If you're wondering if professional medical school interview prep in Canada is worth it, the short answer is yes. The average medical school acceptance rates in Canada is just under 10%, which means that for every 100 applications that medical schools in Manitoba, Alberta, and other provinces in the country receive, an average of 10 students are offered admission. If you want to be one of them, you must do more than meet the minimum academic requirements and submit a medical school personal statement. The medical school interview is not only an important step of the admissions process, but it is often the last one as well. In other words, your performance during this conversation with the medical school representative(s) is going to play a significant role in the admissions committee's decision. In this blog, we'll tell you more about the role medical school interviews play in the admissions process and how professional medical school interview prep can help maximize your chances of admission. 

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How important are medical school interviews in Canada? What is medical school interview prep and how does it help students? What to look for in an interview prep service Conclusion FAQ

How important are medical school interviews in Canada?

Medical school interviews are an integral part of the medical school admissions process in Canada. If you have been invited for an interview, it means that you've satisfied the school's basic requirements when it comes to academics and that they feel that you could potentially be a good fit for their school. That being said, your medical school interview is more than just a formality. 

The reality is that every year, hundreds of students meet the school's GPA requirements and write medical school personal statements that are impressive enough to get called for an interview. For example, last year, the University of Toronto faculty of medicine received 4,319 applications and invited 633 applicants for interviews. However, the entering class only has 259 students, meaning less than half of the interviewed students actually got admission. 

So, even though you are one step closer to getting the coveted admission letter, you are still competing with plenty of students who are just as qualified as you. This is why your interview performance is so important. If you want to get into medical school in Canada, you need to make sure that you're not only submitting a medical school application that stands out, but that you are also prepared to convince the admissions committee that you are the right candidate for their school during the interview. 

The key is to prepare for your medical school interview, and that means a lot more than just reading a bunch of common medical school interview questions. You want to ensure that you know how to structure your answers in a way that will be engaging and professional, highlight your strengths without sounding overconfident, and discuss your weaknesses while still sounding like a strong candidate. It's a tall order, but achieving this is possible if you have the right guidance, practice, and strategies. That's where medical school interview prep comes in. 

How can a medical school interview advisor help you? Check out the infographic below!

What is medical school interview prep and how does it help students?

Medical school interview prep is a service offered by medical school admission tutors and advisors. Essentially, they guide you as you prepare for your medical school interviews. They assess your answering strategies and provide tips and tricks to help you face the medical school interview questions. Essentially ensuring you know how the admissions committee will judge you in the interview and helping you build long-term communication skills.

Let's review some of the ways in which medical school interview prep can help you in more detail: 

Preparing your answers

"Why do you want to be a doctor?" is one of the most common medical school interview questions, and most students know to expect some variation of it in their interview. Yet, they are still not prepared to provide a strong answer to this very common question. While one can argue that there is no right or wrong answer for almost all interview questions, there are good strong answers that stand out, and others that are either weak or forgettable and sometimes both. 

For example, if you were to answer the question above by saying, "I've always wanted to help people", it wouldn't be considered a wrong answer, but it wouldn't be a good answer either. It is not only incomplete and cliche, but this answer also lacks depth, reflection, and passion. After all, thousands of professions would allow you to help people. What the admissions committee wants to know is why you have chosen to pursue medicine out of all those professions. 

This is the type of information that medical school interview prep in Canada can provide. Interview tutors help you understand what the intent behind different medical school interview questions is. They also work one-on-one with you to help structure better answers. They teach you how to highlight your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses in your responses. 

While there is no way to determine every single interview question you can expect in your interview, interview tutors are very familiar with the medical admissions process, meaning that they can help you prepare for the most common medical school interview questions. Additionally, they can help you learn techniques for addressing and answering any type of question, even the weird or intimidating medical school interview questions. This reduces the likelihood of you being caught off guard when asked a question they didn't predict. 

One of the many ways that interview tutors do this is by teaching you how to identify different types and categories of questions. For example, if you have an MMI interview, they will teach you how to identify and tackle the different types of MMI questions

Interview etiquette

In addition to teaching you how to tackle to different types of interview questions, such as ethical questions in a medical school interview, medical school interview prep also helps you prepare for your overall interview experience. The reality is that the medical school interview committee will be assessing more than the quality of your answers. They will also be looking at your communication, interpersonal, and other non-cognitive skills that their specific school values. 

In other words, how you say things and behave during the interview is just as important as what you say. Did you offer appropriate greetings to your interviewers? Did you say thank you or offer farewells? Did you remember their name and repeat it throughout the interview? Did your posture and body language portray confidence? All of these things are part of the interview etiquette that you need to learn in order to ace your medical school interview. 

The issue is that interview behavior is an acquired skill that most students do not realize that they lack. Good Professional medical school interview prep in Canada should include mock medical school interviews. Mock interviews simulate the actual medical school interview conditions, thus giving you a chance to prepare accordingly. They also guide you on how to prepare for day of the interview. Mock interviews are especially great because they give you an opportunity to do the following: 

This list is not exhaustive, but it does give you a pretty good idea of the benefits of mock interviews. The interview is one of the most important steps in your medical school application, so everything counts. Your behavior must be professional and appropriate during the interview. Medical school interview services can help you learn how to do just that!  

Furthermore, all the things you learn during your mock interviews and one-on-one sessions will also help you develop better communication and interviewing skills. These are life-long skills that will be applicable in both future academic and professional interviews. As a medical school student, you still have to look forward to several interviews - for things like residency, research, or volunteer opportunities. Working with a professional will give you a strong foundation to build off of. 

What to look for in an interview prep service

If you decide that you want to maximize your chances of acing your medical school interview and invest in medical school interview prep, then you need to find a pep service that is qualified enough to help you through this important process and provide the best value for your investment. No two students are alike, and the right prep service for you will depend on a variety of factors. However, there are key elements that you should look for in your medical school interview prep to find the right one.

Check out this video to learn about the difference that medical school interview prep can make:


Your medical school interview is your only opportunity to impress the admissions committee face-to-face. Even if you have excellent communication skills, you still need practice and guidance to learn how to use those skills to your advantage, especially in a situation as stressful as a medical school interview. Working with a medical school advisor or tutor on your medical school interview prep is the best way to maximize your acceptance chances.


1. How hard is it to get into medical school in Canada

Canadian medical schools are highly selective. As of last year, every single medical school in the country had an acceptance rate lower than 20%, and many of the students who faced med school rejection actually had strong academic backgrounds. So, if you want to get into medical school in Canada, you need a compelling application and strong interviewing skills.

2. How important are medical school interviews?

Medical school interviews give you a chance to tell the admissions board why you are a good fit for their program in your own words. It also allows them to assess different soft skills, such as communication skills. This last step in the admissions process can make all the difference between getting an offer of admission, a spot on the waitlist, or a rejection.

3. Why do I need to prepare for my medical school interviews in advance?

Many common medical school interview questions are deceptively simple. Preparing in advance gives you a chance to prepare for that, thus reducing the chances of you getting caught off guard, forgetting to share key information, or not knowing what the interviewer is asking for when they ask a specific question. Preparation is the key to acing medical school interviews.

4. What exactly does professional medical school interview prep mean?

Professional medical school interview prep in Canada is a form of interview coaching provided by medical school interview tutors or advisors. Essentially, they conduct mock interviews with you and provide personalized feedback, including tips and strategies to help you improve your interview skills.

5. Is medical school interview prep in Canada expensive?

They can be, but that does not necessarily need to be the case. The cost of medical school interview prep in Canada depends on the services you need and the medical school tutors or consultants you are working with. Look for qualified tutors who are transparent about their fees and offer guarantees or payment plans.

6. Can I prepare for my medical school interviews on my own?

You certainly can. There are a lot of free resources (like our YouTube channel and other blog posts) that can help you get started on your medical school interview prep. However, those can't make up for mock interviews and the personalized feedback that a professional advisor can provide. So, if you want to maximize your chances of doing well, professional medical school interview prep is your best bet.

7. Why are medical school mock interviews important?

Mock interviews give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the interview format and questions. It also gives you an opportunity to practice and identify the issues in your answers or how you deliver them. Furthermore, when done with a professional, they can give you tips and tricks to help you sound and feel more confident during the interview, thus improving your overall interview experience.

8. What should I look for in my medical school interview prep tutor?

You want to work with a medical school tutor who is qualified and experienced, who is upfront about their services and their fees, and who can provide one on one sessions with personalized feedback so that you can get the most out of your money.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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