Are MCAT CARS tutors worth it? The MCAT CARS is arguably the most difficult part of a challenging test, and many students want to know the best MCAT CARS strategy or the key to acing this part of the exam specifically. An MCAT tutor can be an invaluable study resource, especially if you want to improve your CARS score or you need to retake the MCAT. In this blog, we’ll look at what makes the MCAT CARS section so hard, why a tutor might be needed and how they can help you ace this tricky MCAT section.

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6 min read

Should You Hire an MCAT CARS Tutor? 10 Things to Consider MCAT CARS Prep: Self-Prep vs. Tutor Why Choose BeMo as Your MCAT CARS Tutor FAQs

Should You Hire an MCAT CARS Tutor? 10 Things to Consider

If you’re unsure whether or not you need a tutor, here are 10 questions you can ask yourself (and ways that a tutor can address each one). Review them below to be sure you’re making the best decision when it comes to hiring an MCAT CARS tutor:

1.     How familiar am I with the structure and content of MCAT CARS?

The passage-based structure of the CARS section can be intimidating, or you may not know how to approach the particular question types featured in this section. A tutor can help you learn how to review MCAT CARS in a manner that is efficient and effective for your learning style and comprehension abilities.

2.     Am I confident tackling MCAT CARS practice questions on my own?

If you haven’t taken an MCAT diagnostic test to see where you stand, do so! Try some practice questions and see how difficult the MCAT CARS section is for you. In many cases, students benefit from the assistance of a tutor who knows the ins and outs of the exam. Apart from just tackling the questions, an MCAT CARS tutor can coach you on your MCAT timing; which is absolutely essential for this section.

3.     Do I need to significantly improve my practice CARS score?

Working with a tutor can help improve your CARS score, and fast, by giving you a personalized study plan and tailored study help. 

4.     Do I struggle with the timing of the CARS section? Do I consider myself a slow reader?

CARS is an especially difficult part of the MCAT for slow readers. A tutor can show you how to improve your MCAT reading comprehension, and can review the CARS strategy for slow readers with you one on one.

 “I really find it helpful when [my CARS tutor] takes her time to break down more difficult paragraphs within a passage as the really improves my comprehension of that passage.” – BeMo student.

As a reminder, the passages in the MCAT will be complex, and this can present challenges to even the strongest readers! You'll need to practice breaking down the CARS passages in a short time limit, so you have time to answer the associated questions.

5.     Have I hit a plateau with my MCAT self-prep strategies?

Perhaps you’re finding that the strategies you have been using for CARS aren’t paying off, or like you’ve hit a dead-end in your prep and feel underprepared. A dedicated tutor can help you rethink your strategies and offer new insights!

6.     What are my study habits like?

Students want someone to hold them accountable and keep them on task. Other test-takers might benefit from targeted, personalized help to tackle the problems they are facing with the test.

7. Do I have a good understanding of CARS; and the MCAT process as a whole?

MCAT CARS tutors will also be familiar with the testing process and other important information, such how to get MCAT accommodations or this year’s MCAT test and release dates, which can help you plan your study schedule and test-taking date.

8. Do I understand how to reduce uncertainty?

Tutors can show you how to develop question and answer strategies. A tutor can show you how to reduce uncertainty in your answers by developing strategies to help you quickly identify what type of question is being asked, which of the available answers are definitely wrong, or what is the key idea of a text passage. Once this becomes second nature, tackling the MCAT CARS with confidence will seem a lot easier!

[My BeMo CARS tutor] was helpful in trying to understand the CARS passage and questions. We would read the passage together and wherever I got stuck she would help me understand what it was trying to say. Then we went over the questions and gave me full opportunity to answer them on my own and give a reason why I think it’s the answer to solidify my thinking. Whenever I was lost or incorrect, she would politely take over and explain the question/wording and then again give me the opportunity to answer it on my own.” – BeMo student.

9. Are my critical thinking and analytical skills up to par?

Critical thinking skills are like a muscle. The more you use them, the better they become. Developing your critical thinking skills is essential for acing the CARS section of the MCAT, and having a tutor can be a big help, since you’ll then have another person to debate, discuss and explore different topics and problems with.

The same can be said for analytical skills. Your abilities can be difficult to assess on your own, and analytical reasoning is key success. A CARS tutor can walk with you through MCAT practice tests and passages so you can get a feel for identifying important information in a text and connecting it to the multiple-choice questions being asked, even if you aren’t familiar with the subject matter.

10. How advanced is my vocabulary?

Unless you’ve been assessed by a qualified tutor, it can be difficult to know the answer to this! The test will often use sophisticated vocabulary words in its CARS passages and this can trip up students who don’t know the definition or meaning of an important word.

MCAT CARS Prep: Self-Prep vs. Tutor

Is an MCAT tutor or prep course the right choice for you?

Why Choose BeMo as Your MCAT CARS Tutor

You know how challenging the MCAT can be…and, so do we (especially the CARS section of the exam)! We’re here to help you; that’s why we offer unlimited prep for the entire MCAT, personalized help and proven study strategies to our students. Your MCAT prep with us is also 100% customizable to your needs. Just ask our students!

“[My BeMo CARS tutor] was absolutely amazing and helped me thoroughly understand the text of the MCAT passage, questions, answer options, and question types! I really enjoyed her immediate feedback to my interpretation and reasoning for why I chose my answer and the question type. This helped solidify my overall understanding and central theme of the passage.” – Brad, BeMo student.

At BeMo, we also pride ourselves on providing you with the best admissions experts and tutors, who work hard to provide a stellar experience and improve skills and confidence.

“[My BeMo expert] was one of my favorite tutors to work with. He understands students in a different way, which really facilitated my learning. He told me "It is more intimidating than it is difficult" and I stuck by that during my MCAT prep and exam. He also really made me feel good about my learning challenges and that I could conquer anything I set my mind to. – Stevie, BeMo student.

Here's what BeMo offers to students like you who are prepping for the MCAT:

  1. BeMo Guarantees -- We guarantee to improve your score by 15 points if your baseline is at least 500.
  2. Unlimited prep with our MCAT experts
  3. Personalized, one-on-one help, anytime and anywhere
  4. Proven strategies for acing the MCAT and the CARS section
  5. Practice tests, question banks and official MCAT prep material
  6. No B.S. repeat. If you don't like your score, repeat your MCAT prep with us free!

Learn more about BeMo's MCAT prep or book a free initial strategy call with us today to see if we're the right fit for you.


1. Is MCAT CARS tutoring worth it?

MCAT CARS tutors can make a difference. If you need to retake the test, or you’re anxious about this hard section of the test, a tutor can teach you the skills for success. Even if you aren’t anxious, tutors can certainly help identify strengths and weaknesses and get you well-prepared to ace the MCAT!

2. Is the CARS section of the MCAT the hardest?

It is considered the hardest section of the exam because of its unpredictable nature and the required use of critical thinking skills.

3. What is the best way to study for CARS section of the MCAT?

The best way is to use practice tests while exercising your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. An MCAT CARS tutor can be a great addition to this if you need extra study help.

4. How can I improve my MCAT CARS score?

If your practice test scores aren’t high enough, it might be time to change your study methods. Try using MCAT prep courses, prep books or an MCAT CARS tutor who can give you personalized feedback and advice.

5. What does an MCAT CARS tutor help with?

CARS tutors help with not just your study habits and test-taking strategies, but your time management, critical thinking abilities and reading comprehension.

6. Which MCAT CARS prep is best?

Some students learn best from prep books or prep courses, others learn best from taking practice tests or using flashcards. Identify the methods that work best for you and consider which ones are available and within your budget.

7. Should I use a CARS tutor to retake the MCAT?

If you need to retake the MCAT and the CARS section was particularly difficult for you, a tutor might be able to help you better prepare the next time around with improved strategies.

8. Do medical schools see my CARS score on the MCAT?

Medical schools will be able to see your test scores for each section of the MCAT, but how your scores are factored into your medical school applications differs from school to school.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting 

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