Is a CASPer test prep course worth it? This question occurs to many students who are facing the CASPer test as an admissions requirement to a professional education program. This situational judgment test is a part of the Altus Suite assessment tool, which has recently become a popular addition to the admissions process in higher education institutes in the US and Canada. The unusual format and tricky requirements for the test, and the nature of CASPer questions often make it a challenging test to prepare for. A CASPer test prep course can help you get the skills and confidence you need to ace this test. In this blog, we’ll explore how a CASPer test prep course can help you, whether you need one and how to find the ideal prep course for you.

Disclaimer: CASPer stands for computer-based assessment for sampling personal characteristics and is claimed to be a trademark of McMaster & Altus. BeMo does not recommend, endorse nor affiliate with CASPer, Altus or McMaster and vice versa. BeMo only provides preparation services and practice tests. To take CASPer, contact Altus directly.

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How Important is CASPer Test Prep? Do You Need a CASPer Test Prep Course? How to Find the BEST CASPer Test Prep Course Benefits of Taking a CASPer Test Prep Course FAQs

How Important is CASPer Prep?

CASPer stands for Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics. As the name suggests, this test is a situational judgment test, and evaluates the non-academic, non-cognitive skills that cannot be easily judged via candidates’ applications alone.

CASPer is used by a variety of professional programs including nursing schools, medical schools in the US and medical schools in Canada, veterinary programs, dental schools in the US, dental schools in Canada and medical residency programs (to name just a few). It can help admissions committees and program directors get a better idea of your suitability for the profession you are entering or studying for. Amongst other things, CASPer tests your professionalism, maturity, ethical decision-making, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability under pressure.

Is it Possible to Prepare for CASPer?

Since CASPer is a test that assesses your soft skills, many students experience some confusion about how exactly they can prepare for this test. Unlike your MCAT study schedule or any traditional test prep, your CASPer test prep won’t include any textbooks with complex scientific concepts and review materials. This makes it difficult to know how exactly you can maximize your chances of getting a good CASPer score.

Many students seek a CASPer test prep course because the assessment is a complete unknown, which is why BeMo student Alina decided on a prep course.

“This [was] my first year ever writing CASPer and I wasn't 100% sure how to approach the exam so I was looking for a prep that would help me not only learn a little bit more about what CASPer is but specifically what it tests on [and] how to best bring my strength into the exam.” – Alina, BeMo student

One of the biggest myths you find promoted in CASPer test Reddit and other online forums is that it’s very easy to prepare for or you can’t prepare for it at all! These claims are based on subjective opinions.

In fact, we conducted a study of our own to test this hypothesis and found a significantly positive coaching effect on CASPer. We studied groups of participants doing different types of interview prep, and found that BeMo CASPer review and MMI review programs helped substantially improve students’ performance in mock interview/test environments. Participants’ CASPer practice scores increased by 40.4%, proving that with the right preparation and coaching, you too can increase your CASPer score. Like with any other test, you can work hard to improve yourself so you can put your best foot forward! Like with any other test, the CASPer evaluates specific skills and even though these are soft skills, they are highly coachable.

The CASPer test is like any other admissions component – you definitely need to put in some time to research and prepare for this test. CASPer test prep helps you get familiar and comfortable with the test format and develop the skills essential to a successful performance. Going in unprepared can set you up for a disappointing performance, which could end up being the deciding factor in whether or not your application is accepted!

Check out this infographic for info on CASPer Reddit:

Do You Need a CASPer Test Prep Course?

As we said above, CASPer test prep is important, but so is getting the right type of coaching to ensure you’re developing the right skills, and not just wasting your time and effort practicing blindly without knowing how effective your CASPer prep is.

Rather than “practice makes perfect”, the more accurate saying should be “perfect practice makes perfect.” Rather than focusing merely on “hard work”, focus on how to make the most of the time you spend on CASPer prep. That’s why a CASPer test prep course conducted by experienced, qualified professions can be important – to help you focus on your specific strengths and weaknesses and get customized, targeted guidance for improvement.

If you’re still on the fence about whether a CASPer test prep course is worth it, here are a few factors you should consider before you decide if you need a CASPer test prep course or not:

1. How Comfortable Are You With CASPer’s Format?

CASPer is an online pre-recorded test involving 14 different scenarios with follow-up questions, which you have to answer within a specified amount of time.

The test is divided into 2 sections: in the first, you will be required to provide a verbal/video-recorded response to 2 follow-up questions after each scenario. In the second section, you will be required to provide typed responses to 3 follow-up questions for each prompt.

Going into the test blind, without any previous preparation or practice, can present many challenges: you may not be able to understand the question and assess what’s required of you, you may find it difficult to respond eloquently within the given time frame, you could be confused about how to structure your answer, and you may not know what the contents of your answer should focus on.

Jenna, a BeMo student who had to take CASPer as part of her application, explained why CASPer test prep sessions made a huge difference when it came to getting familiar with CASPer and how to approach the test.

“My one-on-one session … was helpful and gave me more insight [into] the CASPer test and how to answer the questions … I was feeling overwhelmed with the length of each answer. [My BeMo consultant] clarified the main points that I needed to hit to get a competitive score … I was quite nervous about the session and overwhelmed at the beginning, [the session] made me feel so comfortable as he was nonjudgmental. By the end of the session, I was completely comfortable and confident in answer sample questions.” – Jenna, BeMo student

A CASPer test prep course which offers numerous mock CASPer simulations allows you to overcome these challenges and get comfortable with the test format. As you decide whether or not to take a CASPer test prep, ask yourself if you’re absolutely confident about handling the CASPer test format. If the answer is no, then a CASPer test prep course with realistic CASPer simulations could be the right choice for you.

Do you really need a CASPer test prep course? Find out in our video:

2. Do You Have the Right Strategies to Answer Any CASPer Question?

The unique timed format of the CASPer test means that you won’t get much time to understand the scenarios, analyze the questions, and respond effectively. As you’re facing a computer rather than a person, there’s no scope for clemency here. If you freeze up or mess up, you won’t get extra time, and you won’t get a chance to re-record your answers.

Moreover, there’s no way to predict exactly which type of CASPer test questions and scenarios you might get. Even if you get a CASPer personal question, you may not know how to answer this question type effectively. That’s why you need to develop expert strategies to help you tackle the various types of CASPer questions you might face. You should know how to analyze different scenarios, how to structure your answer for each type of question, and how to highlight the competencies and qualities of an ideal candidate. Plus, you need to be able to do this in a very short amount of time on the real CASPer.

BeMo student Dewmini was able to master the CASPer’s intense timing by learning to maximize the effectiveness of her CASPer responses.

“[My BeMo consultant] not only gave me tips on concise writing that has reduced my time spent, she also provided me with guidelines and key words to add to strengthen my answers. She also gave me effective homework based on my weaknesses.” – Dewmini, BeMo student

Through a CASPer test prep course, you can get tried and tested expert strategies to tackle different types of CASPer questions and access to lots of sample questions and answers. This allows you to practice in a consistent, efficient manner, until you’re able to naturally and easily apply the strategies to give impressive answers. If you’re going through a few sample CASPer questions and find yourself increasingly confused about the “right” answers, then a CASPer test prep course could help you.

3. How Much Time Do You Have Before Your CASPer Test Date?

A CASPer prep course could be useful if you’re strapped for time. CASPer prep courses can give you customized guidance to help you learn strategies to ace the CASPer test and improve your communication skills in varying timelines. However, remember that interview skills take time to develop, so we would generally recommend that you don’t wait till the last minute to sign up for CASPer test prep. Particularly if you have questions about the test, some expert guidance can help.

Even a small amount of CASPer test prep can make a difference, as Hailey, a successful BeMo student, found even though she had little time before her CASPer test date.

“[My consultant] clarified so many questions I had about the test and worked with me step-by-step to understand how I can prepare for the test. He was so understanding and patient … [He] helped me work through practice problems with the correct answers, preparing me for the test. I took the test and it would not have gone as smoothly as it did if I didn't have the extremely helpful tips he provided me.” – Hailey, BeMo student

Are you now wondering how long does it take to prepare for CASPer? Well, while there is no universally applicable “ideal” CASPer prep time, typically, most students need at least 6 to 8 weeks to prepare for CASPer. Some students may need just 2 or 3 weeks, depending on their existing skills and preparedness, while others may need up to 12 weeks. However, it’s better to put in even 1 or 2 weeks of CASPer prep effort rather than not do any prep at all! CASPer test prep courses can help you make the most of this short amount of time and get ready for the test as soon as possible.

Considering a CASPer test prep course? See this infographic:

How to Find the Best CASPer Test Prep Course

If, after evaluating your strengths and weaknesses, you decide to sign up for a CASPer test prep course, make sure you find a good one that can actually help you improve yourself with proven strategies, expert advice and effective prep.

Here are a few key features you should look for to identify a good CASPer test prep course:

1. Expert CASPer Strategies

Make sure you sign up for a CASPer test prep course that offers coaching only from qualified professionals with in-depth knowledge of the CASPer test and proven experience in coaching students to success.

Check their student testimonials and reviews to understand what kind of coaching they offer. Before you sign up, do your research to check if they can help you develop strategies to deal with the difficult CASPer test format, how to tackle different types of questions, how to structure your answers, and how to deal with your interview day nerves.

Allison, a current student at Dell Medical School and BeMo student, says having a set of strategies can take away some of the anxiety of writing the test, and even help you stand out as a strong applicant by strengthening your test performance.

“Even though you don't know what the situation that they're going to present you with is and you don't know what the question is or what it's going to be asking, they can fit into these categories and you can … have like a template in your head of if I get a policy question these are the three bullet points I want to address … having a little bit of not necessarily studying but preparation you can not only know what you're doing but also make yourself kind of stand out as an applicant.” – Allison, BeMo student and current student at Dell Medical School


Dr. Tony Huynh, DO, one of our admissions experts, agrees that if he could go back to his own CASPer test prep, having concrete strategies and prep tools would make a difference.

“I did not approach the [CASPer] questions as methodically as BeMo teaches its students but instead I created a relatively similar answer style to these questions (i.e. prioritizing elements, mentioning solutions, highlighting ethics/action items) … I really appreciate BeMo’s strategies in CASPER and MMI preparation. If I could hypothetically go back, I would approach my practice using a lot of the strategies we teach. Namely, the answer framework and multiple mock sessions.” Dr. Tony Huynh, DO


2. Realistic Mock Test Simulations

For a test like CASPer, it’s simply not enough to practice with sample questions, and learn basic strategies related to how to answer questions. Practicing in a realistic environment via mock CASPer simulations is essential! This helps you get comfortable with the test format, master strategies to tackle different types of questions, and gain confidence in your communication and professional skills.

Our students agree that realistic mock tests are the best practice when it comes to preparing for this test! Nothing will give you an idea of what the CASPer test is like the way a mock session or CASPer simulation will.

“Just watching videos online and reading articles is not enough to really understand how to work through these CASPer scenarios-- having someone give you real-time feedback is so important in the learning process, and [BeMo] was excellent. I learned so much from [my BeMo expert] and feel so much more confident and clear about how to improve and prepare for the test.” – BeMo student


“BeMo's [CASPer] SIM review sessions are the reason I decided to purchase a plan. I knew that one-on-one feedback would be incredibly valuable in studying for the CASPer test and I wasn't wrong. I had a fantastic experience in my first review session … [I was] led me through the questions and [was taught] the correct structures with which to answer questions and [my instructor] was very encouraging when it was my turn to try the strategies for myself. Not only this, she was very thorough in explaining how she graded my responses.” – Caresse, BeMo student

Considering how the CASPer test is scored, familiarity with the test format is a must to help you avoid test day nerves and answer questions in the most efficient way possible.

Want to see a realistic mock CASPer test session? Check it out:

3. Personalized Expert Feedback

The key to success on your CASPer test is getting customized feedback for your CASPer sample answers and mock CASPer simulation performance. It’s not easy to identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and to be able to analyze what you’re doing wrong, especially with a situational judgement test that evaluates the “intangible” personal qualities such as integrity, morality, ability to stay calm under pressure, etc. Speaking with a CASPer expert can teach you to identify your weaknesses and how to overcome them.

A good CASPer test prep course will combine mock CASPer simulations with personalized guidance and feedback that helps you identify your specific areas for improvement. It should provide strategies to help you and develop long-term skills and materially improve your score based on proven CASPer test scoring metrics.

BeMo student Samia shared how a personalized approach really addressed her specific weaknesses and provided her strategies to overcome them:

“We really took the time to target the weak points of my answers and to structure them according to the different types of questions. Also, being a person who writes slowly on the computer, I really appreciated the fact that I was given strategies to provide much more concise answers. I really appreciated the meeting with the expert since now I have trusted tools from which I could base myself to improve my performance in the CASPer test.” – Samia, BeMo student


I want to take this opportunity to address the myth that there’s no right or wrong answers in a test like CASPer. While it’s true that there’s no “textbook” right answer, there are still accurate and inaccurate answers. Otherwise, what is the point of scoring the test? This score is based on how well you demonstrate your suitability for your future profession. It’s not enough to just read the CASPer scenario and questions and address the question being asked! You’ll have no idea of where you stand or how much you have progressed without customized feedback from CASPer experts.

Benefits of Taking a CASPer Test Prep Course

Signing up for a reliable CASPer test prep course isn’t just about getting access to realistic mock simulations or sample CASPer questions; there are numerous benefits, both short-term and long-term, for you to consider.

Let’s understand some of these benefits:

Improve Your CASPer Score

The immediate benefit of taking a good CASPer test prep course is that you’ll be maximizing your chances of achieving a good CASPer score. As we discussed earlier, CASPer plays an important role in the application process and your CASPer score could be the deciding factor between you and another equally academically talented and qualified candidate. Knowing there are proven ways to increase your CASPer score, and your acceptance chances, can really boost your confidence overall, as our students have found:

“[My BeMo expert’s] feedback focused both on the content and delivery of my answers, and provided very specific goals for me to practice towards. I left the session feeling confident in knowing that I can score better on my CASPer test.” – BeMo student

Improve Your Professional Behavior

A good CASPer test prep course can help you master the basic concepts of professional behavior and decision making that you need to know for your future profession. There’s a reason why admissions committees place so much importance on this knowledge. You will need this level of ethical understanding if you want to be successful in your chosen field.

[My consultant’s] feedback was extremely personalized and helpful. He helped me to (1) better organize my answers, (2) improve my … answers and (3) understand the importance of linking my skills to a future career in medicine.” – BeMo student

Cultivate Life-long Skills

Though you might start your CASPer test prep feeling extremely nervous, consistent practice with sample questions, mock CASPer simulations, and expert feedback can help you to overcome these test day nerves and develop strategies to stay calm, cool, and collected under pressure. In fact, communication skills are essential to acing the CASPer test, which is why any excellent CASPer test prep course will help you develop and refine your communication skills. In your academic and professional life, you will always need qualities like great communication, good decision making, ability to stay calm under pressure, and the ability to answer questions rationally and thoughtfully.

“[My BeMo expert] helped me to link the scenario to my Occupational Therapy career. She suggest[ed] I find a way to express the problems from the simulation to my future career issues. I also learned how to explain my ideas more easily and professionally. – BeMo student


1. Is it even possible to prepare for the CASPer test?

Yes, absolutely! It’s a myth that you can’t prepare for the CASPer test, and studies have shown that with the right coaching, you can see a substantial improvement in your CASPer scores. The CASPer evaluates your soft skills and personal suitability for your future profession, and you can definitely work towards improving these general skills, as well as preparing for the specific CASPer test format and questions.

2. Do I need a CASPer test prep course?

Only you can make this decision! Before you decide, analyze your strengths and weaknesses and the specific requirements of the program you’re applying to. Consider a few factors: are you comfortable with the CASPer test format? Do you know the different types of CASPer test scenarios and questions, and how to answer them? Do you have strong professional skills? How much time do you have till your CASPer test? Based on this information, you can decide how beneficial a CASPer test prep course can be for you. Just remember that this decision should be based only on your analysis of your personal requirements. Don’t pay attention to misinformation on the internet and biased opinions expressed in Reddit premed forums. A good CASPer test prep course isn’t just about “improving your score”; there are so many long-term skills you can gain in this process. Consider it more as an investment in yourself rather than an expenditure.

3. How I identify a good CASPer test prep course?

A good CASPer test prep course offers the services of CASPer experts who can provide you with proven strategies to tackle different types of questions and help you to structure and refine your answers. Make sure you get access to multiple mock CASPer simulations that will let you participate in practice CASPer tests in a realistic test environment and format. Most crucially, a good CASPer test prep course will offer customized feedback to help you identify your areas for improvement, as well as strategies to build the skills you, personally, need to do well in the CASPer test.

4. What are the long-term benefits of taking a CASPer test prep course?

Expert CASPer coaching can help you improve your communication and interview skills and develop the qualities you need to do well in your future profession, such as ethical reasoning, effective decision making, ability to stay calm under pressure, ability to assess difficult situations and provide unbiased opinions, and so on. These skills aren’t easy to develop! However, once you have them, they will stay with you for life, and can help you in your future academic, professional, and personal endeavors.

5. How long do I need to prepare for the CASPer test?

We recommend spending between 8 to 12 weeks to prepare for the CASPer test. Some students, who already have excellent communication skills, could take less time, while others who need more intensive coaching, could take longer. Giving yourself enough time to prep for the CASPer test is crucial, so that you can build the skills you need to do well in this test.

6. Should I use online forums such as Reddit for CASPer prep?

We would not recommend this CASPer prep strategy. There’s certainly a huge amount of information on the internet related to CASPer test prep, but it’s very difficult to know which strategies and tips are actually effective and which ones are based on inaccurate information. And remember that random posters on the internet do not know you, personally. They can’t help you identify your specific strengths and show you how to work on your weaknesses. Their advice is based only on their own experiences, so their opinions are entirely subjective. Even if they’re well-meaning, following this kind of unverified advice could backfire on you and leave you with a disappointing CASPer score.

7. How can I prepare for the CASPer test?

The first step is to do your research about the CASPer test format, requirements, length, how it’s scored, what it is evaluating, etc. Next, try practicing with a few sample CASPer questions to see how comfortable you feel with the test format and how well you’re able to answer the questions in the set amount of time.

You can consider taking a CASPer test prep course to help you plan out your CASPer prep in a structured, systematic way, with mock CASPer simulations, practice questions, strategies to tackle different types of questions, and customized feedback to help you identify what you’re doing wrong and how to improve it. Remember that it’s not easy to judge your own progress when it comes to a tricky test like the CASPer, so consider all the pros and cons before deciding if you should sign up a CASPer test prep course.

8. Is the CASPer test mandatory for all professional programs?

No! The CASPer test is commonly used in nursing, dental, veterinary, and medical school application processes, however, it is not a universal admissions requirement. From your list of target programs, you should check which are the schools that use the CASPer test to confirm whether or not you need to prepare for this test. You can check the program websites and admissions requirements.

To your success,

Your friends at BeMo

BeMo Academic Consulting

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