1 min read

I like to read a combination of fiction and non-fiction. At any given time, I will be reading one of each. Most recently, I read a World War II history book focusing on the region comprised of Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Romania, and the western edges of Russia. The author discusses the violent crimes of the German and Russian regimes, specifically within this region, which is often-neglected as far as historical publication goes. I also recently read a fiction novel set in post-World War II about a man who was captured by the Germans. It was a nice companion novel to go with the historical book, as the setting was the same, and the protagonist was a victim to some of the crimes discussed in detail in the latter book.

Reading is a great way for me to decompress from my studies and job. Some of my friends have asked why I read when I’m not studying, because we do enough of it as it is for school. But for me, reading different subjects is invigorating, not a chore. It gives me a chance to gain a new perspective, to learn new things that I can apply to my life, and to explore new worlds or ideas.

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