Learning the different LSAT sections and what is on the LSAT was the first thing I did when I started my LSAT prep, which helped me understand how long to study for the LSAT and how to study for the LSAT. In this blog, I'll go in-depth into every LSAT section, my experience with each one, and my tips on how to approach them.

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6 min read

What are the LSAT Sections? The Most Challenging LSAT Section: Logical Reasoning (Arguments) The Easier LSAT Section: Reading Comprehension Bonus: What’s on the LSAT Writing Section What Kind of Questions are on the LSAT? Why I Enjoyed All LSAT Sections FAQs

What are the LSAT Sections?

The LSAT structure has undergone some changes, so the latest version of the test consists of three scored LSAT sections, plus one unscored LSAT section. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • 2 scored Logical Reasoning sections
  • 1 scored Reading Comprehension section
  • 1 unscored Logical Reasoning OR Reading Comprehension section

Bonus: LSAT Writing Sample* is also part of the LSAT but is not exactly an LSAT section. Though it does not receive a score, it is considered by law schools when reviewing your application.

The Most Challenging LSAT Section: Logical Reasoning (Arguments)

The Logical Reasoning section of the LSAT proved to be the most challenging LSAT section for me. Although the right prep strategy really helped me tackle this difficult part of the exam, it really presented me with its own set of challenges and rewards.

What’s on the LSAT Logical Reasoning Section?

In the Logical Reasoning section of the LSAT, I encountered arguments in various forms, ranging from simple logical arguments to ones involving complex logical structures. The objective of these LSAT sections is to properly examine, analyze, and critically evaluate the arguments presented in each question. As part of this objective, each question required me to critically evaluate the reasoning presented, identifying strengths, weaknesses, assumptions, and flaws. Although the large volume of information was often overwhelming to process, I appreciated the logical consistency underlying each argument.

How I Prepared for the LSAT Logical Reasoning Section

To successfully tackle the Logical Reasoning section of the LSAT, I focused on strengthening my critical thinking and analytical skills. I was able to accomplish this through consistent practice deconstructing arguments, identifying premises and conclusions, and assessing the soundness of the reasoning presented.

I assessed the strength of the arguments presented by first identifying the premises presented and evaluating both their relevance and accuracy. I would then analyze the logical relationships between the premises and the conclusion, to determine whether there were any gaps or assumptions being made. Finally, to assess the argument’s validity, I would consider counterarguments and alternative interpretations. The process of effectively deconstructing and evaluating arguments. involved careful attention to detail, active engagement with the text, and knowledge of logical principles. In the end, I became better equipped to navigate the nuances of this section of the LSAT, by familiarizing myself with common argumentative structures and logical fallacies. Practice tests also played a crucial role in enhancing my speed and accuracy, allowing me to refine my approach and develop strategies for managing my time most effectively.

The Easier LSAT Section: Reading Comprehension

I found the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT to be a bit easier than Logical Reasoning – but it’s also the section that most students find difficult to prepare for! I had a lot of background in dense reading and analysis, but if you do not - this may be a very challenging LSAT section for you.

Ultimately, I felt more at ease and familiar with this section of the LSAT given my background and experience with reading and analyzing complex texts. Throughout my undergraduate degree, I took courses that had exams and written assignments requiring me to dissect and extract crucial information from detailed passages. For instance, the exams often tested my knowledge of material from dense textbooks and for the written assignments, I had to reference a variety of primary and secondary sources to back up my arguments.

So my top advice for preparing for this section: start reading challenging texts now!

What’s on the LSAT Reading Comprehension Section?

In the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT, I encountered multiple passages covering a variety of topics, from law and science to humanities and social sciences. Despite these diverse subjects, the underlying task and objective of this section of the LSAT remained the same: to read, comprehend, and analyze the passage efficiently, and identify the relevant information from it. Despite the added pressure of time constraints, I was relieved by the straightforward nature of the questions, which typically followed the passage's logical flow. 

How I Prepared for LSAT Reading Comprehension

To prepare for the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT, I focused mainly on improving my reading speed and comprehension skills. This was accomplished through consistent practice reading detailed, academic texts under timed conditions, ultimately helping me gain a thorough understanding of the text while also remaining efficient. Some of these texts were from textbooks that I had kept from my undergraduate business degree and various journal articles that I found online on topics that interested me.

Furthermore, implementing active reading techniques, such as highlighting key points and summarizing passages, aided in my retention of information and identification of important details. By exposing myself to a variety of passage types and question formats, I developed the flexibility needed to adapt to any challenges I would face on test day.

Bonus: What’s on the LSAT Writing Section

I enjoyed completing the writing sample section at the end of the LSAT, as it provided me an opportunity to put my persuasive writing skills to use – a nice change from the multiple-choice format of the preceding sections of the test.

To prepare for this section of the LSAT, I dedicated time towards practicing with writing sample prompts from practice tests under timed conditions. This allowed me to familiarize myself with the general format of the writing sample prompt I would face on the actual test and practice composing coherent arguments within the time constraints.

Furthermore, I strengthened my ability to analyze complex scenarios, identify key issues, craft persuasive arguments and counterarguments, and draw compelling conclusions. The ultimate objective of the writing sample section of the LSAT is to assess your ability to convey a logical argument, critically analyze information, and effectively communicate through writing, which are all vital skills for success in law school and the legal profession as a whole.

What Kind of Questions are on the LSAT?

For those planning to take the LSAT, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the types of LSAT questions you can expect to encounter. While the specific content may vary from test to test, certain question types tend to regularly appear on the LSAT.

In the Logical Reasoning LSAT section, you should expect a mix of argumentative questions, including strengthen, weaken, and flaw questions, among others. When it comes to these questions, test-takers will be required to critically evaluate the logic and reasoning presented in a given argument.

The Reading Comprehension LSAT section usually includes passages covering a range of topics, from law and philosophy to science and literature. Test-takers may be required to identify main ideas or evaluate the logical structure of a given argument.

Each section has a different number of questions and you also have a set amount of time to complete each section: 35 minutes.

But whatever the section, the questions more or less follow the same format. They give you a passage or series of passages, and ask you to:

  • Apply a rule
  • Settle a dispute or take a side
  • Determine a solution from the information you’re given
  • Find flaws or weaknesses in an argument

By taking an LSAT prep course or hiring an LSAT tutor, you can get used to the sometimes-unorthodox questions and puzzles and develop strategies to answer them. But you can also work on your timing and how to work under the pressure of a ticking clock.

Why I Enjoyed All LSAT Sections

Despite its challenges, there were moments of genuine enjoyment and intellectual stimulation throughout my LSAT experience. I experienced particular satisfaction in unraveling the complexities of Logical Reasoning scenarios and dissecting the arguments presented in them. Each question served as an opportunity to exercise my analytical skills and showcase my problem-solving abilities.

Moreover, I was pleased with the continuous progress I made through diligent practice and preparation. As I mastered new techniques and strategies, my confidence grew, and so did my performance on practice tests. The sense of accomplishment that I felt with each improved score fueled my determination to excel on test day.


1. What are the LSAT sections?

The three main and scored LSAT sections are 2 Logical Reasoning and 1 Reading Comprehension sections. You must also complete the LSAT Writing Essay section, but it is unscored and has no effect on your ultimate LSAT score.

2. What is the “experimental” LSAT section?

The “experimental” LSAT section is included in your LSAT as a way to test new questions, scenarios, puzzles and answer choices. This section is not scored, but since the experimental section is simply a repeat of one of the other LSAT sections, it will be hard to notice or identify.

3. What is the LSAT Writing section like?

The LSAT Writing Essay is a timed, but unscored LSAT section that you can complete at home. You will be given a set of countering opinions that you must either dispute or agree with. You want to write in a coherent, disciplined manner with structure, concrete examples, and a good narrative flow.

4. What is the hardest LSAT section?

The Logical Reasoning LSAT sections are often cited as more difficult than Reading Comprehension.

5. What is the easiest LSAT section?

Each of the LSAT sections are designed to be difficult for everyone, regardless of your background and education level so there is no “easy” section.

6. How can I prepare for the LSAT?

To prepare for the actual test, you can take diagnostic tests (timed and untimed), use a free or paid LSAT prep course, or hire a LSAT tutor that can give you personalized advice, and identify the areas who you need to improve.

7. How long does the LSAT take?

You have 35 minutes to complete each of the sections, including the experimental and LSAT Writing essay. In total, the test usually takes anywhere between 3 ½ hours to 3 hours and 45 minutes.

8. Do I need to take the LSAT?

There are some law schools that don't require the LSAT. If you don’t take the LSAT, you will still have to take another graduate-level standardized test, such as the GRE or GMAT. The LSAT is difficult but not impossible.

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BeMo Academic Consulting

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