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AMCAS Most Meaningful Experience Sample #12

Experience Type: Teaching/Tutoring/Teaching Assistant

Experience Name: Teaching Assistant at X University

Contact Name & Title: Carl Wedgewood, Professor

Contact Email: [email protected]

Contact Phone: 3455634211

Organization Name: Psychology Department at X University

City/State/Country: Kansas City / Missouri / United States

Most Meaningful Experience: Yes

Dates: 01/20XX-03/20XX

Total Hours: 100

Experience Description: Becoming a TA wasn’t an opportunity I was expecting to receive, but when one of my psychology professors mentioned that he was looking for one, I decided to take advantage of the offer and apply. I taught Abnormal Psychology three times a week in one-hour classes. I graded papers and quizzes, offering extra help for students who requested it. I also conferred with the professor to create presentations and coordinate in-class activities and learning modules. (462 characters, with spaces)

Most Meaningful Experiences Remarks: I attribute my ambition to work in a university setting to this experience. Some of my classmates warned against the tedium and needless extra work of being a TA, but I ignored their admonitions because I wanted to see what it was like. Abnormal Psychology was one of my favorite second year classes, so I was thrilled to get the opportunity to teach it. I had one student approach me after class one evening asking if I was available to help her understand the biological approach to mental health involving neurotransmitters. She was struggling in the class, but her interest in the material kept her motivated to pass. Together, we set a few realistic goals and outlined a learning plan. I suggested using flashcards to help her study and provided a few actionable tips for improving the quality of her papers. She showed gradual improvement and passed the class with relative ease. It’s important to recognize potential and help students realize it under realistic circumstances. This experience taught me to be opportunistic and open to new experiences. I also learned that it’s best not to judge anyone based on incomplete information and that you must be an active listener when others come to you for help. (1,215 characters, with spaces)

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