Need some help with your mature student nursing personal statement? We’ve got you. Most nursing programs consider mature students (typically applicants who are 21 years of age or older) to be non-traditional applicants, and although it is very common, applying for nursing school as a non-traditional applicant can quickly feel intimidating. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to create strong application components that will improve your chances of getting admitted, and one of the components you need to pay special attention to is your nursing personal statement. In this blog, we are going to tell you why your mature student nursing personal statement is so important, what you can do to strengthen your essay, and we’ll share some examples of nursing school personal statements that’ll inspire your own. So, keep reading to learn how to write a compelling mature student nursing personal statement.

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What is the Purpose of a Nursing Personal Statement? 3 Tips for a Strong Mature Student Nursing Personal Statement Mature Student Nursing Personal Statement Examples FAQs

What is the Purpose of a Nursing Personal Statement?

The nursing personal statement is a common admissions essay that is part of the application process to nursing school, studying nursing, and practicing nursing. Writing skills are essential for nurses since they need to be able to communicate, verbally and in written form, with their colleagues, patients, and the medical community at large. Your nursing personal statement gives the admissions committee one of it's few chances to evaluate your communication skills. 

It also gives you a chance to tell them why you are a good fit for the field of nursing and for their nursing program specifically. Your essay should essentially outline who you are and why you're applying to nursing school. It should give answers the question, "why do you want to be a nurse". It should be noted that many nursing school applications include an essay component, but not all of them do. You should take the time to verify the specific requirements of your chosen school.

3 Tips for a Strong Mature Student Nursing Personal Statement

1. Answer the Question 'Why Now?'

As a mature student, it is essential that you show the admissions committee that you are not only interested but also committed to nursing. This is why we recommend that you spend a paragraph or a few short sentences answering the question 'why now?' Perhaps this was always part of the plan for you, or perhaps your current career made you realize that nursing was a better fit for you – whatever the case is, providing some context of your decision-making in your mature student nursing personal statement will help the admissions board get a picture of your commitment to and suitability for the field of nursing.

You should not spend your entire essay explaining why you've decided to change direction and apply to this program at this particular point in your life, but you should briefly discuss the experience or event that led to your decision. Take some time to reflect and really brainstorm before putting pen to paper on this one. Sometimes your reasons for applying to a nursing program as a mature applicant are straightforward - like perharps, you simply could not afford it, but other times they might be less tangible than merely training for a new career. Start by thinking about why you didn't choose to go into nursing immediately after high school or college, consider what has changed since then, and how those changes have affected your decision.

2. Show, Don't Tell

One of the most important essay writing strategies we can share with you is to show, not tell. The reality is that anyway can talk about their accomplishments and use buzzwords to make themselves sound like a strong candidate. The admissions committee doesn't just want to read about the qualities and traits that you think you possess, they want to know how you know you have those skills, how you developed them, and how you have used them.

This is why you want to use specific experiences and examples in your mature student nursing personal statement. That'll show the admissions board that you have the skills and abilities required to thrive in their program. It is also a great way to discuss the advantages that being a mature student can give you. You can provide more information about your experiences and how they have prepared you for this next chapter of your academic and professional career by giving you new skills. For example, if you have been working in customer service in the medical field, you can share a short anecdote highlighting your communication and interpersonal skills. 

Remember to avoid summarizing or merely listing facts about yourself. Instead, use short anecdotes and describe specific experiences because this will make your nursing personal statement more impactful. The aim is to show the admissions board that you can back up the claims you are making about yourself. Moreover, people are also more likely to remember a narrative than a list of traits or facts, making your essay more memorable.

Have you started preparing for your nursing school interviews? This infographic can help:

3. Get Help From the Experts

Considering the role that nursing school admission essays play in the admissions process, you need to do everything you can to make sure that you are submitting the best essays possible. You can do that by working with nursing essay writing services. These services are offered by nursing admission consultants, who are trained to assist students and guide them through the complex world of nursing school admissions.

These experts can review your essays and give you personalized feedback to help you edit and polish them until they are ready for submission. Please note that these advisors will not write your essay for you. Actually, we'll just go ahead and warn you right now: stay away from "admission experts" who offer to write your mature student nursing personal statement for you. It is not only unethical, but if the nursing school you applied to ever finds out, it could cost you the acceptance that you were hoping for. 

Instead, consultants can give you additional nursing school essay tips and strategies to help you write a compelling personal statement. They also review your essay drafts and help you edit them to ensure that your final essay highlights your strengths, skills, and abilities in the best way possible. They are able to see little things that the untrained eye wouldn't notice, but that could make a big difference in the quality of your overall personal statement.

Mature Student Nursing Personal Statement Examples

Mature Student Nursing Personal Statement Example #1

My first official job was with a Rent-A-Car service as an assistant manager. I started as an intern during college and continued after graduating from Fictional University with a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Administration. At that point, I had never really thought about a career path. I grew up in a family that struggled financially, and I was always focused on making enough money to help with the bills in the best way I could. This job allowed me to do that, and I believed it would lead to a successful career in the industry.

After several months with XYZ Rent-A-Car, I realized that this job was not what I had expected. My happiest moments were when I got to speak to customers directly and help them out of challenging situations or make a small change that would make someone's day a little easier. The sad reality of my position as an assistant manager is that those days were few and far between. Each morning, waking up to go to work became more and more difficult as I started craving a career that would allow me to interact with others and help them more often. 

One of my favorite memories from my time at XYZ Rent-A-Car was helping a single mother who was driving across the country to attend her oldest son's college graduation. It was the middle of the night, and we only had two small sedan cars left in the parking lot, but she needed an SUV because she was traveling with two kids, and one of them was in a wheelchair. I knew how important this was for her, so I spent almost an hour on the phone with other XYZ Rent-A-Car branches in the state, looking for a car that would fit her needs before driving her for 1 hour and 35 minutes across the state line to pick up a vehicle from a different branch. 

That experience was a pivotal moment in my career. First, it was special to me because I felt like I had gotten the customer out of a jam, and I got to do it while interacting with her two adorable children. However, what made it truly special is that she left a review on our website in which she explained how grateful she was for the patience I showed her son, and how comfortable I made her son feel when I was helping him out of his wheelchair and into the new car. She explained that he has cerebral palsy and often gets defensive with strangers but that he had taken a liking to me because of how I treated him.

I hadn't paid attention to that moment because it had come naturally to me, but the fact that she had noticed it and it had made a difference for them made me very happy. I wanted more of that in my career, and I decided to start thinking about the different career options that would allow me to do so. I wanted a job that would suit my compassion and innate desire to help people and that also had longevity and security. 

After carefully researching different fields and career options, I realized that nursing was my best choice. I have always been curious about the field of medicine, but I never had any interest in becoming a doctor. Even as a child, I remember playing doctor and being more interested in helping my dolls manage their pain, ensuring they were clean, dressing their wounds, and making sure they felt cared for rather than curing them.

I knew that becoming a nurse would not be easy or cheap, so before embarking on this journey, I wanted to make sure that I was on the right path for me. I spent the following months talking to different nurses and researching the many roles nurses occupy depending on their credentials. 

I even spent three months shadowing a nurse practitioner who works as a travel nurse. During those three months, she was taking care of a terminal patient in their home, and I got the opportunity to learn so much about interacting with patients. I watched as she administered his medication with care, spoke with him, listened to him, made him laugh, and did many other little things to ensure he was as comfortable as possible. It helped me understand that a big part of being a great nurse is interacting with your patients and communicating with them, verbally or otherwise. 

I know I am finally on the right path for my career, and I look forward to learning more about all the other traits and competencies that make a great nurse. I am confident that my desire to care for others, commitment to nursing, and work ethic will make me a great student and, eventually, a great nurse.

Mature Student Nursing Personal Statement Example #1

My desire to become a nurse - a nurse for elderly patients in particular - has developed over the years. I have always believed that my fulfillment lies in serving those most vulnerable, but I was not sure which career path would allow me to do so and also suit my skills. After high school, I worked a number of different jobs. One of them was as a customer service representative for an insurance company, which enabled me to not only develop my communication skills but also understand that I wanted to play an active role in patient care. 

One of the companies that we represented was a nursing home, and I always felt a connection to many of the residents who called us. So when I started looking for a role that would allow me to actively interact with people in person, taking a job as a care assistant in that facility felt natural. That job helped me discover how satisfying such work could be and how it gave purpose to my life, both personally and professionally. 

I tended to the needs of several terminally ill patients. That experience taught me about the emotional demands of nursing while simultaneously helping me gain a deep sense of reward from feeling that I had contributed to their welfare during their final days. One of the patients I bonded with the most suffered from Alzheimer's, and I remember being especially touched by his frustration at being unable to communicate effectively. To make his life a bit easier, I helped him create infographics and write sticky notes that we strategically placed around the home so that he could be a bit more independent. To this day, it is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. 

The next role I took - as an in-home healthcare assistant- gave me even more opportunities to gain experience with a wide variety of illnesses and a chance to observe nurses at work. For example, recently, I have been working with a patient with tetraplegia who suffers from emotional and cognitive disabilities, which sometimes manifest themselves in challenging behavior. With patience and clear communication, we have been able to build a mutually trusting relationship, thus helping him manage a degree of independent life. 

In addition to learning how to build trust and interact with even the most challenging patients, I have been learning many nursing skills - such as taking blood pressure, noting symptoms, as well as the administrative processes of nursing like keeping accurate notes, relaying information, and the like. 

Over the years, my experiences and the conversations I have had with other professionals in the industry have shown me that being an adult nurse is very demanding and calls for a greater level of personal commitment than many other occupations. That is part of what appeals to me. I genuinely believe that most of the best things in life require a great deal of commitment and hard work. I am prepared to take on this challenge. Additionally, my experiences have prepared me for nursing school and the nursing profession by sharpening my communication skills, attention to detail, sense of empathy, and work ethic. 

Now that I have found the right career path for me, I am ready to start my tertiary education and become a nurse. I took the time to research several institutions before deciding on which ones to apply to because it is important to me to study at a school that not only has an excellent curriculum and practicum opportunities but one that also values patient-centered care. 

So, as you read this essay and the rest of my application, I'd like you to know that I took the time to learn about myself, my chosen profession, and your school before making any commitments. I am indeed committed to becoming the best nurse that I can be, and I know that you can help me on that journey.


1. How competitive are nursing programs?

Nursing school acceptance rates in the US and Canada differ widely depending on your school and program of choice, but it is safe to say that nursing schools are pretty competitive, and most schools are highly selective.

2. Do all nursing schools require a personal statement?

Not necessarily. Most nursing schools have a written application component, such as a nursing personal statement or letter of intent. That said, different schools have their own admission requirements and process, so you will need to check the requirements of your school of choice.

3. What is the purpose of nursing school personal statements?

Your nursing school personal statement is supposed to tell the admissions committee more about who you are, what will make you a good nursing school student, and eventually, a nurse.

4. How long should my nursing school personal statement be?

Unless otherwise stated, your personal statement should be between 650 and 800 words. That said, verifying the requirements specified by the school you're actually applying to is important as some schools may require a longer or shorter essay.

5. What should I address in my essay as a mature nursing school applicant?

As a mature nursing applicant, you should discuss your reasons for applying to nursing school at this stage of your life and the different experiences in your journey that have prepared you for nursing school and a career as a nurse. 

6. What does "show, don't tell" actually mean?

Essentially, it means that you should use specific examples and anecdotes to highlight the various qualities and traits that you want to showcase instead of simply telling them that you possess those qualities.

7. What makes a strong mature nursing student personal statement?

A strong mature nursing student personal statement should be concise, grammatically correct, have specific examples, address the 'why now' question, have a strong opening statement, and follow the instructions given by your chosen school. 

8. When should I start working on my personal statement?

Writing a solid personal statement requires time. We recommend giving yourself at least six and eight weeks to work on your essay.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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