There are only two universities in Saskatchewan: the University of Saskatchewan, and the University of Regina. But there are several colleges and other post-secondary institutions associated with them that we’ll talk about as well. The two universities in Saskatchewan place high on Canadian universities rankings, in areas such as research experiences for undergraduates; while the University of Saskatchewan is considered one of the best universities in Canada for engineering. This article will detail other academic programs available at the two universities in Saskatchewan and give you pointed advice on how to get in.
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Universities in Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan
Acceptance Rate: 58%
Average GPA of Admitted Students: n/a
Minimum GPA to Apply: 70-75% (program-dependent)
First Year Tuition: $7,257 (Canadian)
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Mission Statement
“The University of Saskatchewan advances the aspirations of the people of the province and beyond through interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to discovering, teaching, sharing, integrating, preserving, and applying knowledge, including the creative arts, to build a rich cultural community. An innovative, accessible, and welcoming place for students, educators, and researchers from around the world, we serve the public good by connecting discovery, teaching, and outreach, by promoting diversity and meaningful change, and by preparing students for enriching careers and fulfilling lives as engaged global citizens.”
The University of Saskatchewan’s mission statement emphasizes inclusion and collaboration and those values are manifested in the school’s diverse student population. Although the student population is mainly from Saskatchewan, the school is also a haven for Indigenous education and culture, along with universities in BC, such as the Kwantlen Polytechnic University, which have also created degree programs focused on Aboriginal study. The most recent statistics show that 14% of the student population identifies as a member of a First Nation, Inuit or Metis community, which is much higher than other universities in Canada.
How to Get into the University of Saskatchewan
The University of Saskatchewan is home to almost 25,000 students, both undergraduate and graduate. As it plays an outsized role as the largest university in the province, it has over eighteen different colleges and schools, including the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine, the Edwards School of Business and the College of Law. But its undergraduate program is also extensive, as you can choose from over 100 different programs of study.
The school accepts applications from all Canadian citizens and permanent residents, as well as international students, but the majority of its students are from Saskatchewan (65%). Only 18% of its students come from other provinces in Canada, while only 17% are international students. But this does not mean you shouldn’t apply if you’re an out-of-province or international student. The school is accommodating to all applicants and its admission requirements for undergraduate programs are similar to those for all categories, in-province, out-of-province and international students.
Admission Requirements
The minimum average most of the undergraduate programs require at the University of Saskatchewan is 70%, although different programs have different admission requirements. Some do not require any additional application materials, such as college essays or college recommendation letters, other than your official transcripts. A majority of the Arts and Sciences courses only require a minimum average of 70% and the completion of several grade 12 prerequisites, including:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- Computer Science
You do not have to have taken all of these courses, but a majority of both STEM and arts courses require a combination of them as prerequisites. When you decide on a program, you can also choose the length, as the university offers three-year bachelor degrees in many subjects from English and Economics to Drama and Philosophy, but some majors are only four-years. You can also choose to complete a Bachelor’s Honours or Double Honours degree, which is defined by having to maintain a 70% average for all four-years of your studies. This type of degree program is good preparation for how to get into grad school, as its standards are higher than an undergraduate degree. You can apply to enter an Honours degree when you choose your major, but the program will only begin in your second year. During your first year, you must be able to complete at least 66 credits with the above-stated 70% average to begin the Honours program.
How to Apply
USask uses its proprietary application platform to review all undergraduate and graduate applications. There is no centralized application service similar to the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) or ApplyAlberta, in Saskatchewan, so you apply to the school directly. You only need to submit your:
- Personal information
- Academic history
- Planned program of study
Depending on the program you apply to, you may be asked to submit additional documentation, such as your official transcripts, college essays or college recommendation letters. You may also be asked to prove your English language proficiency, which, if you’re an international student, should be something to know about how to apply for university in Canada for international students. As an international student, you will have to take an English proficiency test and submit your scores as part of your application.
Tuition and Scholarships
The tuition figure we listed above is for Canadian students enrolled full-time in a Bachelor of Arts program, but tuition for international students is determined by the program you are applying to. For example, tuition for the Applied Mathematics major for international students is $31,983, while it is only $7,615 for Canadian students. However, for both student groups there are added fees and academic expenses, such as books, so if you’re an international student you’ll be expected to pay a total of $34,572; for Canadian students, the total cost-of-attendance rises to $10,204.
To help pay for your education, the university sponsors several Canadian scholarships for both Canadian and international students. The school, like many other universities in Canada, funds several entrance scholarships that are awarded automatically if you meet certain criteria, such as having a high GPA. One such type of scholarship is the Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships, which give out varying amounts based on your grade average; the higher your grade average, the more money you’ll receive, with the highest possible amount ($3,000) going to any student with a 95% grade average or higher.
University of Saskatchewan Scholarships
1. Best and Brightest Scholarships
These USask scholarships are among the most valuable scholarships available to incoming, Canadian undergraduate students. There are several individual scholarships within this category that have various application requirements and applicant criteria. You must apply for these awards, but you must have at least a 95% average to be considered, as well as a long list of student engagement activities for college. Some previous winners participated in the best summer programs for high school students, advocated for mental health support for young people with an Indigenous background, or volunteered at the Saskatchewan Métis Nation Legislative Assembly.
2. George and Marsha Ivany President's First and Best Scholarships
One of the Best and Brightest Scholarships, this financial award is given to incoming Canadian students with an average of at least 95% and have a demonstrated history of leadership. You must also have made a contribution to the betterment of your community, both in school and beyond. This scholarship is renewable, as long as you maintain good academic standing. If awarded, you’ll receive up to $10,000 per year over four years, provided you keep your grades up.
3. McCreath Indigenous Student Award
This scholarship is aimed at a particular group; namely, Indigenous women who are entering the university’s Edwards School of Business in the Bachelor of Commerce program. This is a competitive scholarship, so you need to prepare an application package. After submitting your application, if successful, you’ll be invited for an interview, where you’ll sit down with the director of the business school, as well as school administrators, so you should get some college interview preparation. You can review common college admissions interview questions and answers to get an idea of how to answer typical questions such as “tell me about yourself”. Reading these answers and questions will also teach you how to craft your answers so they are both concise, revealing and original.
Academic Programs
As we mentioned, there are seventeen different schools and colleges at the University of Saskatchewan, but among these colleges are non-direct entry, professional schools, such as the College of Law, College of Medicine, and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, which you cannot apply to unless you have completed your undergraduate degree. But the rest are open to all undergraduates and some, such as the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, are unique to the university, and reflect the school’s location in the heartland of Canada.
Some of the other undergraduate colleges within the University of Saskatchewan that you can apply to include:
- Kinesiology
- Education
- Edwards School of Business
- College of Nursing (BSN)
- Engineering
- Arts and Sciences
Some of these undergraduate colleges also offer graduate degrees, for example, the College of Agriculture. The College of Agriculture hosts sixteen different undergraduate programs (from Agricultural Economics to Soil Science), as well as four minor programs that you can take in conjunction with your major.
However, other colleges, such as the School of Environment and Sustainability (SES), are not professional schools, but they are not open to direct entry for high school students or undergraduates. The SES hosts some of the most progressive master’s degrees in Canada and after you’ve completed your undergraduate, you can apply for a master’s degree in sustainability or a master’s of water security, the latter of which is one of the most heralded water studies programs in Canada.
Federated Colleges
Many large universities in Canada, such as the University of Western Ontario aka Western University, have associations with smaller colleges that sometimes existed before the larger university was founded. Using Western University as an example, it is not only the largest university in London, Ontario, but it is also home to many of the smaller, although completely independent universities in London, Ontario, such as Huron Western University (which predates Western), and Brescia University, which is an all-female university.
The University of Saskatchewan follows a similar format, with some exceptions. There are eight different colleges associated with the university, although they offer independent programs, both undergraduate and graduate, and have separate application processes and application requirements. However, a majority of these independent colleges are faith-based, so, similar to Catholic universities in USA, they offer liberal arts degree programs with a values-based perspective.
The eight colleges associated with the University of Saskatchewan include:
- Briercrest College
- St. Thomas More College
- Horizon College & Seminary
- Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies & Applied Research
- St. Peter's College
- Saskatoon Theological Union
- The College of Emmanuel and St. Chad
- St. Andrew’s College
Some of these associated colleges are also seminaries, so you if you’re interested in becoming a priest, pastor, missionary or church leader, you can apply to these schools. The only non-faith-based college associated with the university is the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies & Applied Research, which acts as a training institute for Indigenous, but mostly Metis, students. At the Gabriel Dumont Institute, you can apply to Adult Basic Education programs, as well as certificate and diploma programs in trades as varied as nursing assistant to vehicle repair.
Universities in Saskatchewan: University of Regina
Acceptance Rate: n/a
Average GPA of Admitted Students: n/a
Minimum GPA to Apply: 60-70% (program-dependent)
First Year Cost-of-Attendance: $12,438 (Canadian)/$31,236 (International)
Mission Statement
“The University of Regina’s vocation is to explore unanswered questions. We provide high-quality and accessible education, influential research, creative endeavors, and meaningful scholarly experiences in pursuit of local and global contributions to knowledge. Investigation of and reflection upon varied intellectual pursuits is fundamental and we engage our students in these pursuits, seeking to instill in them a lifelong quest for knowledge and understanding.”
“Local” and “global” figure heavily in the University of Regina’s statement as it both embraces its Indigenous and Saskatchewan roots, while also being home to 14,000 undergraduate and graduate students from 90 different countries. The school is the only other degree-granting university in the province, and hosts over 165 different degree, certificate and diploma programs across its eleven different faculties and professional schools.
How to Get into the University of Regina
The University of Regina is similar to the University of Saskatchewan in that it offers several different pathways to enter either as an in-province student, out-of-province student, international student, home-schooled or transfer students, as well as graduates of IB programs. Also, like USask, the minimum grade average to enter any undergraduate program at the University of Regina is 70%. However, if you’re applying to certain faculties, such as the Faculty of Education or the Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance, the minimum is 65%.
Admission Requirements
The close to 70 different undergraduate programs available at the University of Regina have various GPA requirements and academic prerequisites. The school uses three different categories to classify the prerequisite courses you should have to enter specific programs, which are:
- Category A (Math and Science courses)
- Category B (Languages and Social Science courses)
- Category C (Other Approved courses i.e. Catholic studies; accounting; graphic arts)
Depending on the program and faculty you’re applying to, you’ll have to complete at least
- Two or three Category A courses
- Two or three Category B courses
- One or two Category C courses
When you do apply, you can also opt for an Honours program, or customize your degree program further by taking a minor or a concentration within that program. For example, you can apply for a simple Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, but you can also take a concentration within Computer Science such as Business or Creative Technologies. You can also opt to take a double major, or minor in Math or Software Systems Development; with all this variety it’s no wonder than U of R is one of the best universities in Canada for computer science.
How to Apply
U of R uses an in-house application system. There is no centralized application service, as in other provinces. The type of application materials that you have to submit depend on what program you’re applying to. A Faculty of Arts application requires you only submit your transcripts, but other faculties, such as Media, Art, and Performance require you submit a portfolio and a college interest statement explaining why you want to study at this particular program. Some programs also require you submit letters of reference. International students, similar to USask, will also have to prove their English proficiency if they are applying as graduates from foreign high schools.
Tuition and Scholarships
Your tuition at U of R depends on what type of student you are, as Canadians and international students pay different fees. A lot also depends on what faculty or program you’re applying to, as this will determine whether you’re eligible for any of the no-essay scholarships in Canada the school sponsors. U of R has various entrance scholarships based on academic merit and financial need, but also based on whether you are in-province or out-of-province. As most entrance scholarships, the only requirement is academic achievement, and coming directly from a Canadian high school – there are separate entrance awards for international students, also based on academic performance.
1. University of Regina Entrance Scholarship
This is a no-application scholarship available from the University of Regina for all incoming, Canadian undergraduates based on academic-merit. There are different classes of scholarships, all of which award different amounts based on how well you performed during your final two years of high school. If you apply with a 95% grade average or higher, you’ll be eligible for a renewable, $3,000 scholarship. If you apply with a grade average between 90-92%, you’ll be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship.
2. International Entrance Scholarship
This financial award from U of R works similar to the entrance awards for domestic Canadian students, but for students who are entering the university on a study permit. However, as any international student scholarship consultant will tell you, you do not have to apply for this scholarship. You only need to have a minimum 85% average from your last year of high school, and maintain your academic performance throughout your undergraduate program to renew the $3,000 scholarship.
3. International Student of Distinction Scholarship
This scholarship in Canada for international students is also a no-application award. You only have to have applied to an undergraduate program at U of R to be considered, but your academic averages from your entire high school transcript must be at least 80%. Only 50 international students are considered for this award every year, but the benefits are great. You’ll get $20,000 every year over four years, along with receiving free on-campus housing and meals.
4. Beaubien Entrance Scholarship
This program is aimed at incoming, undergraduate students with French-Canadian ancestry, who are entering any of the school’s French-related degrees including its certificate program for French as a Second Language, Bachelor of Arts in French-Canadian studies, or any Bachelor of Arts program taken bilingually. You must not only demonstrate your French-Canadian heritage, but also write an essay in French outlining your academic plans. Additionally, this scholarship is reserved for graduates of Saskatchewan high schools who have applied with an 80% grade average.
Academic Programs
U of R has eight different faculties exclusively for undergraduate students including:
- Faculty of Arts
- Paul J. Hill School of Business
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance
- Faculty of Social Work
- Faculty of Health Studies and Kinesiology
Similar to the University of Saskatchewan, U of R lets you add concentrations or minors to your degree, as well as applying for Honours program, which gives you a more intensive educational experience, as the standards are higher. But the U of R has distinctive programs that aim to reflect the educational and cultural needs of the surrounding community in Regina, but also other cities where the university has facilities, such as Saskatoon, and Prince Albert.
For example, Indigenous traditions aren't just taught; they’re lived. You’ll be immersed in events like the "Round Dance," where community members come together to celebrate Indigenous heritage, fostering a sense of unity and belonging. But Indigenous culture is not only an integral part of campus life; it’s also part of the curriculum for all students.
In the Faculty of Education, you’ll be able to specialize in Indigenous or French education, as well as Music and Physical Education, while also participating in research at centers like the Centre for Experiential and Service Learning (CESL) where you can interact with educational simulations as part of your instruction. But experiential and service learning are also a large part of the educational experience at U of R.
You’ll also contribute to community research projects through the Community Engagement and Research Centre that will also give you the opportunity to apply your knowledge to find practical solutions for pressing problems. This unique aspect of the university benefits both students and community groups in Saskatchewan, who can apply to initiate research projects, which is then performed by Faculty of Arts students as part of their programs.
Federated Colleges
One of the most outstanding aspects of the U of R is the fact that it is associated with the only Indigenous-owned and operated post-secondary institution in Canada. The First Nations University hosts fifteen different undergraduate programs, all of which consist of, and are taught through, an Indigenous perspective. For example, through programs like the Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Justice and Criminology, you can explore the intersection of law and Indigenous traditions, addressing issues unique to Indigenous communities.
Moreover, the Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Studies and the Environment provides a vital platform to understand environmental challenges through Indigenous lenses, fostering sustainable practices rooted in cultural wisdom. In the realm of health, the Bachelor of Science in Indigenous Health Studies offers an interdisciplinary approach to healthcare, integrating traditional healing practices with modern medical knowledge. This program prepares you to address the healthcare needs of Indigenous communities with cultural sensitivity and proficiency.
For those inclined toward education, the Faculty of Education offers programs like the Bachelor of Education in Indigenous Education, preparing future educators to integrate Indigenous perspectives into classrooms effectively. Additionally, the Bachelor of Education in Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP) focuses on training teachers specifically for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.
1. How many universities are in Saskatchewan?
There are only two degree-granting, accredited universities in Saskatchewan, the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina. However, each of these universities are associated with other colleges and universities, which are independent degree-granting universities that operate under the mandate of the larger institutions.
2. What can you study at universities in Saskatchewan?
The two universities at Saskatchewan offer similar programs and degrees as any other Canadian university. However, because of the large number of Indigenous students, the universities in Saskatchewan also offer educational programs examining all aspects of Indigenous culture.
3. What are the best universities in Saskatchewan?
There are only two universities in Saskatchewan, but you also have the choice of attending or enrolling into any of the associated or federated colleges and universities, which offer unique, high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs.
4. What is the best university in Saskatchewan for international students?
As the University of Saskatchewan has several different professional programs and schools (medicine, law, dentistry), it is usually the most attractive to international students who want to learn how to study in Canada as an international student.
5. What GPA do you need to get into universities in Saskatchewan?
You need a grade average of between 65-70% for both the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina.
6. How do I get into universities in Saskatchewan as an international student?
As an international student, you can ask an international student advisor to help you apply, but you usually only need to upload your high school transcripts and present the degree given to you by your home secondary institution. The prerequisites and averages are dependent on the program you’re entering.
7. How do I apply to universities in Saskatchewan?
Each university in Saskatchewan has its own application portal, where you’ll upload your personal information, transcripts and all other application materials required by your program.
8. Is it hard to get into universities in Saskatchewan?
The two universities in Saskatchewan offer various pathways for you to get in, so as long as you have the requisite grade average, and have completed the prerequisites for your program of study, it shouldn’t be hard to get into any of the universities in Saskatchewan.