We are here to share with you the best online MBA programs with no GMAT requirement! You might be surprised to hear this, but online MBA programs that do not require GMAT are just as good if not better than some on-campus MBA programs. MBA rankings show that neither the online status nor the lack of a GMAT requirement affects the quality of education you would get in these curriculums. In this article, we will give you the top 20 online MBAs with no GMAT, discuss the pros and cons of these programs, and give you tips on how to get accepted to these top business schools!

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Top 20 Online MBAs With No GMAT Requirement Are Online MBA Programs with No GMAT Requirements Good? Pros and Cons of Online MBA Programs with No GMAT Requirements How to Get into the Best Online MBAs with No GMAT Requirements FAQs

Top 20 Online MBAs With No GMAT Requirement

Note that the online MBA programs below do not require a GMAT score or GRE score, but some will still accept the score if you wish to submit it.

  1. Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California
  2. Warrington College of Business, University of Florida
  3. Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University
  4. Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington (hybrid MBA)
  5. Goizueta Business School, Emory University
  6. Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University
  7. Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis
  8. Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa
  9. W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
  10. Questrom School of Business, Boston University
  11. Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
  12. Robert H Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
  13. The Goerge Washington School of Business, George Washington University
  14. Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami
  15. Graziadio Business School, Pepperdine University
  16. Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder (hybrid MBA)
  17. Daniels College of Business, University of Denver
  18. Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
  19. Graduate School of Business, Bentley University
  20. Martin J. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University

Are Online MBA Programs with No GMAT Requirements Good?

As we already mentioned above, the programs we list in this article are not the only online MBAs available. There are many other MBA programs in the US and Canada that offer online curriculum. However, we gathered a list of the best and most sought-after online MBAs with no GMAT requirements. These programs are well-known for their strong curriculum and successful graduates. Trust us that these are not the easiest MBA programs to get into.

But are they as good as on-campus programs?

With advances in technology, online MBA programs have become increasingly popular, on par with their on-campus counterparts. While some prospective MBA applicants have reservations regarding the credibility and effectiveness of online courses, you should be aware that online MBAs offer a similar, though not identical, educational experience as on-campus programs – but the quality stays the same.

Whether online or on campus, accredited MBA programs are held to the same rigorous academic standards. Accrediting bodies, like AACSB, AMBA, or EQUIS, ensure that the curriculum of an online MBA program meets the same stringent criteria as any traditional program. Consequently, the core subjects, electives, case studies, and projects you would work on in an online setting mirror those in on-campus programs. Thus, the foundation and advanced knowledge you acquire remain consistent, irrespective of where or how you study.

One of the hallmarks of a great MBA program is the quality of its faculty and many students choose the right MBA program for them based on the instructors they will get. With online education, geographic barriers have been demolished. This means that online MBA students often have access to the same esteemed professors and industry experts as their on-campus peers. In many cases, the very same professor who lectures in the university's brick-and-mortar classroom will be the one delivering lessons virtually. The expertise, insights, and industry anecdotes they bring to the table remain unchanged.

Another big concern for online students is a perceived lack of networking opportunities which are often available in the best MBA programs in the US or Canada. However, digital platforms have evolved to facilitate rich interactions, peer-to-peer learning, and networking. From group projects conducted on Zoom to discussions on dedicated forums and social media groups, students can build a robust professional network. Virtual summits, webinars, and guest speaker sessions further offer platforms for students to interact with industry leaders and alumni.

Modern online MBA programs incorporate a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning, combined with immersive tools like VR and AR, to create interactive simulations and real-world scenarios. This ensures that students can apply theoretical knowledge practically, much like they would in an on-campus setting.

Both online and on-campus MBA programs require a strong commitment to succeed. While online programs offer greater flexibility, allowing students to balance work, studies, and personal commitments, they also demand discipline and time-management skills. In both scenarios, the onus of extracting maximum value from the course lies with the student. It's up to the individual to participate actively in discussions, seek additional resources, network with peers, and consistently apply their learnings.

Many assume that on-campus programs have a clear edge when it comes to job placements or internships. However, as the corporate world becomes more comfortable with remote working and virtual collaborations, companies are increasingly recognizing the value of online MBA degrees – in fact, they value students’ experience in working remotely on their assignments and schedules. Online students often possess qualities like self-motivation, digital proficiency, and adaptability, making them highly desirable in the modern workforce.

The debate between online and on-campus MBA programs is less about which is better and more about which is more suitable for an individual's circumstances. The quality of education, the richness of experience, and the opportunities that follow are largely consistent between the two. Ultimately, in both settings, the true determinant of success is the student’s dedication, enthusiasm, and application of knowledge. As with most things in life, you get out what you put in.

Pros and Cons of Online MBA Programs with No GMAT Requirements



MBA requirements for online programs and on-campus programs are usually the same. Some of the best MBA programs in Canada and the US have stopped requiring the GMAT or the GRE for admission, and the online programs we list in this blog have followed suit. This is great news for you! Finally, MBA programs all over the world have realized that the GMAT might not be the definitive predictor of your success as a student and as a professional!

The GMAT does not evaluate the most important qualities for MBA applicants: leadership, resilience, team dynamics, real-world experience, and adaptability. These can only really be assessed from other MBA application components, like the MBA personal statement or MBA resume. So focus on your MBA extracurriculars and work experience instead of spending hours on GMAT prep!

Keep in mind that MBAs with no GMAT requirements also relieve you from experiencing the stress of GMAT prep or the GMAT test day. Many students naturally experience test anxiety, affecting their performance regardless of their actual competency. By placing less emphasis on the GMAT, the online MBA programs with no GMAT requirements ensure they aren't rejecting candidates due to a single testing experience.

Lastly, think of the money you will save by skipping the GMAT! You can focus on prepping for your MBA interview instead or spend some quality time with family who will help you take your mind off the stress of MBA application season!

Flexible Schedule

Online MBA programs have ushered in a new era of educational flexibility, effectively breaking the barriers of location and rigid scheduling. One of the most notable advantages of pursuing an online MBA is the elimination of relocation. Candidates no longer need to move to a new city, state, or province, sidestepping the considerable expenses and stresses associated with such a transition. This geographical independence also means that students can remain rooted in their communities, continuing to nurture relationships with family and friends without the interruption of a years-long absence.

Beyond the geographical aspect, the flexible scheduling intrinsic to online MBA programs allows students to tailor their education around their personal and professional commitments. This adaptability means that students can maintain their current job positions, ensuring a steady income and continuous professional growth. Moreover, it grants students the luxury of learning at their own pace, be it early mornings, late nights, or weekends, making it conducive to varied lifestyles and responsibilities, which means more diversity in the MBA classroom!

Fewer Expenses

If you compare online MBA programs to traditional on-campus alternatives, the cost benefits become apparent. Firstly, with online MBAs, you eliminate the substantial expenses related to relocating to a new city or even country. This encompasses not only the immediate costs of moving belongings and setting up a new residence but also the ongoing costs of living, which might be considerably higher in cities hosting prestigious institutions like Stanford Graduate School of Business or the Haas School of Business.

Moreover, daily commuting expenses, often overlooked, can accumulate significantly over time. With online programs, you don't need to spend on fuel, public transportation, or parking. Additionally, on-campus programs often have hidden costs: from facility usage fees to costs for printed materials. In an online format, most resources are available digitally, reducing or removing these additional expenses.

More Networking Opportunities

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the importance of having a global perspective and network cannot be overstated. Online MBA programs uniquely position students to cultivate such a global network. Unlike traditional on-campus programs that often attract a higher percentage of local or regional students, online platforms have a more extensive reach. This means students engage with peers from various countries, cultures, and professional backgrounds.

Such diverse interaction enriches classroom discussions, offering a multi-faceted view of global business challenges. It's one thing to study international business cases, but having a peer from a different country explain the intricacies of their market, regulatory environment, or consumer behavior brings a level of insight that's hard to replicate in a localized setting.

Beyond academic discussions, these interactions pave the way for global collaborations. Today's MBA peer could be tomorrow's international business partner, client, or even employer. Building a robust, diverse network during the MBA program ensures that you are better positioned to navigate and leverage the global business landscape, armed not just with theoretical knowledge, but with practical connections and a genuinely global perspective.

Still working on your MBA resume?


Harder to Offset a Low GPA without the GMAT or GRE

While quality professional work experience is a more valuable asset than a 4.0 GPA, MBA programs do see low GPAs as a red flag. One of the best ways to demonstrate your academic prowess even if you have a low GPA is by using your GMAT score. If you are not planning to write a GMAT, then you should strive to have a GPA that at least meets the program requirements.

Though it is possible to get into an MBA program with a low GPA, it will be hard to offset a low GPA without a GMAT or GRE score, so be aware of this setback.

Fewer Scholarship Opportunities

Many full-time and part-time MBA programs consider your GMAT score when they make decisions about financial aid. You will still be considered for a scholarship if you do not submit a GMAT score, but those with high GMAT scores might have an edge over those who do not submit the GMAT at all or those with lower GMAT scores.

How to Get into the Best Online MBAs with No GMAT Requirements

Below, we outline the best and easiest strategies you can implement to get into online MBA programs with no GMAT requirement.

Submit a Tailored, Unique Application for Each Program: This is the best advice we can give you. Every MBA program has its unique strengths and culture. Tailor your application to reflect how you fit into that specific program. Research their values, specialties, and teaching methods, and then align your application to showcase how you would be an ideal candidate for that institution. This takes time and effort, so make sure to start your application early.

Demonstrate a Stellar Academic Record: Your undergraduate grades and any other subsequent academic achievements serve as indicators of your academic dedication and abilities. Your undergraduate or graduate GPA will be especially important since you’re applying to programs without a GMAT score. A strong GPA or notable accolades from reputable institutions can serve as a compelling testament to your capabilities. Take courses, even if they are short or online, related to your MBA goals to further demonstrate your commitment.

Robust Professional Experience: Quality work experience can make a much better impression on the MBA admissions committee than a GMAT score. Showcase roles where you've held significant responsibilities, led teams, or contributed to meaningful projects. Highlight achievements, quantitative results, and career progression to indicate your readiness for advanced business studies and leadership roles. Remember to show rather than tell – use numbers and concrete achievements when talking about your work in MBA statement of purpose and other MBA admissions essays.

Submit Outstanding Essays: MBA admissions essays like the MBA motivation letter or MBA video essays are your opportunity to tell your story. Explain why do you want to pursue an MBA and how it aligns with your career aspirations. Make sure to convey your passion, commitment, and clarity of purpose. It's also a platform to discuss any potential weaknesses in your application, offering explanations or showcasing how you've grown from past challenges. For example, an essay is a great way to explain any gaps in your MBA resume.

Strong Letters of Recommendation: Obtain MBA recommendation letters from individuals who know you well and can vouch for your skills, work ethic, and potential for success in an MBA program. Ideally, these should come from current or past supervisors, colleagues, or academic mentors. A glowing recommendation can significantly bolster your application.

Extracurricular Activities and Leadership Roles: Business schools value well-rounded individuals. Detail any roles or contributions in non-profit organizations, clubs, or community service projects. Emphasize leadership roles or instances where you've made a tangible difference, showcasing skills like team management, problem-solving, or initiative-taking. Remember that these do not have to be paid positions or positions in your “field”!

Personal Branding and Online Presence: In the digital age, your online footprint can serve as an extension of your application. Maintain an updated LinkedIn profile detailing your professional accomplishments, endorsements, and recommendations. A personal website or a portfolio, if relevant, can further demonstrate your skills and commitment.

Interview Preparation: If the program requires an interview, prepare diligently. Anticipate MBA interview questions regarding your decision to forgo the GMAT, your choice of that particular online MBA program, and how you see it aligning with your career goals. Remember that the best way to prepare for an MBA interview is by experiencing the interview first-hand. This means mock MBA interviews!

Special Skills or Certifications: Possessing certifications like PMP (Project Management Professional), Six Sigma, or others relevant to your industry can indicate your dedication to professional growth. Highlight any specialized skills that make you a unique asset to the MBA cohort.

Global Experience: If you've worked or volunteered internationally, it can set you apart. Business schools value global perspectives, and showcasing international experiences can underline your adaptability, global outlook, and ability to navigate diverse cultures.


What are the best online MBAs with no GMAT requirements?

There are many options, including Marshall School of Business, Warrington College of Business, Hankamer School of Business, Goizueta Business School, and so on. Please see our full list above.

Are online MBA programs as good as on-campus MBAs?

Yes, the curriculum and opportunities are the same. And some may say that online MBAs are even better in terms of cost. They are considered more low-cost. 

Are there really MBA programs that do not require the GMAT?

Yes, there are online and on-campus MBA programs that do not require the GMAT.

Are there 1 year online MBAs without GMAT?

Yes, please visit the official websites of the schools we list above to see the full range of options. But there are definitely online MBA programs that take 1 year to complete. 

Should I submit my GMAT to these programs?

You can submit your GMAT if you have written the test and a have good score. While it will not affect your admissions chances, it may help you get a scholarship.

Does Canada have online MBA programs with no GMAT?

Yes! Thompson Rivers University and Dalhousie University are some of the few schools that offer this option.

Are online MBAs cheaper than on-campus programs?

The tuition fees are usually the same, but you generally do not pay fees for campus facilities. Also, you save money on relocation, transportation, and other expenses that come with traveling to and from campus. 

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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