Are you considering investing in professional grad school application help? You're not the only one. In this increasingly competitive admissions landscape, if you want to get into graduate school, you need to have all the information and strategies that can help you make that happen. This is especially true if you are trying to get into grad school with a low GPA or if you have your eyes set on a prestigious institution like one of the Ivy League Schools, for example. That said, even if you are not applying to a highly competitive program, applying to grad school can still be a challenge. In this blog, we discuss what makes this application process so challenging and how professional grad school application help services can help. 

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8 min read

How competitive is graduate school? What makes the application process challenging? What is professional grad school application help and how do those services help Conclusion FAQs

How competitive is graduate school?

The term graduate school encompasses many different fields of study, so it is hard to say precisely how competitive it is. For example, in Canada and the United States, you need a bachelor's degree to get into medical school, so it is technically a graduate school program, and medical school acceptance rates are incredibly competitive. The same can be said for law school acceptance rates

Other graduate school programs have varying levels of competition that depend on the school and the specific program you are applying for. For example, at Duke University, only one in six applicants is offered admission to a graduate or postgraduate program. However, those numbers start to change drastically when you look at individual programs. Last year, the average acceptance rate for their master's in economics program was 30%, while that of the interdisciplinary data science program was just over 11%.

Duke University average acceptance rate for Master's in Economics Program

These numbers suggest that there is quite a bit of competition to get into graduate school, but depending on your chosen program, you may have to deal with some competition or a lot of competition. In other words, it is best to verify the admissions statistics for the specific programs you're interested in if you want to know just how competitive they are. 

Duke University average acceptance rate for Interdisciplinary Data Science Program

What makes the application process challenging?

Getting into graduate school requires planning, time, and effort. Although many parts of the admissions process are different from one program to another, there are still a lot of common procedures and requirements that can be pretty challenging for applicants.

Grad school programs are typically more selective than undergraduate schools. Because they want to admit students who are likely to do well in their programs, they have requirements that allow them to filter out the candidates they feel may not meet the expectations set by the program. Every institution and program is a little different, but most graduate schools will require some or all of the following: 

Meeting the minimum requirements of a program is not enough to guarantee admission, though, especially when applying to a competitive program. For example, let's say that you wanted to pursue a Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS) at Kellogg Business School. You may think that since there is no minimum GRE score required, a passing score would be enough. However, that is not the case. Because Kellogg is a highly competitive school, to get in, you would need a score that matches or exceeds the average GRE of the latest matriculants to be a competitive applicant. 

In addition to beating the competition and meeting the minimum requirements, students also have to worry about preparing the required application components that different schools ask for. This is especially challenging for applicants for two main reasons. 

First, because most students apply to multiple schools in order to increase their odds of getting into at least one program. The issue is that graduate school programs do not always have the same admission requirements or application components. This means that grad school applicants often have to prepare several different application components for each school. For example, a student who is applying to several research-intensive graduate schools may be asked to submit a statement of intent by one school, and another school might ask for a research resume. 

Secondly, most graduate school programs require application components that can be difficult to prepare. This includes but is not limited to admission essays such as a statement of purpose, a CV for grad school or a resume specifically for the type of program you are applying to (e.g., an MBA resume), samples of academic work, recommendation letters, and other requirements specific to the program. 

If you don't have the right information, strategies, or guidance, these application components are very easy to mess up, but they also tend to carry a lot of weight in the admission process. For example, a candidate that meets the school's minimum requirements for admission but submits a poorly written statement of purpose may not get into the program. While a student with a subpar GPA, but an impressive resume and compelling statement of purpose could get offered admission. So, it is important that applicants know how to prepare these application components and give themselves enough time to do so. This is where professional grad school application help services come in. 

Wondering how to get into grad school with low GPA?

What is professional grad school application help and how do those services help

Professional grad school application help is a service offered by private graduate school advisors or graduate school admissions consultants. As suggested by the name, this service aims to help students with their graduate school applications to increase their chances of getting accepted to a grad school program. 

Let's explore the different ways in which they make that happen:

Program selection 

One of the most common reasons students face med school rejection is that they do not apply to the right schools. This issue is not specific to medical school. Students applying to law school, PA programs, and other graduate school programs often have this same issue. 

Many schools offer similar grad school programs. However, even though these schools may request many of the same application components and use a similar admissions process, every program has its own set of requirements and different expectations for applicants. 

Remember that just as you have specific things that you are looking for in a school, grad schools are also looking for specific types of students. If you want to get into a program, you must apply to schools for which you not only meet the admission requirements, but that also align with your interests, values, and your goals. Professional grad school application help services can help you search for schools that meet those criteria, thus significantly improving your chances of getting one of those coveted acceptance letters. 

Application preparation

You will recall that graduate school applications involve a lot of different components that require careful planning and preparation. Students tend to struggle with admission essays, and depending on your field of study, you may have to write several of them for the admissions process. 

A professional can help you with various types of essays. From the ones that most students are familiar with (e.g., grad school personal statements, statement of purpose, etc. ) to those that students may not be familiar with (e.g., research interest statements, letter of intent, etc. 

While a professional grad school application help service will not provide someone to write the essays for you, they can save you a lot of time because they are familiar with these essay formats. Usually, they will help you through the brainstorming and researching process, guide you as you write, and help you edit and polish your essays until they are ready for submission. 

Furthermore, a professional can also help you with other application components, such as your CV for grad school. They can help you ensure that you are formatting it the right way and that you are providing the admissions board with relevant information, highlighting your strengths, and strengthening your candidacy. 

Interview preparation 

One of the most important steps in the grad school admissions process is the interview. Interview skills are typically developed over time as you attend more interviews, but the truth is that most students do not know if their interview skills are lacking. It may be because they have simply not been on enough interviews yet or are ill-informed. Either way, working with a professional grad school application help service can help with that. 

They can help you review common graduate school interview questions, and they can also give you the tools and answer strategies to answer different types of questions. This will reduce the likelihood of you being caught off guard during the interview, making you feel more confident. 

Furthermore, when you invest in professional grad school application help, you are working with an objective third party who is also a trained admissions expert. Therefore, they can look at your background and your entire application to help you determine which skills to highlight in your answers to stand out as a candidate. 

Additionally, their services should include mock interviews, which allow you to familiarize yourself with the interview format ahead of time. Mock interviews also allow you to improve your professional behavior and learn interview etiquette, both skills typically developed over time. By participating in mock interviews and getting personalized feedback from an expert, you get to work on those skills in a safe setting where you can focus on learning and improving rather than worrying about the outcome of the interview in question. 

Lifelong skills

One of the most significant advantages of working with a professional grad school application help service is that the consultants do not do the work for you. Instead, they guide you and give you the tools that you need to prepare and submit a solid application. By doing so, they do more than just teach you how to get into grad school; they also help you improve on skills that you will need to use in graduate school and later on in your academic and professional career. 

For example, by teaching you how to brainstorm and write an essay like a career goals statement, they are helping you improve your research and writing skills. Or during the interview prep, you will learn to answer questions that are specific to graduate school and general questions like tell me about yourself that come up in almost every interview format. 

Scholarship opportunities

The right grad school application help service can also help you save money by helping you look for and apply to different scholarship and funding opportunities. Often, students miss out on scholarships and other financial aid opportunities that they may be eligible for because they do not know about them. Other times, it is because the process of applying for those scholarships can seem daunting. The advisor or consultant you work with can help you navigate this process, thus saving you time and money.


Applying to graduate school is a long and complex process that requires careful planning and meticulous execution. While many students manage to navigate it alone, it is best to have some assistance if you want to increase your chances of admission. Professional grad school application help is provided by admission experts who can help you maximize your odds of acceptance by teaching you the strategies you need to ace your written application components and interviews. So, if you want to beat the competition and get into your grad school of choice, you may want to invest in these services.


1. Are graduate school admissions competitive?

They can be pretty competitive, but the level of competition varies greatly depending on your field of study and the specific program you are applying for. That said, graduate school programs tend to be quite selective so if you want to get into a program, you should aim to prepare the most competitive application possible regardless of the program you are applying for. 

2. What is professional grad school application help?

It is a service offered by graduate school advisors or consultants. Essentially, they help you plan and prepare for your graduate school applications, and interviews in order to improve your chances of admission.

3. What do professional grad school application help services do for applicants?

Grad school application help services give students the tools and strategies that they need to create the most compelling application possible. They help students find the right programs, guide them and offer personalized advice as they prepare different application components and get ready for grad school interviews. They can also help students find and apply for different financial aid opportunities. 

4. What's so difficult about the grad school application process?

Graduate programs typically have high standards, and they are looking for students who can rise to the challenge. In addition to dealing with the competition, applicants also have not only meet, but exceed admission requirements and prepare several complicated application components.

5. Do professional grad school application help services conduct mock interviews?

Not all of them do, but good grad school application help services include interview prep and mock interviews with personalized feedback. Mock interviews can make a huge difference in your performance, so we recommend looking for an application help service that offers this option.

6. Is professional grad school application help expensive?

The cost varies greatly depending on the services that you need, the company you are working with, and several other factors, but you should not have to break the bank to get some assistance with your application. We recommend looking for an application help service that is transparent about its pricing and offers flexible payment options such as installments.

7. Can I get into graduate school with a low GPA?

It is possible to get into grad school with a low GPA, but it is not an easy task. You will need to ace your standardized test and get a competitive score to show that you do have the intellectual capacity for your chosen program. You will also need to have an impressive application to overshadow the subpar grades.

8. How do I find the right grad school application help service?

You can start with a simple google search or by visiting academic consulting websites like the one you're on right now. Here at BeMo, we offer grad school application help services, and according to our success rate and student reviews, we are pretty good at it. Book a free consultation with us to learn more.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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