When maneuvering the maze of med school applications, many prospective students wonder if there are medical schools that require Snapshot. While the CASPer situational judgment test is practically a staple in medical school applications these days, the other components of the Altus Suite, such as Duet and Snapshot, are not as common. In a nutshell, Snapshot is a video response tool that basically represents a virtual interview, prompting students to explore their reasoning for entering the study of medicine through recorded responses. As the popularity of CASPer grows, more schools pay attention to Snapshot each application cycle.

This article will list the medical schools that currently require Snapshot to apply, identify the pros and cons for this kind of assessment tool in admitting students, and offer some tips for succeeding in virtual interviews.

Disclaimer: BeMo does not recommend, endorse, or affiliate with Altus Suite or McMaster and vice versa. The following provides our opinion about Altus Suite and its components. To take the Altus Suite assessment, provided by Acuity Insights, contact the organization directly.

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Article Contents
10 min read

List of Medical Schools That Require Snapshot List of Medical Schools in the United States That Require Snapshot List of Medical Schools in Australia and New Zealand That Require Snapshot List of Medical Schools in Canada That Require Snapshot List of Medical Schools in the United Kingdom That Require Snapshot When Can I Take the Snapshot Test? Pros for Applying to Medical Schools That Require Snapshot Cons for Applying to Medical Schools That Require Snapshot Conclusion FAQs

List of Medical Schools That Require Snapshot

The schools named in any of the lists that follow require Snapshot. There are many other institutions that solely require CASPer or a combination of CASPer and Duet. The other assessments from the Altus Suite required for each school are noted under their entry.

It may also be helpful to browse a list of medical schools that require CASPer, which consists of more schools, particularly in the US and Canada.

Want to know more about Snapshot? Watch this video:

Admissions data change all the time, and schools edit the details of their requirements often, so it is important to frequently check the school’s website to be aware of exactly what is needed of you when it is time to apply. For example, Frank H. Netter School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University only requires the CASPer test, but Snapshot and Duet are specifically stated to be optional. It is up to your discretion as the applicant whether or not you wish to complete these assessments as well.

List of Medical Schools in the United States That Require Snapshot

Allopathic Medical Schools

1.    American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine

  • Requires CASPer and Snapshot

2.    East Tennessee State University, Quillen College of Medicine

  • Requires CASPer, Snapshot and Duet

3.    San Juan Bautista School of Medicine

  • Requires CASPer and Snapshot

4.    University of Colorado, Denver, School of Medicine

  • Requires CASPer, Snapshot and Duet

5.    University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine

  • Requires CASPer, Snapshot and Duet

6.    University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine

  • Requires CASPer, Snapshot and Duet

Osteopathic Medical Schools

1.    Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • Requires CASPer, Snapshot and Duet

List of Medical Schools in Australia and New Zealand That Require Snapshot

1.    University of Wollongong

  • Requires CASPer and Snapshot

List of Medical Schools in Canada That Require Snapshot

Many schools in Canada, such as Dalhousie Medical School and McGill University Medical School, do require the CASPer test, but no school mentions Snapshot as part of their Altus Suite requirements.

List of Medical Schools in the United Kingdom That Require Snapshot

Similarly to Canada, there a few schools in the UK that require CASPer, such as the Angela Ruskin University School of Medicine and the University of Sunderland School of Medicine, but none of these institutions seem to require Snapshot.

When Can I Take the Snapshot Test?

As CASPer is the most popular Altus Suite assessment, Snapshot test dates and times usually link up with the CASPer test dates, as pretty much all schools that require Snapshot will also require Casper. Check the websites of the schools you plan to apply to verify their specific requirements. When considering MD vs. DO schools, there is a pretty broad range that may have test dates from May to January or February of the next year.

Pros for Applying to Medical Schools That Require Snapshot

Show Your Suitability

As an assessment tool in applications, Snapshot has many benefits for prospective medical school students. First, Snapshot is yet another place to showcase your suitability for medical school and becoming a doctor. If you are not super comfortable in front of a camera, this may prove to be a little more challenging. Think of it as you temporarily starting a YouTube channel and telling your audience why you are ready for this next stage of your life.

Just like any other interview, Snapshot requires the self-reflection necessary to spruce up your candidacy for medical school. To succeed, you’ll have to really dig deep into what drives your passion for medicine. You can then bring the lessons learned to any other interviews or your written application documents.

Anytime you can explore your reasons for pursuing this profession is beneficial to your application as a whole and can be a chance to make your story stand out from those of other applicants. Other aspects of your application, such as the medical school personal statement, may take weeks to perfect. Snapshot is much quicker and requires you to think on your feet and provide insightful responses on your affinity for the medical profession.

Practice Your Interview Skills

Snapshot evaluates many of the same qualities as a regular interview does and needs basically the same type of preparation. Practicing for Snapshot can improve your performance in any type of interview, even those in other formats like MMI or a panel. If you are required to complete Snapshot, take as many practice questions as necessary until you are ready to move on to the actual interview.

A benefit of Snapshot is that it is nothing out of the ordinary for students applying to medical school who plan to attend interviews regardless. In comparison to something like CASPer that may be new to them, Snapshot is more of a traditional interview. In fact, Snapshot can even be less intimidating than a regular interview because you are not directly in front of a person.

Snapshot is not a long assessment, taking about ten minutes total if you remove any prep time or practice questions. The answers are also timed and can keep you on track if you tend to ramble. The assessment is divided into three questions, where you will be given 30 seconds to brainstorm your answer before being given two minutes to record it. When taking the Snapshot assessment, you are allowed to pause between questions but cannot stop or take a break while in the middle of a question. For an interview assessment, it is pretty open-ended in terms of how the student chooses to complete it, which is an advantage to you.

Cons for Applying to Medical Schools That Require Snapshot

Additional Costs

One of the major downsides of Snapshot is that it does cost money to successfully take. There is often one price you have to pay for access to any of the Altus Suite assessments, and this will count toward distributing your results. This fee varies based on your program and country. There may also be an additional fee for distribution if you are applying to more than eight schools, once again depending on your program or country. If your school requires CASPer, Duet, and/or Snapshot, the Altus Suite is an additional cost that cannot be avoided. While many schools that require CASPer also require one or both of Duet and Snapshot, it will still add to your overall application costs. Students from underprivileged backgrounds or those who cannot afford the extra expenses are disadvantaged by this circumstance. Acuity Insights does offer a US-based Fee Assistance to students from the United States who are eligible and partners with particular programs to deliver Program Fee Waivers. Both of these options can reduce or eliminate assessment and baseline distribution fees. Learn more about the financial aid for CASPer and Snapshot on the Acuity Insights FAQ page.

Situational Limitations

Snapshot may also seem redundant compared to a regular interview, especially if a school requires both. While it does not take too much time, Snapshot can also be more intimidating for students who are not the best with video interviews or are not quite used to the format at hand. While you can practice before the official test, there are no re-dos when completing the actual Snapshot interview. You cannot re-record your response once it has been submitted by you or the system after the time limit, which could stress some students out.

As a whole, the entire Snapshot process does take additional time out of your day to prepare for and complete. This time allotted for Snapshot can be attributed to any other part of the application process, shadowing, clinical research, studying as well as your personal life. If you’re applying to a school requiring Snapshot, it would be another requirement to be accounted for when planning out your applications.

What If Snapshot is Optional?

For many medical schools, CASPer may be required, but there is no or little mention of other Altus Suite assessments. Even if the school does not specifically require Snapshot or Duet, is it a good idea to complete them regardless? It truly depends on how each institution values the various Acuity Insights products. When researching prerequisites for medical school at the institutions you wish to apply to, pay attention to the wording they use. If, according to the school, Snapshot and Duet is “recommended,” it may be better to complete them. You will be able to cover every base, make yourself stand out, and ultimately raise your chance of acceptance. If your schools specifically state that these assessments are not required, and that only CASPer is necessary, then use that time elsewhere or to prepare for the situational judgment test. To help you out, you could also look up student testimonials to further evaluate the benefits of taking Snapshot or Duet.

How to Ace Snapshot and Other Virtual Interviews

1.    Professional appearance. You often hear that when attending in-person interviews, you should adhere to a proper dress code. When figuring out what to wear to your medical school interview, the same rules apply for virtual interviews, even though they are likely to only see your face and upper body. Before you even begin to speak, the person interviewing you or viewing your video responses will see you. First impressions can immediately alter someone’s perception of you. Therefore, appearing professional is still very important in a virtual setting. In addition to how you present yourself, make sure that your background is plain and that you are in a private and quiet location with no distractions.

2.    Get to know different types of sample questions and answers. It is difficult to predict what exact questions you will receive on the day of your interview. Therefore, researching what types of questions tend to appear in any given interview will never be a hindrance to you. For Snapshot, there are prompts that can be quirky, ask for a personal experience or about your interest in the profession. Some examples of possible Snapshot questions include:

Knowing the types of question that may be coming and having bullet points of the information you want to touch on will help you feel ready for this type of interview. Having a response that is too memorized can sound stiff and robotic. In an environment such as Snapshot, where you do not have much time to brainstorm your response, focusing on specific highlights is a useful strategy.

3.    Identify your strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect, and most applicants are not familiar with the application process or interview formats before being thrust into them. Find out where you struggle the most and work on those weaknesses before completing any interviews. Base yourself on what the style of the interview will be. For instance, Snapshot is a tool that is very regimented and allots a certain amount of time for each step. With an assessment of this nature, you can assume that time is of the essence and cutting down your responses to the most important bits is crucial. If you struggle with time management, practice with common medical school interview questions or time yourself at home. For every step of the application process, be aware of what you are good at and what you need to work on. Perfecting your interview skills is not easy, which is why many prospective medical students also seek professional help.

4.    Use academic consulting. Meeting with an academic consultant to enhance any part of your application and guide you through the entire process can be a wise decision. Companies such as BeMo Academic Consulting pride themselves on helping students achieve their academic and career goals. Our experts know the ins and outs of admission requirements for medical schools and can offer support for everything from CASPer Snapshot prep to medical school personal statement editing. Engaging in realistic simulations with an academic consulting firm is a great way to get quality feedback on your interview skills. Consultants are determined to help you improve how you come across, structure potential answers, and master the technique to answer any question that comes your way.


It is no secret that medical school applications can be rather complicated. Admissions committees are dedicated to selecting the next generation of doctors that will provide health care to society at large. It is a heavy weight on their shoulders, which is why they only accept the best and most motivated individuals into their programs.

The Altus Suite is a group of tools that is becoming more prevalent among medical schools to assess who to accept. While there may not be a long list of schools that require Snapshot just yet, many still require interviews in some form as well as CASPer. As medical school requirements change quickly from year to year, before you know it, more schools could be taking advantage of Acuity Insights tools.

If you are on the premed track or looking to apply to medical school, it is important to start early and always be prepared. If you need medical school admissions consulting, there are resources available for you. You can never receive too much guidance or access to information.


1. Why is Snapshot used for medical school admissions?

Snapshot works in a similar way to a medical school interview. It was created as part of the Altus Suite to be an online option when in-person meetings are limited or cannot be held. Due to its similarity to an interview, Snapshot is also a way for schools to evaluate your communication and interpersonal skills, as well as find out more about you and your passion for medicine. 

2. Will Snapshot replace traditional interviews?

In terms of how to conduct the interview process, it is completely up to the institution. Some schools may choose to use Snapshot instead of a formal interview, but others will consider it just another place to justify your candidacy. There is nothing stopping a school from using both a traditional interview and Snapshot if they need to. There are various interview formats, such as the MMI, which work completely differently from Snapshot, so it will not necessarily replace existing methods.

3. How long is the Snapshot assessment?

While it does take additional time to practice and prepare for, the Snapshot interview itself is about 10 minutes long without any breaks. The entire Altus Suite takes roughly three hours to complete. 

4. How can I practice Snapshot before completing it?

There is a practice test option that you can access however many times you need to prior to the official test. This will help you get accustomed to the format. Since Snapshot does not take long, you should take the opportunity to practice a lot before jumping into the real thing.

5. What kinds of questions does Snapshot ask?

The questions you will come across in Snapshot are very similar to ones from a regular medical school interview. Brush up on some sample medical school questions and answers to get a sense of what you may be asked. The questions can be categorized under a few different types, such as quirky, personal experience, or related to why you are interested in medicine. When taking the test, determine what question type you are being asked and be ready with strategies you prepared for how to approach each question.

6. What kind of information should I share during the Snapshot interview?

Focus on solely the most important hobbies, interests, and life experiences that made you who you are today. Everyone has a story that led them to apply to med school, but you will not have enough time to explore every part of that in a traditional interview or through Snapshot. Due to its short length, Snapshot is also a lesson in editing. Getting to the point is part of a successful answer when you have about two minutes to answer each question. How you want to frame your answer to these questions is up to you but try to focus on a few key meaningful moments in your life that sparked your interest in medicine. 

7. Can I take breaks during Snapshot?

Between each question, there is an opportunity to take a break. You cannot pause once you have started the next question, however. Your response will be recorded and submitted either by you or by the system once the timer runs out. You will not be able to view your responses.

8. How can academic consulting help me perform better in an interview setting?

Academic consultants have spoken to many students about the interview process and are experts in admissions counselling. Not only will you be able to practice one-on-one with them through a mock med school interview, but you will receive valuable feedback on how to improve. Consultants could also give advice on how to strategize for particular question types and provide tips that you could use for the rest of your academic and professional career. They also have knowledge of the rest of the Altus Suite, offering CASPer prep sessions and a plethora of other services to help you succeed.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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