MMI interview coaching is an excellent opportunity to get used to the unique MMI format and polish your interview skills. If you are wondering how to prepare for MMI efficiently and effectively, you can consider an MMI interview prep course or MMI interview coaching to help you get ready. An MMI coach can provide you with the right guidance and arm you with the skills to stand out in your medical school interviews. In this blog, we will discuss how MMI coaching can help you in your prep and what you can expect from a coaching session. Lastly, we will discuss why BeMo's MMI prep coaching is best for you. Let’s get started!

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Article Contents
6 min read

Why is MMI Hard? How Can MMI Interview Coaching Help You? What Happens in MMI Interview Coaching? Why BeMo's MMI Interview Coaching is the Best? Conclusion FAQs

Why is MMI Hard?

Medical school admissions committees are looking out for holistic individuals with both academic and character excellence. Your GPA and MCAT score demonstrate your academic skills; your written application components, such as your medical school personal statement, AMCAS work and activities, as well as your references, demonstrate your journey and appropriate skills. Now, it's time for the admissions committee to evaluate your communication skills, analytical skills, thought process, and maturity in engaging with real-world situations. To do this, medical school admission committees use a variety of situational judgment tests and interview formats, such as the MMI.

You might consider MMI hard because it requires you to imagine yourself in several situations and come up with the answer. The actual structure of the interview goes in this way- you will read the prompt on the door and have some minutes to brainstorm your response. Then, you will enter the room and answer in front of the interviewer. Finally, you leave the room when the time limit finishes. You will encounter many different types of multiple mini interview questions and the most common ones include:

Scenario questions

These questions involve a hypothetical situation with a specific role for you. You have to describe what plan of action you would take in this scenario. These questions would involve situations posing an ethical dilemma, so you should know how to prepare for ethical questions in a medical school interview.

Consider this example:

You are the Head of Senior Management at a reputed hospital and are faced with a shortage of funds for running the hospital. A big brand of alcohol wishes to offer you funds, on the condition that you will have their advertising boards in the hospital. What do you do?

Policy questions

These questions test your ability on the understanding of current events and policies. In the answers, you are expected to demonstrate a balanced perspective on the issue, so you should know how to ace policy type questions.

For example,

Do you think that current health policy is adequate to provide healthcare facilities to all the sections of society?

Acting questions

In these questions, you have to enter a station where an actor will be waiting for you, and you will have to act out the scenario mentioned in the question prompt. While preparing the best strategies to ace multiple mini interview MMI acting station scenario, you must keep in mind that you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the situation and a genuine willingness to find actionable solutions to the problem presented. 

Let’s understand this with the help of an example:

You are on a casual coffee meeting with your colleague from work. Enter the room and speak to them.

Want to see a quick summary of some points we'll touch on later on in this blog? Take a look at this infographic:

Personal questions

As the name suggests, these are the questions related to your personality and background. These questions are asked to understand your core values and how you match with the values of the school. For example, you might be asked questions such as what is your greatest limitation or weakness or why do you want to become a doctor.

Quirky questions

Quirky questions fall under the category of weird medical interview questions, and the interviewers wish to evaluate your personal attributes from these types of questions.

For example,

If you could be any color, which color would you choose and why?

Writing questions

These questions require you to write the answers instead of responding verbally. While going through MMI writing station examples can give you a better idea of what to expect in these questions, here’s one example to get you started:

What is one thing that you wish you could change about your past?

Collaborative questions

These questions require you to work in a group to solve a problem. If you wish to ace multiple mini interview collaboration/team work stations, you should know how to collaborate and work with others.

Thus, preparing for several questions is tough, and you might not be able to come up with a strategy all by yourself. In such a case, MMI interview coaches can assist you in your interview prep. 

MMI collaboration stations are never easy! If you're nervous about this station and are looking for some tips for success, see this video:

How Can MMI Interview Coaching Help You?

MMI interview preparation is more than figuring out answers to questions. You must develop your critical thinking and communication skills to perform well in MMIs. MMI interview coaching will provide you with appropriate guidance and enough practice to create a system for addressing questions you might encounter in each interview station.

Let’s take a look at how MMI interview coaching helps you in your journey to a successful MMI at your dream med school:

What Happens in MMI Interview Coaching?

So, with so many tasks ahead of you, how can MMI interview coaching help? What kind of services and help do they provide that you cannot find or accomplish on your own? Let’s deep dive into this by looking at the following:

Interview strategy training sessions

In your MMI prep training sessions, you can get advice from experts on planning your interview strategy. Your coach will evaluate your current level of performance through initial discussions and mock sessions. Based on this performance, they would work with you to develop strategies to improve your speed, accuracy, and problem-solving approach.

Appropriate interview etiquette

Your coach will guide you in presenting your best self on the interview day. They will help you with questions such as what to wear to your medical school interview, how to address your interviewers, when to make eye contact, and other behavior necessary for making a good impression. 

Mock simulations for practice

You will be better prepared to face the MMI if you use mock sessions to get ready. Enrolling in an MMI prep coaching gives you access to mock med school interviews that simulate realistic MMIs. This experience helps you understand what to expect in your actual interview and prepare accordingly. 

Feedback on your performance

You will receive personalized feedback from your MMI interview prep coach on your progress through regular review sessions. Feedback will help you gauge how long to prepare for your medical school interview and build your confidence for the actual interview day!

This helpful video goes over an example MMI question, stellar response, and analysis. It even includes 8 tips to keep in mind when responding:

Why BeMo's MMI Interview Coaching is the Best?

Now that you know how MMI interview coaching can help you, it’s time to tell you why you should choose BeMo’s MMI interview coaching with the help of data. 

In one of our previous studies on the coachability of MMI, CASPer, and interviews, we discovered that the MMI and CASPer practice scores of students increased by 23-27% on average with BeMo preparation programs. With these findings, we decided to go one step further and expand the number of our subjects. We also updated the methodologies to provide further proof on this topic. In the new study on the effectiveness of BeMo CASPer review and MMI review programs, we discovered that MMI practice scores increased 42.3% on average. Thus, according to these findings, we believe that situational tests are coachable just like other tests and can be taught and improved with practice, as our studies prove. 

Apart from the numbers, here are some more reasons why you should enroll for BeMo’s MMI interview prep:


It's not easy to figure out how to prepare a strategy for clearing the MMIs due to their complex nature. You need the right guidance to develop your skills to a level where you can figure out answers to any question directed at you. Thus, it is always a great option to get professional guidance from experts who have the experience helping out applicants like you over the years. A professional MMI interview coach can help you determine your baseline and then work with you in building the best approach to perform well in your exam. Remember, there is a zero scope of error in your MMIs because your performance in these interviews leads to your acceptance or rejection at your dream med school. So, now that you know it, why not head over to the BeMo MMI prep program and check out our awesome Free 5-School Challenge™ + No B.S. Free Repeat™ guarantees to help you conquer MMIs with confidence!


1. Should I get coaching for MMI interviews?

MMIs involve complex situation-based questions which you might find hard to crack without expert guidance. With MMI interview coaching, you can get professional help in understanding how to prepare your strategies to succeed in your MMIs. Additionally, you can practice with mock interviews to understand what happens in an actual MMI. 

2. How should I prepare for MMI interviews?

It’s very important to understand different types of MMI interview questions and to develop a way of approaching them. If you find it challenging to develop solid answer strategies on your own, work with your coach to develop them. Make sure to practice your answers strategies by using mock interviews and receiving personalized feedback from your coach.

3. Why do I need coaching for MMI interviews?

An MMI coach helps you in identifying your strong and weak areas. This is crucial for a stellar performance because you will know exactly what areas to work on in your MMI prep.

4. Is MMI hard?

Due to the unique format of the MMIs, they are considered to be hard.

5. Is MMI interview coaching worth it?

Yes, MMI interview coaching is worth it because it provides you exposure to all types of questions that you might encounter in your actual interview. While it is true that no one can correctly predict MMI interview questions, it is always best to determine the types of questions you can face and be prepared with suitable answer strategies.

6. How much does MMI interview coaching cost?

MMI interview coaching programs are offered in different price ranges and you can choose a program that suits your budget.

7. How long should I prepare for MMI interviews?

Ideally, we recommend you dedicate a minimum preparation time of 8 to 10 weeks to succeed in MMI interviews, but it is great to start as early as you can.

8. What do med schools look for in MMI interviews?

MMIs evaluate skills such as communication, social behavior, critical thinking, problem solving, writing, and teamwork. Your performance in MMIs shows the interviews how you are likely to perform.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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