If you're wondering, "When do SAT scores come out?" you're not alone. After carefully choosing between SAT vs ACT and selecting the optimal SAT test date, you must be anxious to understand how and when your scores are released. This article sheds light on all aspects of the SAT score release dates and how the process works. We dive into the timeframe for score release, how to retrieve your scores, when colleges receive your scores, and the typical schedule for SAT score release. In addition, we provide guidance on what to do if you face difficulty accessing your scores. Let this be your guide to navigating the SAT score release process, helping to ease post-test anticipation.

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7 min read

When Do SAT Scores Come Out? How Do I Get My SAT Scores? When Will Colleges Get My SAT Scores? What Time Are SAT Scores Released? SAT Score Release Dates SAT School Day Takers Need Help Getting Your Scores? Considering a Retake? Evaluating Your SAT Score FAQs

When Do SAT Scores Come Out?

So you have decided to take the test after pondering whether you should take the SAT. The excitement that follows your SAT test day often pairs with anticipation about when your scores will be available. So, when can you expect to see your SAT scores? To help manage this post-test waiting period, it's beneficial to understand the usual timelines for score release.

As a rule of thumb, SAT scores are usually posted online within a 2–4 week window after you take the test, during the school year. This applies primarily to the multiple-choice sections of the SAT. If you've opted for the SAT with Essay, be prepared to wait a few more days beyond the release of your multiple-choice scores to see your essay score.

To put it more precisely:

  • For those who have taken the SAT on a Saturday, you can generally expect to see your multiple-choice scores roughly two weeks post-test.
  • For weekday SAT takers, specifically, those who take the test at school, the waiting period extends to approximately three weeks.

Do note that if you've taken the SAT over the summer, the score release could take a bit longer due to the increased volume of test-takers.

These timelines offer a general guide, but the exact score release dates might shift slightly from year to year. For the most accurate timeline, keep an eye on your College Board account starting two weeks after your test date. With a blend of patience and regular monitoring, you will soon see your scores reflecting your efforts.

How Do I Get My SAT Scores?

Once your SAT scores are ready for viewing, the College Board will notify you via email. To access your scores, you will need to log into your online account in the College Board's Student Score Reports section. In addition to your SAT scores, this is where you will find your scores for any PSAT-related tests or SAT Subject Tests you have taken.

If you don't already have a College Board online account, there's no need to worry. The process to create one is straightforward and user-friendly, and it will provide you with a valuable resource for your college application process.

For those who registered for the SAT by mail and don't have a College Board online account, the Board will send your SAT scores report by mail. However, creating an online account is advisable for quicker access to your scores and other useful resources.

When Will Colleges Get My SAT Scores?

Navigating the college application process can be a whirlwind, and knowing when your SAT scores will reach your prospective colleges is crucial in managing your application timeline effectively.

Once you gain access to all your SAT scores online, the College Board begins the process of delivering these results to your university list. Generally, colleges receive your SAT scores within 10 days from when your scores are fully available to you.

If you opted for the SAT with Essay, it's essential to note that your essay scores will be posted a few days after your multiple-choice scores are available. This slight delay might lead to a day or two more before your entire score report, including your essay score, reaches colleges.

In essence, remember to consider these timelines when selecting your SAT test dates and college application deadlines. While the SAT score reporting schedule is designed with college application deadlines in mind, leaving a sufficient buffer can ensure you stay ahead in the admissions game.

What Time Are SAT Scores Released?

In the wake of your SAT test day, you might find yourself frequently checking for your scores. But do you know what time of day they are typically released? Let's uncover this detail to manage your expectations effectively.

The College Board generally releases SAT scores online starting from 8 A.M. Eastern Time (ET) on the designated SAT score release dates. However, it's important to remember that scores roll out throughout the day, and not all students will receive their scores at exactly 8 A.M. ET. This means you might not see your scores until later in the day, even if you're checking right at 8 A.M.

Why does this happen? It’s because score reports are released in batches rather than all at once. The timing of the score release is not indicative of the score itself or the test-takers performance. So, try not to stress if your scores aren't available right away in the morning.

Remember, patience is key here. While the wait may feel long, rest assured that your scores will be available on the scheduled score release date.

SAT Score Release Dates

In this section, we outline the specific release dates for SAT scores based on when and how you took the test.

If You Took the SAT on or before June

For those who have already completed the SAT by June, your scores should be available to view by August. You can access these by visiting your online score report or find out how to send these scores to the colleges of your choice.

For SATs Taken After June

If you're planning to take the SAT after June, be aware that scores are generally sent to colleges approximately ten days post the score release date. Here's a rundown of the release dates based on test dates:

  • SAT held on August 26 - Score release on September 8
  • SAT held on October 7 - Score release on October 20
  • SAT held on November 4 - Score release on November 17
  • SAT held on December 2 - Score release on December 15

SAT School Day Takers

Many students now have the opportunity to take the SAT at their school on a weekday, known as SAT School Day. Here's when you can expect to see your scores based on test dates:

  • SAT held on April 12 - Most scores available on May 3
  • SAT held on April 25 - Most scores available on May 18

Please note, these dates are estimates and could vary slightly, so always keep an eye on your online score report for the most accurate information.

Need Help Getting Your Scores?

Receiving your SAT scores is generally straightforward. However, sometimes you might face a few challenges. Let's take a look at some common issues and how you can resolve them.

1. Not Seeing Your Scores?

If your SAT score release date has passed and you still can't see your scores, don't panic. Here are a few reasons why this could happen:

You're checking too early in the day: Remember, SAT scores are rolled out in batches throughout the day. Check back a bit later.

Your test is still being scored: This could especially be the case if you took the SAT with Essay as the essay scores take a few more days to be ready.

There's a delay in scoring: This is rare but can happen due to various reasons like a discrepancy in your test booklet.

If your scores are significantly delayed, it's best to reach out to the College Board directly for assistance.

2. Difficulty Accessing Your Online Account?

If you're having trouble signing in to your College Board account, try resetting your password. Remember, this is where your scores will be posted first, so you’ll want to ensure you can log in.

3. Not Receiving Emails from the College Board?

Ensure that the email address associated with your College Board account is correct and up-to-date. Also, check your spam or junk folder just in case the emails are being sent there.

4. Need Paper Score Reports?

If you registered by mail and didn't include an email address, a paper score report will be mailed to you. Paper reports are generally sent about four to six weeks after the test date.

Remember, it's normal to feel a bit anxious waiting for your SAT scores but rest assured they are on their way. If you're encountering issues, the College Board is there to assist you. Just reach out to them with your queries, and they'll guide you through the process.

Considering a Retake? Evaluating Your SAT Score

The SAT is a challenging test, and it's not unusual to feel disappointed or anxious if your score isn't as high as you had hoped. It’s really important to know how to study for the SAT due to its unique format. So, should you consider retaking the SAT if your score is lower than expected?

The first step is to realistically assess your score. Compare it against the average scores of accepted students at the colleges you're interested in. If your score is noticeably below these averages, you might want to think about a retake.

Also, reflect on your SAT preparation. Did you prepare as fully as you could have? Did you have a good SAT study schedule? Were there sections of the test you struggled with? If you believe that further study and practice could improve your score, then retaking the test might be a good idea.

Furthermore, consider whether there were any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your test performance. Perhaps you were ill on test day, or dealing with a personal issue. If your score doesn't reflect your true academic abilities due to such factors, a retake may be advisable.

However, remember that SAT scores are just one factor that colleges look at during the admissions process. A lower-than-desired SAT score does not automatically mean you won't get into the school of your choice. Schools also consider factors like your GPA, extracurriculars for college, college recommendation letters, and college essays.

Before you decide to retake the SAT, it can be helpful to speak with a college admissions consultant or teacher who knows your academic abilities well. They can provide guidance based on their understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, helping you make an informed decision.

Remember, the ultimate goal is not just to achieve a high score on the SAT, but to gain admission to a college where you will thrive and succeed. Whether or not you decide to retake the SAT, the most important thing is to continue working towards this larger goal.


1. How long does it take for SAT scores to be released?

Typically, SAT scores are released 2-4 weeks after the test date. For summer administrations, it might take a bit longer. If the SAT was taken with an essay, the essay scores are made available a few days after the multiple-choice scores are posted.

2. How will I be notified when my SAT scores are ready?

You will receive an email notifying you when your SAT scores are available. You can then log in to your College Board online account and go to the Student Score Reports section to view them.

3. How do I create a College Board online account to access my SAT scores?

It's quite simple to create a College Board online account if you don't already have one. Just visit the official website and follow the prompts for creating a new account.

4. When will colleges receive my SAT scores?

The College Board sends your SAT scores to your chosen colleges within about 10 days of you receiving all your SAT scores. If you took the SAT with an Essay, it may take a day or two longer for colleges to get your scores.

5. What time of day are SAT scores released?

SAT scores start to roll out at 8 A.M. Eastern Time (ET) on designated release dates, though not everyone's scores are available simultaneously. Hence, you might have to wait until later in the day to access your scores.

6. What are the SAT score release dates for specific test dates?

The score release dates are typically about 10 days after the test date. For example, for a test held on August 26, 2023, the score release date would be September 8, 2023.

7. What if I took the SAT on a school day?

Many schools now offer SAT School Day, which lets you take the SAT at your school on a weekday. The scores are typically available about three weeks after the test date.

8. What if I need assistance accessing my scores?

If you're having trouble accessing your scores, you can get help from the College Board's customer service. They can guide you through the process and resolve any issues you may be encountering.

9. Are there colleges that do not require the SAT?

Yes, there are colleges that do not require the SAT or the ACT.

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