June 1st, 2022 to Oct. 31, 2022
Please read the contest details very carefully to avoid disqualifications.
Step 1: Schedule a free strategy call here.
Step 2: Enroll in one of BeMo's Titanium, Platinum, or Gold tier MCAT prep programs between June 1, 2022 and Oct. 31, 2022:
Step 3: Take the official AAMC MCAT between June 1, 2022 and Dec. 31, 2022.
Step 4: Submit a copy of your official MCAT score taken during indicated dates above and your official BeMo purchase invoice via email to contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com before May 31, 2023. Please use "MCAT Contest" as your subject line.
Step 5: If you score the highest on the MCAT from the pool of all contestants, you'll be eligible to win the $50,000 prize!
That's not all, if you also participate in the "Get into Med School Competition" (details above) and also win that competition, you'll be eligible to win another $50,000 prize for a total of $100,000 grand prize!
Please note that you are NOT required to enter both competitions. You may choose one or both competitions at your discretion.
Contest winner will be announced on June 28th, 2023. For full contest details and rules, see the "Contest Rules" section below.
If you have purchased one of BeMo's MCAT prep programs before June 1, 2022, you may be eligible if you upgrade your program and fulfill all other eligibility requirements. Contact us for details.
If you have purchased one of BeMo's eligible programs mentioned above before June 1, 2022, you may be eligible if you upgrade your program or if you purchase an additional program and fulfill all other eligibility requirements. Contact us for details.
Please read the contest details very carefully to avoid disqualifications.
Step 1: Schedule a free strategy call here.
Step 2: Enroll in at least one of the following programs between June 1, 2022 and Oct. 31, 2022:
BeMo's Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier medical school application review, or
BeMo's Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier medical school secondary essay review, or
BeMo's Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier CASPer prep, or
BeMo's Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier medical school interview prep.
Step 3: Submit your medical school applications between June 1, 2022 and Dec. 31, 2022.
Step 4: Submit a copy of your acceptance letters and your official BeMo purchase invoice via email to contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com before May 31, 2023. Please use "Med School Contest" as your subject line.
Step 5: If you get accepted to the greatest number of medical schools from the pool of all contestants, you'll be eligible to win the $50,000 prize!
That's not all, if you also participate in the "Ace the MCAT Competition" (details below) and also win that competition, you'll be eligible to win another $50,000 prize for a total of $100,000 grand prize!
Please note that you are NOT required to enter both competitions. You may choose one or both competitions at your discretion.
Contest winner will be announced on June 28th, 2023. For full contest details and rules, see the "Contest Rules" section below.
If you have purchased one of BeMo's eligible programs mentioned above before June 1, 2022, you may be eligible if you upgrade your program or if you purchase an additional program and fulfill all other eligibility requirements. Contact us for details.
Please read the contest details very carefully to avoid disqualifications.
Step 1: Schedule a free strategy call here.
Step 1: Enroll in one of the following programs between June 1, 2022 and Oct. 31, 2022:
BeMo's Titanium Tier MCAT prep.
Two of the following:
One of Gold or Platinum Tier BeMo MCAT Prep, AND one of the following:
a. Gold, Platinum or Titanium BeMo medical school application review, OR;
b. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo medical school secondary essay review, OR;
c. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo CASPer prep, OR;
d. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo medical school interview prep.
Step 2: Take the official AAMC MCAT and submit your medical school applications between June 1, 2022 and Dec. 31, 2022.
Step 3: Submit a copy of official MCAT score, your acceptance letters and your official BeMo purchase invoice via email to contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com before May 31, 2023. Please use "Both Contest" as your subject line.
Step 4: If you score the highest on the official MCAT and get accepted to the greatest number of medical schools from the pool of all contestants, you'll be eligible to win the $100,000 grand prize!
Contest winner will be announced on June 28th, 2023. For full contest details and rules, see the "Contest Rules" section below.
If you have purchased one of BeMo's eligible programs mentioned above before June 1, 2022, you may be eligible if you upgrade your program or if you purchase an additional program and fulfill all other eligibility requirements. Contact us for details.
1 - What is the deadline to enter the contest? The contest runs from June 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST.
2 - Is purchase required to enter the competitions? Yes, to enter the contest you must purchase one of the eligible BeMo services mentioned above. For details see "How to Enter the Ace the MCAT Competition" or "How to Enter the Get into Med School Competition" sections above.
3 - Do I have to enter both competitions to be eligible? No, you do not. You can choose to enter only one or both. It is totally up to you.
4 - How are the contest winners determined? For the Ace the MCAT Competition, the eligible contestant who receives the highest MCAT score on the official AAMC MCAT taken between June 1st, 2022, and Dec 31st, 2022 is considered the winner. If the eligible contestant has taken the official AAMC MCAT more than once during the eligible dates, the highest score will be considered. For the Get into Med School Competition, the eligible contestant who is accepted to the greatest number of medical schools in the United States and/or Canada for applications submitted between June 1st, 2022, to Dec 31st, 2022 is considered the winner.
5 - For the Get into Med School Competition, do I have to hear back from the admissions offices by Dec. 31st, 2022? No, you must have submitted your application by that date.
6 - For the Ace the MCAT Competition, do I have to have my official score by Dec. 31st, 2022? No, you must have taken the official MCAT by that date.
7 - What is the deadline to submit my official MCAT scores and/or acceptance letters? Submit a copy of your MCAT scores and/or acceptance letters and your official BeMo purchase invoice via email to contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com before May 31, 2023.
8 - How do I submit my official MCAT scores and/or acceptance letters? Submit a copy of your MCAT scores and/or acceptance letters and your official BeMo purchase invoice via email to contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com before May 31, 2023.
9 - Can I enter the Ace the MCAT Competition if I'm not applying to medical school? Yes, you can.
10 - Can I enter the Get into Med School Competition if I'm not taking the MCAT? Yes, you can.
11 - What is the contest prize? The prize for the Ace the MCAT Competition is $50,000. The prize for the Get into Med School Competition is $50,000. If the same individual wins both competitions, they will be eligible for the grand prize of $100,000.
12 - What if there is a tie for the prize? If there's a tie, the competition prize will be equally divided amongst the winners.
13 - When are the contest winners announced? The winner(s) will be announced on June 28, 2023 on BeMo’s website and social media accounts.
14 - Where can I find the full contest rules? Visit the "Contest Rules" section below.
15 - Can I speak to someone before I enroll in my preferred BeMo program? Yes, click here to contact us. Please indicate the details of the program that interests you the most.
16 - Who do I contact if I have questions about the contest? Email contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com
1. The following describes the BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. (“BeMo)’s Ace the MCAT and Get into Med School Competitions rules and eligibility criteria, collectively referred to as “Contest Rules”.
2. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any universities, colleges, or official test administrators. Test names and trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders.
3. The Contest Dates: June 1st, 2022 to Oct. 31, 2022, 11:59 PM EST.
4. Contestants’ Place of Residency: The contest is open to legal residents of the United States of America and Canada.
5. Contest Awards:
a. $50,000 cash prize for the winner(s) of the Ace the MCAT Competition.
b. $50,000 cash prize for the winner(s) of the Get into Med School Competition.
c. $100,000 cash prize for the winner(s) of both Competitions.
6. Winner(s) selection: Winners from eligible contestants are selected as follows:
a. For the Ace the MCAT Competition: ($50,000 Prize)
i. The eligible contestant who receives the highest MCAT score on the official AAMC MCAT taken between June 1st, 2022, and Dec 31st, 2022.
ii. If the eligible contestant has taken the official AAMC MCAT more than once during the eligible dates, the highest score will be considered.
iii. If there is a tie, the $50,000 prize will be equally divided between the winning contestants.
b. For the Get into Med School Competition: ($50,000 Prize)
i. The eligible contestant who is accepted to the greatest number of medical schools in the United States and/or Canada for applications submitted between June 1st, 2022, to Dec 31st, 2022.
ii. If there is a tie, the $50,000 prize will be equally divided between the winning contestants.
c. If the same person wins both the Ace the MCAT and Get into Med School Contests, he/she will receive the grand prize of $100,000.
i. If there is a tie, the $100,000 prize will be equally divided between the winning contestants.
7. How to Enter:
a. Purchase one or more of the “Eligible Services” described below between June 1, 2022, and Oct. 31, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST.
b. Submit the “Required Submissions” described below by May 31, 2023, 11:59 PM EST.
c. Follow and abide by the “Contest Rules” as detailed on this page.
8. Purchase Requirements: To be eligible contestants must purchase one of the following BeMo “Eligible Services” between June 1, 2022, and Oct. 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST.
9. Eligible Services:
a. For the Ace the MCAT Competition, contestants must purchase one of:
i. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo MCAT prep programs.
b. For the Get into Med School Competition, contestants must purchase at least one of:
i. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo medical school application review OR,
ii. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo medical school secondary essay review OR,
iii. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo CASPer prep OR,
iv. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo medical school interview prep.
c. To be eligible for both Competitions, the contestants must purchase either:
i. BeMo’s MCAT prep Titanium, OR
ii. Two of the following:
1. Gold or Platinum Tier BeMo MCAT, AND one of the following:
a. Gold, Platinum or Titanium BeMo medical school application review, OR;
b. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo medical school secondary essay review, OR;
c. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo CASPer prep, OR;
d. Gold, Platinum, or Titanium Tier BeMo medical school interview prep.
10. Examples of purchase eligibility for one of the Competitions:
a. An eligible contestant that meets all eligibility criteria in the Contest Rules who has purchased BeMo’s Platinum MCAT prep, but none of the other eligible services, will be eligible only for the Ace the MCAT Competition.
b. An eligible contestant that meets all eligibility criteria in the Contest Rules who has purchased BeMo’s Platinum medical school application review program, but none of the other eligible services, will be eligible only for the Get into Med School Competition.
11. Examples of purchase eligibility for both contests:
a. An eligible contestant that meets all eligibility criteria in the Contest Rules who has purchased BeMo’s Titanium MCAT prep will be eligible for both Ace the MCAT and Get into Med School Competitions.
b. An eligible contestant that meets all eligibility criteria in the Contest Rules who has purchased BeMo’s Platinum MCAT prep AND BeMo’s Platinum medical school application review prep will be eligible for both Ace the MCAT and Get into Med School Competitions.
12. Installment Payments: If installment payment is chosen during enrollment, full payment must be received before Oct. 31st, 2022, 11:59 PM EST.
13. Required Submissions:
a. Ace the MCAT Competition:
i. To be eligible the contestants must provide official MCAT scores for MCAT written between the following dates: June 1st, 2022 to Dec 31st, 2022 that clearly show the full name of the contestants and date of the test. The full name must match the name provided at the time of purchase of a BeMo eligible service.
ii. Official BeMo invoice(s) indicating purchase of one or more of BeMo’s eligible services indicated above between June 1st 2022 and Oct. 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST.
b. Get into Med School Competition:
i. To be eligible the contestants must provide official acceptance letters to medical schools in the United States and/or Canada for applications submitted between the following dates: June 1st, 2022 to Dec 31st, 2022 that clearly show the full name of the contestants. The full name must match the name provided at the time of purchase of a BeMo eligible service.
ii. Official BeMo invoice(s) indicating purchase of one or more of BeMo’s eligible services indicated above between June 1, 2022 and Oct. 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST.
c. To enter both contests the contestants must fulfill the submissions requirements for both contests indicated above and meet the eligibility criteria for both contests as outlined in the Contest Rules.
14. How to submit the required submissions:
a. The contestants must submit the required submissions above no later than May 31, 2023, 11:59 PM EST by emailing contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com.
15. Contest winner(s) announcement: The winner(s) will be announced on June 28, 2023 on BeMo’s website and social media accounts.
16. Award Currency: The award currency is in USD.
17. Required Code of Conduct: Anyone who has requested a refund for any reason or disputed a charge or has violated any of BeMo terms of service found at https://bemoacademicconsulting.com/Disclaimer-Privacy-Cancellation.html before, during or after the contest period is automatically disqualified.
18. Current and Former BeMo Students: Anyone who is a current or former BeMo student defined by having purchased any of the eligible products before June, 1st 2022 is not eligible unless additional eligible purchase(s) is made from the list of eligible services or purchases are upgraded to more advanced tiers during the eligible dates indicated above and all other Contest Rules are followed as outlined below:
For example, a student who has purchased Gold tier BeMo MCAT prep before June 1st 2022, can become eligible by upgrading to either Platinum or Titanium tier BeMo MCAT prep or by purchasing one of the other eligible services during the indicated eligible dates.
Regardless of additional purchase(s) or upgrade(s), all other Contest Rules must be followed to maintain eligibility.
19. Winner(s) obligations: Winner(s) must agree to be interviewed for the contest and give BeMo the exclusive and non-revokable rights to use their full name, admissions results, MCAT scores, pictures, video, and audio of the interview for the purpose of BeMo’s marketing and announcing of the contest winner at its sole discretion.
20. Selected winner(s) will be contacted via the contact information they provide during contest submission. The winner(s) will have 5 business days to respond and claim their prize. In the event that the original selected winner(s) does not respond to claim their prize within 5 business days, they will be disqualified and another winner(s) will be selected from the eligible pool of contestants.
21. Contest Cancellation: In the unlikely event that the contest has less than 1,000 eligible contestants as defined in the Terms above, the contest will be deemed canceled and contestants will be automatically eligible to participate in the following year’s contest without any additional purchases or requirement to rewrite the MCAT or reapply to medical school during the following year’s contest period. This process will continue until there are a minimum of 1,000 eligible contestants.
22. If you have any questions, please submit your questions to contest [at] bemoacademicconsulting.com
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