For Immediate Release: BeMo Announces Sponsorship of BSI
Today is an exciting day for us here at BeMo. It is with pleasure to announce our sponsorship of the 100% volunteer-run and non-profit organization Beyond Sciences Initiative (BSI).
BSI’s mandate is to empower young leaders around the globe by bridging the gap in access to academic knowledge in disadvantaged areas, increasing cultural awareness and respect, and local community outreach.
BSI’s mandate resonates with our core belief here at BeMo that everyone deserves access to higher education and academic knowledge regardless of his/her social, racial or cultural status. Importantly, we believe as a company and more importantly as citizens of economically advantaged western nations, we have a responsibility to do whatever we can to make sure other parts of the world can benefit from the same opportunity and access to knowledge.
One of BSI’s main contributions is their annual web-based international conference, Science and Society, with presenters from top international institutions around the world. The conference has been attracting thousands of participants from around the globe each year and BeMo is dedicated to help BSI increase participation and reach over the coming months and years.
And as BSI grows, here’s your chance to contribute and be part of a revolution.
How can you help?
- Apply to become a volunteer. BSI is expanding its team and they have several roles including leadership roles for different aspect of their operations. Best part, you don’t have to live close to their headquarters because most of the roles can be fulfilled remotely. Contact them to learn more.
- Register to attend the conference. It’s absolutely free, you get to network with like-minded individuals from around the world and learn from a fantastic lineup of speakers.
- Share your new scientific discovery with the rest of the world by registering to present at the conference.
- Donate to their cause.
Visit BSI’s official website to learn more and contact them today to contribute.
To your success,
Behrouz Moemeni
About the author:
Dr. Behrouz Moemeni is a co-founder and CEO here at BeMo. He is compelled by a vision to change the education system. He believes everyone deserves access to higher education. Specifically, he is determined to create and provide admissions and educational training programs that reduce the social barriers at professional programs. He is also driven by a mission to create the next generation of admissions/candidate screening tools that are more fair, while technologically and scientifically light years ahead of current admissions screening tools out there.