3 min read

Sample #2 (534 words)

Dr. Samuel Jefferson

Director of Admissions

XYZ University

Dear Dr. Samuel Jefferson,

My name is Sandra Student, and I am a current applicant to XYZ University’s ABC School of Medicine. It was a joy and a privilege to visit your school, to learn more about your campus community, and to discuss the intersection of my own goals and those of your medical program, during my interview with Dr. Sarah Parker on September 15, 2018. I write to you today to express my strong preference for attending your institution, and to provide an update on my submitted application materials. As someone passionate about bringing health care to underserved populations, and with my own background serving rural communities in my volunteer work and physician shadowing, the priority your school assigns such efforts has left me certain that your school is my top choice. If offered admission to your program, I can say without a doubt that I will accept it. Though I have already received offers of acceptance from RST University and MNO University, I feel strongly that the values, curriculum, and priorities of your institution match my own goals as an aspiring physician.

I am pursuing the medical profession largely based on my own experiences working with underserved rural communities in a health care context. As noted in my application, for the past 3 years, I have been doing extensive volunteer work in [geographical region] through a mobile clinic, which has exposed me to the existing gaps in care that currently leave many rural patients without access to the treatment they require. Working alongside a small staff, under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Sylvia Wong, and hearing about their experiences in this kind of clinical context, has given me a rare glimpse into the complexities and challenges of rural medicine. As well, speaking with rural patients and having the opportunity to regularly shadow Dr. Wong in her patient–physician interactions has given me a sense of mission and drive to devote my life to directly confronting the inequities of our existing system. After I have completed my education, it is my goal to establish a similar mobile clinic, to expand Dr. Wong’s vision of accessible care. With coursework, clinical opportunities, and campus organizations that all address these issues and challenges in various ways, the curriculum and vision of XYZ University’s ABC School of Medicine will help me pursue that goal in ways unmatched by other programs.

As a brief update to my existing application materials, I also wanted to inform you that I recently received notice that an essay I’ve co-authored with Prof. Wilma Rice, Ana Chartres, and Asad Khan, [“Title of Essay”] has been accepted to [Journal Title] and will appear in their upcoming January 20XX issue. As well, next semester, I have been hired as a Research Assistant in Prof. Rice’s lab, where we will be building further on the work detailed in the aforementioned publication.

Thank you for your time in reviewing this letter. I hope that you are able to review my application favorably, and that I am able to become a member of your campus community. If granted the opportunity, I will most certainly accept. Should there be any other information I can provide, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Sandra Student

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