One of the best CASPer test prep strategies is reviewing practice CASPer questions and answers, followed by multiple realistic practice tests and expert feedback. Whether you are applying to DO or MD programs, your CASPer prep should involve practice CASPer questions and responses. This blog will review 5 official CASPer sample questions plus 15 additional sample questions and provide our expert response and analysis. 

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Official CASPer Sample Question #1 Official CASPer Sample Question #2 Official CASPer Sample Question #3 Official CASPer Sample Question #4 Official CASPer Sample Question #5 15 More CASPer Sample Questions with Expert Answers CASPer Questions for Practice FAQs

Official CASPer Sample Question with Expert Answers #1


You are an employee at a retail store and you overhear an interaction between a customer and another employee at the cash register. The customer is here to return an item; however, she does not have a receipt for the purchased item and claims to have paid in cash. Despite assurances by the customer that she did buy the item at your store, your colleague informs the customer that, while she can provide store credit or an exchange, store policy does not allow refunds of more than $20 without a receipt. The customer informs your colleague that she really needs a refund given that this was a birthday purchase for her daughter, but now she desperately requires that money to buy her daughter’s prescription medication. While the manager can override the store policy, she is away until next week. Your colleague turns to you for advice given that you have been working at the store for longer than she has. 


1. What do you tell the other employee – go ahead and give the refund, or abide by store policy? Justify your answer.

I would like to help the customer as best as I can without compromising store policy. I would first verbalize my appreciation of the customer’s patience and speak with her privately in a non-judgmental manner. I would like to know when this customer bought the item and confirm that she did buy it from this store location. Additionally, I would like to consult the store policy to ensure that there are strict rules for refunding items without a receipt. I am aware that my manager is away, but I can always call a different branch of the store which might have a store manager available to provide guidance, or – if possible – I could call our store’s manager. If the customer did indeed buy the item from our location and I am able to refund them in cash, based on a discretionary rule or leeway in store policy, I would not hesitate to complete the refund. If I am unable to provide a refund, I would apologize profusely; however, I would try to assist this customer as best as I can. I would encourage her to seek medical help at the emergency department if the prescription required is for a life-threatening condition. Additionally, I would encourage her to speak with her pharmacist, as they may accommodate a payment plan for prescriptions, or they may have a generic form of the medication that costs significantly less. In the future, I would encourage her to contact her family physician, given that they might be able to access social support programs for prescriptions.

2. Assume you advise the newer employee not to give the refund, but she does anyway. Do you report this to your supervisor? Why or why not?

It would depend on the store policy, since upholding such policy is my duty as an employee. If there was a discretionary rule whereby an employee can provide the refund, then I would not report her. I would instead encourage her to document the event so that she can submit a report to management. If it was clearly against the rules, and my advice was in line with store policy and procedures, then I would give her the opportunity to do the right thing and report her actions to the manager. I would gently remind her of her ethical responsibility and her responsibility as an employee, as a way of encouraging her to uphold such standards. I would follow up with her and, if she has not reported the incident, then I would report to the manager without hesitation. 

3. If you were asked to establish a policy around refunds for a new store, what aspects would you take into consideration?

Regarding setting a refund policy, my goal would be to provide the best shopping experience to customers without compromising the store from a business perspective. Firstly, I would love to hear from our customers to learn what they would like to see in a return policy using surveys. I would also send the survey to employees and upper management to get their input. Additionally, I would investigate refund policies at other stores, to see how a proper balance between customer and business needs is met. I would clearly outline the return policy on the store’s website and place a copy by the store’s cashier. I would have training sessions so that employees can learn and disclose our policies at the point of purchase. The policy would be simple and universal, with 4-5 rules. Additionally, I would provide an electronic as well as a printed receipt to customers. With the customer’s consent and ensuring confidentiality, I would also establish an in-house database, with a log of customer purchases. In further prioritizing the customer, I would have a “no questions asked” policy if they are returning one of our products. 

Check out a realistic mock CASPer test session led by one of our CASPer experts:

Official CASPer Sample Question with Expert Answers #2


You are a member of a study group and you observe members of your group having a heated conversation. Mike and John are confronting Sarah about her inconsistent contribution to the study group. Mike and John are upset that Sarah did not contribute to the study session today and accuse her of not being prepared. Sarah defends herself by saying that she has been busy writing an important paper. Mike and John inform her that they also had the same paper due and, despite that, were able to show up prepared for the session. They then accuse her of regularly coming to tutorials unprepared, suggesting that she’s only learning from the information that they have provided during the study sessions. Sarah informs them that she has been under a lot of stress and that they are not being fair to her. She prepares to leave due to their “negativity”. 


1. You are a member of the study group and have not participated in the interaction so far, but now the group is looking to you. How would you diffuse this situation?

My primary concern is diffusing the tension while maintaining collegiality within the group and moving toward successful completion of our coursework. Firstly, I will actively listen to both sides to promote understanding and ask probing questions to understand everyone’s perspectives and priorities. I will speak to each member privately. I would validate Mike and John’s frustrations about feeling that Sarah doesn’t come prepared; but I would also validate Sarah’s feelings around being occupied with other material. Sarah has also indicated that she has been under a lot of stress, so I want to understand what’s happening. If this is the case, I would help her identify any barriers which may be impeding her ability to prepare for these sessions. Based on the information provided, I would refer her to campus resources for support, if appropriate. After speaking with all parties, I would help reset group expectations by reaffirming our goals, expectations, and roles within the group, while also fostering a collegial environment. After everyone’s expectations are recognized, I would follow up with my colleagues at our next study session to ensure we are all on track. As well, I would again speak with Sarah privately to check in on her overall wellbeing. 

2. Do you agree with the two students who are upset with Sarah? Why or why not?

As mentioned above, I can understand where the two male students’ frustrations are stemming from. Their feelings need to be validated, but as stated above, both the perspectives of Sarah and the male students needs to be explored and shared with each other. If Sarah has indeed not been preparing for the sessions, and this was not due to extenuating circumstances, then I would agree with the two male students’ feelings, because everyone needs to contribute equally. However, it is important to obtain Sarah’s perspective and to help her overcome barriers which are hindering her contribution.

3. What suggestions can you make to help the group function better going forward?

As mentioned above, airing of grievances is important followed by establishing clear expectations. Allowing all parties to air grievances, and making space for other members to defend themselves, gives everyone an equal opportunity to share their perspective. Setting expectations allows everyone to be aware of minimum requirements to be part of the group. Such expectations can be determined collectively. Finally, exploring barriers that are hindering group members from participating is in everyone’s favor and should be pursued as a group. Once barriers are identified, then strategies to overcome these barriers can be implemented. If at any time I felt as though professional support or advice would be beneficial, I would reach out to our professor, TA, or other authority.  

Official CASPer Sample Question with Expert Answers #3


You are sitting in on a conversation between Tom and Jessie, two of your co-workers at an energy firm. Tom informs Jessie that he is having a tough time with a personal decision: he and his wife are expecting a child, and his wife would like him to take paternity leave with her. He tells Jessie that the company is taking on a new project that he would lead and doing well on this project could significantly advance his career. Despite his excitement for parenthood, he is struggling between spending time with his family in the short-term vs. focusing on his career, which would ultimately benefit his family in the long-term. He feels that if he misses this work opportunity, he will not get a similar chance for a few years. Additionally, claiming that the industry is largely “male-dominated,” he feels that his boss would not be understanding if he requested paternity leave; he even recalls a time in the past when a male colleague who took paternity leave was penalized by being kept in the same position for years upon his return to work. Jessie turns to you and asks, “What do you think he should do?”


1. Would you recommend he take paternity leave? Why or why not?

This is a challenging and sensitive situation. Tom feels like he must choose between his career and spending time with his partner and newborn child. First, I would like to know the company’s policy regarding paternity leave, so I would consult Human Resources (HR) and I would encourage Tom to speak with both HR and his boss to understand their perspective on paternity leave. I would also have a private and non-judgmental conversation with Tom, to discuss his priorities. Does he prioritize spending time with his family, or does he prioritize his career in terms of a speedy trajectory to promotion? If he feels strongly about spending time with his partner and newborn, I would encourage him to spend time with his family. If he feels that prioritizing his career for the best interest of providing for his family and that sacrificing spending time with his wife and newborn is acceptable, then I would support his decision. Ultimately, the one with the most insight would be Tom and I would help guide his decision. Information collected about the company would help inform Tom of the potential consequences of taking paternity leave based on whether the company is supportive or unsupportive of it. That said, I would encourage Tom not to rely on hearsay regarding his other colleague’s supposed punishment for taking paternity leave. 

2. What strategies could you offer to help him make a decision that he feels comfortable with?

As stated above, I would encourage him to gather concrete information about the company and their policy and culture around paternity leave. He would be able to do this by speaking with human resources, with his boss, and with colleagues who have taken (or given up) paternity leave. This will help inform his decision with regards to impact on his job projection and promotion. Then, I would brainstorm with Tom around his current priorities and what sacrifices he is willing to take to fulfil his goals. The decision would be whether to take paternity leave to prioritize spending time with his wife and newborn while potentially delaying career progression vs. not taking paternity leave, sacrificing spending time with his wife and newborn. This is a personal decision, and I would support Tom by making sure he makes an informed decision. 

3. Maintaining work-life balance can be challenging. Why do you think people struggle to find balance?

Work-life balance is often defined as time allocated to one’s career vs. time allocated to other personal aspects of one’s life, such as family, recreation, and self-care. The assumption is that work requires energy expenditure and life activities recharge one’s energy. There are many reasons why individuals struggle with maintaining an acceptable work-life balance, including having a demanding job, poor time management or scheduling skills, unrealistic expectations by employers, and financial pressures. One unique challenge of the present era is also the expectation that employees are effectively “on call” at all hours. As well, employers bear some responsibility here, and should be mindful of the time demands they place on employees. It is important for individuals to identify the specific reasons behind their personal situation and try to have a more balanced approach to life.  

Official CASPer Sample Question with Expert Answers #4


You are sitting in a meeting with Frank and Julia, two of your co-workers at a financial firm. Frank wants to talk about a member of his team, Jason, with regards to some concerning behavior of late. Frank is concerned that Jason has been showing up late to work and has been seen dozing off during meetings. Despite this behavior, the team’s overall performance has been very positive. Julia weighs in on the conversation, saying that our company encourages flexible working conditions, where employees can maintain their own schedules as long as they maintain good performance with positive reviews. Frank further elaborates that Jason has been acting a little distant of late and avoiding any personal questions about his family; he’s worried that this behavior could be a sign of something more serious. While Julia seems concerned by this disclosure, she informs Frank that, as long as Jason has not shared any specific struggles with Frank, it would be a transgression of boundaries to approach Jason about personal matters.


1. What advice would you give to Frank about his team member, Jason?

I would be concerned about the well-being of my co-worker’s team member. I would inform him that it sounds like his team member might be experiencing personal problems, which may be impacting his behavior and potentially his mental health. It may also be that Jason’s job satisfaction has declined recently, leading him to distance himself somewhat from his work and co-workers. However, I would caution against making assumptions and encourage Frank to speak with Jason in a private and non-judgmental manner. I would suggest that he share his concerns with Jason and give him an opportunity to share any personal struggles with him if he is comfortable doing so. There could be alternative explanations for his recent behavior, such as a new and/or untreated medical condition, in conjunction with trying to maintain a semblance of privacy. If his team member is experiencing personal problems at home, Frank can offer him support and refer him to counselling. In any case, it is important to address the issue for Jason’s sake, in the interest of his own well-being, and to help him see that he is supported by his team. 

2. Do you agree that taking any additional action in this situation would be considered “overstepping boundaries”? Why or why not?

In this scenario, it would depend on intent and approach. If the intent of probing for more information is mere curiosity, it would be considered “overstepping boundaries”. However, if the intent of probing for more information is to ensure the safety and well-being of the team member, then no, I would not consider this “overstepping boundaries”. Additionally, the setting and method of approach needs to be sensitive to the privacy and comfort of the team member. This conversation should take place in a private setting and be confidentiality maintained. While the lines of such boundaries can be complex, when a team member’s mental or physical health or well-being may be at stake, a careful and sensitive approach is better than disinterest or apathy. 

3. Imagine you heard rumors that Jason was being bullied at work, would this change your reaction to the situation? Explain your response.

It would not change my approach to the situation. I would start by gathering more information, since I cannot act on rumors. I would meet directly with Jason in a private setting and speak with him in a non-judgmental and non-confrontational manner. I would also inform him that all information discussed would be confidential and demonstrate my investment in his well-being through active listening and a compassionate approach. While it is important to address any behavior that creates a negative work environment, my ultimate concern would be Jason’s well-being. As such, in our initial meeting, I would focus on this, and – if necessary – follow up with a full investigation into the bullying allegations. 

Official CASPer Sample Question with Expert Answers #5


You are a member of a study group and you observe two members of your group, John and Steve, having a heated conversation. John looks stressed and is upset that the group project is not yet close to being complete, despite being due at the end of the week. When Steve asks John what is stressing him out, he says he is overwhelmed by the amount of work which was redistributed to group members when Marshal, another group member, had to leave the group due to a medical condition. While Marshal’s medical condition is severe and required hospitalization, John is upset that Marshal knew how important this project is to everyone’s grades and thinks it’s unfair for the other members of the group to have to take on the work Marshal was supposed to complete. To make matters worse, Steve discovers a recently posted picture on Marshal’s Facebook page showing him at a pool party, which further angers John. With the current arrangement, the work submitted by the group would award Marshal the same grade as the others, despite not completing the same amount of work. John suggests Marshal has been dishonest about his medical condition to get out of work, while Steve reminds John that this picture could have been taken a while back. Steve turns to you and asks you to decide how to proceed from here.


1. What do you recommend to your group members?

While it may appear that Marshal has been using his medical condition to try and get out of work, it is important to take a step back and not jump to any conclusions. At this stage, I would like to know whether the photo posted on Facebook is a new or old photo; in order to do that, I would try to contact Marshal. Ideally, I would like to speak with him in a private and non-judgmental manner. If this is an old photo from when he was feeling better, then all is resolved. However, if it comes to light that this is a new photo, then I would ask him if he feels that his health has improved to the point where he can come back to the group to contribute. Just because he was able to attend one party, that does not necessarily mean that he is well enough to come back to school. Perhaps he has been discharged from hospital but is still recovering and went to the party to try to remain social to help with his mental health. If Marshal has been dishonest about his medical state, I would first encourage him to try to make up for this by returning to the group and completing the work that had been assigned to him. If he refuses to do so, then I would not hesitate to report the situation to the course professor. Additionally, regardless of Marshal’s situation, I would suggest that the group seek an extension from the professor, given the abrupt loss of a group member and the necessary re-distribution of workload. 

2. Do you think it is okay to report a concern to a supervisor based on a suspicion? Why or why not?

I think that, prior to reporting a concern, it would be my responsibility to investigate the legitimacy of the claim to the best of my abilities. If I find evidence to support that concern, then I would report it to a supervisor. Ultimately, the supervisor would use the provided evidence to further investigate the concern and approach the claim in an unbiased manner. Often, supervisors have more resources available to them to fully investigate such matters and to come to a rational and unbiased conclusion. 

3. Do you believe that one false or inappropriate post on social media can have a lasting effect on someone’s career? Explain your response.

I do believe that one false or inappropriate post can have a detrimental effect on someone’s career. A recent example involves Kevin Hart, a well-known comedian. He was scheduled to host the 2018 Oscars, when a series of old homophobic tweets re-surfaced from 2010. As a result, he decided to step down from hosting the Oscars, which would have been a great addition to an otherwise distinguished career. Posts on social media usually reflect our beliefs and, as such, are used to determine the moral calibre of a person. In this case, the posts were from 8 years ago, but expressing discriminatory views at any time can negatively impact someone. While I understand that individuals do change and grow with time, in this case, the burden of proof would be placed on Kevin Hart to show that he has changed – through his actions and specific views – before he is allowed to host any prestigious and public events again. 

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15 More CASPer Sample Questions with Expert Answers

Sample CASPer Scenario #6

You have a co-worker who is clinically diagnosed with depression. She calls in sick and unable to get out of bed very often. 6 months into the year, she has been away from work a total of 10 weeks. This is a small company with few employees, resulting in less productivity in the workplace. Moreover, she has become difficult to work with, as she is very sensitive and unable to accept any criticism.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What is going through your mind?
  • If you were the boss, what would you do?
  • Tell us about a time you had to support a friend or colleague during difficult times?

Click here to view the expert answers.

Sample CASPer Scenario #7

You are an employee at a company and over a period, you have observed harsh treatment towards a black co-worker. When asked, your boss says he is hard on her because he wants to see her improve her weaknesses and reach her full potential, however, it is perceived as discriminatory by not only you, but others in the office as well.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What is going through your mind?
  • What should you do?
  • What would you do if you were the employee being discriminated against?

Click here to view the expert answers.

Sample CASPer Scenario #8

There is a local bully, Thomas, who has been taunting children as they walk home from school and has been known to create a fearful environment for other children in the neighborhood. One day as he is troubling a group of innocent girls, Willy, a fellow classmate was fed up and punched the bully repeatedly. The bully was badly harmed and taken to hospital to get stitches, his parents are now asking who did this to him.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What should you do?
  • Is it acceptable for someone to do bad things for a good reason?
  • What are your thoughts on the philosophy, “one needs to have a taste of your own medicine”?

Click here to view the expert answers.

Sample CASPer Scenario #9

You are the captain of your high school basketball team. Your team has been preparing all season for regional championships, which are now one week away. You get a call from your mother, in distress, saying that her sister has died unexpectedly. This sister - your aunt - has not been close to the rest of the family and you barely know her. The funeral is on the same day as your regional championships, and the events are four hours apart by car and you do not have a driver's license.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • Do you attend the funeral or the basketball game? Why?
  • Describe a time when you had to make a similarly challenging decision.
  • What is your strategy for managing conflicting demands in your life? How did you develop this strategy?

Click here to view the expert answers.

Sample CASPer Scenario #10

Your best friend has recently approached you to join his new test preparation company. He tells you, "This is going to be super easy, because there are a lot of other companies out there that we could model. We should simply find the most successful company and do what they do best." You agree to join him as a co-founder.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • As you get involved, you notice that your friend is practically copying material from competitors and claiming the material as his own to speed up the growth of his business. How would you approach your friend about this?
  • Would you report a close friend or family member to superiors if you became aware of them acting unethically and/or illegally? Why or why not?
  • What are the implications of a practicing professional, such as a medical doctor, a nurse, or a pharmacist, acting unprofessionally, within or outside of his/her professional role?

Click here to view the expert answers.

Sample CASPer Scenario #11

Consider the following quote: "To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing." - Aristotle  

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • Describe what this quote means to you.
  • How is this quote important and relevant to your role as a future practicing professional?
  • Describe a time when you openly criticized a superior or an authority figure. What were the results of your actions? 

Click here to view the expert answers.

Sample CASPer Scenario #12

You are writing a final exam and all your classmates are hard at work answering questions. You briefly raise your head while thinking through an answer, and see one of your classmates on their phone. Each exam grade will not be weighted against the class performance, so if your classmate receives a particularly high grade, it will not affect the grade you ultimately receive.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What is going through your mind?
  • What should you do in this situation?
  • Describe a time when you witnessed unethical behavior. What did you do?

Click here to view the expert answers.

Sample CASPer Scenario #13

Anna is a Human Resources agent in a growing organization, she is also a very close friend to you. She has done an incredible job for the company and is well loved by all who work with her. You work in the accounting department and as you are reviewing an expense report, you begin to notice that there has been dubious spending on the company account. Including groceries, clothing and luxury items that were not approved by the company. Anna is the only person who has access to company funds, and reporting such a large offence will definitely result in her losing her job.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What is going through your mind?
  • What should you do?
  • Describe a time when you made an ethical decision that was not popular with others

Click here to view the expert answers.

CASPer Questions for Practice - Test Yourself!

Sample CASPer Scenario #14

In a hypothetical situation, you have been granted the opportunity to be the president of a nation for a day.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • Which country would you pick and why?
  • What policies would you change and why?
  • If you had to choose between power and money, which would you choose and why?

Sample CASPer Scenario #15

History shows that in the wake of an injustice in any community, supporters for a cause come together to rally, march or protest so relevant policies or systemic behaviors can be rectified. However, peaceful protests have sometimes turned into destructive riots, which result in property damage and death.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What are your thoughts on protests and riots?
  • In your opinion, what is the most effective way for civilian groups to influence unfair laws or policies?
  • Describe a time you stood up for something you thought was right. 

Sample CASPer Scenario #16

Tom has been raised in a privileged home, attending an incredible school, which allowed him to apply to the best Universities countrywide and gain admission to most. However, he decided he wants to make his own decisions, be independent, and become a social media influencer. Tom’s parents want the best for his future and urge him to accept a college offer.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What are your thoughts on this situation?
  • If you were Tom, what would you do?
  • “Education is the key to success”, what are your thoughts on this quote? 

Sample CASPer Scenario #17

You are an employee at a well-known retail company and your manager has instructed you to follow any Hispanic customers, as they have been known to shoplift in the store.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What are your thoughts on this?
  • If her observed patterns are true, is the act of following Hispanic customers justified?
  • What would be the best way to approach this situation with your manager?

Sample CASPer Scenario #18

Your close friend Savanna has been in your life for over ten years and is someone you trust deeply and consider family. Often times when she asks for a favor of you, you tell her she does not need to ask and she is entitled to what is yours as she is so close to you. You notice after a period of 8 months that you have had unusually high credit card bills. You finally take a look into your traction history and find that Savanna has been using your card to make personal purchases. Upon confronting her, she reminds you that you encouraged her to take what she needs without asking.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What is going through your mind?
  • What will you do?
  • “Clear communication is key to the success of any relationship” what are your thoughts on this statement.  

Sample CASPer Scenario #19

A church pastor hugs and kisses every congregation member. He is attentive to each of his churchgoers and does his best to have meaningful interactions with everyone he meets. One day it is announced that a group of women have accused him of sexual assault by inappropriate touching and unwanted advances. The reports describe his typically affectionate nature and usual greeting style.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What is going through your mind?
  • What would you do?
  • Describe a time you had to resolve conflict. 

Sample CASPer Scenario #20

A doctor in your ward is on duty and you notice that he is probably under the influence of alcohol as he is unable to walk upright, his eyes are bloodshot red, and he is stuttering his words. You have worked with him for a few years and know that he is a really good man who would not do this if not because of the recent loss of his wife of 15 years. It is not a busy night and you probably will not need him to stay much longer.

Sample CASPer Questions:

  • What is going through your mind?
  • What would you do?
  • If nothing bad has happened yet, should he be punished for his actions?


1. What’s the best way to prepare for CASPer?

The best way to prepare is to make sure you review expert CASPer sample questions and answers. This way, you will get a feel for the structure and strategies for answering different types of questions.


Typically, you will be asked a combination of situational, policy-based, and personal questions. Your strategy for each type of question should vary based on the CASPer test question categories and CASPer question types.


You will have 5 minutes to type and 1 minute to video record answers for the three questions in each station. You can treat these in the same way you treat video interviews, so prepare accordingly!


Test-takers will respond to 14 scenarios, and the test will take approximately 90-110 minutes to complete, with an optional 15-minute break.


You should take CASPER in the early stages of your medical school application timeline. CASPer will take 4-6 weeks to prepare for and you don’t want to waste valuable time during your application cycle.


Yes! While some might say this is an aspect of your application that cant be improved with outside help, a BeMo study found that CASPer is highly coachable.


While technically there are no wrong answers, inevitably some answers will be better than others. To improve your responses and your CASPer scores, you will need to review sample questions and answers, practice your own, and in some cases, sign up for professional CASPer prep.


There are many medical schools that do not require CASPer scores. The best way to find out if this will be a requirement is to look at the school’s admission requirements on its website.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting 

Disclaimer: CASPer stands for computer-based assessment for sampling personal characteristics and is claimed to be a trademark of McMaster & Altus. BeMo does not recommend, endorse nor affiliate with CASPer, Altus or McMaster and vice versa. BeMo only provides preparation services and practice tests. To take CASPer, contact Altus directly.

Please note: the first 5 questions are our interpretations of the video scenarios posted on the test administrator's website and can be viewed at The remaining questions are created by BeMo. Each respective source is the copyright owner and the material is shared here under the fair use clause of Copyright Act.

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