Yale MBA essay examples can help you apply to any of the two distinct MBA programs offered by the Yale School of Management (YSOM) at Yale University. According to many MBA rankings, the YSOM has one of the best MBA programs in the US, which is as top-rated and well-regarded as the programs offered by Yale Law School and the Yale Medical School. Both MBA programs require applicants submit MBA personal statements, MBA resumes and other essays. The school provides the prompts and suggests student be “specific and detailed” when describing their studies, careers and backgrounds. This article will provide the prompts and questions used by Yale, along with several expert-approved Yale MBA essay examples. 

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Yale MBA Essay Examples

Yale MBA Essay Example #1

 Prompt: “Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made.”

I have made two commitments in my life that both complement each other. I am forever tied to my hometown of Baltimore, while also being a tireless advocate for sustainability, social justice and combating environmental racism. From the Poe Houses to Camden Yard and every block in between, the city, its residents and their quality of life have always been central to my own well-being and sense of self. My loyalty to my city is something that I inherited from my parents who are both active in local politics and served on the Baltimore City Council.

When I was an undergrad at the University of Maryland, I attended talks and public lectures by Dr. Jennifer Roberts and Dr. Devon Payne-Sturges, who have both published papers on the unevenly distributed health consequences for residents who live in neighborhoods with polluting factories. There is a myriad of issues that Baltimore residents are concerned about, but environmental racism seems particularly nefarious, as it wholly unavoidable and as dangerous to the long-term health of poor residents as over-policing, crime and poverty.

I also started my approach to these commitments by deeply understanding the historical context and root causes of environmental racism in Baltimore. I researched extensively, studying reports from organizations like the Environmental Integrity Project and the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program. Armed with this knowledge, I embarked on a multifaceted approach that combined community engagement, advocacy, and education.

I realized that change would only come through grassroots activism, which would require me to get out and meet people where they are, in their homes and communities. But to gather consensus my goals had to be realistic and attainable, which is why I set out first to better understand the problem of air pollution on neighborhoods like Curtis Bay. Collaborating with community leaders, such as Sandra Rodriguez, a resident and advocate, I organized town hall meetings to raise awareness about the health risks associated with industrial emissions.

We were ultimately successful in securing the participation and backing of Delegate Sarah Thompson, and provided her with research and data illustrating the disproportionate impact of pollution on communities of color. By building coalitions and mobilizing support, we successfully advocated for legislative measures that aimed to mitigate environmental injustices in Baltimore, such as ten-year moratorium on any new polluting factories being built in specific areas.

I want to be a voice for the people of Baltimore, but also anyone who suffers from the scourge of environmental racism. I want to be in the boardrooms and meetings where the decisions are made to place polluting factories in already-suffering neighborhoods. I want to be the howl of protest that makes a room full of executives think twice about the health of Black and Brown residents. Applying to the MBA program here at Yale is a demonstration of my commitment to my hometown, and the health and well-being of anyone who coughs on the indifference of those who makes these decisions.

Yale MBA Essay Examples for Executive MBA Program

 Yale MBA Essay Prompts 

  • What is your motivation for applying for an Executive MBA at this point in your career? Please discuss your interest in the Yale SOM MBA for Executives program, your area of focus, and your professional and personal goals. (500 words maximum)
  • Cite a statistic that you find shocking. As a leader for business and society, what actions could you take to address this challenge, and what would be your guiding principles and values? (500 words maximum) 
  • Why have you selected this area of focus? Please describe how your current professional role relates to your chosen area of focus. (Word count: 150-250 words) 

Yale MBA Essay Example #2

Prompt: What is your motivation for applying for an Executive MBA at this point in your career? Please discuss your interest in the Yale SOM MBA for Executives program, your area of focus, and your professional and personal goals. (500 words maximum)

My motivation for pursuing an Executive MBA at Yale SOM is driven by my ambition to be a leader, advance my expertise in strategic procurement and supply chain management, and make a meaningful impact in the industry. The program's rigorous curriculum, emphasis on leadership development, and commitment to global perspectives perfectly align with my aspirations.

One area of focus that has continuously intrigued me in my career has been strategic leadership in the context of procurement and supply chain management. One of my goals applying here at the YSOM is to enhance my understanding of emerging trends and best practices in these areas.

But, another of my objectives in applying here is to take on leadership roles with responsibilities beyond procurement, specifically human resources and financing.

I envision myself leading cross-functional teams, influencing strategic decision-making, and shaping the overall direction of any organization I am a part of. Furthermore, I aim to drive innovation, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and enhance collaboration among internal and external stakeholders.

By deepening my expertise in strategic procurement, supplier relationship management, and sustainable supply chain practices, I feel I will be better equipped to drive transformative change within any organization that sees my potential and values my expertise with the ultimate goal of ascending to a top rank.

My desire to become a leader has only increased with the few leadership positions I have taken on during my professional career. I have championed cross-functional projects, mentored junior team members, and served as a change agent by implementing innovative procurement strategies. By delivering tangible results and consistently demonstrating my leadership capabilities, I have earned the trust and respect of my colleagues and superiors.

Outside of my professional pursuits, I am deeply committed to giving back to the community. I have volunteered with local and international nonprofits, especially in the area of aid and disaster relief. I worked with Direct Relief, an organization that has had a presence in areas that have suffered natural disasters by procuring equipment, supplies and personnel to respond to major disaster areas worldwide.

By joining the Yale SOM MBA for Executives program, I aim to augment my leadership skills, broaden my perspective, and develop a robust network of like-minded professionals and industry experts. I am excited about the opportunity to engage with world-class faculty, collaborate with talented peers, and leverage Yale's global reach and resources to amplify my impact.

Yale MBA Essay Example #3

Prompt: Cite a statistic that you find shocking. As a leader for business and society, what actions could you take to address this challenge, and what would be your guiding principles and values? (500 words maximum) 

Shocked was my reaction to reading about the presence of forever chemicals and microplastics existing in the human body. The fact that we unknowingly and unwittingly ingest these chemicals every day simply by living our lives is also troubling. To tackle the challenge of microplastics and forever chemicals in the human body, I would adopt a comprehensive approach that focuses on two key areas: supply chain management, and advocacy for stricter regulations.

Education and awareness are a moot point, at least on the consumer-side. The public is already aware and action is needed from manufacturers, producers and industry, rather than campaigns to inform the public about the risks associated with microplastics and forever chemicals. More healthcare professionals, environmental experts, and research institutions need to be part of the decision-making process at large corporations to find sustainable alternatives to the plastics and chemicals we currently use.

The sources of microplastics and forever chemicals are diverse, including personal care products, packaging materials, and industrial processes, so I would work closely with suppliers and partners to ensure responsible sourcing and manufacturing practices. This would involve conducting thorough audits, setting stringent quality standards, and actively seeking sustainable alternatives to harmful materials.

But companies are notoriously bad at self-regulating so government intervention would be necessary. This would involve engaging with policymakers, industry associations, and relevant stakeholders to push for comprehensive legislation that sets limits on the production and use of these substances. And that can only be achieved through a paradigm shift in the way we think about production, consumption and waste.

We, as a society, would have to adopt new principles and ways of thinking to ensure lasting and monumental change and I believe sustainability should be our new guiding principle. Sustainability would guide our commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of our products and operations, as well as prioritizing the health and well-being of consumers. We, on the production-side, should also strive for accountability and allow for public intervention in our business practices.

The presence of microplastics and forever chemicals in the human body is a pressing challenge that requires immediate action. As a leader for business and society, I would focus on supply chain management, the intervention of non-business actors such as government or NGOs and advocate for stricter regulations. Hopefully, through these interventions we can create a world where the health and safety of individuals are not compromised by the presence of microplastics and forever chemicals, as much as they already are.

Yale MBA Essay Example #4

Prompt: Why have you selected this area of focus? Please describe how your current professional role relates to your chosen area of focus. (Word count: 150-250 words) 

If accepted into the Yale MBA Executive program, I would choose healthcare as my area of focus due to its immense significance and potential for positive impact on individuals and communities. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated weaknesses in our healthcare system, but despite the strain, hospitals and health care providers were able to adapt quickly and integrate new technologies and processes into their health care delivery systems. 

One specific area of interest is telemedicine, which is a valuable holdover from the pandemic that can also be used in every day health care. I would explore ways to further expand the adoption and effectiveness of telemedicine to increase access to healthcare services, particularly in underserved areas. This could involve collaborating with healthcare providers, technology companies, and policymakers to develop policies and regulations that support the widespread implementation of telemedicine, while ensuring patient privacy and security.

Something else that intrigues me is digital health platforms and wearable devices. I would investigate the potential of these technologies to empower individuals to take charge of their own health and enable preventive care. For example, I would explore partnerships with fitness tracking companies or develop in-house solutions that integrate wearable devices with electronic health records, allowing patients and healthcare providers to monitor health metrics in real-time and make informed decisions regarding lifestyle changes and treatment plans.

Yale MBA Essay Example for Optional Prompt

Optional Prompt: If any aspect of your candidacy needs further explanation (unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance, promotions or recognition, etc.), please provide a brief description here. (200 words maximum).

The two-year gap in my employment history covers a period after my time at I-Pix, a global technology firm, ended in spectacular fashion. We were working on a high-profile project for a major fashion retailer in New York City. As we neared completion, one of the software engineers realized there was a major flaw in the software. This was a very high-stakes account. We had won the contract based on our software development expertise and we had to deliver. The pressure was on. So, I cut corners.

We delivered the software but it failed. Needless to say, our client ended the contract, which preceded my termination as well. A mentor of mine told me I should take advantage of this setback. “Do something for you by doing something for someone else”, she said. So, I did. She connected me with an NGO called "Education for All" in Chiang Mai, Thailand and I spent almost a two years teaching English to underprivileged children from rural areas. The experience was fulfilling and educational, as I learned the value of going slow and the attention and support, I had to give to individual students taught me patience. 


These Yale MBA essay examples can help you get a leg-up on the thousands of applicants who regularly apply to the School of Management every year. Both MBA programs at Yale are not among the easiest MBA programs to get into, which is why having strong essays is key. While some people are tempted to hire MBA essay writing services, you should try to develop the skills of effective communication through writing your own essay, which will also prove valuable later in your career.


1. Is it hard to get into the Yale School of Management?

Despite its Ivy League status, the Yale School of Management has accessible MBA requirements that are on par with other programs around the country. For the two-year program, the school will take either GME or GMT scores, a bachelor’s degree, and letters of recommendation, while the MBA for Executives requires all applicants have at least seven years of industry experience to apply.  

2. How long should my Yale MBA essay be?

Each MBA essay topic has a different word length. The optional essay is the only one with the lowest minimum word count at 150 words. But the main essay for the two-year MBA should be a maximum of 500 words. Executives applying for the MBA for Executives also must write essays between 200 and 500 words. 

3. What is the acceptance rate of the Yale School of Management?

The Yale School of Management has an acceptance rate of around 10%, which is about average for Ivy League colleges, as they are among the most competitive and other well-regarded business schools, unlike programs at non-Ivy League schools.

4. Are Yale MBA essays important to the application process?

Yale MBA essays are extremely important to the application process. There was a lot of thought put into the single prompt the two-year program uses. It was developed by Amy Wrzesniewski, a professor of organizational behavior at Yale SOM to discover how applicants approach commitments in their life and whether they would show the same approach to business school. 

5. How many MBA essays are there for Yale School of Management?

Applicants to the two-year MBA must complete and submit a single essay. Applicants to the MBA for Executives have the option to complete a second essay in addition to the single essay they must complete, although they have three prompts to choose from for their required essay. 

6. How do you apply to the Yale School of Management?

All applicants to the Yale SOM must create an account with the school’s online application platform and submit all relevant materials there, including essays and MBA recommendation letters

7. What is the format of Yale MBA essays?

All letters should be typed in the school’s online portal for both the two-year and MBA for Executives program. 

8. What should I write about in my Yale MBA essay?

You should always make sure that you are answering the main question of the prompt and not digress. Read over the prompt while you are writing to stay focused and recall specific instances when answering. You should always keep the school’s advice in mind, as they write, “the most effective essays do a great job of describing how you approached your commitment”. 

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