When should you take the LSAT? While there are some law schools that do not require the LSAT, it is best that you review the considerations and planning if you find yourself wondering, ‘when should I take the LSAT?’ and feel inclined to take the test. I'll provide essential insights into choosing when to take the LSAT.

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When Should You Take the LSAT? Quick Introduction When Should You Take the LSAT?: How to Decide Pros and Cons of My LSAT Date Conclusion FAQs

When Should You Take the LSAT? Quick Introduction

One of the most critical decisions I faced in preparing for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) was determining when would be the optimal time to take the test. Ideally, you should take the LSAT in the spring or summer before you apply to law school. I decided to take my LSAT in June after my third year of undergrad.

Balancing various factors such as preparation time, school, personal commitments, and application timelines, I carefully weighed my options before making a decision that would significantly impact my law school admissions journey.

Let's dive into the factors that will guide you to select an LSAT test date that aligns with your personal journey to law school.

When Should You Take the LSAT?: How to Decide

1. Assess Your Preparation Readiness

Before committing to a test date, I assessed the progress of my LSAT preparedness by taking numerous LSAT diagnostic tests in a realistic testing environment under timed conditions. This allowed me to evaluate my proficiency in the key areas of the exam as accurately as possible. Practice tests also enabled me to gauge my familiarity with the test format and LSAT timing constraints. This helped me determine whether I was adequately prepared to tackle the LSAT or if I needed more time to strengthen my skills.

2. Consider Application Deadlines

Another crucial factor in selecting the LSAT test date was aligning it with the application deadlines of my target law schools. I spent time researching the admissions timelines of various schools and identified the latest acceptable test date for each one. By working backward from these deadlines, I established a timeline that allowed for sufficient time to take the test and submit my applications.

3. Choose Your LSAT Test Date

After careful deliberation, I decided to take the exam in June in the year I began applying to law schools. My decision to take the test in June was informed by several considerations that weighed both the advantages and disadvantages of this particular timing.

Pros and Cons of My LSAT Date


Ample Preparation Time

By taking the exam at this time, I afforded myself ample time to intensively prepare for the LSAT and retake the test at least a few times if needed. Going into the June exam, I decided that if necessary I would retake the LSAT in November, as that would provide me with enough time to prepare given that I was returning to school in September. With my undergraduate final exams ending at the end of April, I was able to dedicate approximately 6 weeks to prepare for the exam in mid-June. This extended preparation period allowed me to thoroughly review study materials, take practice tests, complete LSAT practice questions, and refine test-taking strategies. With each passing week, I felt increasingly confident in my abilities, knowing that I had dedicated sufficient time to master the requisite skills for the LSAT.

Strategic Timing in Application Cycle

Since I mainly applied to Ontario law schools, along with a couple law schools in other provinces, the admission deadlines fell between November and January. By taking the LSAT in June, I was strategically positioned within the law school application cycle, ultimately maximizing my chances of securing admission to my preferred schools. The timing also ensured that I could receive my LSAT scores well in advance of application deadlines. This prevented me from feeling rushed and overwhelmed, as I had ample time to finalize personal statements, gather recommendation letters, and complete other application requirements.


No Time to Recharge Before Preparing for the LSAT

One of the drawbacks of selecting the June date, was that because I wanted to maximize my preparation time for the LSAT, I went straight from studying for and completing final exams to studying for the LSAT. I believe having some time to rest and recharge after completing my final exams, would have been beneficial for my overall mindset going into preparing for the LSAT, as I would be able to start preparing with a clearer mind and greater momentum. 


In hindsight, the decision to take the LSAT in June was a strategic one that balanced the advantages of ample preparation time and proper timing in the application cycle against the disadvantage of not having time to rest and recharge before starting to prepare for the LSAT. Ultimately, this timing allowed me to approach the LSAT with confidence, knowing that I had maximized my chances of success while positioning myself competitively within the law school admissions process.


1. When should I take the LSAT?

We strongly recommend taking the LSAT as soon as you can in the 90th percentile consistently, i.e., in 3 practice tests in a row. This is usually an indicator that you’re ready for the real thing!

2. When should I start preparing for the LSAT?

Start preparing for the LSAT at least 3-4 months before your intended test date to allow adequate time for thorough study and practice.

3. How many times can I take the LSAT?

LSAC allows you to take the LSAT three times in a single testing year, five times within the current and five past testing years, and a total of seven times in a lifetime.

4. Can I take the LSAT if I'm still in college?

Yes, many students take the LSAT during their junior or early senior year of college, which allows them to apply for law school immediately after graduation.

5. Do law schools prefer scores from certain LSAT test dates?

No, law schools do not prefer LSAT scores from specific test dates; they are more concerned with the scores themselves, regardless of when the test was taken.

6. What's the best way to study for the LSAT Analytical Reasoning section?

Practice with a variety of logic games and focus on developing efficient diagramming techniques to improve speed and accuracy.

7. Is the Writing Sample on the LSAT important?

While the Writing Sample is not scored, it is sent to law schools and should demonstrate clear, organized, and persuasive writing.

8. How do I know if I should retake the LSAT?

Consider retaking the LSAT if your score is significantly below the median scores of your target law schools or if you believe you can significantly improve on a subsequent attempt.

9. What materials should I use to study for the LSAT?

Utilize official LSAC prep materials, which include practice tests that mirror the actual exam's format and difficulty.

10. Can I apply to law school before getting my LSAT results?

Yes, you can apply to law schools before receiving your LSAT results, but your application will not be complete until your scores are reported.

11. Where can I find the dates for upcoming LSAT exams?

Upcoming LSAT dates and deadlines can be found on the LSAC website, which provides a full list of test administrations for planning purposes.

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