2 min read

Prompt: What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 characters)

When I first began research, I assisted in wet lab protocols for research projects. Over the years, I combined my lab experience with what I learned in endocrinology to propose my own project. With my mentor’s constructive feedback, I proposed a study on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and its prevention. After 3 years in the lab, I am leading a research project, hoping that this will provide some insight into IBD that could improve patient outcomes.

This summer, I assembled Gut-On-a-Chip—a device imitating a live gut. I chemically induced IBD to study alleviation methods through steroids. I am interested in gastrointestinal research, and I plan to continue at UCLA Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Center to better understand bowel diseases and improve patient care in gastroenterology. 

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Prompt: What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 characters)

When I first began research, I assisted in wet lab protocols for research projects. Over the years, I combined my lab experience with what I learned in endocrinology to propose my own project. With my mentor’s constructive feedback, I proposed a study on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and its prevention. After 3 years in the lab, I am leading a research project, hoping that this will provide some insight into IBD that could improve patient outcomes.

This summer, I assembled Gut-On-a-Chip—a device imitating a live gut. I chemically induced IBD to study alleviation methods through steroids. I am interested in gastrointestinal research, and I plan to continue at UCLA Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Center to better understand bowel diseases and improve patient care in gastroenterology. 

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Prompt: What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (800 characters)

When I first began research, I assisted in wet lab protocols for research projects. Over the years, I combined my lab experience with what I learned in endocrinology to propose my own project. With my mentor’s constructive feedback, I proposed a study on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and its prevention. After 3 years in the lab, I am leading a research project, hoping that this will provide some insight into IBD that could improve patient outcomes.

This summer, I assembled Gut-On-a-Chip—a device imitating a live gut. I chemically induced IBD to study alleviation methods through steroids. I am interested in gastrointestinal research, and I plan to continue at UCLA Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Center to better understand bowel diseases and improve patient care in gastroenterology. 

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