Canadian law school admissions help can make the difference when applying to competitive programs such as law school. Canadian law school admissions consultants or law school advisors help students with a variety of things, from preparing their application to law school to interview prep to how to study for the LSAT. Given how competitive law school acceptance rates are in Canada, hiring a bit of extra help can be just what you need to get your foot in the door of a selective law school. In this blog, we’ll learn more about Canadian law school admissions and law school admissions help, as well as how to find the right law school admissions help service for you.

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Canadian law school admissions Is Canadian law school admissions help worth it? Guide to finding the best law school admissions help Conclusion FAQs

Canadian Law School Admissions

Canadian law school admissions are extremely competitive, so plenty of students wonder if hiring a law school admissions consulting service is worth the time and investment. Admissions for law schools in Canada statistics reflect the competitive nature of getting into law school. On average, law school acceptance rates in Canada are only around 11.4%. Since there are only 24 law schools in Canada, and each one is quite selective and receives hundreds of applications for only a few open spots, it is imperative to prepare a very strong law school application. Because preparing an application takes time, focus, money and good prep, getting Canadian law school admissions help is a great way for students to tackle the challenge with someone in their corner.

A law school advisor or law school admissions consultant works with students to prepare their application to law school, walking them through the law school requirements, the process to apply and preparing them for components like the law school interview. Professional law school admission consultants provide expert, personalized feedback on a student’s application, and advise them on how to craft an application that gets accepted. Students who are looking for grad school application help can turn to these types of professional services to help get them into even the most competitive and selective graduate programs, such as law school.

Admissions consultants can aid students prepare their application to any Canadian law school, from the toughest to the easiest law schools to get into in Canada. Law school admissions help can be a benefit for Canadian students applying to law schools in the US, too, as the competition south of the border is just as fierce.

Is Canadian Law School Admissions Help Worth It?

Considering the significant time commitment, cost and stakes attached to a law school application, hiring law school admissions help can definitely be worth it. Many students do not get accepted on the first try and have to repeat the process all over again or may think their chances of getting into schools at the top of law school rankings at all are shot. But this is not true. Whether you are applying for the first time and want to save the time and money of reapplying in the long run, or you want to reapply for law school after an unsuccessful application, getting law school admissions help is a good idea.

Hiring Canadian law school admissions help is a great service if you are one of the following:

  • US or international applicants*
  • Out-of-province applicants
  • Students with a low GPA or LSAT score
  • Students who need interview prep help
  • Students who need writing advice
  • Applicants who want to save time and money

*Students who want to know how to study in Canada as an international student might also consider talking with an international student advisor so they can be sure they meet the necessary visa and admission requirements needed to study law in Canada.

Law school admissions help can be useful for any student, but it may not be for everyone. Take some time to decide whether you have the budget and time to consult with law school admissions help, and whether it can help you. Even if there is only one part of the application process that is making you nervous or one weak spot in your candidacy you are concerned about, it might be worth talking to an advisor about. Most law school admissions help is personalized and customized to your needs and application, so you can make use of some services even if you don’t feel you need help with the entire process.

Next, we’ll look at a few of the ways Canadian law school admissions help can benefit you both in the short-term and the long-term.

In the long run, getting law school admissions help can be a plus for any student, no matter their background or situation. Best of all, these services are customizable to the student and their needs, so the focus can be on any areas of concern or weak points in your application package. Next, we’ll look at some things you need to know about hiring Canadian law school admissions help services and our guide on finding the right consulting service for you.

Prepping for law school interviews? Here are some of our top tips!

Guide to Finding the Best Law School Admissions Help

Canadian law school admissions help comes in many forms, and there are dozens of services offered. How do you find the right one? There are a few factors you should consider when researching the best Canadian law school admissions help. These include your budget for law school applications, the timeline you are working with, and the quality offered by the many options for law school admissions help. The best law school admissions help services should offer one-on-one, personalized help with your application and provide concrete strategies and practice for each part of your law school application.

 Once you’ve taken all these factors into consideration, how do you determine whether a law school admission help service is the right fit? A quick internet search will yield hundreds of results, and you may not have time to comb through reviews from other students. While reviews can be useful, or you can ask for recommendations from family, friends or teachers, there is a good way to make an evaluation of a consulting service on your own. Fortunately, many law school admissions help services offer free consultations or initial reviews to give you an idea of what services are offered and how the process works. If you’re happy with the free initial consultation, you can decide on whether it is the right fit for you. Always take advantage if a service offers a free consultation! It never hurts to do your own check before you sign up.


Canadian law school admissions help is a great idea for any student applying to law school, but these types of services can be especially useful for out-of-province or international students, or any student who is struggling with some part of the application process. Law school admissions consultants offer a wide variety of services and typically offer free initial consultations, so take advantage of these free sessions to evaluate services and find the best fit for you. Law school admissions help can coach students on any part of the application process, and even provide long-term benefits in building students’ professional skillsets.


1. Is it hard to get into Canadian law schools?

Canadian law school admissions is notoriously competitive, with the average acceptance rate hovering around 11.4%. There are few law schools in Canada, and each one is selective and offers few open spots each year. They also receive many applications each year, from students both in Canada and around the world. Admission requirements also tend to be quite rigorous, so it can be a challenge to get accepted.

2. What is Canadian law school admissions help?

Canadian law school admissions help services coach students on their law school applications, providing personalized feedback on their applications, interview prep, LSAT study prep, law school essay review and many other services. 

3. Is Canadian law school admissions help worth it?

Yes, law school admissions help can certainly be worth it in saving students time and money by helping them get accepted into law school. Law school admissions help can also be a benefit to students who have been unsuccessful in getting accepted to get into the law school of their choice.

4. How much does law school admissions help in Canada cost?

Law school admissions help in Canada can cost anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of dollars, depending on the service and the kind of help offered. Many high-profile admissions help services or law school consultants charge higher fees but provide a more comprehensive or personalized approach to law school application prep, whereas other services might not provide one-on-one help but have cheaper prices.

5. How do I find the best law school admissions help in Canada?

To find the best fit for you, consider your budget, your application timeline and the services you need from a law school admissions consultant or advisor. Take advantage of free initial consultations to determine whether a service is a good fit and whether it meets the quality you need.

6. Is the LSAT used in Canadian law schools?

The LSAT is considered a very difficult exam, and it is the same examination offered in both the US and Canada to all law school applicants. Canadian law schools do not all require LSAT scores to be submitted, but achieving a good LSAT score can help improve your chances of getting accepted to any Canadian law school. You can hire an LSAT tutor to help you achieve the score you want, or enroll in an LSAT prep course for extra study help. You can also research the law schools that don't require the LSAT.

7. What are the academic requirements for law school in Canada?

Admission requirements for Canadian law schools vary, but in general students should have a GPA above 3.6, an LSAT score of at least 155 and have completed the required number of undergraduate credit hours.

8. What are the application requirements for law school in Canada?

Aside from the required course credits, minimum GPA and LSAT scores, students need to submit a law school personal statement, recommendation letters and any supplemental law school essays or required documents. Some job experience listed in a law school resume, particularly related to the legal profession, is also recommended.

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