Medical school acceptance rates in Australia are crucial knowledge to your application process if you are looking to attend one of these prestigious schools. If you’re going to plan your future, including which schools to apply to and how to go about creating your application, you need all of the data you can get.
Of course you will want to do your best regardless of the odds (since doing your best increases the odds). But here’s why a comprehensive knowledge is better:
Knowledge of medical school acceptance rates helps you to create your application list. Based on the stats and information we provide in this article, you will be able to compose a list of med schools where you have the best chance with your profile and background.
We’ll also give an overview of the GEMSAS application system and go over several ways you can tip the scales in your favour (including if you live in a rural region or have Indigenous Australian heritage), and turn any acceptance rate into your best shot.
Please note: although we have made every effort to provide the most accurate information, admissions information changes frequently. Therefore, we encourage you to verify these details with the official university admissions office. You are responsible for your own results. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any official universities, colleges, or test administrators and vice versa.
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Australian National University
State: Australia
ATAR Score: -
GPA: 5.6
Admission Test: GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 110 students
Further Information: GAMSAT requires 55 average, 50 in each section; GPA is weighted by year (year three is more “valuable”, e.g.)
Sydney Medical School
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: 99.95
GPA: 5.0
Admission Test: GAMSAT; 5.0
Acceptance Rate: 30 domestic; 10 international
Further Information: GAMSAT requires 50 in each section
Link: Sydney Medical School
University of New South Wales
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: 96
GPA: -
Admission Test: UCAT ANZ
Acceptance Rate: 295 students
Further Information: Students typically have an ATAR of 97-98
Western Sydney University
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: 95.50
GPA: 5.6
Admission Test: UCAT
Acceptance Rate: 125 students
Further Information: UCAT threshold set per year
University of Wollongong
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: (see further information column)
GPA: (see further information column)
Admission Test: GAMSAT; UCAT
Acceptance Rate: 82 students
Further Information: Thresholds for GPA, ATAR, GAMSAT unlisted; lowest ATAR was 84, median 95.70
Link: University of Wollongong
University of Newcastle
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: 94.30
GPA: -
Admission Test: UCAT
Acceptance Rate: 66 students
Further Information: UCAT threshold set per year
Link: University of Newcastle
University of New England
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: 95.30
GPA: -
Admission Test: UCAT
Acceptance Rate: 66 students
Further Information: -
University of Notre Dame, Sydney
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: -
GPA: 6.6
Admission Test: GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 120 students
Further Information: GAMSAT average 65.9; medicine undergrad requires GPA of 5.2, GAMSAT of 52 average
Maquarie University School of Medicine
State: New South Wales
ATAR Score: 85.00
GPA: 5.0
Admission Test: GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 60 students (255 in undergrad)
Further Information: GAMSAT average of 50.
Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
State: Queensland
ATAR Score: 96.00
GPA: 6.0
Admission Test: UCAT
Acceptance Rate: 120
Further Information: -
Link: Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
Griffith University
State: Queensland
ATAR Score: 99.85
GPA: 5.0
Admission Test: GAMSAT; GUMSAA
Acceptance Rate: 313
Further Information: GAMSAT 50 per section
Links: Griffith University
James Cook University
State: Queensland
ATAR Score: -
GPA: 5.75
Admission Test: GAMSAT; QTAC
Acceptance Rate: -
Further Information:
Link: James Cook University
University of Queensland
State: Queensland
ATAR Score: 95.00
GPA: 5.0
Admission Test: GAMSAT; MCAT; UCAT ANZ
Acceptance Rate: 455
Further Information: GAMSAT 50 per section
Link: University of Queensland
Flinders University
State: South Australia
ATAR Score: 95.00
GPA: 5.5
Admission Test: GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: -
Further Information: GAMSAT 50 in each section, although cutoffs can be changed per year
Link:Flinders University
University of Adelaide
State: South Australia
ATAR Score: 90.00
GPA: 5.0
Admission Test: -
Acceptance Rate: 164 students
Further Information: UoA only accepts doctoral candidates through their undergrad program
Link: University of Adelaide
University of Tasmania
State: Tasmania
ATAR Score: 95.00
GPA: 6.5
Admission Test: UCAT ANZ; GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: -
Further Information: UCAT ANZ greater than 50th percentile; GAMSAT 50 in each section
Link: University of Tasmania
Deakin University
State: Victoria
ATAR Score: -
GPA: 5.0
Admission Test: GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 136 students
Further Information: GAMSAT minimum 50 in each section
Link: Deakin University
Melbourne Medical School
State: Victoria
ATAR Score: -
GPA: 5.0
Admission Test: GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 352 students
Further Information: -
Link: Melbourne Medical School
Monash University
State: Victoria
ATAR Score: 90.00
GPA: 6.0
Admission Test: UCAT ANZ; GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 6.77%
Further Information: UCAT ANZ minimum score of 2900; GAMSAT waived with bachelor’s degree.
Link: Monash University
Curtin University
State: Western Australia
ATAR Score: 95.00
GPA: -
Admission Test: UCAT ANZ
Acceptance Rate: 110 places
Further Information: -
Link: Curtin University
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
State: Western Australia
ATAR Score: -
GPA: 5.2
Admission Test: GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 100 students
Further Information: GAMSAT 52 average, 50 in each section; minimums are lower than typical student scores (6.6 GPA, GAMSAT 65.9)
University of Western Australia
State: Western Australia
ATAR Score: 99.00
GPA: 5.5
Admission Test: UCAT ANZ; GAMSAT
Acceptance Rate: 78 students
Further Information: UCAT ANZ score is dependant on other applicant scores by year; GAMSAT average of 55.
Note: scores are often lowered for students from designated rural or remote locations, or for other factors (such as Indigenous Australian status). Check with your school of choice to see if you qualify for a lower score (but, generally, study hard and get the best scores that you can!)
How to Increase your Chances of Acceptance
To put your best foot forward, you need to know how to prepare for your medical school application to best increase your chances to gain entry into your top school choices. You will need to consider all aspects of your profile, including academic scores, employment, life experience, extracurricular activities, and anything else that will give you an edge over the competition.
Know Your Choice Schools
Learn everything you can about the schools you’re applying to. What are their matriculants like? What kind of experiences are valued at your chosen schools? What courses do they offer? What are their programmes focused on? Get a good idea of whether or not you are a good fit, and how you can hone your application to maximise your chances of acceptance. Knowing about your school’s priorities will give you a good start on your application’s tone and focus.
You will want to tailor your application to fit the needs of your chosen schools as much as possible, so you’ll have to study each school’s criteria, mission, and vision statements.
Which schools you plan to apply to will determine most of your application content and process, so learn their particulars well!
Get to Know the Schools In-Person
It might not be possible to travel everywhere, but if you can make it to the schools you want to apply to, so much the better. Most schools have tours and other opportunities for prospective students to come and see their campus. Take advantage of any such opportunities. If you can afford the time and travel (and you should make an effort to do so), in-person knowledge of the campus will let you get to know the place, as well as meeting with faculty, staff, and other students.
Talking to other students is just as useful as networking with the people in charge. At this stage, perhaps more so. Keep in mind: these are students who already applied and got into the school. You can ask about their experiences with application, as well as their experiences on-campus as a student, which will give you a lot of insight that you can use as you move forward with your application.
Wondering how to get into medical school in Australia? Check this out:
Get to Know GEMSAS
Australian medical school applications are created and submitted through GEMSAS (although they do advise that you create certain documentation offline (like portfolio personal statements – where applicable) to preserve data and prevent accidental loss.
GEMSAS is an online application system that matches applicants to medical schools. Applicants rank three to six schools and submit one application which is allocated to all potential schools – which means that while you should try to tailor your application to these schools, your app should still remain quite general. The system will also calculate GPA, and (if the applicant used the ARTS – automated results transfer system) automatically create transcript data.
Qualified applicants are matched through the system and set up for interviews. A second algorithm in GEMSAS then finds the interview scores and makes offers.
Obviously, getting to know the GEMSAS system is critical to your application. GEMSAS has provisions built in to accommodate all the different requirements of the various medical schools in Australia.
Set Up a Timeline
You will want to start by setting up a medical school application timeline. Your timeline will let you know important dates for your application process. From these dates, you can build a study plan, as well as when you’ll need to complete each phase of your application.
Double-check that the timeline’s dates are based on your chosen schools’ deadlines and for the current year. Each school’s timeline is different, and changes from year to year. Don’t accidentally click on an old link and wind up with dates from a previous year. And again, check the dates for each school, since they will likely be different.
A late medical school application isn’t an option, so sticking to your timeline is a necessity. Don’t miss out. The first round of offers made through GEMSAS is in early November, so that’s when you’ll need to have yours in. Later offers are made to fill vacancies – relating to quotas schools have – but don’t chance it. Time your application to be one of the first; don’t rely on vacancies in such a competitive field.
Keep Quotas in Mind
School quotas for Australian med school applications relate to three main fee structure categories – CSP, BMP, and (depending on the school) FEE. There are also requirements for schools to include a certain number of domestic and Indigenous students.
Commonwealth Supported Place – is a position at the school that is (partly) funded by the government. The majority of places at medical schools are CSPs.
What does this mean for you? Depending on your goals, background, and even geographical location, you may want to strategize your choice of schools to apply to and how competitive the placement will be. Do you have slightly lower GPA? Are you passionate about improving the health of rural populations in Australia? Then BMP is a great choice for you, especially due to its less competitive nature. Or maybe you are an international student? Then FFP is your only choice. Consider these options carefully before you apply and keep in mind that CSP would be the most competitive position.
Additionally, sub-quota places are held for Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders at most medical schools. Different schools have different methods of application (like the Indigenous Entry Stream (IES) or the Aboriginal and/or Torres Islander Sub-quota).
Benefits from most schools include lower GPA and ATAR score requirements, different rules for the GAMSAT, and sub-quota numbers that guarantee a certain number of spots go to Indigenous Australians.
Keep Each School’s Requirements in Mind
Medical schools in Australia tend not to have any requirements in terms of what you major in. Some schools may require you to complete certain prerequisites, so make sure to check with your schools of choice.
Given that medicine is a scientific discipline, hard sciences may be important to study before you enroll in medical school, particularly those that relate to medicine, like chemistry or biology. While it’s possible to get into medical school without science background, you will have a difficult time doing well on your GAMSAT or UCAT without any science knowledge.
Most medical schools in Australia have an English language requirement, as well, since if you can’t communicate, you won’t be able to participate and glean the knowledge necessary for study.
Remember to check the course requirements of each school you are applying to make sure you are eligible to apply, since some schools may have stricter course policies than others.
Prepare a High-Calibre Portfolio
In some cases (Macquerie, University of Wollongong, e.g.) you will need to create a medicine portfolio, which could include things like a personal statement or an additional situational judgement test . The exact nature and weight of the portfolio (or if you require to submit one) are determined by the university.
You might need to make (or polish) your medical school resume. This shows off your most recent accomplishments, your proudest accomplishments, and those accomplishments that show you are most-suited to whichever schools you are applying. You need to include contact information, experience, and education, but you might also want to include extracurriculars for medical school that you participated in, skills, interests, or any publications you have.
If required by your schools of choice, get your medical school personal statement ready. A personal statement, finely-tuned, is a game-changer that shows off your unique capabilities and qualifications – why you personally connect with medical school and why you will be the perfect fit beyond all other applicants.
Spend time with this, because a well-written personal statement really makes you stand out. Don’t just rest on one draft, either. Refine your statement over a month or two to make it really shine.
While writing a personal statement, you want to stand out, tell the story of your journey to medicine, and demonstrate through experiences and examples why you want to become a doctor.
However, remember that each school has its own requirements regarding portfolios – some may require a personal statement, while others may not. Make sure to follow your schools’ guidelines and do not submit anything that is not required.
Master the Interview
Interviews for Australian medical school can take different forms, but the most common format is the MMI, or Multiple Mini Interview. The University of Notre Dame will make specifics about their interviewing format and procedure known to applicants after qualifying.
Regardless of how they conduct their interviews, however, Australian medical schools find these interviews to be one of the most crucial elements of an application, so your medicine interview prep must be impeccable. An interview will give you a tremendous opportunity to showcase yourself to the admissions board. This is also a tremendous challenge, and requires finesse and more planning and care to succeed.
Each university weighted scoring in interviews based on their own criteria, so get to know what they are looking for. If you get an interview with a particular school, be ready to display those qualities they are most interested in.
To start, research what common medical school interview questions you can prepare for, such as “tell me about yourself?” or “what is your greatest weakness?” If you are facing an MMI, make sure to check out different MMI questions and stations types, such as the MMI writing stations or the MMI acting stations.
And while this knowledge will help, only mock medical school interviews with professional admissions experts can really get you ready. Not only will you be able to practice your answers and create strategies for different questions types, but you will also be able to practice your interview manners and behavior.
Looking to practice for you medical school interview?
Applying to medical school is a big undertaking, and might seem daunting with all the deadlines, studying, tests, letters, and hard work, but it is your gateway to your future, and will determine the rest of your life. All this hard work will be worth it in the end.
Don’t let your application fall to luck. Do everything you can to stand out. That means your best grades you can get, a flawless portfolio, and a demonstrable connection to the schools and programmes you are applying to.
Get expert advice and work hard, and you can make your candidacy the most appealing it can be.
1. Is Application an Expensive Process?
It’s not overly expensive, but it’s not free.
Sitting the GAMSAT, for instance, will cost $515.00 (AU), while the GEMSAS application fee is $230.00 (AU).
Depending on the schools you select, there may also be travel and accommodations if they are out of your state or territory. (Although if you are from a remote region, you might consider contacting the schools to check if there are special considerations for such a situation).
2. What if I Don’t Have High Grades?
Getting into medical school is competitive. If your grades don’t meet muster, you have very little chance at all. Many institutions have cutoff points (on the ATAR, for instance) that require you to be among the best students just to get a shot at getting in – let alone once you are compared to other candidate for admission.
If you find yourself in the arena of low grades, however, it doesn’t mean you’re out of options. You can still think about how to get into medical school with a low GPA.
3. How Many Schools Should I Apply To?
Short answer: six.
There is no perfect answer how many medical school should you apply to, but the GEMSAS system allows you to rank between three and six schools. Cast a wide net, go for six.
If you’re supremely confident that you will get into one of your top three choices? Go for six. It’s a centralized system. GEMSAS does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Why not take more shots?
4. How Many Times Can I Take the GAMSAT?
There is no limit to re-taking the GAMSAT test. Taking the GAMSAT multiple times allows you to pick which score you use, as well, so you will always be able to optimise your admission forms.
You can re-take the GAMSAT at every opportunity – there is no waiting period between tests.
You must meet the eligibility criteria each time, however.
5. If I Get Rejected, Can I Apply Again?
Yes, you can, but consider your second approach carefully. Whatever prevented you from success the first time needs to be eliminated from your application process. Any weaknesses must be shored up, strengths emphasised, and your second attempt must be better than the first.
The first thing to consider why your application got rejected. Was it your grades, for instance? Was it simply that you just happened to apply as part of an extra-strong cohort. (Many institutions rate applicants based on relative merit, as well as cutoff points and objective standards).
If you can identify why you were rejected, that will assist your reapplication immensely. Whatever you lacked this time, correct it by the start of the next application cycle.
6. What Are the Next Steps If My Application is Successful?
If you receive an offer, it will either be conditional or unconditional.
The former is an offer, but one where you are still awaiting final transcript data, a GPA, or some other test result. That conditional offer will be rescinded should the ensuing GPA be unsatisfactory.
Therefore, in the case of a conditional offer, the next step is clear: get that GPA (or impressive test result, or whatever is missing). Whatever you need, focus solely on that. Don’t fumble after having carried the ball for so long.
If the offer is unconditional, it will come with instructions on what to do (how to accept) and the timeline. If the offer is what you’re after (of course it is) respond immediately. Don’t sit on it. Don’t wait until the last second. Accept as soon as you can.
7. Should I Have Somebody Look Over My Application?
Absolutely you should.
There is no reason to try and do all of this alone. Even the sharpest eyes miss something, so a second set will benefit you greatly, allowing you to see anything that you might have missed. Get an expert, not a friend or family member; checking your application goes deeper than just a spelling and grammar check.
Medical school admissions counselling will put you on track to expert advice that can help you turn your application’s potential into realisation.
8. Can I Get a Deferral?
Most Australian medical schools do not allow for a deferral, no.
To your success,
Your friends at BeMo