GMAT sample questions are essential for your GMAT prep, as learning all about the various question types asked on the GMAT is key to getting a high GMAT score. There are four distinct sections on the classic GMAT – Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing – but the new GMAT Focus exam has only three, which we’ll explore in this article. But we’ll provide GMAT sample questions for the classic GMAT format, as both MBA programs in the US and MBA programs in Canada still require all four sections for the upcoming application cycle.

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GMAT Questions: Quantitative Reasoning GMAT Questions: Verbal Reasoning GMAT Questions: Integrated Reasoning GMAT Questions: Analytical Writing FAQs

GMAT Questions: Quantitative Reasoning

# of Questions: 31

# of Sub-Sections: 2

# of Questions per Sub-section: 14 or 15

The Quantitative Reasoning section of the GMAT assesses your ability to analyze and solve mathematical problems, similar to the GRE section with the same name, which is what makes it one of the more challenging sections on the GMAT, especially for people from non-quantitative backgrounds. The classic GMAT exam has two sub-sections within the QR section: Problem-Solving and Data Sufficiency; however, the new GMAT Focus exam has moved Data Sufficiency to a new section – Data Insights – so now the only section in QR is Problem-Solving.

GMAT Questions: Problem-Solving

In the Problem-Solving questions, you will encounter mathematical scenarios that require you to apply your quantitative skills to arrive at a solution. These questions often involve arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis, although geometry is being removed from the new GMAT Focus exam. The objective with Problem-Solving questions is straightforward; your task is to analyze the information given, identify the relevant concepts, and choose the correct solution from the five provided answer choices.

Problem-Solving questions not only test your mathematical proficiency but also your ability to use logical reasoning to solve real-world problems. Data Sufficiency questions are a little different; DS questions are more similar to LSAT logic games, as you are presented with a scenario, a question and two statements. Your objective is to determine whether the information provided in the statements is sufficient to answer the question, which you confirm by choosing one of the five answer statements that accompany every DS question; you have to do the “calculating” in your head.

GMAT Questions: Data Sufficiency

Data Sufficiency questions are unique to the GMAT. They evaluate your ability to assess the adequacy of data rather than to calculate a specific result. DS questions require you to consider whether each statement, individually or combined, provides enough information to answer the question. For the Problem-Solving section, the key to answering these questions is to have a solid understanding of mathematical concepts, formulas, and problem-solving techniques.

You can practice on your own by looking over sample math formulas, understanding fractions and integers, and how to calculate using unknown values. For DS questions, it is important to understand what the question stem is asking and how it relates to the answer statements you have to choose from. This involves analyzing the information provided in each statement to determine if it allows for a unique solution.

But remember that you do not need to calculate for any DS questions; there may be exceptions. Basically, what you’re doing with DS is understanding the relationships between the question stem and the five answer statements and determining sufficiency, or insufficiency; you should avoid solving for precise values unless absolutely necessary.

GMAT Sample Questions: Practice Problem-Solving Questions



GMAT Questions: Verbal Reasoning

# of Questions: 31

# of Sub-Sections: 3

# of Questions per Sub-section: 12

The Verbal Reasoning section of the GMAT assesses your proficiency in understanding and analyzing written material, evaluating arguments, and recognizing the nuances of the English language, which is why LSAT reading comprehension strategies can help you with this section. This section is designed to measure your ability to comprehend and evaluate information presented in various formats. It consists of three main sub-sections: Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, and Critical Reasoning.

The new GMAT Focus only features Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning; Sentence Correction will no longer appear on future GMAT tests. In the Reading Comprehension sub-section, you are presented with passages covering diverse topics, ranging from social sciences to natural sciences and humanities. The primary goal is to assess your ability to comprehend and analyze complex information, discern main ideas, infer meaning, and identify the author’s tone and purpose.

Sentence Correction evaluates your command over English grammar and usage, but it also requires you have excellent attention to detail, as even subtle errors can impact the correctness of the chosen answer. In this sub-section, you’ll read sentences with an underlined portion, and you must identify the grammatically correct and logically sound revision among the answer choices; it sounds easy, but many test- takers bemoan how subtle the differences and meanings are between the answer choices, as they seem to be correct, even if they are not.

Critical Reasoning questions require a combination of analytical skills and logical reasoning. It is essential to decipher the underlying logic of the presented arguments, recognize the strengths and weaknesses, and select responses that demonstrate a sound evaluation of the given information. You need to develop particular skills for each of these sub-sections, but, at the same time, skills used in one section can also be applied to others. For example, a solid grasp of English grammar rules and sentence construction is crucial for both Sentence Correction and Critical Reasoning. While logical reasoning skills and the ability to dissect arguments effectively are important for both Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning.

In GMAT test-prep courses, you’ll be taught to practice by reading diverse materials, both academic and non-academic, to enhance your comprehension abilities. But you don’t have to only read them. You can write a set of comprehension questions, such as “what is the author trying to say?” or practice summarizing the main arguments of the article in your own words and get someone to check your answers.



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GMAT Questions: Integrated Reasoning

# of Questions: 31

# of Sub-Sections: 4

# of Questions per Sub-section: 6

The Integrated Reasoning section of the GMAT is probably the most business-related sections of the GMAT. It is designed to assess your ability to analyze and synthesize information from various sources, evaluate data in different formats, and make sound decisions based on complex data sets, which are basically the everyday tasks of most business executives. This section consists of four question types:

  • Graphics Interpretation
  • Table Analysis
  • Multi-Source Reasoning
  • Two-Part Analysis

Together, these question types evaluate your skills in data interpretation, quantitative reasoning, and critical thinking with the objective of preparing you for the types of challenges you’ll face in real-world business scenarios; IR is the GMAT section with the most sub-sections for this reason. In Graphics Interpretation question types, you encounter a graphical representation such as a chart, graph, or diagram, and your task is to interpret the information presented.

This may involve manipulating data, estimating values, and drawing conclusions. Table Analysis questions have similar goals as Graphics Interpretation with the only difference being you must interpret and analyze data presented in a tabular format. Like with Graphics Interpretation, in TA, you are asked to draw conclusions, make comparisons, and answer questions based on the information provided.

Multi-Source Reasoning question types try to simulate the complex decision-making processes encountered in professional settings, where you have to absorb, interpret and synthesize information from a diverse set of sources to reach practical and logical conclusions. The Two-Part Analysis is also a type of simulation where your ability to solve problems by evaluating two interrelated components is assessed.

These question types are similar to the Data Sufficiency questions, in that you are presented with a question accompanied by two statements, and your task is to determine whether each statement, on its own or in combination, provides sufficient information to answer the question.

GMAT Sample Questions: Integrated Reasoning

Graph Title: Monthly Sales of Electronic Devices in a Retail Store (January to June)

GMAT Questions: Analytical Writing

# of Questions: 1 written essay

# of Sub-Sections: 1

# of Questions per Sub-section: 1 prompt

The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section of the GMAT was once considered a critical component of the GMAT, but it will no longer appear on future GMAT exams. Many test-takers decried the need for an analytical writing section on the GMAT, as nearly all MBA programs rely more on quantitative analysis than communicative or writing skills, although communication skills are still important to business programs.

You typically get enough practice for your writing and communication skills by having to write all your MBA admissions essays, MBA statement of purpose, and MBA personal statement, so having to write another essay for the GMAT seemed superfluous. Even still, many of the top business schools in the US, such as Harvard Business School, will still require you to submit an Analytical Writing essay with your application.

Fortunately, unlike the LSAT writing sample, which previously consisted of two sections and will also be shortened in future tests, the GMAT Analytical Writing section consists of only one task: the Analysis of an Argument. You are presented with a brief argument and asked to critique its logical validity by identifying any assumptions, weaknesses, or logical fallacies. Your task is to identify flaws in the reasoning, assess the soundness of the evidence provided, and construct a well-reasoned response.

In this section, your writing skills and ability to present a clear and persuasive argument are assessed. This task is not about expressing your personal opinions; rather, it assesses your ability to evaluate the strength of an argument based on its logical structure and evidence. The question format will let you choose from a series of prompts; you will also see a paragraph that summarizes your objectives in this task:

“Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.”

Sample Analytical Writing Essay #1

Sample Prompt:

“The common notion that workers are generally apathetic about management issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that 79 percent of the nearly 1,200 workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign of benefits programs.”

Sample Essay:

The argument presented posits that the common belief in worker apathy toward management issues is unfounded, or at least outdated. It bases this assertion on the results of a recently published survey, claiming that 79 percent of nearly 1,200 workers expressed a high level of interest in corporate restructuring and the redesign of benefits programs. While the survey results appear compelling at first glance, a closer examination reveals several critical flaws in the argument's line of reasoning and use of evidence.

Firstly, the argument assumes that a high level of interest in survey topics directly translates to an active engagement in management issues. However, this is a questionable assumption, as interest alone does not necessarily indicate a proactive stance or informed understanding. Workers may express interest in topics for various reasons, including curiosity, concern for personal well-being, or even a sense of duty without actively participating in decision-making or expressing opinions on management issues.

Furthermore, the argument lacks information regarding the demographics and employment levels of the surveyed workers. Without such context, it is challenging to assess the representativeness of the survey results. For instance, if the majority of respondents are from a specific industry or occupation, the survey's applicability to a broader workforce becomes questionable. A more comprehensive survey that encompasses a diverse range of workers from various sectors would strengthen the argument's validity.

Additionally, the argument does not consider the possibility of social desirability bias in the survey responses. Workers may feel compelled to express a high level of interest in management issues, particularly if they perceive such interest as favorable or expected. To address this concern, the argument could benefit from including a measure to assess the sincerity of respondents' expressions of interest, such as follow-up questions to gauge the depth of their understanding or willingness to actively contribute to management discussions.

To enhance the logical soundness of the argument, it would be prudent to include comparative data from previous surveys or industry benchmarks. Without a historical context or baseline data, it is challenging to determine whether the reported interest level represents a significant change or is consistent with established trends. Comparative data would provide valuable insights into whether the purported interest is a recent development or a longstanding characteristic of the surveyed population.

In conclusion, while the argument attempts to challenge the notion of worker apathy toward management issues based on survey results, it is weakened by questionable assumptions, lack of demographic context, and the potential influence of social desirability bias. To fortify the argument, addressing these shortcomings by providing a more diverse and representative sample, considering alternative explanations, and incorporating historical data would contribute to a more robust and persuasive conclusion.


1. Is the GMAT hard?

The GMAT can be hard if you’re unprepared and do not study, but the average score for most test-takers is 582, even though the highest possible GMAT scores are from 740 to 800, which is a large gap. This goes to show that you have to put in a lot of study time to get into the highest GMAT percentiles, because it is difficult to do so.

2. What is the best practice for the GMAT?

The best practice for the GMAT is to create a study schedule, stick to it, and examine every section and sub-section, along with the question types. If you spend time breaking down each element of the question types, you’ll be able to create a strategy to answer them on the real test. Doing regular, timed practice tests is also one of the best ways to practice for the GMAT.

3. What’s on the GMAT Verbal Reasoning section?

The GMAT Verbal Reasoning section has three sections – Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, and Critical Reasoning – but the new GMAT Focus will only have two, RC, and CR.

4. What kind of math is on the GMAT?

The math on the GMAT covers a range of topics, including as arithmetic (fractions, decimals and percentages), algebra (quadratic equations, algebraic expressions and operations), geometry (triangles and polygons, circles and their properties), and its questions are designed to evaluate your problem-solving abilities in real-world scenarios

5. What are the GMAT analytical writing prompts?

There are hundreds of different GMAT analytical writing prompts that you can study before your test, and they cover several subjects from business, politics, arts, and humanities.

6. How do I improve my GMAT score?

You should first take a diagnostic test to see a simulated score, from there you can focus on where you need to improve, but you shouldn’t ignore the sections where you feel most comfortable. Getting a high GMAT score means knowing and understanding the test, but also creating a time management strategy that allows you enough time to answer each question properly.

7. What is a good GMAT score?

The GMAT score range runs from 200-800; the most competitive scores run from 720 to 750, although many of the best MBA programs also accept students with average GMAT scores that run from 550 to 700.

8. Does the GMAT allow a calculator?

Yes, you will be provided a calculator to complete the Integrated Reasoning (now Data Insights) section, but you cannot use it for any of the other sections nor can you bring your own calculator.

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