why Would You Like to Join Our Program?

At the end of the day, remember that you are seeking a good match; decision makers are assessing whether you will be a good fit for their program, but you are also evaluating whether the program will be a good fit for you. This question is also very similar to “what are you looking for most in a residency program” and “what do you hope to gain from our residency program?”

This question has a two-part answer: a) aspects of the program that you like and b) aspects of the location that you like.

First, make sure that you have thoroughly researched the program and have prepared an answer that includes what you like about it. For example, you could comment on aspects such as resident peer and mentor support, global health, research support, the resident affairs office, protected research and academic time, program size (small or big), diversity of clinical experience, or licensing preparation support.

Second, when discussing location, you could comment on the presence of friends or family who will be a good support system for you during residency, any personal connection you have to the place, and aspects of the location you believe will enrich your life.

Residency Interview Question #9: What Differentiates You From Other Candidates?

While this question might not be asked directly, a lot of questions explore this angle. It is important to understand that most candidates who have made it to the interview stage will make great physicians. This leaves other key aspects of a good trainee besides strong academics to be desired or sought after.

Remember, this is a unique form of job interview. Programs are looking for candidates who will perform clinical duties but are also good learners. With that in mind, what do you think makes a good resident? From the work perspective, a diligent, hard-working candidate with attention to detail is important. From a learner perspective, it is important to be self-aware, understand your limitations, and know when to call for help if required.

Additionally, candidates who are open to feedback and coachable are always a plus. It’s very hard to teach someone who is not humble and appreciative about new ways to do things. Finally, residencies can range from 2 to 6 years and being personable goes a very long way. If I will be working with you for such a long period, I would want someone who is adaptable and easy to get along with.

Here are some of the residency interview questions you need to know!

Residency Interview Question #10: Please Explain the Following From Your CV...

Not every candidate has something on their residency CV or application that warrants discussing or clarification during the interview. However, you would be surprised what programs are interested in clarifying when it comes to your application. Residency selection committees and program directors want to give you an opportunity to explain any discrepancies or red flags on your application.

These things could be obvious, such as taking a year off, failure of an exam or the identification of lots of elective time spent in a different specialty. The less obvious questions can revolve around lots of research experience in a school that focuses more on clinical practice, or rural vs. urban experiences in schools which serve the opposite demographic.

For questions related to academic performance or red flags, programs want to know a little bit more about the circumstances surrounding the event. Were you going through a rough time? If so, tell us about it and how you handled that time of your life? What did you learn from the experience and how are you a stronger candidate today? Residency training programs are tough, with ample demand on both your time and cognitive load. Programs want to ensure that candidates will be able to endure the academic rigors of their program. 

Remember, this is your opportunity to explain to the selection committee how you are a good candidate for their program. With that being said, this is a two-way street. If you find that a program is focused more on academic activities or experiences which don’t suit your goals of what type of clinician you want to be, then most likely, this training program is not for you.

More Residency Interview Questions and Sample Answers


Read 100 more sample residency interview questions to practice with!



1. What additional questions should I ask my residency interviewers?

When preparing for your residency interview you’ll want to prepare questions that help you learn about a program's opportunities, residents, and faculty, in addition to questions relating to the location, patient population, extracurriculars, etc. Anything that is important to you and will help you put together your ROL is a good question to ask. The questions you ask will not only show your interest and enthusiasm towards a program, but it will also show the level of research you've done prior to arriving. Check out some examples of the best questions to ask residency programs.

2. What is the most common residency interview format?

Most residency interviews are traditional one-on-one interviews or panel interviews – where two or more interviewers are asking questions. With this said, MMI interviews are becoming increasingly popular and are commonly used for larger programs with more residency spots such as internal medicine and family medicine.

3. What should I bring to my residency interview?

It's a good idea to bring a few extra copies of your CV in a folder as well as a notepad and a pen for taking notes afterward. Avoid bringing your luggage. If you're catching your flight the same day as your interview, put your luggage in storage or ask your hotel to store it for you until after the interview.

Note that programs know a lot of travel is involved during interview season and they may have indicated a secure place where your luggage can be stored during your interview.

4. What if I need to cancel my residency interview?

If you have to cancel your interview due to unforeseeable circumstances, ensure that you cancel as soon as possible so that program directors can offer your spot to another applicant. Obviously, canceling last minute does not reflect well on you and at no point should you fail to show up on interview day, unless an emergency situation has come up. If you have to cancel on the day of your interview, ensure that you call the program to let them know.

5. Do I need to introduce myself during my residency interview?

Yes! It is so important to make an excellent first and last impression because this is what interviewers will remember the most. For example, as an introduction, you could say “Hello, my name is X, thank you for interviewing me today. May I have your name?”. Then, you could conclude by saying “Thank you, Dr. B, for taking the time to interview me today. It was a pleasure speaking with you.”

6. Am I expected to shake hands with my interviewers?

Some programs prefer to let their applicant take the lead, which is especially true of MMIs. So, you can certainly instigate if you prefer shaking hands. Of course, if the interviewer sticks out their hand, it is unprofessional to not shake it. So, go ahead and do so if they offer.

7. What are some common question types I can expect during my residency interview?

Personal, program-based, scenario, and policy questions are the most common types of residency interview questions. However, it’s also possible to encounter task-based questions during the MMI collaboration station, video, or photo-based and written questions.

8. I got asked something out of left field and I’m caught off guard. Help!

If you are asked a quirky MMI question, such as what kind of superhero would you be, or to perform a task you weren't expecting, the first step is to stay calm. Don't be afraid to ask for a moment to give yourself a chance to come up with an approach. When answering a quirky question, be sure to display an aspect of your personality.

9. Can I just read about residency interview questions online or do I really have to practice?

You should practice out loud, ideally using a mock interview – so it should be timed, should replicate actual interview conditions and you should dress appropriately. It's also smart to receive feedback from an objective, knowledgeable professional so you know what you did well and what to improve, otherwise, you risk cementing bad habits.

10. How long should my residency interview answers be?

Always remember to prioritize quality over quantity. It’s much better to give a concise answer instead of rambling as a skilled physician must be able to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and other health care professionals.

For MMIs, which have set times, it’s important to note that you do NOT have to use the whole time if you have given a well-rounded and comprehensive answer. For traditional or panel interviews, anywhere from 2-4 minutes is appropriate.

11. What follow-up should I do after my residency interview?

It’s a good idea to send your very first choice program a residency letter of intent to inform them of your intention to rank them number one. For all other programs, it’s a nice touch to send a note thanking them for taking the time to interview you. 

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting 

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