Article Contents
23 min read
Scenario Questions Policy Questions Personal Questions Quirky Questions Collaborative Questions Writing Questions Acting Questions

MMI Scenario Questions

201.  Your friend has a gambling addiction. He is asking you to borrow money. What do you do?

202.  If you find out that the professor with whom you have done research has changed some of the data before publication, what would you do?

203. A close friend in one of your university classes tells you that his mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. He feels overwhelmed by his studies and is considering dropping his courses to spend more time with his mother. How do you counsel your friend?

204.  Joe is a pizza delivery worker. The pizza shop he works for has 30 minutes or less delivery guarantee or else the customer does not have to pay. On Joe’s most recent delivery, he spots a woman who appears to be injured. There is no one else around and the woman seems to be unable to move by herself. However, Joe knows that if he returns empty-handed again, he will be fired from this job which he most desperately needs. What do you think Joe should do? Justify your solution in terms of practical and ethical considerations.

205.  You are a family physician seeing Jane, a 67-year-old man with a recent history of multiple fragility fractures. You diagnose her with osteoporosis and prescribe some bisphosphonate drugs and other pharmacological treatments. Jane tells you that she has heard some good things over the internet about alternative medicine treatments such as Chinese medicine, and she is adamant about trying these as well. You are concerned about the use of these alternative medicine treatments and the possible negative effects they could have on Jane’s health. How would you handle the situation and what would you recommend Jane do? Discuss any ethical considerations that are present.

206.  You are on the committee for selecting a new Dean of Science. What characteristics and/or qualities would you look for when selecting an effective dean?

207.  You are a consultant at a hospital. Once a year, an IT security professional discusses changes to the IT security system and trains hospital staff in making use of any new system features. Esther, another consultant, does not want to attend the mandatory session, saying “It’s the same stuff every year.” How do you respond?

208.  You are a medical student and a patient, Mrs. Khan, confesses to you that she is no longer taking her prescribed medication as she has read a lot about herbal remedies online and wants to try them instead. She mentions that she hasn’t informed any doctors about this yet. What would you do?

209.  You are part of the committee responsible for deciding the order of patients on a waiting list for a new liver. Currently, you are discussing three patients, aged 23, 40, and 77 who are all in need of a new liver. What factors are important in making your decision?

210.  You are a medical student and are attending a tutorial. Right before the tutorial begins, you receive a text message from your friend saying that he is very hungover and will not be attending the tutorial; he asks you to sign him in. What would you do in this scenario?

211.  You are a junior doctor and are taking care of a patient who has made a number of rude, personal comments to and about you. How do you behave in this scenario?

212.  You are a GP and a regular patient, Tommy, comes into your practice. He is 29 and has a learning disability and generally attends consultations with his carer, Ruth. You currently want to refer him to specialist services. What do you do? Do you do anything differently?

213.  You are part of a medical council. A 27-year-old civil servant has decompensated alcoholic liver disease and he requires a transplant urgently. There is also a 48-year-old unemployed mother who has non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Who gets the liver? Discuss extra information you would like to know with the examiner, and explain your general reasoning.

214.  You learn from your best friend that she was involved in a hit-and-run accident one night when she had too much to drink and hit a person crossing the street. She feels bad about this incident. What do you do if anything?

215.  You witness two girls hitting a homeless woman and taking items that belong to her. The victim has only a bleeding nose. You approach her after the incident and she tells you she is fine, this has happened before by the same girls and it is no big deal. How do you deal with it?

216.  A patient has just been diagnosed with cancer. The patient takes the news very badly and is concerned with pain and immediate treatment. You know that is it extremely likely that the patient will die within 9 months regardless of the course of treatment. What do you tell the patient, what are your ethical obligations, your legal obligations?

217.  Your older sister tells you that she values her career and is reluctant to take time away to have a baby. Her husband agrees with her. They have arranged to conceive an embryo through in vitro fertilization. A company in India will implant the embryo in a surrogate mother from a nearby village who will be paid $5,000. Two weeks after the baby is born, the company will deliver the baby to your sister and her husband. Your mother is opposed to this arrangement whereas your father supports her decision. Your sister asks for your support. How would you respond to your sister?

218.  Your best friend is an identical twin. The other twin has been sick with a variety of illnesses most of their lives. Several times, the other twin has been so ill that your best friend has supplied tissue (e.g., blood, bone marrow) sometimes to help their sibling stay alive. The other twin now needs a kidney transplant to stay alive. Their parents have assumed that their best friend will automatically donate the kidney as usual when tissue has been needed. However, your friend is now balking at this automatic assumption of donation and is considering saying “no”. What would you say to your friend to convince him to donate the kidney?

219.  How do you feel about the use of live animals in vet school or in various other kinds of research?

220.  Your friend tells you that a piece of expensive electronic equipment he had bought for $3000 just two weeks ago had stopped working. The store where he bought it had a 7-day return policy. Your friend goes to the store, buys a new piece of equipment and then returns the old damaged equipment in its place for a full refund. The store is owned by your uncle who is struggling to keep the business going. How would you deal with the situation?

221.  A man has been responsible for taking care of his wife who is in a vegetative state for 6 years after a car accident She can breathe on her own but that is the extent of her abilities. He requests that her feeding tube be removed. What should you, as her physician do?

222.  Mrs. Jones has signed a donor card indicating that she is willing to donate her body to science without notifying her husband and son. She gets into an accident and it is determined that she is brain dead. The family doctor, who is on call that afternoon, reviews the chart and determines that she would be perfect for medical students to practice the removal of organs for transplantation purposes. The doctor then talks to the family to discuss the procedure and to confirm their consent. They both oppose the procedure and refuse to allow their doctor to move forward. The doctor points out that Mrs. Jones could be helping hundreds of people by educating the medical students and that technically consent has already been provided. The husband understands how beneficial the educational experience is but is too emotional to allow them to continue. The son, a medical student, refuses because he knows the bodies are not treated with dignity. If you were the doctor, how would you proceed? Why?

223.  You are a second-year student shadowing a doctor in the O.R. Once the patient, an obese female has been given a general anaesthetic and the procedure is underway the doctors start to make comments about her weight and call her names that you find inappropriate but most of all unprofessional. Do you talk to the doctor about his comments or do you keep your comments to yourself? Why?

224.  You are working in a clinic for street youth. A 16-year-old girl comes in seeking sleeping pills that you do not think are appropriate for her. She says she will see another doctor if you do not prescribe them. What would you do?

225.  You are a physician who has finished his or her day and decides it's appropriate to leave on time for the first time in months. You have promised to meet your family for dinner. You suddenly receive a phone call from Mrs. Black, an 87-year-old patient in a nursing home long time, who wishes that you attend to her long-standing condition. She has been a patient of yours for 15 years and refuses to see another doctor. What issues are involved? How would you approach this situation?

226.  You are a 1st-year med student and you are in the room with a small group of students, a doctor and a young female patient. The doctor tells the patient to remove her shirt to do a breast exam. The patient is visibly uncomfortable but does what she is told. The physician then performs the exam and tells you to do it as well. Discuss your reaction to this situation.

227.  An athlete who is training for the Olympics admits that he is using anabolic steroids and asks you to monitor his liver function. He would prefer to be under your care, as you are his family physician and you know his history. However, he states that if you do not agree, he will go to a walk-in clinic. Discuss the ethical issues in this case.

228.  John X is a convicted pedophile and repeat offender. He is about to be released from prison after serving 7 years of his 10-year sentence. He will be in close contact with his parole officer and he will be monitored on a daily basis. Should the community be aware of John X's history? You are in charge of deciding whether or not to warn the community about John X. What issues/factors would you consider in making your decision?

229.  You and 3 friends are watching a 70-year-old man prepare a hot-air balloon. The balloon is ready and the man is holding one of the 5 released anchors ropes that are all 6m long. His 10-year-old grandson is already in the basket. A gust of wind raises the balloon 2m off the ground. The man shouts for help and you and your friends each grab close to the end of one of the other anchor ropes. The balloon raises so high that even though you are holding onto the ropes, you are lifted off the ground to a height of 7m. What would you do in this situation?

230.  At the beginning of your last year of undergraduate studies, the Dean of your Faculty has offered all of you the opportunity to swallow a “red‟ pill. If swallowed, this pill would increase enormously your ability to “absorb‟ all the educational material being presented to you in all your courses. In fact, this pill would basically guarantee that you would receive an A+ in all your future courses with a significantly reduced workload. Would you take the red pill?

231.  You are the treasurer of a university Club controlling club money and you are one of 3 members of the Executive. There is going to be a Meeting in another city with similar clubs from other universities. The club has enough money to cover the costs of only 3 members. There are 8 club members and everybody wants to go and for the club to pay their expenses. What do you do?

232.  You are a first-year medical student who is doing above average in some subjects, and below average in others. What would you do in this situation? What resources would you access?

233.  You discover that your boyfriend has a substance abuse problem. His conduct has never been influenced by this since you have been together. How do you handle this?

234.  A friend has accessed your laptop and discovered your draft for an essay that is due by you both who are taking the same course. How do you handle this?

235.  Your best friend in the Nursing Program lives with her elderly mother who has dementia. One day she shows you bruising and tells you her mother attacks her. Explore what you think are the key issues, articulate some options and give the rationale. You are spending your evening as a volunteer in the hospital.

236.  It is late and you see a number of staff duck into the supply closet with an empty bag and reappear in a few minutes with it appearing full. You have heard other staff members discussing that supplies are missing on a regular basis that cannot be accounted for. After observing the actions of the other staff members, what do you do?

237.  The story of Canadian Olympian and Paralympian Brian McKeever touched many during the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. He was the first ever to qualify for both the Olympic Games and Paralympic games, but at the last minute, the Olympic skiing coach decided that Brian has a smaller chance of winning than his teammates, so he did not get to race. If you were Brian's friend, what would you do when he found out he couldn't race in the Olympic Games? You knew that his Paralympic games would take place 2 weeks after the Olympics.

238.  You are a third-year medical student involved in the research of Dr. A, a senior physician. He is testing the efficacy of a new drug for lowering cholesterol. This drug is not yet known to be more effective than existing drugs on the market. He insists that you recruit patients for trials even though the clinical risks of the research are still undefined. What are the issues involved for the patients? For yourself?

239.  Dr. Who is a physician for Mr. Bean and his wife. Dr. Who discovers that Mr. Bean has an STI. Mr. Bean does not wish to tell his wife. What should Dr. Who do? Explore the ethics surrounding this scenario.

240.  You are a resident working in a team of several others for on-call shifts. You and your partner just had a new baby. Would you re-adjust the call schedule? How? What problems do you foresee and how would you approach the problems?

241.  You recently have taken the initiative to volunteer at a homeless shelter. On this particular day, you meet a 42-year-old woman dying from alcohol-related liver disease. Her skin and eyes are very yellow from a lifetime of alcohol abuse and she complains of significant generalized pain which worsens with movement. She confides in you that she hasn’t had a drink in two days and “wants to get hammered” before she dies, but can not get the last bottle of vodka out of her locker. You know that alcohol is not allowed at the shelter. There is another woman lying on her side three beds away who is watching your interactions closely. What will you like to say or do? Provide a rationale for your decision.

242.  You are a third-year medical student on an elective rotation. You are working with another medical student, resident, and a staff physician, Dr. Kerry. During rounds Dr. Kerry and the resident make several demeaning comments to the nurses. After rounds in the doctor’s lounge the conversation continues. Several condescending comments were said by Dr. Kerry and the resident about the patient management suggestions made by the nursing staff. You are bothered by their comments. You know that Dr. Kerry and the resident will be doing your evaluation at the end of the rotation. Other medical students tell you that you will get a better evaluation if you just fit in. However, you decide that it is necessary to speak to Dr. Kerry about the situation. What will you say?

243.  You are a counselor at a weekend hockey camp for 9 and 10-year-olds. This is the first time most of them have been away from home. The majority of the children have been getting along without any problems, but the 2 boys, Adam and Mark, have been arguing with each other since they arrived. Adam is boisterous and emotional while Mark is quiet and withdrawn. After one practice, you find Adam and Mark wrestling with each other and having a heated argument over who owns a souvenir hockey puck. When you settle the boys down and ask what happened, they both claim that they own the hockey puck and that the other tried to take it from him. At this point, the camp director enters and asks what is happening. When you explain, the director says “just give the puck back to the boy who owns it and get down to the cafeteria. It’s time for dinner. Discuss what you would do and provide a rationale for your decision.

244.  You have been planning a trip to central Africa for years, and you finally have the opportunity to go. After two weeks of backpacking by yourself, you have just arrived in the next town by train. You do not speak the local language and don’t know anyone in this town. You are walking down a street and as you turn a corner you hear a loud commotion and see….What do you see in the picture? What will you do and why?

245.  You have just learned that you have been accepted into physical therapy school on your first try. You have worked long and hard to make this dream become a reality, and you are ecstatic! Your best friend is in her second year of applying to PT programs and has been rejected from all of her schools again this year. She recently told you if that were to happen, maybe she was “just meant to work at Target.” You have promised to tell her whether or not you are accepted as soon as you find out. You are driving to her house. How would you approach this conversation?

246.  Near the end of a 24‐hour shift, you realize that your fellow intern is in a state of distress. During rounds, the supervising physician asked her to begin a blood pressure medication on Mr. Smith. Several hours after writing the medication order, she realized that she wrote the order in the wrong patient chart. By the time she caught her mistake, the nursing staff had already administered the medication to Mr. Jones. After receiving the blood pressure medication, his blood pressure fell and IV fluids had to be given to normalize the blood pressure. After she tells you what happened, she urges you not to share this information with the supervising physician. Discuss how you would handle this situation.

247.  You are a resident in the emergency room of a large hospital. Miguel, a 25-year-old male from a rural area, fractured his jawbone. He drives for two hours to the emergency room to seek treatment. Miguel has no health insurance and is unable to pay for the $12,500 surgery that could realign his jawbone and sets it into place. If he leaves and elects a surgery at a later time, the fracture would most likely set in the wrong position and would need to be carefully broken again and reset in the correct position. This procedure, however, would cost $48,000. Your attending physician states that the hospital won’t be able to afford a $12,500 pro-bono surgery.


MMI Policy Questions

248.  Because of the desire to promote a healthy lifestyle, it has been suggested that medical schools preferentially admit students who commit to abstaining from smoking. Discuss the ethical issues surrounding this policy.

249.  Because of federal and provincial subsidy policies and return-of-service agreements, international medical graduates (IMGs) now make up an increasingly large proportion of rural doctors. As a consequence, the shortage of doctors in rural areas has prompted many family medicine residencies to increase their quotas for IMGs in their programs. Effectively, this development is leading to a relative reduction in spots available for Canadian medical graduates. Please discuss the pros and cons of such a development.

250.  What do you think about organ donation from non-viable infants?

251.  What is your number one environmental concern?

252.  Do you think medicine is becoming too impersonal with the advent of technology?

253.  What are three major health issues facing women today?

254.  What politicians are currently impacting medicine? Do you agree with the decisions they are making?

255.  If you were the Minister of Health and had access to unlimited funding for health care, what three avenues would you choose to allocate those funds to?

256.  Discuss one of your pastimes outside of school and how the skills you acquired from this activity will help you in your career.

257.  Clostridium Difficile (C. difficile) is a type of bacteria that increases its activity with most antibiotic use, and is therefore very difficult to treat. Research shows that the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection is frequent handwashing. However, many people have flat-out refused to wash their hands in hospitals. The government is contemplating passing a policy to make it mandatory for people entering hospitals to wash their hands or else risk not being seen by doctors and being escorted out of the building against their will. Do you think the government should go ahead with this plan? Consider and discuss the legal, ethical or practical problems that exist for each action option and conclude with a persuasive argument supporting your decision.

258.  Why is attendance mandatory in the medical profession, and throughout medical school?

259.  What do you understand about the phrase ‘informed consent?’ Why is it important to make sure patients are providing informed consent?

260.  What are some of the issues raised if medical staff inappropriately obtain informed consent?

261.  When might a patient not provide informed consent? Are there any instances in which medical staff may proceed with a particular action without obtaining informed consent?

262.  What is an ethical issue, currently or recently in the news, that interests you? Why?

263.  You are a young, single doctor working in a small town of 1500. You meet an attractive male/female at the bar that you are interested in. What problems do you foresee?

264.  Imagine you are the principal of a full-fee-paying school. There has been an allegation by members of the public of an incident in a park in which at least two senior school students were seen verbally abusing a young person with intellectual impairment for the amusement of a group of other students. Two final-year students are to attend a hearing with the principal to explain their actions in the incident. What are the issues the principal is likely to consider at the hearing?

265.  Data has shown that doctors who smoke are less likely to make good role models for patients. Should doctors be allowed to smoke? Do doctors need to be role models?

266.  Recently, a drug company has been aggressively marketing their HPV vaccine for young girls to protect young women from cervical cancer. The vaccine has gained support because it will be protecting girls from this potentially deadly and costly disease. However, some people think there haven’t been enough clinical trials. Pick a stance on this issue and prepare to support your argument.

267.  Some people think that the new or younger generation of physicians is not as hard-working (i.e., wanting to leave right at 5:00 p.m., not wanting to put in as long of a work week) as previous generations. How do you feel about this perception?

268.  It has been suggested that in order to promote healthy lifestyles, medical schools preferentially admit students who do not smoke. Do you think this approach will be effective? Discuss the implications with respect to health and health care costs.

269.  In the City of Plymouth in England, the City Council has introduced a maximum speed limit for all vehicles of 30km/h (the previous limit was 50km/h) within city limits because this will reduce the number and severity of traffic accidents. The city councillors in Edmonton wish to introduce the same restriction. Would you support such a policy here in Edmonton?

270.  You are a GP working in a community where the majority of patients have very little education and many are refugees from other nations. What challenges do you foresee?

271.  You are part of a committee to decide where the money for health care in our province is spent. It is your turn to inform the committee of your opinion on what you think is the single most important area requiring funding.

272.  Tasers are under greater public scrutiny. What are the medical, public health, public policy, legal and practical issues involved? What is your position in regard to the use of tasers by public officials and in the private sector?

273.  What is the role of Electronic Record Management in the management and care of patients in the public and private sectors now and in the future?

274.  In countries with a nationalized healthcare system, in which citizens can access all healthcare services at no cost to them, the success of the system as a whole is contingent upon containing health care costs at a reasonable level. It has been well-established that, when patients do not directly pay for the service they receive, they tend to undervalue the actual cost of the service. Accordingly, health care systems in which the patients do not pay a fee-for-service tend to have higher rates of patients accessing non-essential services and higher rates of no-shows for scheduled appointments. One such country has proposed instituting a nominal, non-refundable fee ($10 or so) to be charged directly to the patient at the time an appointment is scheduled. The idea is that this small fee would dissuade patients from seeking non-essential services and would encourage patients to show up for scheduled appointments. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think this this approach will reduce health care costs? If so, at what expense? Discuss this issue with the interviewer.

275.  Can physicians be both caring and competent?

276.  How would you describe the relationship between science and medicine?

277.  You have just completed your residency in internal medicine and are relocating to a small farming community in rural Iowa where you plan to open a private practice clinic. The town consists of mostly low-income farmers from Eastern Europe. The town hasn’t had a regular doctor in 17 years; hence, the townspeople used to travel 23 miles to a neighboring town to receive medical care and/or to fill a prescription. Explain how you would go about opening such a clinic in this town and what factors and considerations you would have to keep in mind to ensure success.


MMI Personal Questions

278.  If you could go back and change anything in your education, what would you change or do differently?

279.  Which three famous figures are you influenced by and why?

280.  So you want to help people… why not be a teacher?

281.  How will you meet the multiple demands in your life during your medical studies?

282.  What do you think you will like most and least about being a doctor?

283.  How will you know after you have completed the program that you will be a good doctor?

284.  After graduating from medical school you learn that as a doctor you may only earn $50,000 a year. Do you still want to become a doctor?

285.  How would you handle being around sick people all the time?

286.  One of the key competencies for medical practice outlined by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is the need to develop and maintain self-assessment skills. Describe the strategies you employ when assessing your ability.

287.  Please think about a time when you were working on a task or project that you cared about, but things did not go well. What was the situation and how did you handle it?

288.  What is the most important thing you have learned in service to others?


MMI Quirky Questions

289.  In his recent novel "I am Charlotte Simmons", Tom Wolfe bases on his life at a typical university in North America. He develops various characters and describes their lives, surroundings, beliefs, and moral behavior while they are at the university. Wolfe acknowledges that it is 40 years since he himself was a student at the university. Consequently, his children, currently at university, read the drafts of the book as it has been written and ensured that the descriptions associated with life at this fictitious university were appropriate for the modern day. What changes to the original script do you think Wolfe’s children made?

290.  You are given a list of items that you would want to take in your suitcase for a two-week holiday. You are told that you can only pack half of the items available.

291.  You are presented with a list of 15 individuals, including details of their age, sex and occupation. You are being told that a nuclear attack is imminent and you are only allowed to save 5 of them from destruction. Which ones and why?

292.  Without using your hands, explain how to tie shoelaces.

293.  Describe yourself using a four-letter word.


MMI Collaborative Questions

294.  You are sitting at a desk in front of the interviewer with a screen between you. You have a set of blocks in front of you and you have to set them up in a certain way. The interviewer knows the solution and you can't see them and can only ask them yes or no questions. Correctly assemble the blocks.

295.  Origami (Deliver): When you enter the room, there will be a sheet of paper that illustrates how to complete an origami (paper folding) project. On the other side of the room, there is a candidate, who can’t look at you, but has a blank piece of paper. Verbally guide your colleague to the completion of the origami project.


MMI Writing Question

296.  You are an F2 on the orthopaedics ward. One patient, which weighs 68kg has come out of their operation and you are prescribing their post-operative fluids. You are told that you can give 3mg/kg of codeine. The nurse has prepared a syringe for you which contains 300mg in 37ml. What volume of the solution in the syringe do you need to give? Explain your calculation to the interviewer.

MMI Acting Questions

297.  You are one of the senior consultants in a respiratory ward. You have to tell a patient’s family member that their lung cancer is terminal. The patient’s name is Mohammed and you are speaking to Mr. Ahmed, their father.

298.  You are advising a mother about having an important vaccination that she and her child needs to travel to Uganda. You will then have to speak to the child about the injection they are having.

299.  You are a GP in a local clinic. A concerned mother has entered your office worried and panicking. She suspects that her daughter is sexually active and has had a pregnancy scare. She asks if her 16-year-old daughter has been coming into the practice with regard to an abortion.

300. As the manager of an electronics superstore, you are in charge of 10 employees. One of your employees, Larry, has been receiving and sending texts regularly during work hours. He has even done so while providing service to customers. Today, you noticed that a customer because visibly upset when Larry pulled out his cellphone in the middle of their conversation. You are puzzled by Larry’s behavior because up until this started two weeks ago, he had been one of your best employees. You have decided to discuss the situation with Larry. Larry is waiting for you in your office.

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Sources: University of Toronto, Multiple Mini, Medic Mind, National University of Samoa, University of Colorado, Yeshiva University, Lafayette College, Texas Tech University, Kingston University London