1 min read

How I study for exams depends on the subject. For humanities and social science classes, I first identify information that will be on the exam. Then, I will go through the textbook and mark relevant pages according to the topic they cover, using a color code. Then, I will read one of the sections, and again for a second time, taking notes on key ideas or concepts. I put this information into flashcards and then quiz myself on the terms or concepts. I repeat this strategy for all other sections.

For STEM classes, reading the textbook over again isn’t a very effective strategy in most cases. Unless I need to strengthen my understanding of a particular formula, equation, or concept, I won’t read the relevant textbook sections more than once, briefly. Then, I will find and complete the end of chapter practice questions. I will look back at my performance on past quizzes or exams and identify weak areas to improve upon. Applying my knowledge to practice questions, specifically to real-world applications, is the method I use to study for this group of subjects.

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