Answering LSAT practice problems is one of the best ways to study for the LSAT. From logical reasoning questions to reading comprehension, the LSAT presents many different challenges of your analytical and reasoning skills. In this blog, we’re prepared LSAT practice problems from all the LSAT sections, minus the LSAT writing sample, to help you practice for the real test.

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LSAT Practice Problems: Logical Reasoning LSAT Practice Problems: Reading Comprehension LSAT Practice Problems: Analytical Reasoning FAQs

LSAT Practice Problems: Logical Reasoning

First up, we have some LSAT logical reasoning practice problems.

LSAT Practice Problem 1


A company's decision to invest in renewable energy sources is not solely motivated by environmental concerns. Recent studies have shown that businesses that prioritize sustainability and invest in renewable energy are more likely to attract and retain a highly skilled workforce.

LSAT Practice Problem 2


A recent survey indicates that a significant percentage of smartphone users believe that the constant notifications from social media apps contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress. As a result, there is a growing movement encouraging people to limit their use of social media and disable notifications.

LSAT Practice Problem 3


A study examining the impact of music education on academic performance found that students who participated in music programs consistently scored higher on standardized tests than those who did not.

LSAT Practice Problem 4


Studies have shown that regular exercise has numerous benefits for physical health, improving cardiovascular function, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that regular mental exercise, such as solving puzzles and engaging in cognitive activities, would have similar benefits for mental health.

LSAT Practice Problem 5


Professor Johnson argues that the economic downturn is primarily due to a decrease in consumer spending. However, Professor Smith disagrees, asserting that the downturn is a result of inadequate government policies and their impact on businesses.

LSAT Practice Problem 6


A company claims that its new energy drink, BoostX, is the most effective on the market, providing a significant energy boost within 15 minutes of consumption. To support this claim, the company presents a study indicating increased energy levels in participants after consuming BoostX.

LSAT Practice Problem 7


A company's decision to switch to remote work for its employees was met with mixed reactions. While some employees appreciated the flexibility, others expressed concerns about the potential negative impact on team collaboration and company culture.

LSAT Practice Problem 8


A company claims that its new energy-efficient air conditioning system will significantly reduce electricity consumption in homes. The company cites a test conducted in a controlled environment where the new system consumed 30% less electricity than traditional models. Therefore, the company concludes that widespread adoption of their air conditioning system will lead to substantial energy savings nationwide.

LSAT Practice Problem 9


A study claims that people who regularly consume dark chocolate have lower rates of heart disease compared to those who do not. However, critics argue that this association may be coincidental, as dark chocolate consumers might also engage in other heart-healthy behaviors, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet.

LSAT Practice Problem 10


A recent study claims that individuals who consume chocolate regularly experience a higher level of happiness than those who do not. Therefore, the study concludes that eating chocolate is a guaranteed way to increase one's overall well-being.

LSAT Practice Problem 11


Pattern A: People who exercise regularly tend to have better cardiovascular health. Therefore, if someone has excellent cardiovascular health, it can be inferred that they exercise regularly.

Pattern B: Employees who receive regular training tend to perform better in their jobs. Therefore, if an employee performs exceptionally well, it can be inferred that they receive regular training.

LSAT Practice Problems: Reading Comprehension

The next section is the LSAT reading comprehension. Don’t forget to brush up on your LSAT reading comprehension strategies!

Sample Passage 1:

For years, the debate over the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market has raged on. Proponents argue that AI technologies will create new, high-skilled jobs and increase overall efficiency. Skeptics, on the other hand, contend that the rise of AI could lead to mass unemployment, particularly in sectors where routine, repetitive tasks are prevalent.

Recent studies have shed light on this ongoing debate. One study conducted by a leading research institution suggests that while certain jobs may be automated, the overall effect on employment might be more nuanced. The study proposes that as AI takes over routine tasks, it will also create a demand for workers skilled in overseeing and maintaining AI systems.

However, another study, focusing on the impact of AI on specific industries, warns that the transition might not be as smooth. The manufacturing sector, traditionally relying on manual labor, could face significant job losses. The study argues that the retraining of workers for new roles might not be a straightforward solution, especially for those with decades of experience in a particular field.

Meanwhile, proponents of AI highlight its potential to revolutionize sectors such as healthcare and education. AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to identify patterns in medical research, potentially accelerating the development of new treatments. In education, AI-powered tools can provide personalized learning experiences, catering to individual student needs.

Despite these potential benefits, concerns about the ethical implications of AI persist. Questions about bias in AI algorithms, privacy issues, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few major tech companies have fueled calls for comprehensive regulations.

Sample Passage 2

The concept of universal basic income (UBI) has gained traction as a potential solution to economic challenges in the modern era. UBI proposes providing a fixed, unconditional sum of money to every citizen, regardless of their employment status or income level. Proponents argue that this approach can address issues such as poverty, unemployment, and economic inequality.

The primary purpose of UBI is to ensure a basic standard of living for all citizens, allowing them to cover essential needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. By providing a financial safety net, UBI aims to reduce poverty and create a more equitable society.

One key feature of UBI is its unconditional nature. Unlike traditional social welfare programs that are means-tested and come with various eligibility criteria, UBI is distributed universally. This universality simplifies the administration of the program, reduces bureaucracy, and ensures that all citizens benefit, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Proponents argue that UBI not only addresses economic challenges but also promotes individual freedom and autonomy. With a guaranteed income, individuals have the flexibility to pursue education, engage in creative endeavors, or start businesses without the fear of financial instability. This, proponents claim, fosters innovation and contributes to overall societal well-being.

However, critics express concerns about the feasibility and potential drawbacks of implementing UBI. The primary challenge lies in funding such a program on a large scale. Skeptics argue that the costs associated with UBI could lead to increased taxes or reduced funding for other essential services, ultimately undermining its intended benefits.

Moreover, the impact of UBI on workforce participation is a subject of debate. Some fear that a guaranteed income might discourage people from seeking employment, leading to a decline in productivity and economic growth. Others argue that UBI could enhance job satisfaction and encourage individuals to pursue more meaningful and fulfilling work.

The application of UBI principles varies across different proposed models. Some advocate for a partial implementation, targeting specific demographics or regions, while others propose a full-scale, nationwide implementation. Each model has its own set of advantages and challenges, making the debate over UBI a complex and multifaceted discussion in the realms of economics and social policy.

Here's a quick guide to the LSAT Sections:

LSAT Practice Problems: Analytical Reasoning

The Law School Admissions Council, which administers the LSAT, has discontinued the use of the Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games) section of the test. Instead, it will include an additional Logical Reasoning section. Check out the LSAC official website for more details on these changes.

Don’t forget to check out even more LSAT practice questions!

Question 1: Grouping and Ordering

Six friends—Alex, Bailey, Casey, Drew, Evan, and Finley—attend a series of three concerts, one each on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The friends each have a different favorite band: Green Tones, Harmony Echo, Indie Beats, Jazz Fusion, Kaleidoscope, and Luminosity. The following conditions apply:

  1. The concert on Friday is not by Green Tones, Jazz Fusion, or Luminosity.
  2. Alex's favorite band is Harmony Echo, and Casey's favorite band is Indie Beats.
  3. Evan attends the Jazz Fusion concert, but it is not on Sunday.
  4. Finley's favorite band is not Indie Beats or Luminosity.
  5. The concert on Saturday is either by Green Tones or Kaleidoscope.

Question 2: Assignment

A company is assigning five employees—Alice, Bob, Carol, David, and Emily—to five different projects—Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. The following conditions apply:

  1. Alice is assigned to project Beta.
  2. Bob cannot be assigned to project Epsilon.
  3. Carol is not assigned to project Gamma or Delta.
  4. David is assigned to project Alpha.
  5. Emily is assigned to project Gamma or Epsilon.

Question 3: Advanced Inference

Seven friends—Frank, Greta, Harry, Irene, Jack, Karen, and Liam—are participating in a game where they must sit in a row of seven chairs, numbered 1 through 7 from left to right. The following conditions apply:

  1. Jack sits to the immediate left of Karen.
  2. Greta sits in an odd-numbered chair.
  3. Karen cannot sit in chair 7.
  4. Frank sits two chairs away from Jack.
  5. Irene sits to the immediate right of Liam.
  6. Harry sits to the immediate left of Karen.

Question 4: If/Then Statements

Scenario: Five friends—Alice, Bob, Carol, David, and Emily—decide to participate in a chess tournament. The tournament consists of three rounds: Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3. Each friend will play in one round, and the following conditions apply:

  1. If Alice plays in Round 1, then Bob plays in Round 2.
  2. If Carol plays in Round 3, then David plays in Round 1.
  3. If Emily does not play in Round 2, then Alice plays in Round 3.


1. How hard is the LSAT?

How hard is the LSAT really? It is a very challenging exam, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be mastered with the right strategies and prep. It’s a good idea to review what’s on the LSAT, create a strong LSAT study schedule and take regular practice tests to master the unique format and questions on the LSAT. 

2. What is the hardest section of the LSAT?

The hardest section of the LSAT is usually cited as the Analytical Reasoning section, although the trickiest questions may vary by individuals. The LSAC is also discontinuing the use of the Analytical Reasoning section on the LSAT in the future.

3. How do I prep for LSAT?

The best way to prepare for the LSAT is to take regular practice tests and practice questions. This way you can learn the format and timing of the real test, as well as practice the best question strategies for each section of the LSAT.

4. How do I improve my LSAT reading comprehension?

To improve your LSAT reading comprehension, it’s a good idea to read challenging texts regularly and test yourself with practice questions, while implementing LSAT reading strategies.

5. Where can I get LSAT practice questions?

You can find official LSAT practice tests and questions on the LSAC official website.

6. What LSAT score do I need for law school?

What is a good LSAT score for law school? In general, the ideal LSAT score is whatever score you need to get into the law school of your choice. A good LSAT score is anything in the 155+ range, while a very competitive LSAT score would be anything above 170.

7. How many times can I take the LSAT?

You can take the LSAT a total of 7 times in your lifetime.

8. What kind of test is the LSAT?

The LSAT is a standardized test that evaluates your analytical skill, logical reasoning, reading comprehension and your ability to make logical inferences based on information. It is designed to test the skills you will use most in law school and as a legal professional.

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