Looking at OUAC activities/employment examples can be beneficial when you're trying to get into university in Ontario. Although this section may seem relatively easy to fill out, it is essential to understand how you can use it to make sure your application stands out, thus increasing your chances of admission to your university of choice. This section is often compared to the common app activities section, but they are quite different. In this blog, we will explain exactly what the OUAC activities/employment section is, clear out some confusion about who needs to fill it out, and give you tips for choosing and describing activities that will strengthen your application. 

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Article Contents
8 min read

OUAC activities and employment section: Overview What to include in the OUAC activities/employment section? Tips for crafting an OUAC activities/employment section that stands out OUAC activities/employment examples Conclusion FAQs

OUAC activities and employment section: Overview 

The Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) is a not-for-profit service that helps students simplify and streamline the process of applying to post-secondary schools in Ontario. They aim to make the process fair and equal for all applicants. They process applications for all public Ontario universities, from domestic and international students, high school students from in and out of the province, and mature students. All public universities in Ontario use the OUAC system for their applications, and they allow students to apply to multiple universities simultaneously, thus saving both parties time and money.

The OUAC processes multiple types of applications. For undergraduate studies, you will fall under one of two categories:

Undergrad 101: You fall under this category if you are currently taking courses at an Ontario high school. Even if you are returning for a second semester or you’re a student that has already graduated but is returning to upgrade one or more courses. You need to be 21 years old or younger, have received or expect to receive your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six 4U/M courses at the end of the current year. Additionally, this category is specific to those who have not attended any post-secondary institutions and are applying to the first year of an undergraduate degree program at an Ontario university.

Undergrad 105: If you do not meet the requirements above, then you most likely will be applying through undergrad 105. This application is specific to Canadian students who are not enrolled in high school in Ontario, international students, and non-traditional or mature applicants. This includes students from the US and International students who have permanent resident status or a study permit.


When applying through the OUAC, students must first select the type of application they will be submitting and then fill out their personal and contact information. After this, they will be asked to fill out different application sections to provide information about their academic background and high school grades, post-secondary program choices, and the necessary documents required for the chosen schools’ applications. For those applying through OUAC105, there will be a section for activities and employment high school graduates are required to complete. 

Who needs to fill out the OUAC activities/employment section?

If you are still in your senior year of high school, you will not need to complete this section. You only need to fill it out if you’ve already graduated. Also, remember that this section is only found in the undergrad105 application, which is reserved for students who aren’t going to high school in Ontario, international students, and mature applicants.

Why is the OUAC activities/employment section is important?

Contrary to popular belief, admissions to Canadian universities aren't solely based on grades. Your academics do indeed play a significant role in whether or not you are accepted to a university of your choice, but several other factors play a role in the decision. That’s why it’s possible to get into college with a low GPA. You need to keep in mind that Ontario is home to some of the best universities in the world, and they receive thousands of applications every year from across the globe, even though they have limited space. All of this creates competition, meaning that in order to secure admission to your chosen program, your application needs to stand out! The truth is that there are a lot of applicants who also have great grades and it’s these extra application components that can give you the edge.

Additionally, the information you provide in this section tells the admission board how you choose to spend your free time. It gives them an idea of what interests you and what skills you've been developing. It's therefore essential that you pick that you not only choose the right activities but that you show your commitment to learning and contributing to your community.

Not sure how to select activities after graduation? We'll talk about it in detail shortly, but for now, check out this infographic:

What to include in the OUAC activities/employment section?

OUAC requires applicants to list the extracurricular activities and employment opportunities that they’ve participated in from the time they finished high school until the present, starting with the most recent one. The activities can include volunteering, employment (part or full time), hobbies, sports, travel, etc. You will be asked to provide specific information about each of the activities that you chose to list. While it may not seem especially complicated, it’s crucial to understand the specific requirements of this activities section. So, let’s take a look at the information you will be asked for:

Tips for crafting an OUAC activities/employment section that stands out 

Pick the right activities

Since you do not have a lot of room to describe the activities or positions that you held on the OUAC platform, listing the right activities is a big part of making sure your activities section is strong, thus increasing your chances of getting into the university of your choice. We recommend that you keep the following things in mind as you try to decide what activities to take on after graduation.

Think cohesively: While it is important to show the admissions board that you are a well-rounded student, you also don't want them to be confused by the number of activities that you're involved in. We recommend sticking to activities that show a common interest or require a particular skill that you want to highlight. For example, let's assume that you are getting ready to apply to one of Canada's best business undergraduate business schools, so you want to showcase your leadership skills. In that case, you can choose various activities, but they should speak to your leadership potential. To put that into context here is an example of an OUAC activities section for a business school applicant.

OUAC activities/employment example #1

  • Start date: July 28, 20xx
  • End date:  Ongoing
  • Description: Assistant to marketing director (Internship)
  • Employer (if applicable): XYZ Group Inc.

  • Start date: July 1, 20xx
  • End date:  August 1, 20xx
  • Description: Camp leader for a group of 25 middle school children
  • Employer (if applicable): Ontario Children Summer Camp (OCSC)

  • Start date: June 7, 20xx
  • End date:   June 30, 20xx
  • Description: Travel to Europe ( France, Italy, Austria & Berlin)
  • Employer (if applicable): N/A


Transferable skills: Students will often skip this section if they feel like their experiences are not related to the program they are applying to. However, it's worth noting that this section shouldn't only include activities that are in line with your future course of study. If you have some, then, by all means, you should include them. However, if you do not, you should consider the transferable skills you may have gained from the experiences in question and use them to determine whether to list them on your OUAC application. 

 For example, let's say that you are on your journey from high school to medical school. You're applying to the science faculty for a degree in microbiology, and since graduating high school, you've been working as a clerk at your local library. On the surface, your employment as a clerk is not related to microbiology or medicine in any way. However, it tells the admissions board that you most likely have good organizational and communication skills. Both are qualities you will need in university and medical school. The activities/employment section of a student like the one we just described might look like the example below. 

OUAC activities/employment example #2

  • Start date: July 8, 20xx
  • End date:  Ongoing
  • Description: Library clerk
  • Employer (if applicable): King local library

  • Start date: July 30, 20xx
  • End date:  July 30, 20xx
  • Description: Food/Water/Medal distribution volunteer
  • Employer (if applicable): Run For Alzheimer’s (RFA) annual marathon

  • Start date: June 5, 20xx
  • End date: June 30, 20xx
  • Description: Camp counselor
  • Employer (if applicable): Ontario Children Summer Camp (OCSC)

Start looking before graduation

As we mentioned earlier, this section only needs to be filled out by students who have already graduated from high school, but we recommend that you start planning for it during your senior year. The activities/employment section of the OUAC may seem insignificant, but it can communicate a lot of information about you to the admissions board, so you want to make sure that you have given yourself the time to find the right activities.

This is especially important if you're considering getting into grad school or a specialized program like medical school or law school after your undergrad. In that case, we recommend working with an academic advisor in Ontario as they can help you figure out what kind of activities or part-time employment would be best for the career you have in mind.

Lastly, if you start looking before graduation, you can plan your activities to ensure that your summer or gap year is not only productive but also fun. Taking the time to research, prepare and register or apply for jobs early will save you from having to scramble to find something at the last minute.

OUAC activities/employment examples 

OUAC activities/employment example #3

  • Start date: July 15, 20xx
  • End date:  Ongoing
  • Description: Part-time arts instructor
  • Employer (if applicable): XYZ Community Summer Mentorship Program


  • Start date: July 5, 20xx
  • End date:  July 10, 20xx
  • Description: Organized and coordinated a fundraising event
  • Employer (if applicable): Ontario Children Summer Camp (OCSC)


OUAC activities/employment example #4

  •     Start date: July 10, 20xx
  •      End date:  Sept 5, 20xx
  •      Description: Organized and went on a road trip from Québec to BC, and back.
  •      Employer (if applicable): N/A


  •        Start date: July 1, 20xx
  •         End date:  July 1, 20xx
  •        Description: Ran 3km marathon for down syndrome awareness
  •         Employer (if applicable): XYZ Down Syndrome Awareness Society

  •         Start date: June 7, 20xx
  •         End date:  July 10, 20xx
  •        Description: Part-time receptionist
  •         Employer (if applicable): ABC 24hr Gymnasium

OUAC activities/employment example #5

  •         Start date: August 10, 20xx
  •        End date: ongoing
  •        Description: Assistant manager
  •       Employer (if applicable): Book Espresso Café


  •        Start date: June 12, 20xx
  •         End date: August 8, 20xx
  •         Description: waitress
  •         Employer (if applicable): Book Espresso Café


If you want to improve your chances of getting accepted to Canadian universities, and you are required to fill out the OUAC activities/employment section, then you should start looking for activities before your graduation. Whether you chose to travel, volunteer, or get a part-time job, you should look for opportunities that will help you develop the transferable skills that are valued by the program or area of study that you’re interested in. If you follow the tips that we’ve outlined above, then you are well on your way to getting into university in Ontario.  


1. What is OUAC?

OUAC stands for the Ontario Universities Application Centre. It is a centralized processing centre for undergraduate applications to the universities of Ontario.

2. Do all applicants have to fill out the OUAC activities and employment section?

No. This section only needs to be filled out by applicants who have already graduated from high school. 

3. I am still in school, can I still list my extracurricular in this section?

No, you should not. It is essential to follow instructions when applying to Canadian universities. OUAC clearly states that you should list the activities you've been involved in since graduation, so this is not where you should list your extracurriculars. 

4. What kind of activities do Canadian universities care about?

This depends on the school and program that you're applying to. Ideally, you should choose activities that reflect the skills and qualities that your chosen area of study values. For example, if you want to become a dentist, you should look for activities that showcase your sense of compassion. 

5. Do international students also have to fill out the OUAC activities section?

International students who have already graduated from high school do indeed have to fill out the OUAC activities/employment section. 

6. How competitive are universities in Ontario?

Ontario is home to some of the best universities in Canada and the world, and many of them are very competitive. The competition level varies depending on the program you're interested in, so make sure you research the schools and programs that interest you.

7. When should I start looking for employment or volunteer opportunities?

We recommend that you start lining up your activities during your senior year so that you can make the most of your summer or gap year. 

8. What if I have questions about my application to Ontario universities?

You may reach out to an academic advisor in Ontario. They will be able to offer insight and help you through the application process. 


To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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